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Giants vs. Jets Gameday Quotes


Coach Tom Coughlin* *

Coach Coughlin: Not real complicated, we had six penalties in the first half. We kind of broke our play up, I thought. You know, we had an interception for a touchdown. We had a punt return for a touchdown. We were backed up and punted from the one after a sack. We couldn't run the ball with any consistency. I thought they ran the ball well, not just in the second half, but they did basically with it what they happened to do there. So I mean, as I said, you give two scores away like that and it's going to be most difficult to win in this league any time.* Q: Coach, what did you like on the 85-yard touchdown drive. *

A: Oh, I liked the drive. I thought the drive was outstanding. I thought there were big plays made. There was consistency in terms of picking up first downs when we had to and we had a couple of penaltie, but that was a good drive, a good football drive and it really was encouraging for me. I thought we would come right back out, but this one was the two-minute drill. You know we had the ball twice in the two-minute. I thought for sure that this was a great opportunity for us, not only to work on the two-minute, but to be in a game situation while we're doing it. So I was disappointed.* Q: On the interception, if [James] Jones had caught that, the clock probably would have run out. Was the play supposed to go in a different direction or was that just a bad throw? *

A: It looked like (Eli) shuffled up in the pocket and because of that, the play might have taken a little longer, but James [Jones] certainly could have come back more and even if he knocks the ball down, you know it's better than the result.* * Q: You don't want that to go into the middle of the field at that point, correct? I mean that's something…

A: We're trying to get the ball on the outside. We don't have any timeouts.* * Q: What'd you see with your defense in terms of the first two scores the Jets had?

A: Well, what did I see? They had a good mix, I thought, of run and pass. They moved the chains. It seemed to be that they gained yardage on first down and didn't give us any great opportunities in terms of long yardage.* * Q: Anything on that screen? On the second one that they scored? The screen?

A: Yeah, it was a mistake. There was nobody. Whoever was supposed to be responsible was not there. There was no coverage on the screen.* * Q: Aside from the interception, did you see progress with your passing game?

A: The long drive was good. That was good.* * Q: Can you assess what was going right in the 14-play drive that wasn't happening in the other drives?

A: Other than the fact we converted some first downs. There weren't a lot of long chunks. We converted some first downs and kept the play alive. We executed well. We came back in the two-minute and didn't.* * Q: You went no-huddle, was that…

A: We were going no-huddle most of the day.* * Q: What happened with Ayers?

A: I really don't know. He's out there pregame and all of a sudden he's on the ground and complaining about his ankle and his Achilles and whatever. That was two minutes before we came into the locker rooms prior to going out and starting the game.* * Q: On the punt return was there more coverage, was it the position of the punt, or was it a combination of the two?

A: When you're punting the ball out of the end zone and you're rushed, a lot of times you're not going to get that location that you'd like to have. He certainly drove it up in the air high enough, but our coverage wasn't very good coming down the field. They did a nice job on the outside, cutting the gunners off the ball. And he had a chance to get started. The coverage was not great. He got himself going at a momentum, made a couple of plays and the cut back. Thought we had a chance to get him down. I thought Wade had a shot at him. I don't know what happened there. He missed it.* * Q: Back to Ayers, did he get checked out?

A: I'm not sure what they left with. I don't know any more. He couldn't play in the game. I'll have to find out more information.* * Q: Realizing that you might not know yet, do you anticipate playing your starters on Thursday?

A: I usually end up playing them a little bit. We're more than a week away from the start of the season.* *

Quarterback Eli Manning* Q: What stood out to you on the 85-yard drive? *

A: We just made some plays. Thought we got it in third and manageable situations. Had a couple of nice third-down conversions, some short passes that went a long way. When it came on a little live route, worked some tackles, had a good run with Rashad. Had completions and so that's just the way it's supposed to be done. I thought we were close on a couple other series. Obviously we had some sacks, had some penalties that hurt us. We overcame some of them but it's just in that world. I thought we were close to hitting Odell down on that right sideline there before half. Just missed him on that one. We've just got to find ways to hit those big plays. Instead of being close, we've got to connect on them.* Q: I know it's preseason and you're a veteran but not coming out in that third quarter after throwing that pick-six, does that weigh on you a little bit? *

A: No. I mean, I think it's preseason and usually that's the way it goes with the third preseason game, play until halftime. Would've liked to have gotten something going on those two opportunities before half to get something going and could've given us things, so that's disappointing.* Q: On that interception, was it you trying to force it in or James Jones not coming across it much? *

A: It was just Cromartie made a play and we will learn from it.* WR Odell Beckham Jr. * Q: How did you feel about the matchup tonight with Darrelle Revis?

