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Postgame Quotes: HC Brian Daboll, QB Daniel Jones, RB Saquon Barkley, S Xavier McKinney

Head Coach Brian Daboll

Q. What are your overall thoughts of the win?

BRIAN DABOLL: Good to get a win. Made it tougher than we needed to, but good to be 6-1.

Q. What were your emotions on that last play, watching it unfold from the sideline?

BRIAN DABOLL: Where we stopped them on the 1? I was happy. Just watched the ball thrown and came up short and watched the guys compete there for that yard. Good to get a win. Shouldn't have came down to that, though.

Q. Saquon [RB Saquon Barkley] could not stay inbounds a couple times there --

BRIAN DABOLL: Yeah, we should have stayed inbounds. Put it on me. We've got to do a better job than that.

Q. Despite being 6-1, are you happy with the way you played today?

BRIAN DABOLL: Well, I'm never really happy ever. You know it's always on to the next week. I'm glad we won, but like I say every week, there's certain things to clean up, and this week is no exception. There were some good things we did. I thought offense got off to a fast start, did a good job of converting 3rd downs, did a good enough job in the red zone, took care of the ball defensively, got the ball out there when they were going into the red zone, had a critical 4th down stop. At critical moments that was good, but we gave up too many yards, we didn't capitalize in the red zone. Didn't finish the game we should have finished the game. There're always things to clean up.

Q. What did you think of how Daniel [QB Daniel Jones] played?

BRIAN DABOLL: Yeah, played good. Everybody knows we have Saquon [RB Saquon Barkley], so it's tough sledding. I thought Kaf [Offensive Coordinator Mike Kafka] did a great job coming out throwing, moved the ball down, scored on that first drive, kept them honest. It's never going to be pretty. There's usually going to be stacked boxes, and might be one or two, and as long as we keep doing it, but with the added element of I'd say Daniel today, which what did he have, over 100 yards, I think, and threw for 200? Yeah, played good again, played really the way we need him to play.

Q. We saw a rare flash of him [QB Daniel Jones] getting frustrated. They showed it on the film --

BRIAN DABOLL: Daniel? No. No way. He did?

Q. Wow, you never see that?

BRIAN DABOLL: No, he [QB Daniel Jones] is like a cucumber, man.

Q. You didn't get that sense from him? You just saw calm Daniel [QB Daniel Jones] the whole time?

BRIAN DABOLL: Yeah, yeah. He's really even keeled. He's been that way since I met him.

Q. How impressive is QB Daniel Jones' attitude?

BRIAN DABOLL: I think it's a great attitude to have. I wish I had more of it.

Q. What happened to TE Daniel Bellinger?

BRIAN DABOLL: He got poked in the eye and I would say his eye looks terrible right now.

Q. Is there a concern there about like a loss of vision situation?

BRIAN DABOLL: I haven't talked to anybody. I saw him [TE Daniel Bellinger] in the locker room when we came in. He's in the locker room right there.

Q. He went to the hospital?

BRIAN DABOLL: I think he [TE Daniel Bellinger] did, and then he came back, but he was in the locker room when I got back. He looked like he took a pretty good hook shot there. It's pretty swollen.

Q. Were there any fractures?

BRIAN DABOLL: I don't know anything about it yet. I haven't talked to Ron [Head Athletic Trainer Ronnie Barnes] or any of the doctors.

Q. They announced in the press box that Adoree' [CB Adoree' Jackson] left with a concussion.

BRIAN DABOLL: No, he was being checked.

Q. They looked at him [CB Adoree' Jackson]?


Q. Did the injuries force you to change anything you wanted to do offensively?

BRIAN DABOLL: Yeah, we had a couple different personnel groups we couldn't get into. I thought Bobby [Offensive Line Coach Bobby Johnson] did a great job. Again, Phillips [LG Tyre Phillips] had to jump in and then Ezeudu [LT Joshua Ezeudu], so again, young players that haven't played a lot of football, in this environment, in a close game. We'll go in there and see how it looks, but that's why we talk to all our players every week and I talk to you guys about it, whether it's 7-on-7 or one-on-one stuff. We've got to continue to develop the depth of our roster and the young players, and they've got to be ready to play when called upon.

Q. How have newcomers that weren't previously on your roster made a difference this season for you?

BRIAN DABOLL: It's like I've said before, whoever is in our building is our job as a coaching staff to get them ready to play. It's their job to be a pro and learn how to play. That's why we evaluate these players. We practice them hard. If we feel like they can help us, they play. I think they did a good job stepping up. Again, Slayton [WR Darius Slayton] early in the game had a nice go ball that Daniel [QB Daniel Jones] threw. Those guys stay after practice and work really hard. It's a good team win but certainly things to do better.

