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Postgame Quotes 11/15: Coach Joe Judge, QB Daniel Jones, RB Wayne Gallman, CB James Bradberry, S Jabrill Peppers

Head Coach Joe Judge

Opening Statement: First of all, I want to give a lot of credit to the Eagles. They're a well-coached team, a very explosive team. They're a tough team to play, playing a team like that only a few weeks apart. There's a lot of things you prepare for, and a lot of adjustments they make, almost like an extended halftime, they definitely do a good job of that. They did a good job in today's game making adjustments, keeping us on our toes. I thought all three coordinators made good adjustments on our sideline to keep us in it. I'm proud of the way our guys fought; we knew it was going to be a 60-minute game against Philadelphia. So we came out here, and that was the emphasis: finish the game. We went into halftime in a similar situation to what it was the last time we were in Philly, and we wanted to make sure we had a different result. Came out as a team, and that was really the emphasis, to finish the game. That being said, I'll open up to any questions you have.

Q: Could you talk about the confidence you guys had to not sit back and let them do what they did the first time?

A: This is a team where if you think you're going to watch the clock tick down and it's just going to run out in your favor, you're going to be really wrong against the Eagles. They can score points at any point. Obviously in the first game, they scored a lot down the stretch, in the last five minutes. We couldn't sit back today and in any way, shape or form think that we hadn't scored enough points. The emphasis was to keep scoring, keep playing, play the entire game on through. That's always the emphasis, but with these guys, we knew it had to be very driven towards getting points on as many drives as we can. Daniel (Jones) made a lot of big time throws today, we had a lot of receivers make big time catches, contested catches in traffic. We've got a lot of guys right now making tough plays down the field. We're always coaching and playing with an aggressive mentality. In terms of having a lead, the lead doesn't really mean anything to us to be honest with you, other than just knowing how we could play something situationally. We knew it was going to be a 60-minute game, so we were going to stay aggressive throughout the entire thing. Daniel (Jones) made some big time throws today.

Q: Have you seen the updated standings in the division yet?

A: I have not, and I'll tell everyone right now, it's irrelevant. The only thing that matters is we keep improving as a team and go 1-0 every week. The overall standings, we're not going to look at those, we're not going to focus on those; that's not an emphasis in our organization. We've got to keep improving as a team to give ourselves a chance to be the best program we can be.

Q: That drive after they cut it to three and you got two big strikes down the field, how important was that to the team's mentality?

A: I think it's important to execute like that going down the field and have some big plays back to back to get us in position to finish the drive off. With this team, we knew they were going to score points continuously, and we had to be able to answer drives. Look, we came out in the second half, I don't think we started out as fast as we wanted to, they did a good job on their part, but we responded the right way. As a team, we responded the right way. I'm proud of the way the players played it on through.

Q: What's different between the team you had on the field today and the team you had on the field the last time?

A: I think we've improved in a number of areas. Third down, two-minute, these have been a big emphasis for us throughout the season. I see that improvement from our team. I think the more time our players continually spend in our systems with Pat (Graham), Jason (Garrett), and TMac (Thomas McGaughey), the more they understand and the more we can build on what we can do within a game plan, within multiples. And that makes the adjustments on the sideline a lot easier because you can teach the players, saying 'we're going to play this defense now', it's just like playing x, y, and z in another defense, and they can correlate that into what their new assignment is. I see the same fight in our team we've had the entire year; these guys haven't blinked, they haven't wavered. We keep the emphasis on improving, that's really the most important thing for us. I've seen a lot of that continuously throughout the entire year, really no different this week. I think these guys had a heck of a week of practice, and the way they practice really reflects how they play on Sundays. We were out there for two rainy days this week. Probably the only disappointing thing about this week was that it didn't rain, the players were probably looking at me like, 'C'mon man', but we're going to be outside, regardless.

Q: What did you learn from Daniel Jones from this game? He passed so accurately, he made prudent decisions, he was decisive, and he seemed to put it all together in a game you guys needed.

