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Coach Tom CoughlinQ: Any roster moves?

A: David Carr. Ben Patrick. Those are the two.

Q: Sounds like Ahmad Bradshaw is close to being finalized too?

A: From what I understand, yeah.

Q: Relief to have Ahmad Bradshaw back?

A: Oh sure, absolutely. Absolutely. The sooner the better. Get him in here.

Q: Does the Ben Patrick signing mean anything for Kevin Boss?

A: No. Competition. Boss, come back in here, too.

Q: What did you like about Ben Patrick?

A: He worked out very well for us. Caught the ball well. Moved well. He's in very good shape.

Q: He doesn't have a lot of receptions. Is he a better pass catcher than he's shown or is he more of a blocker?A: He caught the ball well for us, but obviously in some other offenses that he's been in, that's not the way he was utilized. That's good. We need blockers as well.

Q: What is Osi telling you about not practicing?

A: The Osi issue, I don't really have anything to comment on because it's not resolved. I would not be the one to comment about that. I think at some point we'll have all of those answers for you, but tonight I don't have them.

Q: When will that become a distraction? Or is it already?

A: Right now, to be honest with you, it's not. We wouldn't want to go a whole lot further than this, obviously. We want everybody focused on making our team better. The sooner that all of these things get resolved and we get Osi back on the field, the better we're going to be.

Q: Does his hip have anything to do with why he's out?

A: No.

Q: Whenever this is resolved, he's ready to go right back to practice?

A: That I can't tell you. I can't tell you that.

Q: Do you think there's still a possibility that he'll be on the field for you?

A: Do I? Yes. I'm hopeful.

Q: Justin Tuck told us today that Marvin Austin impressed him, that he didn't expect that much out of him at this point. What about you?

A: He has been exactly what we thought he is. He's very quick, very competitive, has very good leverage, chases the ball, runs to the ball. First couple of days, no pads. He's done well. He's done the things we asked him to do.

Q: Kenny Phillips said today that he feels a lot more explosive. Have you seen that?

A: We had that conversation prior to the start of practice. Hopefully we're going to see that. I don't know that I've had a chance to really see that yet, but I do believe it's coming.

Q: How do you address Ahmad Bradshaw's fumbling issues?

A: That is something that we all have to work on. The whole team, we talked about our worst to best this morning and again how unbelievable it was. To lead the league in take aways and lead the league in giveaways, it is just ridiculous. That is something that everyone has to be concerned with. If we can get back to the 2008 numbers, if we did that last year, we would have two more wins.

Q: What will you say to him about it when he comes in?

A: Ball security. Ball security. Ball security, even at the expense of trying to make the extra effort. To know exactly where the ball is at all times and to know people are coming after you. That is the nature of our game now. 

Q: How do you think he handled his increased workload last year?

A: He handled it well.

Q: Can you talk about the signing of David Carr?

A: We had wanted to have four quarterbacks on the team. David (Carr) was available and it was a point where we thought we would need another quarterback in camp. He knows the system so we brought him back.

Q: Are you happy to see Chad Jones back?

A: It was really nice to see him. I looked over and saw this big guy over there and I said that son of a gun looks like Chad. He looks great and sounds good. He is saying that he is about 70% and that he has some sense or motion in some of those key areas. It would be a great, great thing for this kid to come back and play. Everybody feels bad for him but yet you can't miss the attitude that he has because he has had it since day one when he was laying in The Hospital for Special Surgery. His attitude was tremendous and he was going to come back.

Q: When was the last time you saw him?

A: He came up to a game but I don't remember when. We did see him. I think he was up for a game.

Q: Do the players have a complete day off tomorrow?

A: You know what I said to the guys this morning? You guys have been here for a tremendous number of days, like three, and you are going to have a day off. I don't think it has ever been done in the history of football. They have the training room, obviously. That is mandatory. They can come in and if they do, it is voluntary.

Q: Have any of the rookies stood out to you so far?

A: It is probably early to talk about that.

Q: With only one practice a day, are you getting the amount of work you need?

