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Postgame Quotes: HC Brian Daboll, QB Daniel Jones, RB Saquon Barkley, DL Dexter Lawrence, WR Darius Slayton, TE Lawrence Cager, S Dane Belton

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Daboll: So, good to get another win. (It was a) hard fought game. I thought we did a lot of things well. (There's) some things, obviously, to clean up on like there always is. But today's my youngest daughter's birthday, so I was asking her what she wanted for a present the other day. And she said, 'A win. Give me a football with my name on it, dad.' That's pressure more than anything else. So, I want to wish her a happy birthday, and good to get a win. The guys played hard, played physical. (They) made some timely turnovers. (They) came out in the second half (and) had an opening drive touchdown. (They) stalled a couple times in the fringe. (They) got hit on some bigger plays in the second half, but overall (it) was a good team win. (We'll) get ready to play (the) Detroit (Lions).

Q: Obviously, your defense – consecutive drives in the red zone. You come up with turnovers. Can you talk about that and the games (defensive linemen) Dexter Lawrence and Leo(nard) Williams had on the inside?

A: Two good players for us. Two good leaders. I think, if I'm not mistaken, Leo got that first one out (to force a fumble) in there in the pile there. And then (safety Dane) Belton made a big play after they hit a couple good plays. Red zone defense, we've been playing it fairly well this year. This was in the fringe area, high red zone. Good plays. Everything starts up front, whether it's the defensive line or the offensive line. And Dexter and Leo, along with some other guys that have been playing in there, have been doing a good job for us. We're going to continue to need that.

Q: What's her name, and is she getting a game ball?

A: Her name is Avery. And yeah, I'll figure something out to make sure she gets that. Yeah.

Q: I assume (running back) Saquon (Barkley) was fresh after the bye?

A: I mean, you tell me. He looked good to me. No, I'm just messing with you. What did he have? Thirty five (carries) for 152 (yards)? The thing, I think, with him is (he) takes a lot of shots. So, we try to do the best job we can – the medical staff, the sports science – of practicing him the right way. And this week, he was fresh. So, he had a really good week of practice. We were handing him the ball at the 20 (yard line) and he was running the ball to the end zone, 80 yards, and then coming back and doing it again. So, I thought that the stuff he did during the week carried over. Obviously, he's having a good season for us. He had a good day.

Q: His slide at the end – what did you think of him (Saquon Barkley) sliding to stay in bounds, short of the first down?

A: We would've liked to get the first down. But we had a problem there in Jacksonville, so I think he was making sure no matter what, he was going to stay in bounds and let the clock go. Good game for him.

Q: How much at the end of the day – I know you always want to improve the mistakes – but how much at the end of the day are you just happy to pull out a win no matter how it is, how you're performing?

A: You're always happy. It beats the alternative. It's hard to win in this league. There's a lot of good coaches (and) a lot of good teams. Like I said earlier in the week, if you play well, you have a chance. It doesn't guarantee you anything. If you do the things that cause you to lose, you're probably going to lose no matter what team you are, who you play, where you play, what time you play. So, our job is just to focus on the things that we can do each drive, each play, each day, each practice and not get too far ahead of ourselves in terms of where the results are. Just stay in the moment.

Q: What did you see from Dane (Belton), and how much did you have to change not having (safety) Xavier (McKinney) in there? Like did you change (safety) Julian's (Love) responsibilities at all? Or did Dane just (step in)?

A: Those guys are interchangeable, but Dane's smart. That's why we drafted him. We thought he was a good player, and he's very intelligent. So, you're always going to miss your captains, your really good players, like X is. But I thought throughout the week, Dane was practicing well. He was ready to go. We had no choice. That's what we expect.

Q: Did Dane get hurt? Someone said he went into the X-ray room.

A: I don't know. I don't know.

Q: When you sit a veteran like (wide receiver) Kenny (Golladay), do you say something to the player? Or do players understand that (they need to do better)?

A: I think (receivers coach) Mike (Groh) addressed it with him, and we went with (wide receiver) Isaiah (Hodgins) the second half.

Q: What has it just not worked with Kenny? I think there was the thought that he'd come back from the injury and provide a little bit of a boost.

A: It's after one game. You never know what can happen week to week. Go out there and try to have a good week of practice. And take it day by day.

Q: How much of that was based off the drop towards the end of the first half?

A: What, Isaiah playing?