A: I didn't learn anything new about Daniel today. I've known that the entire time working with him, and I think we all have internally, that's why the team has so much confidence in Daniel, that's why he's our quarterback. We're going to play aggressive with Daniel, and he's done a heck of a job making plays when we need it and making better decisions throughout the season. This guy is a young player who is developing, he's learning a lot every week. You can see his improvement week to week. Sometimes there's something you want to get off the tape, and he understands that, and we correct that in practice, working hard. But there's a lot of games he's played where maybe there's a blemish that takes away from the 99% of the really good football he has played. But Daniel continues to be an improving player, he's a tough dude, mentally and physically, and that spreads throughout our entire team. When he steps into that huddle, there's 10 guys looking at him knowing he's going to be the one to give them the answer to the problem on the field.

Q: Could you tell in the building that people were very anxious and sick of losing to the Eagles?

A: I think people are sick of losing any game. Whoever we play on a given Sunday, we want to beat. They all hurt the same if you don't come out with the result you want. We pour a lot into this profession as players and coaches on a weekly basis, so we always work to get the results we want. But it's a division game, so obviously it's important to win for a lot of reasons. We wanted to make sure we didn't come out and leave any meat on the bone, we had to make sure we finished as a team and got the result we wanted.

Q: Last week you got two interceptions to close it, today you got two big stops to get off the field. Could you talk about the growth of the defense over the whole year and how that has translated to the past two weeks?

A: I think all of the defensive coaches have done a tremendous job in bringing these guys along. We talk all the time about the improvement from week to week, and we're continually seeing that. To me, it's when the fundamentals marry up with the scheme on the field. The fundamentals are 10 times more important than the scheme. I see these guys go ahead and understand a big picture concept and move forward with that. I see the players improving across the board. Pat (Graham) has really evolved in what he's calling based on what we have to do within the game and who is available.

Q: What can you say about Wayne Gallman and his improvement? It seems like he's really turned a corner.

A: I think Wayne is a tough dude, and I think that's what is showing up in how he plays. He's running the ball tough, he's got a lot of mental toughness to him, we ask him to do a lot of things, and he's responding really well. This isn't the scheme he has played in throughout his entire career, but he's done a good job of learning and adapting to it and being a very productive player for us. He does a lot of things, he's improved a lot throughout the way. There's a lot of little things we have to emphasize along with all of our players, but I've seen him really improve fundamentally, in ball security, in open field running, in the goal line type runs, making sure he gets across the goal line, reaching with our pads and not reaching the ball out. So I'm very pleased with how Wayne is playing. I know the team gets a spark whenever he is in there, he gets a lot of yards. But the same with Alfred (Morris), same with Dion (Lewis), same with Devonta (Freeman) when he's healthy. We look forward to using all those guys on a weekly basis.

Q: I want to ask you not just about Wayne, but the improvement in the run game overall. What has been the key to that?

A: I think it all starts up front with the line. These guys have done a real good job blocking. Run blocking, pass blocking, we've improved every week. I've been telling you guys that in every press conference we've had, you guys keep asking about what we see or what's going on, I see a lot of improvement across the board. When you talk about the run game, I think we've found our identity in terms of what we are as a team. That doesn't pigeon-hole us that we can't do things outside of what we've already run, we'll keep expanding on that and growing as a team within the playbook and within the game plan. I think it all starts up front, we've got runners that run the ball hard, the passing game keeps them honest, Daniel (Jones) being able to pull and run the ball out the back gate keeps them honest with some of the fast flow they can have to the ball with the running back; but to me, it all starts up front with the offensive line. Those guys have done a really good job coming off the ball, playing a physical style of football, and finishing blocks.

Q: How good does it feel to see your team play so good two weeks in a row, and how good does it feel that your quarterback hasn't turned the ball over two weeks in a row?

A: I'm just happy for our players and all the hard work they put in, that they can see some results for it. That's really what they work for. So I'm happy they can come away tonight and going into the bye week with a good taste in their mouths. That being said, we're going to get back to work Tuesday and Wednesday and take some steps forward, going into these last six games. It'll be a quick turnaround, but we've got to let them have some time to get their bodies right, their minds right. But at the same time, we have to get better as a football team this week. I'm pleased for the players, their hard work is paying off from the entire year, I think they can see that from the tape. So the record stuff, that'll take care of itself, we've just got to keep worrying about improving as a football team and moving forward on a daily basis.

Q: And Daniel as far as the turnovers?