A: That is very difficult to say that. The first thing and I have to tell them every night, I keep track of all the snaps and I keep track of all the plays. I keep track of the number of times run. There is one color ink for walk through and there is another color ink for practice. But what we are getting done in the walk through better suffice for some of the learning because we are just not going to get that many number of snaps out here. In the first three practices, I have 40, 46, and 50 snaps. We thought we would be operating with three teams and it is more like two teams. So I will increase the number of snaps when we get this other group August 4th.  The walk through is absolutely critical and the players have to see it that way and focus on it just as if they were practicing.

Q: What role will D.J. Ware play?

A: He has done some nice things out here for the first three days so hopefully he is just going to keep going. He seems to have s sense or air of confidence about him so hopefully he is just going to keep going.

DC Perry FewellQ: How disappointing is it to hear Osi Umenyiora has been granted permission to seek a trade?A: That's with administration right now. I am just coaching the guys on the field. He is in my meetings. He is paying attention and he is apart of our football team right now.

Q: How do you feel about Mathias Kiwanuka?A: We have some changing parts in our defense. Some personnel have left and we really won't know the makeup of our defense for several weeks now. I am very happy to have him back in the fold and we do plan to do some nice things with him, how we employ those things will be determined a lot later.

Q: How do you feel about only having a few weeks this offseason?A: What we are really working on are the base fundamentals of football. We haven't been able to see our players for six or seven months and we want to get the fundamentals of football down and there are a lot of fundamentals that you need to cover with these guys that they haven't worked on.

Q: Do you think Mathias Kiwanuka can be a starting defensive end in the NFL?A: He can definitely do that for sure.

Q: What do you like about Mathias Kiwanuka as a player?A: His makeup and mentality as far as how he attacks blockers. How he approaches the game. He has excellent push off the ball. He has excellent strength and his long arms. He can keep a defender at bay. Those are just some of the qualities that he possesses at the defensive end position. 

Q: What are your expectations of Jason Pierre-Paul?A: I have been impressed with him in the two practices that we had with Jason's retention from a year ago. That was one of the things that I was concerned about during the time they weren't with us. I think he is ready to assume that responsibility and come on and be a player for us.

Q: How has Marvin Austin looked so far?A: Marvin had a really good day yesterday. He really looked powerful. He looked strong. He looked quick. He retained the information and didn't have a lot of mental errors. It is a process with him also because we approach our installation as building blocks. We set a foundation and then we try to build upon that foundation. Then we build upon that foundation each and every practice. I was pleased the first two days but it will get tougher as we go along.

Q: What do you plan to do the secondary?A: It changes because the personnel is different. Again, we really won't know the makeup of our team for several weeks. There are a lot of things that will happen. Some of the players cannot practice until August 4th. You make plans but you can't employ those plans until you have your entire team together and then once you have your entire team together, you game plan.

Q: Do you look forward to playing the four defensive ends at one time?A: That's an excitement for me. I look forward to that challenge in a sense that it is a challenge and an excitement. I look forward to it because I can put them in different roles. I have to become creative and it allows us to become creative. It allows us to be more flexible in our defense. It is exciting and it's a challenge.

Q: Is your defense more difficult or more basic?A: I will let you find that out yourself.

Q: How are you a different coach after this offseason of interviews for head coaching positions?A: I like to think that I learned things in the interview process that I can take with me next time that I interview. I appreciate the New York Giants having me back because you are out there and interviewing for jobs and you found out how good you have it at the place that you are. I certainly appreciate the Giants allowing me to interview and come home and have a chance to coach this defense for the 2011 season.

Q: Without Prince Amukamara here in practice, how difficult is it to depend on him on the field?A: It is very tough because every day that he misses, he is missing good knowledge and good information. It is a word that he can use with his skill set so that will be very difficult. We would like to get him in as soon as possible but again that's above me right now.

Q: How do you feel about the linebackers?A: In the two days, Jon (Goff) is very comfortable making the calls and commanding the huddle and doing things we would like for him to do. Obviously, we have only had less than a hundred snaps probably so I can't come out and say boy he has made a jump because in the OTA's, if we would have had OTA's, you would know the personality and you would kind of know the make up of your team. With only two practices right now, we are only working on some moving skills and some moving sets and that type of things.

