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Postgame Quotes: HC Brian Daboll, QB Daniel Jones, RB Saquon Barkley, S Julian Love, T Andrew Thomas, DL Dexter Lawrence, CB Adoree' Jackson

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Daboll: Obviously not the outcome that we wanted. It's hard to win a game when you have three turnovers and don't get any. Some things we did well but not good enough. Give (the) Detroit (Lions) credit for the win.

Q: A lot of injuries you suffered there on what now is going to be a really short week. How hard was that to get through this game when you're continually losing guys like that?

A: It happens in each game. I'll get with the trainers after this and talk about it and come up with a plan on a short week. It's what it is; there's no excuses.

Q: Is there a level of concern that (wide receiver) Wan'Dale (Robinson) is serious?

A: I don't know.

Q: He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

A: Yeah, he looked like he was in a lot of pain. He did. I don't know what it is. I'll find out after I'm done with this.

Q: There's a report already out there that (cornerback) Adoree' (Jackson) sprained his MCL. Is that accurate?

A: I don't know. I haven't talked to any of these guys yet.

Q: Any regrets about putting him back there (at punt returner)?

A: No. Look, it's football. Obviously, it was unfortunate. But we'll see where we're at here tomorrow and later tonight.

Q: What specifically did you see them (the Detroit Lions) do with (running back) Saquon (Barkley)?

A: They did a good job up front. They won up front. (They) made tackles in space. You know, bottled up the run game pretty good. That's obviously a big part of what we do. We had some plays. We executed in the red zone some; third down probably wasn't good enough – five of 13. (Quarterback) Daniel (Jones) threw for a lot of yards, but that doesn't really matter relative to (the fact that) we had two interceptions there. What was it, 17 points off of turnovers? If you have three turnovers and the other team has zero, you're probably going to lose every game.

Q: What did you learn about the wind out here? And how does it affect the way you call the offense?

A: It was a little windy, but there's no excuses. We didn't do a good enough job. That starts with me. So, we got a short week. We got to get ready to go to Dallas.

Q: What happened on the first interception that Daniel threw?

A: The one to (Lions defensive lineman Aidan) Hutchinson?

Q: Yeah.

A: He (Daniel Jones) didn't see him. He dropped. It was zone pressure. He dropped right into it. He saw (wide receiver Darius) Slayton coming across. Didn't see Aidan, and he made a good play on it. Next one was (an) overthrow. They made the play, and then we turned the ball over there as we were trying to come back on a fumble there. So, (it) put them in good situations for them – 17 points. That's hard to overcome.

Q: Why did you take (guard) Shane Lemieux out?

A: We wanted to play (offensive lineman Joshua) Ezeudu at half.

Q: How do you think Shane played in the first half?

A: I'd just say we wanted to play Ezeudu. I think Shane will work hard, but we talked about it. We made the switch there.

Q: Why start Shane in the first place?

A: Why start Shane? Because we thought that was the best thing to do relative to practice (and) where we were. We got Ezeudu some reps here in the second half.

Q: You guys have not been in a position where you've had to throw the ball so much with a deficit. We wondered, 'What is it going to look like?' What do you think it looked like?

A: I'd say nothing looked good enough today. When you lose, it doesn't matter about yards, stats, any of that stuff. The only thing that matters is executing the way you need to execute. It just wasn't good enough today. Again, it's hard to overcome three turnovers. (To) have a 3-0 differential, I know it's boring, but that's the truth. There's a lot of things we can do better. It starts with me, and that's what we'll do.

Q: Other than the turnovers, what disturbs you most about this game? There were a couple of penalties that kind of set you guys back.

A: Nothing was good enough. I'd say nothing was up to standard.

Q: Throughout the season, and even in the games you lost, emotions never really entered the following week. You had Monday to move past it. But with it being a short week, do you want to put more of a focus on this team and the emotions of this team to make sure that you guys bounce back this week on a short week?

A: Yeah, we're going to come in tomorrow and get ready for Dallas. That's all we can do. We got to put this one in the rear view pretty quickly. I've been part of Thanksgiving games, or obviously Thursday games for a while out there; that's what you got to do. Put it to bed and get ready to play Dallas.