A: I think Daniel is a guy who is continually growing in his profession, in his position. We have a lot of confidence in him. Look, it takes 11 people on the field, plus a coach to make a call, and position coaches to coach it correctly throughout the week to put us in a position to have really good ball security. So it's everybody involved, it's never one person. We've been saying throughout the year everyone has to coach better and play better, and that holds true today. We all have to coach better and play better throughout the stretch. The teams are going to be better and more competitive because there's more tape of us to watch, and everyone has had more time to get in sync and find their identity as well. In terms of turnovers, we never want to turn the ball over, we want to eliminate penalties, we want to make sure we don't have mental errors, and those three things will give you a chance to win if you don't screw them up.

Quarterback Daniel Jones

Q: In the third quarter when the Eagles come down and score and you guys answer them immediately, can you walk us through that drive and your confidence level at that moment that you were going to deliver in order to give your team this much needed win?

A: We were confident in what we were doing all day. From an offensive standpoint, we felt like we were moving the ball and executing. The Eagles came out fast and scored. Being able to answer there was big for us. The defense bowed up and played huge down the stretch. A lot of credit to those guys and how they played. Offensively, we felt like we were executing. It was up to us to keep drives going, to execute and keep the ball going forward.

Q: That 40-yarder to Darius that set up the field goal that made it a two-possession game, what did you see there and is that one of the instances that coaches have been talking about where you take the aggressive shot when it's presented to you?

A: First, that was a great call by coach (Jason) Garrett there in that situation. Obviously, they were expecting the run. Expecting us to try to keep the ball on the ground and drain out the clock. Just a matchup there where we had Darius down the field. (We) just tried to give him a chance and you saw the play he made was an incredible one. Great call by coach Garrett in that situation and great job executing and heck of a catch from Darius there. 

Q: Can you say what you saw on the touchdown run? Why do these zone reads seem to be so effective against the Eagles? Was it especially satisfying to have a long run and get in the end zone against the Eagles?

A: It felt good to get in the end zone. We did a great job blocking it up there. Austin Mack came down and made a big block there. It just kind of opened up for me. Just tried to stay on my feet that time and get in the endzone.

Q: Your coach just said you are a tough dude mentally and physically. When you hear that, what does that mean to you?

A: I think that's an important part of playing the position, mental and physical toughness. For any football player, especially a quarterback. That's something I try to do every time I go out there on the field. I think our team is taking on that identity from coach and I think we're playing a tough brand of football right now. I certainly try to be a part of that.

Q: What does it mean to have two straight games without turnovers?

A: I think that certainly gives us a better chance to win games. It's something I've been focusing on. I think we did a great job executing and coach (Jason) Garrett called a great game and it's up to me to understand where to take risks and where not to. I think it certainly feels good not to turn the ball over and got to keep building on it, keep going, and that definitely helps our chances to win.

Q: Have you done anything differently?

A: I think it's just a better understanding in certain situations when to press and when not to press and when to take those risks and when not to.

Q: Can you talk about how your confidence is growing?

A: I think our confidence as a team is continuing to grow. We were certainly frustrated through the first stretch of the season. Frustrated not to get the results we expected, but we didn't let that discourage us. We didn't let it affect our confidence week in and week out. We continue to improve, continue to work towards the next week, and I think that's ultimately what has helped us do that, continue and grow, and the challenge is to keep doing that, and we'll continue to build confidence through that work and through that improvement. 

Q: How much pride do you take in making plays as a runner? Seems like your runs are really opening up the offense.

A: I think that's a good part of the system, coach Garrett's system, and what we're able to do. I just try to do my best to execute those and take advantage of the opportunities that are there.

Q: On a drive you guys ended up punching in the endzone, you gave (Sterling) Shep(ard) a chance to make a play, Golden (Tate) had a chance to make a play… how satisfying is that for you to have your guys make plays when you give them an opportunity?

A: I think that's something we've talked about a lot, is giving those guys a chance. They've come up big for us time and time again. Those are certainly two situations where guys have made huge plays for us, and I have to keep giving them chances to do that, and you see what they're able to do. Those were big plays, guys stepped up throughout the day to make those plays.

Running Back Wayne Gallman

Q: I'm wondering what goes through your mind as you are in the air going into the end zone there. That's the second time, I think, this season you've gone up and over the line of scrimmage to score a touchdown. What's the key to that? What are you focusing on?