Q: What did Jonathan Goff show you last season?A: Jon (Goff) throughout the whole season showed me that he can play the run, he is valuable in the pass. Jon really played 35-40 plays for us last year and played them effectively. We hope he can increase those plays this year. Instead of being 35-40, be at 45 to 50 or 60 plays. That's the improvement that I'm looking for as the season goes on. Will he play more plays for us like in a sub package and different roles we can put him in?

Q: How critical of a season is it for Clint Sintim?A: I think every year is a critical year for any player. Clint (Sintim) is coming off an injury. He has come in with a great attitude. He has practiced well for two days. We had to limit him some because he is coming off an injury but I like his retention. He is able to retain the defense and apply the knowledge that he has learned and I think that is the problem he had a year ago.

Q: What makes you think he can be a starting linebacker?A: He will have to prove that to us. We are going to give him the opportunity but that is the great thing about competition. He will get the opportunity and he will have to prove that to us.

Q: What have you seen out of Linval Joseph so far?A: He shows power, he shows speed. He shows quickness. We have to work on him with some little things and I won't use the coaching point or phrases that we will work with him on but there are some little things that we would like him to improve on from a blocking scheme standpoint. I do like his mental makeup right now. Again we are only into two days of practice. All these guys are excited to be here just like as coaches, we are excited to be here and excited to be practicing football again. They have come in with great attitudes but can we have a consistent level of performance from them day in and day out? That is what we are looking for in our training camp this year.

Q: What do expect out of Kenny Phillips this season?A: I'm looking for him to take a quantum leap. After coming off his injury and playing in the 2010 season, as a coach, I will admit that I protected him a little bit. I wanted Kenny to be on the field, I wanted him to play for us. Football is a violent game and I tried to minimize the collisions that he encountered last year. He showed his football intelligence in the two days of camp. He is ready for that bigger role as we have talked. I am looking for big things.  

**OC Kevin Gilbride

Q: Is the installation, the things you do early in camp, is it any different because you didn't have mini camps and OTAs this year?**

A: It's different only in the sense that instead of this being the third time that you've gone through something – once in your OTAs, the second time reviewing it in minicamp, this is the third time through – now it's the first time. For the older guys it's more of a, 'Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot.' Or you're chipping off a little rust. For the new guys, it's the first time you've ever heard it. Trying to reconcile the pace with new guys who have never heard any of this stuff before with the guys who, you know, you're ready to work on the refinement and the nuances of some things can be a little bit challenging. What we're trying to do, to the best of our ability, is go at the same installation pace that we normally do. What we're getting a chance to do is review it twice – once going in, practicing and then coming back and doing it in the morning. To date so far, I think we're doing pretty well. As it continues to go on, we'll see.

Q: What is your level of concern about the possibility of Bradshaw, Boss, Smith?

A: It's nothing I have any control over. Obviously, we want to get all of our parts back in place. You lose two starters on the offensive line, a guy missing in the backfield, you got a guy missing at tight end. You got maybe as good of an inside receiver as there is in Steve Smith not here, obviously. Eventually, those things will work themselves out. Hopefully they'll work themselves out with our former players, but until it happens, all you can do is see maybe who can play in their place, particularly the inside receiver position. It's a chance for some guys who maybe haven't had a chance, who wouldn't normally have gotten as many opportunities, as many reps, maybe emerge. That's how certain guys have all of a sudden become fixtures is that a chance became available and they took advantage of it. Hopefully these guys will do the same.

Q: Who are those guys?

A: You're looking at a bunch of them. Victor Cruz has looked pretty good. You've got Domenik Hixon back, who's looked good. Devin [Thomas] has looked good. Sam Giguere has looked good. The problem is you've only had two practices so no one has gotten a lot of repetitions, but you do see some of the quickness, some of the physical skill set that you need to play those positions. Hopefully as they do it enough times, they will have learned it well enough that you can actually see whatever ability they have. It's hard to be good at anything, fluent at anything, when you're still thinking and all of those guys are still thinking.

Q: How much of an advantage in this situation is it to have Eli, who's been here all of these years?

A: It's an advantage at that position. It doesn't help anybody else, but it helps him because that is always going to be the hub of the wheel. To have a guy that is playing the most indispensable role familiar with what you're trying to achieve is certainly beneficial.

Q: For a guy like DJ Ware and some of the other running backs to get stuff with the first team, how much does that help?