Q. What impressed you most about Daniel [QB Daniel Jones] today?

BRIAN DABOLL: Consistency. He's really been consistent since we've had him in all these games. Makes the right decision, throws to the right guy. He's operating our offense the way we need him to operate our offense.

Q. Do you attribute stopping plays at the goal line to the way you guys are coaching to play defense on this team?

BRIAN DABOLL: Well, I give the credit to the players. They're the ones that knocked the ball out and stopped them at the 1-yard line, fought for sixty minutes. Credit always goes to the players. I think they're competing. Again, we can do a little bit better than we did today.

Q. Do you have any sense of how bad Evan [RT Evan Neal] is?

BRIAN DABOLL: I don't. No, sorry, guys. I won't know until tomorrow. Same thing you guys probably already have.

Q. What did you think of the turnout of Giants fans today?

BRIAN DABOLL: It was awesome. Even coming out before the game, to see all the blue, and it was almost like a home game at the end there. They were screaming and yelling, and they traveled well. I certainly think it was an advantage for us at the end there, and we appreciate their support big time.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q. Was the end nerve-racking for you?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, [it] went down to the wire there. Defense did a good job holding them, holding them ultimately. Yeah, [we] did enough to win. Obviously, there's some plays we'd like to have back, but it's a good team we played, and did enough to win.

Q. You had 107 rushing yards today. The Jaguars were focused on stopping RB Saquon Barkely, so did you take advantage of that?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, I think so. I think that was a big piece of it. He attracts a lot of attention, rightfully so, and then some things opened up off of it. I thought the offensive line did a great job controlling the line of scrimmage throughout the game and cleared some opportunities for us to make plays.

Q. What were you thinking when you lost two of your offensive linemen in the first half?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, it was tough. [It's] always tough to see guys go down. [They are] big players for us and key players for us. But I thought the guys came in, stepped up and played really well. [Giants OL] Josh[ua Ezeudu] and [Giants G] Tyre [Phillips] did a great job throughout the game. [We have] a lot of faith and confidence in them.

Q. We saw a little frustration come out of you after the 4th down drop there at the goal line. Are you surprised by that yourself? Head Coach Brian Daboll said he was surprised that that came out of you.

DANIEL JONES: Yeah. [It was the] heat of the moment, and I wish I could have that situation back. I pride myself on being composed in those situations. Yeah, I wasn't there. I've got full faith and confidence in the world in [Giants WR] Marcus [Johnson], and yeah, [I'm] disappointed I let that happen.

Q. It seemed like Jacksonville's defense made mistakes and were able to keep you guys on the field. As a player what does that do for you when they're making the mistakes and you can extend the drives?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, we've got to take advantage of them when you get those opportunities. A couple times we did, a couple times we didn't. We've got to look back and see what we could have done better in some of those situations.

Q. You scored a first-possession touchdown, which you hadn't done in a while, and you did it by passing it down the field. Did they load the box which lead you to passing the ball?

DANIEL JONES: I think a little bit of that and just [Giants WR Darius] Slay[ton] made a good play on the outside, so giving him a chance to do that, and he made a great play, got a good release and made a great play for us. I think that was key for us to get off to a good start, but we've got to build on that and find a way to keep that going.

Q. You guys have been able to win a lot of games late. What makes your team special and what makes you guys have the ability to do that, even in a game like today?

DANIEL JONES: I think there's just a competitive spirit. There's a mental toughness to our group, and regardless of what's happened earlier in the game or regardless of the situation, we've got confidence that we're going to execute and find ways to win. Like I said, there's a lot of points in the game, a lot of plays that we would like to have back, to clean up, and hopefully make a couple more plays so we're not in that situation, but credit to Jacksonville. They're a good team, good defense, and they played well today.

Q. Why are you disappointed in yourself for showing emotion?

DANIEL JONES: It's just [that] I want to be composed in those situations. I think [Giants WR] Marcus [Johnson], I've got a lot of confidence in him. Yeah, so I think just I'm competitive, it was heat of the moment. I think you get fiery. Obviously, you want to score there. I've got a lot of confidence in him and [I] don't want to do that to any teammate.

Q. There were a lot of Giant fans in the stadium today. What was your reaction to that?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, we certainly appreciated the support and felt their energy throughout the game, especially there in the fourth quarter when they got going. We appreciated the support throughout this start and certainly today. They made an impact on the game.

Q. What did you think of TE Daniel Bellinger's eye when you saw it in the locker room?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, that was scary. [It's] tough for him. He's a tough guy. [He] made a lot of big plays for us and feel for him on that situation. That's not something you see a whole lot. [I] feel for him and hope he's all right.

Q. What do you think has allowed you to perform more consistently overall this season? What areas do you feel like you've growth in your fourth year here?