A: I think it's going to be a very good matchup during the season. He's one of the best out there. I think it'll be better once we all watch film and we really see how he's going to play and reach our game plan for a team. It was great to be able to just get out there, get into the offense a little bit, and have fun.* * Q: Does he [Darrelle Revis] live up to his pedigree and everything that's been said about him?

A: He does, yeah. He's good, and that's for sure. He's been one of the best [cornerbacks] in the league and he's a great player, so you have to tip your hat to him.* * Q: Is that exciting for you to go up against a guy like that in this kind of situation?

A: That's what you play for— you play to go against those guys—Joe Haden, [Richard] Sherman, Pat Pete [Patrick Peterson]. All those corners who are known for being the best, that's what you play for— to be able to go against them. So it was definitely a lot of fun, and much respect to him [Darrelle Revis].* * Q: There was much made with the writers about how you hadn't caught a pass in the first two preseason games. Did it mean anything to be able to actually get some balls thrown your way and to come down with them tonight?

A: It's still preseason. None of those catches count for anything really, so it doesn't really matter as much, but it's still great to be able to come out here and run routes and get open in the game and be able to catch passes. But like I said, there's still so much we need to improve on that it's kind of irrelevant.* * Q: With one week to go in the preseason, where would you assess where you are individually and where the team is at this point?

A: I think we're on the right path— there's just a lot of corrections that need to be made. And they're small things. We'll be able to go in and watch the film and see how guys played, and the unfortunate side of this is that it's all a business. After today, there's only going to be 75 [players], and after next week, there's going to be 53. The reality of it is that not everybody who's here [now] is going to be here [for the regular season]— that's hard to deal with, but at the same time, once you find those guys who are the 53, I think you can really see who comes together and how you come together. It's kind of all hard to tell right now.* * Q: Do you walk out of here tonight with any less confidence in this offense than maybe you had going in?

A: No. Same amount of confidence going in. We just have to work through it— it's not going to be clicking from the get-go, and like I said, we were [5-0] in the preseason last year and we didn't have the best of seasons, so I don't think wins and losses right now are really as important as what we need to be doing.* * Q: That free ball up the sideline on [Darrelle] Revis when you went up and grabbed it— did you think you were going to land inbounds?

A: I knew I was close to out-of-bounds, and I was just trying to make sure that I caught the ball first. By the time I looked down, I couldn't get my other foot in, but there was another ball down the sideline that I have to make the play— it's just plays that we need made— we need big plays, and we all have to do it, so on my behalf, it's just one of those balls that I'll be thinking about.* * Q: On another play you had a good collision on Darrelle [Revis]— could you take us through that?

A: I don't even know what play— it just kind of happens. It all happens so fast, and you don't really look for who it is, who is tackling you, or things like that. When somebody is lined up in front of you and they're covering you, then you can tell, but other than that, you can't really tell as much.


OL Geoff Schwartz

Q: How well do you think you put forth some good stuff on tape tonight?* A: I just played guard tonight. I felt good. The rotation we had, you kind of mix and match and get to work with different guys. I thought I made out okay. There's always room for improvement, but the goal is to get better every week, and I thought I played better this week than last.*
* Q: The power run game seemed to pick up during that 14=play, 85-yard drive. It's the best drive we've seen from you guys in the summer. What was going right there? There were a couple of runs that were right behind you.
A: We ran the ball; it's very important in an offense. When you run the ball successfully, the passing game opens up. It's not a surprise. So I think we just hunkered down there and ran the ball well. We need to continue doing that. It needs to be part of our offense. Going forward, when we get out there next week, and Week One, we need to start running the ball. However that happens, we've got to make it happen.
* * Q: Again coach was talking about the continued improvement as the weeks have gone on. Do you think at all about challenging for a starting spot, whether it be at guard or tackle? Or is that something you can't allow to enter into your mind? A: Oh no, that does enter my mind. I mean, that's my job. I consider myself a starter. I have the mindset of being a starter. When I warmup, I warmup before the game as a starter. I do the whole routine, I do it all week. I do my scouting reports just like I'm starting. I didn't start tonight, obviously, but that's always my mindset. If you don't have that mindset—that you're going to start—I really don't know why you would play. I don't play to be a backup. I have faith in my ability and like you said, just got to go out there and keep showing that I can play.