A: I'm just focusing on getting in however I can, that's it. But, of course, ball security. Keeping the ball tight. At the end of the day, I'm just trying to get into the end zone and trying to show some aggression and play to win.

Q: Is there any kind of key to the timing there or where you launch from?

A: I just saw (Eli) Penny shoot his guy. Shoot, I don't know where I was. I was just jumping in. I already had it predetermined.

Q: I'm just wondering what these last few weeks have been like for you? You're getting more of an opportunity to show what you can do than you have in a few years and you're actually scoring touchdowns and playing some of your best football. What has this meant to you getting this opportunity and this coaching staff believing in you the way that they have?

A: I'm really just going out there being myself and showing who Wayne Gallman is, you know? I'm just trying to do what's best for this team and capitalize on all my opportunities and just not do too much on a play, but just make the play first.

Q: Last year, you guys were 2-7 and you lost the game before the bye to the Jets and this year you won the game before the bye. It's only a one game difference, but how different is that feeling heading into the bye the way you guys are trending compared to last year?

A: Just with our preparation and everything leading up to this point, we're finally really feeling that sense of team. We're all coming together and it's just all playing out for itself. We're working hard and practicing each week. We know what we have. We're 1-0 in our minds. Our plan is just to be 1-0 after the bye.

Q: You guys keep saying that - 'We know who we are. We know who we are,' but it wasn't really showing on the field. How much do you feel like you're proving to people that are getting to see it as well?

A: We're not trying to show everybody what we are. We just know who we are and we're doing it as a team. We're coming out and keeping the main thing the main thing and playing hard. We practice too hard and we work too hard - it's finally letting some light shine.

Q: Last year, it seemed like you kind of fell out of favor. This year, you're running like you're pissed off. Is that fair to say that you're running with a pissed off attitude the way you're running this year?

A: It's a plus to other things that I go into the game with, but yes, aggression is something that I play with throughout my whole career. I'm just trying to get that extra yard. That's it.

Q: Do you like contact? It seems like you fight through contact a lot, you don't shy from it. No matter how hard you get hit, it seems like you either fall forward or make the guy pay a little bit. Why do you run like that? Why are you able to run like that consistently?

A: It's just me. You're always getting Wayne Gallman. I've always played like that. I feel like I can do whatever it takes to do whatever, to score some points. That's just me.

Q: Wayne, after having so many games that have come down to the wire and not being able to seal the deal, how good does it feel to be able to put two games back to back where you guys are able to win it at the end and hold the other team off? How good does it feel to go into the bye week on that kind of momentum?

A: Man, I can't tell you how good it feels just to come into the locker room and dance a little bit. We just have to keep the main thing the main thing. All the guys are focused on this bye, getting their bodies back, but we're 1-0. Shoot, next week, we're going into it, the plan is to be 1-0 again. We're just keeping the main thing the main thing. We're coming back to work, working hard and staying together as a team.

Cornerback James Bradberry

Q: Have you ever been on a defense that didn't allow a third down conversion in a game? And when you do that, what does that mean about how well you controlled an offense's ability to move the ball?

A: I don't think so. I can't remember the past four years if we had a team convert a whole lot on us on third down or not, but third down is a critical part of the game. We pride ourselves on trying to get off the field on third down and we were able to do that today and execute.

Q: This is two weeks in a row that you guys have come up with big stops at the end of games to win games. Talk about how big that is for your confidence and what's led to that.

A: I think it was huge this game just because we all know how last game went when we played those guys. We knew we had to start fast and we had to finish the game, and that's what we did. We were able to execute at the end and finish off the game, so it was a huge achievement for us.

Q: Were you surprised they went your way on that fourth down late in the game? And secondly, do you feel like this defense is really starting to build something based on what you've done the last couple of weeks?

A: I definitely think we're headed in the right direction. We can improve in a few areas, but we're definitely in a good position right now going into the bye week. And then, am I surprised they came my way? Not really, because I was on the boundary side, the single receiver side, and usually on fourth down most teams go in man, so that single receiver side's got action.

Q: You guys are 3-7, but obviously with the way the division, you're right in the mix heading into the bye week. How would you describe the feeling of the team heading into this bye week?

A: Our confidence is high, but we also know that there's room for improvement. We're going to enjoy this bye week and then we're going to take it week by week when we get back.