DANIEL JONES: I mean, I think just trying to make the right decision with the ball and protect it when I can. A couple of them we got lucky today on, and try to just keep doing that, keep putting the team in a position to make plays at the end of the game. That's what I'm focused on, and certainly some plays I could do that better, and I'll look to correct moving forward.

Q. What is it about the fourth quarter that you seem to like?

DANIEL JONES: I think we all want to be in those situations. I think as a team throughout the year, we've created them and been in those situations seems like week after week, but I think we all want to be in the pressure situation where you have to deliver, and we've done a good job of doing that.

Q. You've had five game-winning drives now. What are your thoughts on that?

DANIEL JONES: I think it's the same idea. We've got guys that want to be in that situation down the stretch. We've done it different ways, different points of the year, but ultimately, we found a way to make enough plays to win.

Q. What did you like best about the way you played today?

DANIEL JONES: That we won, I think. That was certainly the best part of what we all did. I think we took advantage of some opportunities that were there in the run game. I think we were creative in that way, and the offensive line was big time there.

Q. Does it mean anything to you to get the 100-yard rushing game? I think this is your first, right?

DANIEL JONES: I don't know, but not really. I think it's [that] we took advantage of the opportunities that were there, and some of those were on the ground with my legs, so [I] try to do that when the opportunity is there.

Running Back Saquon Barkley

Q. Saquon, how do you describe the emotions at the end of the game and how you pulled it out?

SAQUON BARKLEY: Yeah, we fought, found a way to win the game, the football game. Obviously, I've got to be way better in situational football there, not even putting us in that situation, giving Jacksonville another opportunity with that much time on the clock. But the defense had my back, not only my back but the offense's back. We trust each other, and we were able to get a win.

Q. Did you lose your balance on that play?

SAQUON BARKLEY: Just got to do better. Not going to make any excuses. Just got to be better. That's really it. I'm expected to understand the situation. I knew the situation. I tried to get down, but got to do a better job of it.

Q. What was it like for you to have to be on the sidelines watching that final minute?

SAQUON BARKLEY: I mean, yeah, you know that you're the reason why they're even in that situation or I forgot how much time they would have had, but you believe that our defense is going to get the job done. In my mind, it's like, damn, I can't put us in that situation. But it came down to the last second, probably two yards, but this team has grit, the team has fight, and we found a way.

Q. How long do you hold stuff like that? Will you be rid of it when you get back on the plane in the air?

SAQUON BARKLEY: To be honest, I'm going to find a way to close my eyes, whether it's tonight, whether it's on the plane, play it back in my head , do it the right way in my head and move on. Yeah, it's part of life. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to have your failures in life. But it's easier to learn from them when it's a win, but this could have easily went the other way. But go back, watch it on film, find time when I'm able to shut my eyes, play it back, have positive reinforcement behind it and move on.

Q. You had 18 yards at halftime on nine carries, so they were doing what they needed to do. What changed late in the game so you really could --

SAQUON BARKLEY: You never want to take credit from another team. They did a great job. But that was me. I was running soft, thinking about the wrong things. (The) O-line was playing lights out. I've got to do a better job hitting the hole. But I'll find a way to get on fire a little bit, closer to the end of the game. I've got to go a better job starting out faster.

Q. When you say "thinking about the wrong things," what were those thoughts?

SAQUON BARKLEY: Just not going out there and being 26. Just got to go back out there and trust in it. We have a great system. We have a great offensive line, great players. They've been doing a great job putting me in position to be successful, and I've got to make those plays, and I wasn't making those plays in the first half, so I've got to be ready for the team.

Q. You ran the same play a bunch of times down the stretch, didn't you?

SAQUON BARKLEY: Good eye. We did. Can't stop it, why not? Like I said, the difference was I was just doing a better job of hitting it, trusting it. The O-line, especially (center Jon Feliciano) on those plays was doing a great job opening it up, and just got to do a better job starting quicker.

Q. You said earlier this year the idea of a good team is able to run the ball when they know you're going to run the ball. They knew you were running the ball there. Is that almost the biggest statement that you guys could have made as an offense to gain the yards you did when they knew the same play was coming over and over again?

SAQUON BARKLEY: I mean, that's every week, especially where we're at now as a team. A lot of teams will come and do different things to make sure to slow down the run game, but when that happens, guys got to step up and make plays, which they've been doing all year. DJ (quarterback Daniel Jones) has been balling, Slay (wide receiver Darius Slayton) going up top, David (wide receiver David Sills V), Richie (wide receiver Richie James), all the guys, the tight ends, all those guys coming in and making plays when we need them. As that continues to happen, you soften up a little bit, you can get back to just getting downhill and trusting the run. You're able to do that when Kaf (offensive coordinator Mike Kafka) and Dabes (head coach Brian Daboll) and all the guys, the coaches don't give up on the run, especially when you're behind, having trust in them, continuing to trust it, and for us as players making it work.