Q: No, him (Kenny Golladay) not playing anymore.

A: We just decided to play Isaiah. It's as simple as that. And I thought Isaiah did a good job being here for a couple of days. Coming in, making a couple good plays, knowing what to do, being where he's supposed to be. Credit to him for the short amount of time he was here. So, I'm glad we have him.

Q: What's it like formulating a conservative game plan, maybe to protect your team from its weaknesses?

A: I wouldn't use that word. I would just use we try to do what we think we can do, which was run the ball for 46 times. I think (a previous question) asked me, 'Is it as simple as just running the ball with Saquon Barkley?' The answer's no because they do a good job. They made some runs. But each week, we just do what we think we need to do for that particular game. If it's 60 passes, it's 60 passes. That's what we do as a coaching staff. That's what we'll always do. I wouldn't give it a label. I would just say we try to do the best job we can to formulate a plan and make sure the players execute it.

Q: You just kind of chuckled when I mentioned that question the other day. It almost seemed like, 'Yeah. We are going to run the ball. That's our advantage here.' How much was that actually the case coming in?

A: I think that we've done some good things in the running game. I think (offensive line coach) Bobby Johnson and (assistant offensive line coach) Tony (Sparano Jr.) and Bisch (tight ends coach Andy Bischoff) and (running backs coach) DeAndre (Smith) do a great job of sitting down during the week and talking it over with Mike (Kafka). And players understand what we want to do. Saquon, again, he had 36 touches today. Is that going to happen every week? I don't know, but we wanted to get him going and get our line going and try to win the line of scrimmage. And (quarterback) Daniel (Jones) had a, what, 153 (passer) rating? Is that right? So, he was efficient.

Q: How difficult of a throw was that that he (Daniel Jones) made to (wide receiver Darius) Slayton on that touchdown?

A: Yeah. The guy was right in his (Daniel's) face. (He) stood in the pocket, and then Slay did a great job. Again, testament to Slay. We've always talked about that earlier. 'What's going to happen in preseason? Are you guys playing him too much? Are you trying to showcase him?' We've had confidence in him. He's had to earn it, and he's had to fight through some tough times, I'd say, earning it. But he's done a really good job for us, call it, these last – I don't know – however many games of performing when his number's called. And that's the type of guys we want.

Q: When you elevate a guy like (tight end Lawrence) Cager from the practice squad and get a TD (touchdown) and an onside recovery, is that a bonus?

A: He did his job. Whether it's him, Isaiah, guys that we have on the roster, that's our job as a coaching staff is to get these players ready, to find guys that are out there – like (general manager) Joe (Schoen) and his staff do and try to get them in here to see if they can help us. And if they can, great. And if they can't, look for some more guys. But there's certainly a lot of things that everybody, starting with me, can do better. But it was good to get a win today.

Q: Were you pleased with how (cornerback) Adoree' (Jackson) handled the punt return?

A: Yeah. We had a plan. We were going to use both of those guys based on situation – (wide receiver) Richie (James) and Adoree'. Again, they did a good job during the week. It's hard when you have a couple bad plays that everybody sees. Richie didn't want to fumble the ball, and he does a good job of catching punts for us. And I have confidence in Richie. But again, we had to make a decision for this week what we thought was best, and that's what we went with.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q: You and (wide receiver Darius) Slayton getting that connection going again. Take us through that touchdown.

A: It was just a great play by him, really. He lost the guy on the route. They brought pressure there so just tried to get it to him and he did the rest. Heck of a play by him.

Q: What's it like having to turn around and hand it off 42 times?

A: Yeah, it was good and fun to watch. I think the guys up front did a great job controlling the line of scrimmage all game. I thought we had a good plan in the run game coming in and those guys did a good executing. (Running back) Saquon (Barkley) obviously did a great job running it. (Running back Matt) Breida did a great job when he got in there too.

Q: How would you describe the way you played? It was the highest quarterback rating of your career.

A: I think it helps when we run the ball that well and that effectively. Just try to convert on the opportunities I had, and I thought guys made great plays. You talked about the Slayton one and a couple other key plays for us.

Q: You say that Slayton made a great play, but you got crunched on that throw to Slayton. Did you feel it coming right there and know that you were getting rid of it just in time?

A: Yeah, I felt the pressure. They brought a blitz and twisted up front. Great job by him losing the guy on the route and then he did the rest.

