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Coach Tom Coughlin

MAY 21 , 2009

We have been out here twice. Our first two OTA's were individual.  We didn't cross over.  So we did a lot of technical things from an individual standpoint – put the secondary and the linebackers together, put them in the right spots.  Let the quarterbacks and receivers and the tight ends work and throw the ball, catch the ball and that kind of thing. 

Today we came out – the first real organizational day in terms of going across the ball and getting special teams integrated into the practice other than just punters, punt returners, kickers, kickoff returners, snappers, holders; that type of stuff.  So today was the start of that; beautiful day, gorgeous day.  Monday's practice will be like today with the crossover stuff going on.  I thought it was okay.  It wasn't great.  We did move around decently and I think for the most part the assignments were pretty good.  Obviously we are out here without pads.  You have to be careful with the shoulders and that type of thing.  And we try to emphasize that they use their hands a lot.  It is a hands and feet kind of thing – keep the helmets off the shoulders and that type of thing.  But from a learning standpoint, from getting our program in place, from teaching the young guys how we practice, from the standpoint of doing everything right – it is a good start. 

Q:  How much is your defense going to change from what it was last year?

A:  It will change somewhat, but the basis of the defense will remain the same.  It will be the Giant defense.

Q:  How do you go about restoring the identity of being a tough-nosed defensive team?

A:  Practice tough; play tough.  Get that mentality the way it should be.  Stop the run.  Run the ball.  Those would be the ways you would indicate that.

Q:  Do you usually instruct your team to run after these?

A:  Depends.  There is conditioning throughout.  We conditioned the first practice of the week – not the second, we conditioned the third.  Yes, we do some.

Q:  Do you expect Kevin Boss to be ready for training camp?

A:  Yes.

Q:  That is why he is doing it now?

A:  Yeah, that is why they are doing it now.  He worked, he practiced two days.

Q:  Is that related to what he was dealing with last year?  I know he had a couple of ankle things last year.

A:  I'm sure it is.  The idea was to try to put him into the season without the pain – without that – on a weekly basis type stuff.

Q:  Kevin Boothe – is he going to be able to get to training camp at all?

A:  I don't know.  We'll see. That is an extensive thing.  I don't see training camp, no.

Q:  What are your thoughts on the secondary so far?

A:  As I have watched them work individually, they have done a good job.  There is definitely some pride back there – Antrel Rolle is kind of a take charge personality.  So I like that aspect of it. 

Q:  More so than Deon Grant?  He is louder than Grant?

A:  Deon Grant has been good.  I don't judge – the ability factor is not going to be on how loud they are.

Q:  Michael Johnson looked like he wasn't working today.

A:  He wasn't. He has a quad strain.

Q:  Ahmad Bradshaw was listed as not being able to work, but he was out there…

A:  He can do some things.  He is very restricted.  But he can do some things. 

Q:  What is the prognosis on Kenny Phillips?

A:  All I know is what they tell me.  He is making progress.  We'll see.

Q:  You don't know whether he will ----?

A:  I don't know anything.  I just know that he is running.  He is happy, he is getting better.  He feels good.  There is no swelling.  So those things are good.

Q:  Have you had Jonathan Goff at work with the first team at middle linebacker?

A:  All it is is that they are rotating in and out.  They are all going to work. It is springtime and they are all going to get all kinds of work.  It is not going to be any set anything.

Q:  One of the guys who is new to that position is Gerris Wilkinson.  How is he handling that?

A:  He is anxious to have a chance to be in there. 

Q:  It seems like over the last couple of months every time you turn around you see something written about Rex Ryan or the Jets.  Are you getting the feeling like you are being the ignored team around here?

A:  Not at all, not at all.

Q:  How about the rookies? Do they all look like they are equally acclimating?  Do they all look confused?

A:  You mean after a couple of days?

Q:  Yeah.

A:  They are all equally confused, yes.  That is a good way to say it.  You only have to tell them 15 times a day what exactly you are doing.  When they were here for the weekend of minicamp it was 20.

Q:  Are there any that are standing out in any way?

A:  Sure.  But I'm not singling any of them out right now. 

RE:  Andre Brown

A:  He worked okay, yeah.  He is okay.  He has had a couple of setbacks this winter but by and large he is doing okay.

Q:  Do you have to be careful with him?

A:  They list him as limited but I think that by the time we get to camp hopefully that will be taken off.

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