A: I referenced it with the slot position or the receiver position, but it's certainly pertinent to all of the positions, whether it's the offensive line with Mitch Petrus or Kevin Boothe hopefully in a few days and those guys, but certainly also the running back position. Danny is a guy that's been around for a few years, but maybe he's never had quite as many chances to be the first and second back as he's going to get now.

Q: Does this help him a lot?

A: Hopefully.

Q: What makes Beatty the best option at left tackle?

A: You look at a guy that has the kind of foot speed, the kind of athleticism, the kind of physical reactionary ability to play that position that not everybody possesses. I'm not talking about just on our team. I'm talking about any team. You're always looking for that prize athlete that can play the left tackle position. He has the physical wherewithal to do those things. Does he have the experience, does he have all of the other things that have to come into play – the intelligence, the ability to react to different schemes, the blitz pickup with any counter – that remains to be seen. But to date right now, he's working very hard, he looked very physical without pads, but it isn't very physical because of the way we practice. I mean, guys are going after each other, given the look. He's responding very well. He looks good. It's early. The thing that always concerns me with the new guys is the consistency factor – you see flashes, you see glimpses. Can he do it play in and play out? As you guys know, you can block 50 plays great, 5 or 6 bad plays and all of a sudden you're losing a game and maybe losing a quarterback. That's what you have to see from him. I have nothing but praise for what he's shown so far.

Q: Does he have to play tougher?

A: That's something that you're looking for. You've lost a couple of guys. You've moved David Diehl inside to try to replace some of the toughness that you had with Richie (Seubert) and with Shaun (O'Hara). You're not losing too much there, but now what's going to take place, what's going to manifest itself at the tackle position? Right now he looks good. Last year in the run game, he was very physical. We have no reason to think he's not going to be, but I'm always one of those guys that tell you do it.

Q: Did you have to make adjustments last season after losing Steve Smith?

A: We tried not to change it. It obviously proved that we had to do some adjustments, whereas with him you could just say, 'Hey any two [safeties] high and go ahead, we're going to win inside with him.' He was as good as anybody in the league at doing those things. After we saw that we were not as good, then we had to make some changes. We modified and I thought until maybe the last game of the year, where we were not very good against the Redskins, some of those guys stepped up and did very well for us. But there's no question we had to compensate, do some things different schematically.

Q: The offensive line needs to gel together and you have two -fifths of it gone.

A: Yeah. It's not the perfect world, but we're not unique in that sense. A lot of people have to deal with that. The good thing is that the guys we have are very flexible, adaptable. I think it's been talked about, Chris Snee has moved in, basically he's performed very well, flawlessly at the center position. Mitch [Petrus] has had a chance. He's done a good job. You'd like to have everybody here, that's the perfect world. We don't have it so we just have to make the best of it.

Q: How comfortable are you going in with Nicks and Manningham as your number 1 and 2 receivers?

A: I think both of them have proven to be very, very good players. You'd like to have your full compliment, but those guys have both played well. Now we have to keep them healthy for the entire season. I think we'll be fine.

Q: How closely were you following the Plaxico Burress headlines the last week?

A: Obviously, you have not only the appreciation for him as a player, but we had a great relationship and we enjoyed having him. He was terrific in our meetings. He was terrific with the younger players. He was terrific with us and his coaches. We would have loved to have him back. I certainly wasn't counting on it happening. I can't say I'm disappointed because I didn't know which way it was going to go.

Q: With what the Eagles have done, can you say it's going to be fun getting ready for them?

A: [They're] making it a challenge.

**LB Jon Goff


Q: Perry Fewell said he would like to see you take a lot more snaps in a game this year. How do you feel about that?A: I feel great about it. Last year, playing in mostly run-down situations it was invaluable experience. I feel great taking on that extra responsibility.

Q: Do you expect the linebacker corps to add more pieces during the season?A: I think we do have a relatively young group, but we have a lot of talent and we are all definitely ready to step up.

Q: Why do you think the group will be better than last year?A: Last year's experience for myself. Mike Boley's coming back, Mathias is back and also Clint Sintim. Also, we have some younger guys that are ready to step up and play some significant roles on special teams for us.

Q: Would that be Greg Jones?A: All of the linebackers. Pick any one of them. I support all of those guys.