Q: Did you throw it to where you thought Slayton was going to be or did you see Darius when he came out of his route?

A: I saw him om that one.

Q: How eager was Saquon to keep running the ball?

A: He loves those opportunities, he loves the opportunity to take over a game and play as well as he did. He played very well today.

Q: On the Slayton touchdown, did you see him running down the sideline?

A: I did, yeah. I got up and I saw him.

Q: I know before the bye, you talked about (tackle) Andrew Thomas and what he's meant to this offense. For someone who's watched him his entire career, he goes out every week and brings consistency – how much does that help the entire offense? It seems like it's almost one guy and you can do whatever you want to do.

A: Yeah, he's played tremendously the whole year. Super consistent at a critical position on offense. Tremendous amount of credit to him with how he's played all year. He's been big time for us.

Q: There was a play or two when you guys had eight offensive linemen on like a third and one. You guys have four of your starters coming off the bench now on offense. How do you feel about the offensive line considering where it was maybe a year or two ago?

A: We got a lot of guys up front playing at a really high level. I think you see that in the way we're running the ball and how we're controlling the line of scrimmage with a lot of that stuff. A lot of good players on the field when you're able to do that in some of those packages we have.

Q: What does it say about your coaching staff that a guy like (tight end) Lawrence (Cager) and (wide receiver) Isaiah (Hodgins) who have only been here a short time are able to step up on a game like this and help you out?

A: Yeah, I think it says a lot. I think they've done a great job getting up to speed and understanding what we're doing and trying to do and coming in and making big plays for us. Those guys stepped up and played well today.

Q: How much was on you from a mental standpoint? It seemed like you guys were on the line a lot, you guys were checking a lot. How much of that did you have to do today?

A: I think we're communicating throughout the play getting the call and executing it, so not a ton.

Q: So (offensive coordinator) Mike (Kafka) is still talking to you when you're at the line there?

A: Yeah.

Q: When you walk into the locker room after the game, do you give yourself a split second to go, '7-2, wow?'

A: Yeah, I think certainly after the game, you got to enjoy the wins and reflect a little bit on where we are. Certainly, it's a lot better on this side of it than how we've been in years past. You got to enjoy that and appreciate it, but at the same time, know there's still a lot we need to improve on, there's a lot still out there for us to do, especially on offense. That's where we're focused.

Q: (Wide receiver Kenny) Golladay talked to us and it seems like he's searching for answers. Anything you can do? Obviously, he didn't come back after the drop. Anything you can do to help him?

A: Yeah, we had a naked over to the left. I left it too far out in front of him, I got to stick that ball on him, for sure. I got to do a better job getting him the ball in some situations and making sure I'm accurate when I get it to him.

Q: 7-2, are you thinking playoffs a little bit?

A: I think we're confident. I think we're a confident group, but we'll continue to focus week to week on what we got to do. Try to go 1-0 each week. That's where we are.

Q: You came in with (defensive lineman) Dexter (Lawrence). To see him reach the level that he has right now and he seems to be dominating every week – you're probably not getting an opportunity to watch him when you're on the sideline. Was there ever any doubt in your mind that he could be the player that he is?

A: No, I wouldn't say I'm surprised at all by the level of success he's had this year. He's played really well, I think, since he's been here. This year, he probably has a couple more sacks and getting a couple more pressures, but he's been extremely consistent for us since we came in here. He's a heck of a player and hats off to him.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

Q: Did you expect 35 carries coming into today?

A: No, I mean you never know what to expect. Each week is a new opportunity, a new challenge that's presented, and at the end of the day you've got to go with a 1-0 mindset, and we were able to do that.

Q: How much fun is that to carry the ball that many times?

A: It's really fun, to be honest. At the end of the day like I said, just want to a find a way to win games and today that was the mindset that we needed to get the job done and we were able to get it done.

Q: How do you feel?

A: I feel good. How do you feel?

Q: How much do you like that formation where all the extra linemen play extra tight end spots and stuff in front of you?

A: I love it. It's kind of just lining up, letting you know that we're going to run the ball, and (they) couldn't stop us. They've been doing a great job, all those guys coming in. Especially first reporting and making sure it's legal and then going in making plays.

Q: There was a story this morning that you your people talked to the Giants about contracts during the Bye Week. True and did you feel like you were close?