Q. When you ran the same play at a time and it works and you run it again, do you think that has a demoralizing effect on them?

SAQUON BARKLEY: I don't know if they realized that it was the same play until probably like the fifth or sixth time, to be completely honest. Then we had something off of when we keep it, and DJ (quarterback Daniel Jones) made a big play, used his feet. It's hard to -- it can look like we're running the same play, but you can run so many things out of that formation. That's credit to Kaf (offensive coordinator Mike Kafka) and Bobby (offensive line coach Bobby Johnson) for setting us up. Was it demoralizing? I don't know. Just I can tell when you lean on defense, when you lean on defense throughout the game, you can feel them starting to soften up, and take them to the deep water and drown.

Safety Xavier McKinney

Q. What did you see on the last play if you can describe from your point of view?

XAVIER McKINNEY: I mean, we knew the situation. That whole drive, our mentality, and kind of what I was preaching was just to just keep them inbounds. We knew they didn't have any timeouts left, so we were just trying to delay as much time as we could, and then the last play obviously we were just trying to keep them out of the end zone. I think it was a great play call by [Giants Defensive Coordinator Don] 'Wink' [Martindale], and we've got to execute it, and we kept them out of the end zone in the end.

Q. Was there a feeling that it shouldn't have been that close down the stretch?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Well, it is what it is. Things happen in the game, and it ain't going to be perfect. But we've all got each other's back, and that's the greatest thing about this team. We play as a unit no matter what. For us defensively, we just knew we had to go out there and make another stop, which we wanted to do, and which we were able to do. I don't think we played, a lot of us don't think we played very good defensively today. [It was] probably our worst defensive performance. But we know we've got a lot of work to do in order to get where we want to be. We've got a lot of things to improve on.

Q. Could you describe what happened on the forced fumble?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Yeah, I mean, it was just one-on-one situation, and it was kind of one of those things where I knew we needed a play. [I] just did my best to try to hit the ball out. We've been practicing it in practice. [Giants Defensive Backs Coach Jerome Henderson] Rome has done a great job of just bringing us aside and kind of doing things like that of practicing on punching a ball out. We haven't gotten a lot of picks, so we're just trying to generate turnovers any way we can, and we knew they were loose with the ball, so for me, I just punched at the ball, got it out, and it was a big play for us. [Giants SS Julian Love] J-Love got the ball back for us.

Q. What have veterans done for this team, even guys weren't even here when the season started?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Yeah, I think everybody that's come in has done a great job for us with just buying into what we want to do as a team and buying into what we want to do as a defense, and everybody has been a huge contribution to what we want to do. They've come in, asked no questions, just got straight to work. It's been easy to kind of bond with them. All these guys are good guys. They're even better teammates. It's been pretty easy for us.

Q. Jaguars TE Evan Engram hurt you guys early but not as much late. You know him well, obviously. What did you think of him and how you were able to slow him down?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Yeah, we already knew [about him]. I've seen throughout the years I've been able to guard him and we've all seen him. He's super talented. It wasn't any surprise. He was really hot early in the game. We tried to do a better job in that second half of just being able to stop him because he was definitely a problem for us today. But he's a super talented guy, and we have much respect for him. He's going to keep improving and keep striving and getting better.

Q. On that last play when Jagaurs WR Christian Kirk caught it, Giants LCB Fabian Moreau was there, you were there, Giants SS Julian Love was there. Can you talk about again what you saw the moment he caught the ball?

XAVIER McKINNEY: [We had to] keep him out of the end zone. That's pretty much it. He was in the air when he caught it, I think, so it was harder when he caught the ball and the offensive line started coming in and trying to push the pile forward. That's what made it a little difficult. But he's a lighter body, smaller guy, so it was easy to be able to keep him out, but once the offensive linemen came and ran into the pile, it got a little difficult there at the end.

Q. You were one of the guys pushing him back?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Yeah, yeah, pushing him back, just keeping him out of the end zone.

Q. You wanted to keep him out but you're also holding him up a little. Did you see the scoreboard at all? Did you see the clock?

XAVIER McKINNEY: Well, we knew there was like ten seconds before the play started, so we knew they didn't have that much time, so obviously we wanted to keep them up as long as we could, and then obviously be able to get him to the ground because we didn't want the pile to get pushed forward into the end zone. I think the whistle blew before all of that even happened. I think we were fine.

Q. You guys were 5-1 coming in here underdogs, now you're leaving 6-1. When do you think you'll start to gain more respect?

XAVIER McKINNEY: I don't know. I really don't even care for that question anymore. I'm kind of tired of answering it because it's the same thing every week. Obviously, we know that. I really don't care. We don't care as a team. The only thing we can do is keep focusing on what we can do and keep getting better.

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