Q: Does this camp feel any different for you?A: It's camp. We're here to work. We're here to get better. We're here to gel as a team.

Q: Anything you worked on this offseason to get better?A: Flexibility. Changing directions. The usual things.

Q: Are you lighter?A: No.

Q: You lost a lot of experience. Is that a concern to you?A: I think that we all learned a great deal from those guys. Their experience was great for us. We all learned and got and better because of that.

Q: What in particular did you pick up from Keith Bulluck?A: How relaxed and comfortable he was out there on the field, in the meeting rooms. Just picking up little things that you pick up here and there from playing the game as long as he has.

**S Kenny Phillips


Q: Perry Fewell said he was trying to protect you from some of the collisions last year.A: He was trying to, I don't want to say baby me, but just playing it safe. At the time, I didn't mind playing that role, especially if we were winning, Antrel Rolle was doing well, Deon Grant was doing well, so I just stuck to my role.

Q: Now would you prefer more?A: Yeah. It's got to happen. It's time to get more involved in the defense, just do whatever it takes to help this team win.

Q: How did the knee respond last year?A: I think it felt pretty good. I wasn't as close to as where I thought I would be. A lot of guys were telling me it was going to take a year, but I was doing my best to try to prove them wrong. It turns out, they were right. Fortunately, I was able to finish the season. I had a few nicks here and there, but I'm just happy I got through it.

Q: What do you expect out of yourself this season?A: To have a bigger role. Be a part of the defense. Last year a lot of the times I was in the post most of the whole game and now I'll probably take on a bigger role as far as getting down in the box and really being a part of the scheme.

Q: Does it feel stronger?A: It does. Last year I spent the whole offseason rehabbing. This year, I was actually able to train, get myself ready to play football. It feels a whole lot better.

Q: What did the doctors and the MRI tell you with regards to how the cartilage is doing?A: It's fine. It's been a while since I even had to see the doctor. Everything is great.

Q: Do you feel normal? Do you feel yourself?A: I feel normal. I feel pretty good.

Q: Pre-injury or not quite that?A: I feel good. The knee is not an issue.

Q: You've only had two practices. Do you feel explosive? Did you find another gear you didn't have last year?A: I feel good. Coming out of my breaks, seeing the field a whole lot better and just being around the ball a lot more.

Q: Is that a distraction when one of your teammates (Osi) doesn't want to play with you anymore?A: Not at all. Osi is a good guy. He loves us. He loves his teammates. That's the business part of it. That's really none of our business, but whenever he comes out here, we're happy to have him.

Q: How much would it diminish the defense without him?A: It would be tough without him because he's such a big time player. We have young guys like Jason Pierre-Paul that are ready to step up.

Q: There have been big flashy moves around the league, but do you think, 'We haven't brought in anyone and we've lost guys?' Do you players think about that?A: We try not to. Of course we see it because we have TVs, but we trust the organization, we trust our GM. We're pretty sure they're going to get someone in here.

Q: Are you a little bigger than last year?A: I don't know. Maybe two or three pounds. Had a long offseason, as you know. I'm not worried about it.

Q: How much do you weigh now?A: Like 215, that's what I weighed in at a few minutes ago. Nobody panic.

Q: What do you want to be at?A: Anywhere from 210 to 215, I'm not worried.

**WR Hakeem Nicks


Q: How do you feel about the Giants not signing Plaxico Burress?A: That is not something that I worry about. I worry about what goes on over here and I control what I control. I work on getting better at what I can get better at and contribute to the team the best way possible. 

Q: Do you feel like you will be depended on this season without Steve Smith?A: You can look at it like that but it is also an opportunity for other guys as well. I am going to continue to do my part as a wide receiver and that is to make plays.

Q: Do you feel like a leader?A: You can say that a leadership role plays into effect now. I have guys coming up asking questions about stuff. I am very familiar with the system now so it is a matter of me being a help to my teammates.

Q: What did you think about the Giants considering signing Plaxico Burress?A: I didn't think about it.

Q: What do you think about him as a player?A: I think he is a great player. He has been blessed to have another opportunity, but like I said, I worry about what I can control and I'm here right now.

Q: What is one thing you want to accomplish this season?A: Finish a whole season.

