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Postgame Quotes (10/12): Coughlin, Manninng, Rolle

Head Coach Tom Coughlin

Opening remarks: "I don't have a whole lot to say about this. I thought we prepared much better than we played. Obviously in the first half many teams suffer with [the Eagles'] initial 15 plays and I thought we did too. We settled down a little bit, but we weren't able to make anything happen. Offensively, there is just nothing to show for the evening. We didn't do well with our punt protection. We were slow to get the ball off and we had a couple balls blocked and tipped and so on and so forth. We were looking to do something to create a little energy there in the second half. We had the ball in the endzone and [there was] a penalty. We tried to get the ball in the endzone again and unfortunately [WR] Victor [Cruz] got hurt on that play. So it was just, it starts right here at the top. Very, very poor performance. I take full responsibility for it. And there's not a lot to say about it. Not a lot to say."

On whether the penalties resulted from guys trying to do some more things to make something happen in the game: "I hope we all were trying to make something happen because we were struggling to make something happen. But we did get a couple of turnovers. But we weren't able to do much with them."

On what the Eagles were doing to get to the quarterback: "Other than play hard, they got on the edge on us a bunch. Our tackles had a tough time. So until I see the film, I didn't see anything except they played. They stayed in their base defense a little bit on first down, even against the three wides. When they did bring their sub-package in, the outside backers just became the ends and we were well aware of that. We did run some games inside and I think we may have gotten some people free a couple of times on that. I didn't think we played well up front at all. And I really don't know what the answer to that is. I'll let you know when I look at the tape. We practiced well. We were excited about playing in the division. We were excited about coming down here and playing a meaningful football game. But we don't have anything to show for it."

On whether he was talking about the Eagles' defense or his own team when he talked about playing hard: "I'm talking about them. You want to know if something magical happened? I don't think it did. I think they just played. They played hard and they made things happen and we weren't able to stop them."


On how big of a loss Cruz is:** "Oh, it's incredible. Huge loss."

On what he said to Cruz as he was down on the field: "I didn't really have the chance. I was standing there with him, but it wasn't a good situation, a good scene."

On whether it's impossible to stop his team from having an emotional breakdown after an injury like Cruz's happens: "Victor is certainly extremely popular…. The respect a lot of the players have for him is tremendous and when something like that happens, everyone is grieved. You know, everyone feels badly for him, even the players on the other team. But we're expected to go on and we tried and as I said, didn't have a lot to show for it."

On the Eagles controlling the pace at the beginning of the game: "They do that. They played very well in their – what should we call it – top 15. And after that, they settled down a little bit. When they started making substitutions, it settled down a little bit. But there was no doubt that they had success early on. But they do have success in those games with that first 15 and that pace is a very rapid pace. But after that, they settled back down to speeds that we're accustomed to working with each other. Their execution was very, very good."

On the injury of CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie: "Spasms. I think he had back spasms and came out."

QB Eli Manning

On how tough it was to get momentum going from the start of the game: "Yeah, it was tough. We got off to a good start with the first play with the completion to [WR] Victor [Cruz] but then after that we just had a lot of sacks, had penalties. We were kind of stuck in third. It felt like we were stuck in third and 20 a lot. It just seemed to be going backwards. They definitely won the physical battle and played a lot better than we did and we just didn't have any answers for them."

On how tough it was to be trying to make something happen and gain momentum on drives but then encountering a penalty or a turnover at a bad time: "Yeah, I mean I thought we did a few good things. We'd have a first down or have a little momentum and then just kind of got a bad play. Like you said, have a sack or have a penalty. We just got stuck in third and very long and it was just hard to convert on third downs. They did a good job defensively of changing some things up and having a good plan, but I think more than anything we hurt ourselves a lot of times and they made some nice plays."

On the emotional impact of seeing Cruz get injured, given what he's meant to him for the past three years: "It's tough. You never want to see a player go down. The tough part about this game is injuries, especially when guys are down for a long time and in pain. You don't like to see that, especially a buddy of mine and a guy that we've been through a lot together. I'm thinking about Victor and hopefully he can heal up quickly, whether surgery is involved or whatnot. I don't know all the details, but hopefully he can heal up quickly and get back to playing football."


On if he said anything to Cruz after his injury:** "It was tough to say anything to him. I went there and patted him on the shoulder, but he was in some pain and it wasn't a great opportunity. Anything I would have said, he wouldn't have heard me."

On how his team overcomes the loss of Cruz in the lineup: "We don't have an option, we have to. Obviously, someone's going to have to fill that role whether it's in the slot or just being a leader. We're missing a captain with him. We have some guys that are going to have to fill in in that slot position and make some plays for us. I don't know exactly how it will be done. We'll figure that out with coaches whether they'll move some guys around or get [WR] Odell [Beckham Jr.] in the slot some or what we want to do. We'll find a way to keep playing and make plays and hopefully play better than we did today."

On how tough of a loss and setback this is after doing things well up to this point in the season: "I think it's a good reminder that you can't just show up on the field and have things go well for you automatically. You've got to earn it. I don't think our practices were bad. I thought our practices were good all week and we were prepared. It's just a matter of we got outplayed, we got out performed, and we got out physicaled and they made more plays than we did and we've got to get back to having a great week of practice and get our focus back on what we have to do to go out on gameday and play better."