A: We got into a little bit of conversation. At the end of the day, I put that in the past. That was the Bye Week. Obviously, we weren't able to come to an agreement during the Bye Week and my mindset is just focus on the rest of the season. Next week going against Detroit and knowing when that opportunity comes up again, focus on it then.

Q: You're okay waiting until the end of the season?

A: I don't really care about it, to be honest. I just want to win football games.

Q: Do you see it as a foregone conclusion that you're going to lock in long term sooner or later here?

A: No, I really don't see it as nothing. I just see it as another opportunity, another week, another day, just come in. Like I said, it is what it is. It happened. I'm just happy that we were able to at least have a conversation. I know how they feel about me. They spoke very highly of me, but like I said we weren't able to get anything done during the Bye Week and I agree with (general manager) Joe (Schoen), just lock it up and worry for the rest of the season and make sure no distractions come out of it.

Q: If they change their mind, would you change your mind?

A: I think I've kind of been vocal before contracts were even brought up, about how I feel about this place. What I want my legacy to be in this place and I want to be Giant for life. Like I said, I've been vocal about that so if the conversation gets brought up again, we'll go from there.

Q: You slid there to stay in bounds. Can you talk about that play?

A: Yeah, got to keep the clock running, four-minute situation. It's not worth trying to run a guy over and get pushed out of bounds. I kind of learned my lesson from Jacksonville but yeah, just slid and tried to keep the clock running. Put my team in a situation to win the game.

Q: You don't think you could've gotten a first down on that?

A: I've got to go back and watch the film, but no. I wasn't really focused on trying to do anything spectacular, make a person miss, get what you can get and get down.

Q: Did you realize you had 35 carries or did somebody have to tell you afterwards?

A: I guess my body felt it, I guess. You don't really know. I tried my best. Obviously, they bring it up and they show it, I try my best not to focus on that and block it out and stay locked in the game one play at a time. Like I said, it is what it is. We were able to get the dub, get the win, and it's my job to be a pro and take care of my body.

Q: Did you guys feel as an offense you left points off the board in the first half?

A: Of course, of course, we did.

Q: How much was that talked about?

A: A lot. It definitely was a conversation. We know it. That's what you want, you want that from your team – you want that from your players. Every single drive we come off with confidence that we were able to put points on the board. No matter what, if we don't come out with a situation where we put points on the board, we feel like we failed. We just got to continue to keep getting better – it was the little things, to be completely honest. It was the little things and that's all around, that's all of us. Obviously, being a leader, being captain of the team, it starts with me. We'll go back, watch film. It's easier to learn from it and have to cope with it after a win. Make sure we lock in, improve and get ready for Detroit.

Q: You've obviously been part of a lot of losing since you've been here. How does it feel to be 7-2 and you being healthy and being a part of this?

A: To be completely honest, it feels good. Obviously, you're not too excited about it because you know it's a long season and you got to keep going week by week. Being healthy during it, it's not something that I'm shocked about. I believe in having positive thinking. I've been vocal about it when I was hurt that I feel like we're going to get back on track and I want to be part of the reason to help us get back on track. We're doing it right now, 7-2, great start, especially coming off a bye week and a loss. That was our mindset, come out and go 1-0. We were able to do that and now we got to build on that to next week.

Q: How much do you cherish at this point when you win even if it's ugly? Obviously, I know you want to improve on things, but do you even care at the end of the day?

A: At the end of the day, a win a win. You just want to, as a competitor, you want to go out there and you want to dominate. A win is a win. It's hard to win in this league. I know you weren't saying that but, an ugly win – I don't even know what that means. A win is a win to be completely honest and we were able to do that.

Q: How does your body feel when you have that many carries? When you get carry No. 30, do you feel more in the game because you're getting the ball so much or do you feel like you've taken that many hits at that point?

A: I would say probably more in the game, getting rhythm. Get a flow in the game, I would say more in the game.

Q: Do you ever remember getting more carries? Even in high school?

A: In high school, no.

Q: College?

A: In college – I touched the ball like 40 times against Iowa, I think. I think that's the most because I think I had 28 carries and 12 catches against Iowa. I was going stupid, by the way. I think that's the most. I know that's the conversation of how many carries or how many touches I had but it's my job to be a pro, go in there, get in the cold tub, get in the hot tub and get ready for next week.

Defensive Lineman Dexter Lawrence

Q: How does it feel being 7-2? Defense had consecutive turnovers in the red zone. Talk about all that.