Q: How frustrating is it to have injuries?A: It could be frustrating if you let it but it is football. Like I said, it is physical and anything could happen. You have to go out there and hope for the best at all times.

Q: Are there limited effects to your injury?A: No it is completely out of the way.

Q: Do you feel good?A: Yes I feel pretty good.

Q: How do you feel your role will be this season?A: We will see. Steve (Smith) definitely plays a big role in the slot and on third down conversions. His presence was definitely missed but we have guys that will have to step up to the plate and get it done.

**QB Sage Rosenfels


Q: David Carr …

A: Most training camps have 4 quarterbacks. I think teams are always looking for more depth at all positions. The quarterback position is no different. No, it wasn't a surprise to me.

Q: The fact that it's a veteran?

A: No, as I said, it wasn't a surprise. I'm focused on getting better out here. It's my first time really being in this offense, as far as to run it in practice and all that stuff. I feel like I've had a good first two days. Also, I'm the holder. I feel very confident in my abilities and how I'm going to try to get better every day.

Q: How much better is your understanding of this offense now?
A: I felt like I had a good X's and O's understanding in the fall. To be able and be out here and actually do it has made a world of difference for me and my confidence. Like I said, I think I've had a really good first two days of practice.

Q: To be fair, not all football decisions are made on the field. Sometimes cap numbers have impacts on that. Are you worried about that?
A: I only can control so much. What I can control is my play and how I can get the other ten guys around me to play good football. That's my concern right now. I haven't been approached about anything about that. That's my concern and that's where I'm working every day.

Q: Would you be open to something like that if they talked about that?

A: They haven't talked about it. I haven't discussed it. They just signed obviously David. My focus has nothing to do with that. My focus is getting better every day and learning every day from Coach Gilbride and my quarterbacks coach, Mike Sullivan, and making this offense the best it can be.

Q: Do you believe this is going to be a straight let's see how they do in practice, let's see how they can do in the games, then we'll make a decision?
A: They haven't told me anything about that. As I said, that's not my job. That's somebody else's job. My job is to play good football every day.

Q: It's not unheard of for a team to go with only two quarterbacks on the roster. Do you believe there's realistically room for three quarterbacks on this roster?
A: Some teams do two, some teams do three. I don't know. This team, we only did two last year. I'm sure in the past they've done three at different times. Every team is different. I think they go into each week differently now with two or three quarterbacks based on injuries and what you have with those quarterbacks and the things that they can do and those types of things. That's not my decision. That's upstairs with Coach Coughlin.

Q: I don't think we've seen you throw a pass in a game. You came in late last year. How does this offense suit you?
A: I think this offense suits a quarterback who likes to throw the ball down the field, but also a quarterback who has to be very, very smart because they really rely on the quarterback to do just about everything as far as the checks, run checks, pass checks, even some of the line calls. You can't just have a strong arm and come out here and wing it. You have to have a real good head for the game and I feel like that's been one of my strengths in my career.

Q: So you're saying you're smart?
A: Some people have told me that.

Q: Do you know David Carr at all?
A: I do. I actually played with him for a year in Houston. His last year in Houston was my first year in Houston. So, I spent a year with him.

Q: Two guys that have been around the league end up crossing a little bit.A: You end up knowing a lot of guys when you're in the league for awhile. I would say I know David fairly well. I obviously spent a year with him. I played a lot of golf with him in the off season, those types of things. He and I always got along really well.

Q: Do you anticipate this being a pretty healthy competition now?

A: I really don't worry about the other players, whether it's Eli, whether it's David, whether it's Perrilloux. I try to worry about how I play and my game. I try to treat football like golf in that sense because I can't control how everyone else is doing. All I can control is myself and try to make the most of every play.

Q: What do you think of Perrilloux? It seems like he has some pretty good tools.A: He does. He's got a strong arm. He's learned the offense quickly. I think he's pretty athletic. But, he's a young guy, so he's got a lot to learn. But, he's got the right attitude and he works hard.

Q: It seems like he's got a smooth release too, effortless almost at times.

A: Yeah, the ball comes out fairly well. His arm is strong enough to play in this league. It's always the other intangibles that set the quarterback apart.