Q: What's the significance to you of the fact that you are now right in the division race with just a few more weeks to go?

A: I think for us as a team, we just can't get too far ahead. We've got to take it week by week. I know in the past when I played on certain teams, if we looked too far ahead, we messed up on those certain games that we were overlooking. So just lock in each week and then just play ball and execute when it's time to play.

Safety Jabrill Peppers

Q: I'm not sure if you're even aware in that situation, but the fact that you're the guy that gets the touch down of Boston Scott short of the sticks, and get your defense off the field to pretty much seal that game and give the ball back to the offense, is that in your mind at all satisfying or a little redeeming?

A: Not really, because when you break it down, he had a highlight touchdown on me to win the game. I was just thinking about making an open field tackle and getting off the field. I wasn't really thinking about it like, 'Oh, I gave up this. Let me get this back.' That was my mindset going into the game. I have to make impact plays and just to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.

Q: Can you talk about a little bit of the frustration of twice in this game where you looked like you had your eyes on the end zone - one on the punt return and one on the almost pick six there at the end.

A: For the punt, it was just heat of the moment. I'm a fierce competitor. We all love each other here and we know each other personally. I can come at certain guys a certain way because I know that'll motivate them and get them going. I was just more upset because I felt like that could have been a touchdown. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but I felt like, maybe if I squeeze through that next level right there, I'm on the punter. I like my matchup against the punter 10 out of 10 times. On the pick, I wasn't really frustrated. It could have kind of been something like last week, but I was more, let me break to the man, and secure the tackle and make them snap it again to keep the clock going. Two big plays that I feel as though I left out there. At the end of the day, it didn't hurt us because we got the W, so I can sleep good at night. 

Q: What does it feel like to be a contender here heading into the end of November?

A: We just taking it one game at a time. Like I told y'all last week, we know we're a pretty good football team and it's just about coming out here and executing on game days. We're just going to enjoy this bye week, rest our bodies, get some guys back and prepare for the six-game stretch. 

Q: You said before that you know you're a good football team. Obviously, you've put together a good couple of weeks in a row shows that you might be right. Do you feel like you might finally be able to show what this team really is?

A: We're taking steps. We still have a long way to go, but we're taking steps. I definitely feel like we're a better team today than we were three weeks ago. Three weeks ago, we lost this game in the final minutes. Now we found a way to hang on. You just build off that, man, and keep executing by getting one percent better day in and day out. 

Q: A lot of times when a team starts off the way you guys started off, the head coach will change his approach or shuffle things up. It looks like, from the outside, Joe Judge was the same dude the entire way through. What does that element of confidence from him say about him and how does it help the team overcome that start?

A: Joe has been a part of a lot of winning programs. All we had to do was buy in. We knew it wasn't going to be easy. A lot of the times it was more execution things. When you see how close you are, and then it's a play here and a play there, it kind of keeps you wanting to keep pushing and keep chomping at the bit. You have to stay bought in because it's going to turn and we felt that. We were in it damn near every game we played and it just came to a couple plays here and there. That's our mindset, man. We're going to stick to the script, come to work to get better each and every day and execute on game days. 

Q: Kind of along those lines, what's the biggest difference in this defense from the last time you played these guys? Last week, you got the two picks to close it out. Today, you slammed the door on defense. What's the biggest difference and how much pride do you take on defense to be able to end these games back-to-back weeks?

A: Well, the first game, we were kind of vanilla when they went tempo, you know, cover-three, cover-two, cover-three, and cover-two. This game, we had a lot more multiples. That's a testament to the coaching staff and putting us in places to excel and giving them looks on the fly while they're going tempo. They think they're getting this and we're actually doing this. I think that gave them trouble tonight. 

Q: In the third quarter there, you guys come out, they score quickly, then Daniel (Jones) and the offense go right back down and answer. As a defense, you guys have been playing well and giving yourself a chance to win a lot of these games, but how big was it to see the offense answer that score?

A: That was huge, especially as a defender. What I was telling the defense, the offense bailed us out, let's go. To see the offense go down and respond that quickly, it definitely gives you confidence and makes you want to go back out there and get them the ball right back.

View photos from the Week 10 matchup between the Giants and Eagles at MetLife Stadium.


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