A: Yeah, that's big, you know, just to keep fighting and not giving up even though they were making big plays like that to get there. It just shows the character of us on the defense and our willingness just to keep fighting for each other.

Q: You and (Defensive Lineman) Leo (Williams) seemed to really dominate up front together. Can you talk about the success between the two of you?

A: Our goal each game is to just have everybody on our back. Let's set the tone. Let's take control of the defense. Games like that are what our goals are each week and we're just going to keep trying to lead this defense to wins.

Q: When you went out there today, was stopping (Texans Running Back Dameon) Pierce the number one goal?

A: Of course. Just watching film — how hard he runs, how fearless he runs and his ability to break tackles and keep going, his balance is amazing. Our goal all week was to get eleven guys to him, bring him down, and don't let him get started.

Q: He only had, what, one big run?

A: Yeah.

Q: When you were on the sideline and they want to pay attention to your snap count and not burn you out. When you were on the sideline that's when they hit that big run of sixty-one yards. You come back, first play, you deck Pierce. Are you almost standing on the sideline like, 'alright, that's enough, that's enough, I've got to get back out there'? How do you manage that in that situation?

A: No, I wouldn't say it's like that. It was a good scheme block up they had, two guys on our middle linebacker, climbed up, and that's when they burst. I always want to be on the field, I feel like I always can help the defense no matter what. But I don't think it's a snap count type of thing, it's just us rotating guys in, staying fresh, so I can make that next play like I did on the running back.

Q: Might this be the first time since Clemson you had that feeling of this is fun?

A: (Laughs) Football is fun. I mean, losing isn't fun, but just being here with the guys, just enjoying the fellowship that we have every day, that's fun. The losing you just keep trying to learn from that and you keep trying to grow from that and don't let it take the fun out of football. This year, we're winning and it's extra fun, you know what I mean, to have that plus.

Q: (Outside Linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux) said he hasn't seen (Rams Defensive Lineman) Aaron Donald in person, but he said as far as Aaron Donald and Dexter Lawrence, it's him and him when it comes to interior defensive lineman. What's your reaction to that when you hear him say that?

A: (Laughs) He's funny. It's just the respect I'm earning from him. He's a good ball player and I don't like comparing myself to people and things like that, but that's how he views me, and I just want to keep dominating and keep proving myself to him and to whoever else.

Q: You've said that there's never really been a moment since you got here you felt that you weren't a dominating player, but when you start seeing people react to your playing is it almost like, 'where have you been? I've been here the whole time?'

A: I mean, yeah, kind of. Winning helps with that. I feel like I'm a guy that always just wants to improve myself and just show my dominance wherever I am, however I am. (Defensive Line) Coach Dre (Andre Patterson) has done a good job teaching me how to play with my skills, my abilities, my length, and my strength, all those types of things. And me being willing to listen to him, that shows just my humbleness even though I feel like I have been dominating, but for him to come in and just teach me, coach me about how to be better. It's just all coming to fruition right now.

Q: You said earlier in training camp that he wanted you to use your hands better. Is that something, how do you do that?

A: Reps. Being intentional whenever I step on the field, in practice, in a drill. Being intentional about where I'm putting my hands, how I'm using them, what I'm grabbing, things like that until it becomes part of me, so I preach every week to the guys like let's go on the field, let's be intentional in what we want to get better at. Sooner or later, it's going to become second nature and just keep flowing.

Q: I remember when you were a rookie and you said to me something about being you being a run stuffer, you're a defensive lineman coming out of Clemson, but you told me back then, 'don't forget about my pass rushing.' Well, this year people are now seeing that even more. Do you feel you find you're getting attention where, 'hey, besides me being a run stuff defensive lineman, I can also push that pocket.' Do you find you're showing that this year?

A: Yeah, it's just starting to make a little more sense to me. Each year, my goal is to grow in my position, learn in my position, and this year everything is kind of slowing down for me, it's making sense. I'm continuing to build my confidence throughout the whole week and preparing the right way and it's just showing. I just want to keep going and keep trying to stack wins and get other guys to keep going with me.

Wide Receiver Darius Slayton

Q: How wide were your eyes when you kind of noticed that there was more of an opening there [on the touchdown catch & run]? It looked like maybe it would be a 15 or 20-yards and then all of a sudden, the sideline as there for you.