**DE Justin Tuck

Q: How concerned are you that Osi may not be a part of the future here given that the Giants have given his agent permission to shop him around?**A: I haven't really had time to think about that.

Q: Well now that you hear that news, what's your reaction to that news?A: I don't know. Honestly I'm not too worried about it. Somehow I know that Osi's going to be a Giant. So until that happens, that's my focus right now. I can't allow myself to think otherwise.

Q: Have you spoken to him today?A: I speak to Osi every day.

Q: How's his frame of mind?A: We don't even talk about football, to be honest with you. I think his mind is great.

Q: Would you try to intervene somehow?A: I don't deal with contracts.  We talk about his family, we talk about how his body's feeling, we talk about a lot of stuff but his contract issues with the Giants did not come up.

Q: Yeah but you're the defensive captain. You have to make sure he's in the right frame of mind, right?A: I'll tell you what, being able to play with Osi for the last six years, I know for a fact that if he is in a Giants uniform come September 11th, he'll be the Osi that you all have grown to love and respect as one of the premier defensive ends in the country. That, I don't worry about. The only thing I worry about is if he's going to be in a Giants jersey.  Like I said, I had the opportunity to train with Osi a few days this offseason.  I know where he is mentally. I know where he is physically.  The only problem now is, he's not happy with his contract.  Last time I checked I am defensive captain but I do not write checks for the New York Giants.  So I can't answer the question is he going to be here or not. My name's not on the check.

Q: Is there a way to lobby the front office for him to try to find a way to make this work?A: The front office knows where I stand. I don't need to tell them.  The fact of the matter is they're going to make the decision based on what they feel is best for this football team and it's my job to support them.

Q: Wouldn't it be pretty devastating to lose him for what I assume would be a draft pick package at this point? How much would that hurt?A: Time will have to tell.  I can't tell you how much it would hurt. I can tell you it would hurt. There are not a lot of guys like Osi. It's not like you can just go and pick up one of those guys off the street, but again as of right now, he's still under contract with the Giants and that's hopefully how it will be for the rest of the year.

Q: When does Osi become a distraction?A: Osi is not a distraction, not a distraction at all. He comes to meetings, sits down, he learns the defense. He's just not on the football field, which is giving more guys more opportunity to work on their craft.

Q: You said you know where he is physically, where is he physically?A: When him and the Giants either part ways or reach a new deal, I feel as though he will be able to just step right in and get the job done.

Q: So was Osi sitting on the bike yesterday just a ploy?A: I don't think Osi is playing any games.

Q: So is he physically able to practice just like you?A: Probably, yes.

Q: So then is it a distraction that he's not getting out there with you?A: I told you it is not a distraction.

Q: So you've seen where the market value is now do you understand where Osi is coming from?A: Absolutely.

Q: Would you have ever considered saying look my contract is now not up to par with the best players.A: I've thought about it.

Q: Are you waiting to see how it goes with Osi?A: You know what, honestly I love playing the game of football and the Giants have given me an opportunity to play it and I'm happy about that. When my contract comes up, we'll talk about my contract. Until then, I'm happy to be a New York Giant.

Q: So you feel it's important to play out your contract.A: I feel it's important to play out your contract as long as you're happy, as long as you feel as though they're doing right by you.  How I look at it, my time will come. My situation isn't Osi's.  If I was in Osi's situation, would I be saying what I'm saying right now? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know because I'm not Osi.  Like I said, as football players we all have to seize the moment. So anytime in this career it could be over just like that.  Osi has to do what's best for him and his family.  He has to do what he thinks is best and I think he's doing that.  You can't fault him for trying to make the most out of his career.

Q: What about the fact that he still has two years left on his deal? Do you understand the other side of it too?A: I definitely understand the other side of it. I definitely understand where the Giants are coming from. Obviously, that's why it's between those two. The only reason I'm in this is because I'm defensive captain so I can't tell you what the Giants should do, I can't tell you what Osi should do. I'm just here to support it either way.

Q: How about we change the subject to something more pleasant – Plaxico wearing a Jets uniform?A: Good luck to Plax. I wish him all the best.

Q: Are you disappointed that it didn't work out here?A: Definitely, we would love to have Plaxico as our teammate, but he has moved on and so have we.

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