Q: (Kicker Graham) Gano has been very effective in his career. Very efficient. Any explanation to what happened on his two PATs?

A: The one got blocked, I think. The first one got blocked. And then there was pressure on the second one, too. Every area, we've got to do a better job of.

Q: Can all the injuries that you guys have at all take an emotional toll on the guys that are out there? We all know next man up, but it's got to hurt when they see some of the guys go down.

A: You never want to see anybody go down, but that's the nature of the NFL. There's injuries every game. You feel bad for the guys that do go out, but you got to get ready to play.

Q: How did you see Saquon handle a day that didn't go as well as they normally do for him?

A: Like a pro.

Q: How did you see (wide receiver) Kenny (Golladay) respond this past week to get two catches today?

A: He did a good job in practice. We were going to play him, and he made the plays that came his way. So, we'll try to build off that.

Q: You mentioned earlier about Adoree' getting hurt (on) the punt return. That's obviously something that you guys and the whole coaching staff decided at some point – the risk/reward of everything. You were asked about regretting it; you said no. There is a large risk of a guy who is such an important player in that position. Is it something that was difficult for you to come to this decision?

A: No. I'd say there's a risk playing every player, regardless of what the position is. I told you before: I've been part of a lot of teams where starting receivers, starting DBs played. You just try to do what's best for the team. And hopefully, he'll be back as soon as he can.

Q: I know there's ebbs and flows of an NFL season.

A: A lot of them, usually.

Q: Every team has kind of – for a lack of better words, laid a dud, played a poor game. How much do you as a coach view it that way and say, 'This is just our bad game. Let's throw it away, and go to the side?'

A: I think it's a little different, too. You got a game in a few days, so you've got to move on really quickly. Other than that, we would do the same thing after a win: we would come in, we would correct it, we would move on. And we would do the things we try to do each week to try to win a game.

Q: This is the first time you've seen this team play like this – the way that you guys played today? How curious are you to see how these guys respond?

A: They'll respond. There was some good things; there was some bad things, just like there is every game. We're in an outcome, results-oriented business. We all understand that. But the things that we do during the week, the work we put in, how we study, that's what's important to me. Obviously, we want to win every game. But I think you stay consistent. I've talked about this plenty of times. We're going to be consistent. We're going to go through our preparation. And then we're going to go out and try to play the best we can play Thursday.

Q: You guys have obviously been consistent in your preparation, but now you've got a challenge of condensing your preparation in a certain amount of time. I know you've put together a plan of how you're going to do it. Do you tweak anything off of today? (Do you) want to focus on something that maybe wasn't necessarily part of your condensed game plan this week? Or do you stay consistent to what you guys have already set up?

A: We have our routine that we're going to do: we're going to do a bunch of walkthroughs. Again, you're going to go home, look at the tape tonight as a coach. And then, you're going to get ready to go play (the) Dallas (Cowboys). That's all you can do.

Q: What is about (Lions running back) Jamaal Williams on the other side there that makes him such a force getting in the end zone?

A: They did a good job. What did they have, 160 yards rushing? (They're) efficient in the pass game. (They had) 325 yards. (They were) six-of-13 on third downs (and) four-of-five in the red zone. I'd say, overall, they just executed really well.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q: I guess the first question is did (Detroit defensive lineman Aidan) Hutchinson just drop back and you didn't see him?

A: Yeah, didn't see him there. Got to see it, bad decision there. Good play by him, can't afford to do that.

Q: Most of the time you don't want to play a football game three days later but in this case you are. Is this a situation where after this loss, you're anxious to get back at it? You don't mind playing in four days?

A: I think so, yeah. I think we're all already anxious to get this taste out of our mouths and come back and play a much better football game.

Q: Was this a game where the things you had done well all season – you weren't able to do any of them well? Not you personally, but the team?

A: Yeah, I mean credit to Detroit – they had a good plan and stopped us in some areas that we've had success. I think credit to them, but we got to look at ourselves and see where we can execute better.

Q: That first interception – can you take us through that and what you saw?