A: I saw Hudson [Giants TE Tanner Hudson] out in front of me and once he was able to cut his guy off, I said 'It's all me from here. I've got to punch it in.' That's when I knew it kind of had a chance [to be a touchdown].

Q: What is that feeling like when it opened up there for you?

A: Well, when you're fast like me, and you tell everybody you're fast, it goes through your mind like, 'I can't get caught.' For me, I was just trying to get into the endzone.

Q: Have you thought about or reflected on about your journey this season? Just kind of where things were in training camp to now where you are an influential part in the offense and it's kind of hard to imagine this offensive attack without you.

A: It's been a journey. I just try to take every day one day at a time, do my best and make plays when they come my way. That's gotten me here, and I hope it will keep serving me well.

Q: In a year obviously where it's the situation of it's a "prove it" kind of year for you; you're due for a contract, Saquon [Giants RB Saquon Barkley] too, what do you make of him continuing to show what he has shown this year and the kind of money that is ahead for this guy?

A: I think he's shown that he's always been this talented of a running back. He's always been this guy. The injury stuff, there have been some questions, but we always knew that he was this guy and I'm glad that he's getting a chance to show it.

Tight End Lawrence Cager

Q: It was kind of a wild first drive for you.

A: Yes, that's just football.

Q: So you didn't get down on yourself?

A: You can't. The moment you get down on yourself is the moment you're out of the game. The defense is going to make some plays, sometimes. It's about consistency and determination. That's really the ultimate thing that happened. I got a great group of guys. This team is a great team. Ultimately we got the W. It was my first touchdown, but I really wouldn't care (about the touchdown), if we didn't win.

Q: (Jason) Pinnock also had a new plays. A sack and a half. You guys were expected to be across town earlier this year. What was that like to see him have a good game?

A: That's my brother. Like you said, we were both at the Jets. Came across the same year. To see him get the sack, I was hyped for him. That's my brother. We love this team, and I'm just glad we could make impacts to help this team win in any type of way.

Q: How have you adapted to here so fast? Obviously, seems like you just got here a couple of weeks ago. How quickly have you learned the playbook? How have you become an impact player fast?

A: Credit to Coach (Andy) Bischoff. He's a great tight ends coach. I told him I needed extra time to study this playbook and get with him to walk through stuff. He's been amazing. He's been getting up with me extra early. He doesn't need to. Coach Dabs (Brian Daboll) is a great head coach. Coach (Mike) Kafka is a great offensive coordinator. Whenever I have questions or whenever I don't get everything, not getting frustrated, not telling me, him giving me time to understand the playbook. That bye week was a blessing. I got a whole week to not go anywhere and just study this playbook to get ready for this game.

Q: How sharp was Daniel (Jones) today? 13-of-17, 153 quarterback rating.

A: That's Danny Dimes for you. He's great. Daniel, he's a great person, he's great leader and he's a great quarterback. Many more things to come.

Q: Can you take us through that touchdown play?

A: It was just a boot that we've been practicing all week. We were going fast. Caught them on their heels. The defense was a little tired. I came through on the side and Danny hit me and the rest is history.

Safety Dane Belton

Q: (Inaudible) It's not a game you get second chances often.

A: For sure, especially in this league. Being able to make a play in general is big. Especially seeing it right before and being able to come back was huge for sure.

Q: With (Safety) Xavier (McKinney) being out, how much was on you, (Safety) Julian (Love) and (Safety)(Jason) Pinnock to step up and make plays?

A: I wouldn't say it was too much on us. I feel like it's not bigger than what it is. X (Safety Xavier McKinney) is a great player and makes a lot of plays for this team. For us just coming in and filling that role and doing our job. Nothing more, like I said earlier. Just being able to play alongside those guys just helping us out just making plays and not having to do too much was big.

Q: Why has your redzone defense been so good overall as a team?

A: I feel like it's a standard we have. You always want to make a play, but when we're backed up it's really imperative that you've got to make a play right there. You don't want to give up points, especially with this defense. Just being able to focus on that throughout the week and being able to come through in the game and holding them to whatever the percentage was big for us and it showed in the final score.

Q: What was it like having (Safety) Julian (Love) with the green dot instead of (Safety) Xavier (McKinney)? How did that work out there?

A: It worked well. Julian is a really smart guy, he communicated well. I feel like there wasn't any hiccups at all. It's just one person having it to another person. It's not a dropoff. He communicated well, spread the information and just playing from there.

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