FB Henry Hynoski


Hynoski: On offense we've had our moments where we did some good things, but on a consistent level we've got to pick it up, just the consistency.  Can't have turnovers, got to find a way to move the ball consistently down the field, give ourselves a chance on first down.  Getting negative or zero yards on first down makes things difficult when it's second down, third down moving forward.  We've got to get ahead of the chains instead of staying behind the chains, that's just a consistency thing.  We've got to find a way to re-group on the practice field, get it done this week and hopefully get a groove going in our last preseason game before the season starts.


Q: What's the biggest area you think the team can improve upon?

* A: I think it starts with running the football.  On first down, we've got to get at least three, four, five yards running the ball on first down.  That will make our second down manageable and our third down, also.  I think that's a big start, that will be a great starting point for getting our offensive consistency down.
S Landon Collins* Q: Did you go out there tonight thinking you had to test the knee early? Were there a couple plays that you pushed off and checked?
A: No. I did all that in practice and if I couldn't do it in practice, I wasn't going to try to come out and push it in the game. They're telling me don't make a stupid choice and try and just push through it, just come out there and be smart. All the cutting I needed to do in practice, I felt confident in that and came out here and did the same thing.
* * Q: How do you think you guys did? I know you had a couple of stops, lost on a couple long touchdown drives. **
A: It's building. You know it's preseason and we continue to build, continue to work on what we need to work on and be on the same page as a defense and as a whole and make sure we go on and dominate the next team we play.
* * Q: Is it tough for you to get in a rhythm when you and Jeromy (Miles) and Brandon (Meriweather) keep rotating on that? **
A: It's not. It depends on how it is and how the game is going. If you're making tackle after tackle, they take you out and then you come in and you're kind of sluggish. It depends on how the game is going. But for this time, it was kind of good and it was working good.
* * Q: Can you find any positives in the fact that you and Jeromy and Brandon all came out of this game seemingly healthy. Now the guys who rotated in the first team might be out there in practice Monday together rather than the new guy, the new guy and a new guy. **
A: It felt fantastic that we all came out healthy and God blessed us. God watched over us and protected us. We just gotta continue to keep doing what we're doing. We're playing fast and playing hard and to come out without injuries, that's a good thing.
* * Q: Is there any apprehension at all about all the injuries? You can't afford another one. **
A: I don't know, it happens.
* * Q: Is that not a worry? **
A: It's a worry, it's always a worry. You can't afford anything, you have a lot of expectations out of the guys and you don't want stuff like that to happen.
* ** Running Back Rashad JenningsOverall, I think after we settled in and got a first first down, we were able to get into a rhythm, get into a situation where we could change consistency, run the ball, make sure we're fast and run. That 14-play drive is what this offense needed that we can look on tape, build off of this, see what we were doing right and mindfully clean up the chemistry of offensive line, running backs, quarterbacks, receivers, everything. We took a step forward but the self-inflicted wounds, that can't happen.QB Eli ManningSome good and some bad, we probably had a couple opportunities to make some plays and extend some drives that we didn't. We had one great drive, I don't know what it was,14 plays, and to finish that was good. We had the interception for the touchdown, and we can't have that.Defensive Tackle Cullen Jenkins We're playing better as a unit. We've had some good plays where guys make plays, but consistently we're not playing perfect football enough. We need to get on our assignments better, our techniques better so that everybody can play better more consistently.

CB Prince Amukamara
The positive for the first half, for me, is I felt good. I felt loose running around, the first time I've been out here since Week 8 of last year, with the bicep injury. Just being able to tackle and play man to man, I felt pretty good. A couple negatives, I missed one with Brandon Marshall and he caught a slant. I still have to work a little on my press technique. Overall, as a defense, I felt the first drive we stopped them and when you stop any team on their first drive, that's huge momentum for your team. After that, we struggled and I felt like we kept beating ourselves with leverages; when you have to stay inside, stay inside; when you have outside contain for the run, you stay outside, and we just hurt ourselves. We just have to go back to the film room and always get better and fix those things.

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