A: Yeah, just got to see him dropping out. Can't afford to make that decision. Good play by him and can't afford to do that.

Q: The injury situation you guys had today, just kind of people dropping consecutively, how hard is that for you as a quarterback and then losing (wide receiver) Wan'Dale (Robinson)?

A: Tough to see him go down. I thought he played really well today, made some really big plays for us throughout the game. To see him go down like that is tough and feel for him. We've had guys step up and play well throughout the year, so it won't be any different here. We all got his back and supporting him for sure.

Q: It seems after most games we've seen you guys in the locker room, you've been celebrating. What was the feeling like today?

A: We certainly weren't celebrating. I think we're all pretty disappointed with our effort today and how we played – not up to our standard, not up to what we're capable of doing. I think that's the disappointing part of it, and we've got to evaluate that, study it and make sure we can't let those things happen again. Another opportunity here in a few days to correct those things.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

Q: How much, if at all, do you think this team's confidence is shaken from having a game like today?

A: Zero. I mean at the end of the day, it's the NFL, every team is a great team. They came out here, they played great. We're not going to panic. We're not going to worry. We're not going to waver at all. That's for you guys to go out there and say what you want to say about us. At the end of the day, the only focus we have is the men and women in the locker room and the facility.

Q: You really haven't, as a team, had a game like this, this year. As it was going on, I'm sure it was frustrating. Were there points when you just felt like, this isn't us, today?

A: Yeah, I mean we had a lot of drives where we were driving and had penalties. It was little things. That's what it all comes down to and that's just the theme of today. That's in every win and every loss. You can say that every week. And whatever team executes better and whatever team does the little things better is mostly likely going to come out with the win. You've got to move on.

Q: How much does this offense change when you can't run the ball consistently?

A: I don't know. I don't think it really changes. I think that's for any team in the league. If you're not running the ball well, you're going to pass the ball. I guess that's just the answer there. If the run game is not going, you're kind of tied with one hand behind your back, you've got to pass the ball, so that's why it's important for myself to get this run game back on track and the best way to do that is moving on and getting ready for Thursday.

Q: You very often will be chipping away and maybe get two- and three-yard games and then you'll pop one. Were you kind of waiting for that to happen all day today?

A: No, I wasn't just waiting to pop a long run. When you get that mindset, they're not going to come. I was trying to take what they give me. I was trying to focus on taking little runs, taking little runs, and when the opportunity comes, make them pay, and I didn't make them pay at all today. I've got to give credit to all those boys over there and the (Lions) D-Coordinator. They did a really good job today.

Q: Is there any kind of mental toll when guys go down with the frequency that guys did in this game? The offensive line – a lot of guys went down, (WR) Wan'Dale (Robinson) went down. I know you guys are used to it, but there was a lot in this game.

A: Yeah, there was a lot. I mean, really, to be honest, you really don't realize it until after the game. You're so caught up in the game, but then you find out that guys are going down, but that's the NFL. There's got to be a next man up mentality, but the guys that went down and for a guy like Wan'Dale who's young, who's got a young career and still a bright future, you know he's having a heck of a day and all the other guys, you know, you've just got to keep your head up and we've got to make sure we rally around them and support them.

Q: How big of a loss is that? Wan'Dale looks like he was in a lot of pain and it looks like he's going to miss some time at the very least?

A: Yeah, I don't know the extent of the injury, but anytime you see one of your brothers go down, it's not a good feeling. That's just part of the game, sadly, you know, you play it long enough.

Q: So how much do you guys sort of need him? I mean you saw today he was a huge part of that offense.

A: We know how explosive he can be. We know the plays that he can make, so, like I said, I don't know the extent of the injury but not having him out there is definitely going to be a loss, but it's going to give other guys opportunities and we have all the confidence in all the other guys too to step in and make plays.

Q: How disappointing is this in terms of the standings?

A: It's just disappointing because of the loss. To be completely honest, I know you guys probably don't believe it, like we really don't pay attention to that. We really don't care about that. The only thing we can focus on is one day at a time. Like if we had that mindset, we'll drive ourselves insane, we'll drive ourselves crazy, so it's just disappointing because you lost. At the end of the day, 7-3 going into Thanksgiving game against Dallas with a chance to get things back on track and we've got to execute and take advantage of that opportunity.

