Steve from New Jersey
"I have only been to two training camps – 2007 and 2011. They went on to win the Super Bowl both years. I remember in 2007 with all of the people they brought in during free agency, there was just a lot of excitement. It just seemed like things were going to

Joe, Joe and Chris from New York
"We've always wanted to go to training camp but it was upstate in Albany so it was kind of far for us. We decided to come to our first camp on Monday. This was the first time we've seen JPP in person. We will remember that. He's a pretty big dude."

Joe from New York
"Monday was my first time at Giants training camp. I wanted to come out to see Eli and see how he's doing and how his passes look. Coming here is an experience. I think everybody should come out at least once to see what it's like."

Todd, Kyle and Brian from New Jersey
"The last time I went to training camp was in 2011 and they won the Super Bowl that year, so I'm hoping that if I come this year that they will win the Super Bowl again. I got an autograph from Devon Thomas that camp. He went on to make a couple big plays in the NFC championship game. Who would have though come training camp that he would have made such big plays?"

John, Emma, Claire and Jack from New York
"We have season tickets but Monday was the first time we've come to training camp. We're far up into the bleachers for the games but Monday we were right by the players. Being down here and being down by the players has been a great experience."

Joe and Maddie from Pennsylvania
"I have great memories of being up in Albany. My favorite camp was probably 2012, the last camp that they had it up there in Albany. I remember being able to be on the field and share some good times with friends. We got to see everybody, Eli and everyone. It

Danny and Matt from New Jersey
"We love coming to training camp and hearing all of the fans yell, 'Cruuuuuz,' every time Victor Cruz catches a ball. We heard it for the first time at training camp last year."

Thomas and Sal from North Carolina
"I remember Coach Coughlin putting the team through the practices up in Albany the last time training camp was held there. He was great. It was nice and cool, blue skies. Going up there was a little bit of a retreat."