Q: How do you put this game in the past with such a short week?

A: By playing on Thursday.

Safety Julian Love

Q: What can you take away from today's performance?

A: Really, the story of today is we didn't execute how we needed to. We had too many penalties. We didn't win the turnover battle. Field position on special teams wasn't the best. All around, it just wasn't our day.

Q: You guys were so good in the red zone this year and third down. Today they're four-of-five in the red zone and I think they were six-of-13 on third down. What was the difference today?

A: Honestly, it's just executing. I thought we had good calls. They're an offense who brings a lot at you and they're talented at what they do. I think we just have to be more resilient when we get in those situations, especially in the red zone.

Q: How much did it hurt losing (cornerback) Adoree' Jackson in the secondary?

A: Yeah, it's tough. That's our guy, he's been playing at a high level. To see him go down, that's very tough. For the game, we need young guys to step up and throw them in the fire, which is a tough thing for any team to do.

Q: You lose (Adoree') Jackson, (cornerback) Fabien (Moreau) goes down, (safety) Xavier McKinney is already out. At any point, do all these injuries piling up become hard to deal with emotionally for a team?

A: It's tough. It's tough for a defense, for our secondary in terms of our execution and playing the game. It's tough personally - those are your friends, those are your guys who you go to battle with each day and to see them banged around, it's tough. So yeah, we got to find a way right now. Some young guys have to step up, which I know they're going to do. Thankfully, it's a short week because we can get right back in action – that's my mindset for it.

Q: How disappointing is this given where you are in the standings? Particularly with last week Dallas and Philadelphia losing.

A: It's disappointing because you don't want to lose games. We're not getting too high, too low with anything. If we win, it's like okay we won, what can we correct? I think that's our mindset right now. We're going to go in tomorrow, probably do a quick recap, but it's on to Dallas. We can't dwell on this game. All the goals, all the pillars we try to hit – we just didn't hit them today. That's the story of our season – the games that we've won, we've hit those goals. We won those battles. The games we lost, we haven't. We're not taking it for anything bigger than it was. Inside the building, we have a pretty locked-in mindset and we're not focused on the standings, for sure.

Q: Can you take us through the pass that you deflected? You had a chance to get an interception on it. What did you see and did you get your arm pulled down on that one?

A: I think I had a good jump on the ball. I saw his back shoulder tilted up. I had a good bead on it, the ball was in the air. (Cornerback) Darnay (Holmes), I think, was in great coverage. Yeah, I just got to go up with my hands, I think. I tried to get in front of it to try to shield myself from the contact, but somebody knocked it loose. I just got to go up with my hands and make a play for us when we needed plays to be made today.

Q: This team's got four games against divisional opponents in a row. Are you interested to see what you're going to learn about this team during that stretch?

A: Yeah. I feel like throughout this first however many games we've learned a lot about who we are and now it's time to bunker down and really get after it. This is a crucial stretch, not only because we're playing division games, but this is when football is important in general. That playoff mindset comes into play now in terms of how we approach each game. We got to treat it really as such because, yeah, we have division opponents but that November, December football is where teams are really tested and made.

Q: They got the ball to start the second half. What did you see in that drive they went down and scored?

A: We wanted to come out after the half and give our offense a place to stand, give a quick three and out and let them score. We didn't do that. I think we didn't execute and we have to be ready coming out of half, coming out of the break. In a situation like that, we were down 11 at the point, that's what it takes. That's what it takes to get these comebacks. When we've been down before, you've seen a quick stop and a quick score by the offense. That's something we want to do, we strive to do, and we didn't execute today.

Q: In the games you've lost this year, you're always right there. Was this kind of a slap in the face?

A: In all the games before I think we had some stuff going for us. Today, I felt we were getting killed on penalties, turnovers, maybe explosive plays. I'm not sure what their third down numbers were. All those situational things that we've been doing so well at on both sides of the ball, we didn't have that today. It's easy to see what happened, why what happened happened because the keys that we focus on that (head coach Brian Daboll) Dabs harps on – that's the story of the game for us. We got to execute that, and it really comes down to fundamentals at the end of the day. We got to pick this stuff up right now.

Offensive Tackle Andrew Thomas

Q: Does it feel like today was not just what the Lions did, but did you feel like you have a lot to clean up too?

A: No. We give credit to the Lions. They did a good job. They executed their plan. There are some things we have to do better if we want to continue winning.

Q: Are you curious at all to see how you guys respond to this? Probably the worst you played so far this year.

A: I think we have a resilient team. Injuries definitely hurt, but we have to have a quick mindset. We're on to another challenge, a division game so we can't dwell on this one too much.

Q: With margins of error that are so slim, when you have a game with minus three turnover ratio, that has to be a difficult hole to climb out of?

A: It's definitely tough. You can't turn the ball over in this league. It's definitely hard, especially giving it to an explosive offense like Detroit. They have been scoring 30 points in a lot of their games. We didn't help the defense out at all with that.

Defensive Lineman Dexter Lawrence

Q: You guys have been pretty stout all season and it's the first time somebody has kind of ...

A: Its's good to learn from this so you know how not to let it happen again.

Q: In a way is it a relief that you have to get right back to it for Thursday?

A: Yeah. Tell the guys to take care of their bodies, we got a quick turnaround and you have to forget about this game. You can do that with this Thursday game.

Q: You had a lot of stars go down with injury on defense. Is that a concern with this short turnaround?

A: No. Guys will be ready. We do a good job getting guys ready to go. Next man up.

Q: Why do you think it was such a difficult day on defense?

A: The simple things we got to get corrected. They took advantage of miscommunication, this and that. They're a good team and credit to them.

Q: Is part of that, yes you say next man up but you lose (cornerback) Adoree' (Jackson) early. When you keep losing guys like that, does that make that communication part of it that much harder?

A: Everybody that played this week played last week. We just got to be more tuned in on our keys and doing our job.

Q: What do you guys have to do better in the run game defending against the run when you head to Dallas on Thursday?

A: Everybody playing their gaps, up front getting knock back and just continue to play hard and just everybody getting to the ball.

Q: You guys have lost games this season. Does this one feel different the way you guys weren't in it in the fourth quarter?

A: I wouldn't say it was different. They made more plays than us. We kept fighting. Unfortunately, it didn't go our way. It happens.

Q: Concerned with the quick turnaround and so many guys getting hurt?

A: No. I told guys just take care of your bodies. You like to have quick turnarounds and let this game go. You get to make up for it on Thursday.

Cornerback Adoree' Jackson

Q: Was it that they got you in the knee and you hyperextended it a little bit?

A: That's all it was. It was one of those things. I tried to make a juke, thought it was good, he came down low. Leg was just in the ground. He got me that way. Nothing crazy like that. We were just out there playing ball.

Q: Adoree, you had five guys knocked out of the game today by injury and a quick turnaround on Thanksgiving down in Dallas. How many more injuries can you guys sustain? Next man up can only go so far.

A: For us, that's what this whole season has been about. Understand that even when you get all of these reps in OTAs or in camp, make sure everybody is on the same page. And when we bring new people in, make sure they are all of one accord. Like you said, next man up mentality. Just have to be ready. Regardless of the situation, what may play out. Just keep fighting, keep battling and don't let the level of play drop.

Q: What can you say about the guys that step in for you and (Cornerback) Fabian (Moreau)?

A: I appreciate them. I like what they put out there and like what they do. It's never one of those things you just think something crazy like that is going to happen and when it does, go out there play your game and play ball. I feel like they did a great job. Obviously, we didn't get the W today. Just get ready for this Thursday and put everything together.

Q: How do you approach the short week? Do you try to forget about this or do you really chew on what happened and try to get it right?

A: You got to. You've got to forget about it. But at the same time, keep that taste in your mouth a little bit. I understand you don't like how it ended up. Guys came out to play. They were going crazy making plays. For us, you can't harp on it for too long because we play in three days. You soak it in and think about this for not even 24 hours. For the rest of the day. Watch a little film on Dallas whenever they get done playing and go from there.

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