On whether it shocked him at times of how quickly the pressure was on him: "They did a good job. They got good pressure and we didn't win many one-on-one matchups. And then a couple others. They just had good coverage and I held the ball a little too long and I have to do a better job on some instances of getting the ball out and getting through my progressions a little quicker. We'll look at the film and figure out what went wrong on all those plays that went bad and get better from it."

On what the Eagles did that they were able to get the pressure on him and have eight sacks during the game with seven being on him: "It wasn't anything that confused us. It wasn't any looks that we weren't prepared for. It wasn't like they were bringing bizarre blitzes that we hadn't seen. We should have had a hat for every guy who was coming. It was just a matter of coverage. They had pretty good coverage and passed off some crossing routes and each one's a little different. It's not all on the offensive line. Some of it is definitely on me and I've got to do a better job of getting the ball out quicker and going through my progressions."

RT Justin Pugh

On his lack of discipline: "I let one play affect the next play and that's something you can't do. So that's where it starts. I'm going to have to go look at the tape. Obviously, I set a bad tone. You can't let up a sack, and more importantly you can't let up a strip sack. I let that affect me throughout the game and you can't do that. You have to forget those plays and drive on, and I think penalties hurt us. It's probably the worst game I've ever played, hands down. It's not even close."


On not giving QB Eli Manning enough time:** "You don't want to see your quarterback getting hit. We know what he can do when we give him time, and we didn't give him time tonight at all, and that starts with me. I played poorly, and that's probably not even a good enough word to describe how bad I played. So I'm going to learn from this and I'm going to work my ass off, and I can guarantee you that."

On getting shutout as an offense: "I think we didn't get off to the best start. We were behind, we had our chances. I know obviously it doesn't look like that but if we score when the defense got the turnovers, who knows. The defense played great. We just have to put that ball in the end zone."

On the injury to WR Victor Cruz: "It's awful to see someone get hurt. It just felt like everything was going wrong for us tonight. Again, it starts with me. I have to get better right now for us to win games."

RB Andre Williams

On his "rude introduction" to what division games can be like: "I guess you could call it a rude introduction. I think we just didn't execute like we wanted to. You've got to give it up to the Eagles defense. They played a great game and were getting in the backfield. We just have to get back in the film room and figure out what went wrong."

On the Giants costly penalties: "Penalties always hurt you. They take away field position and kill your momentum. They hurt us a lot. We were doing really well in penalties per game. I think we were down to two or three last week. I don't even know how many we had this week but it was way too many. We just have to get back this week and get ready for Dallas."

On the injury to WR Victor Cruz: "Victor is an integral part of our offense and we are hurting without him. My prayers are going up for him and I'm praying for a quick recovery for him."

On what went wrong in the running game tonight: "I couldn't tell you. We have to get in the film room and figure out what went wrong. I think it was just a lack of execution on our part."

WR Odell Beckham Jr.

On the injury to WR Victor Cruz: "The other receivers have to step up and fill his roll. Just do it to the best of our ability. All of the receivers have to step up and start making some plays. It's tough when it's a guy who wears that 'C' on his chest. He's a captain, he's our leader and he's your big brother. To see him go down, you just feel for him no matter what team you are on. Rivalry or not, you feel for a guy like that. It's also tough because he was the older guy in the room. He's been here. Not much needs to be said, but it is Victor Cruz, period. He's one of the top guys in the league and it's just part of the game of football."

DE Jason Pierre-Paul

On the devastating injury to WR Victor Cruz: "It's a tough loss. We're going to keep him in our prayers. But it's a tough loss and someone else has to do the job that he does for us."

On what went wrong in tonight's loss: "To be honest, Philly was the more physical team tonight. They beat us up front. They beat us in all areas of the game, special teams, offense and defense. They were the most physical team tonight and they came out to win."

On being surprise with how the Eagles were the more physical team: "We're not surprised, we just hurt ourselves. We have to do a better job and tonight we did not do a better job. You can see it out on the field, we came out sluggish and we finished sluggish. They were the more physical team and that's all I can say. We have to move onto the next one, which is another huge one. We have to get back to practice and get ready for Dallas. They beat us and we have to put that behind us and get ready for Dallas."


On being able to recover emotionally after the injury to WR Victor Cruz:** "As I stated already, at the end of the day we are praying for him, hopefully he gets well and the next person has to step up. We can't depend on one person. This is the game of football, you never know when you are going to be injured and it's just sad it had to be him. We are going to keep him in our prayers but we have to worry about the Cowboys."

On the performance of the Eagles offense: "They did what we thought they would do. We just did not come out playing more physical. They were the better team today and they showed it and they won this football game. At the end of the day, it hurts because it was a division game but we have to move onto the next one. If we keep dwelling on this one, we are going to go out and lose the next one."

CB Prince Amukamara

On the performance of the Eagles offense: "I would just say they out-executed us, it's just as simple as that. They were just the better team today."

On his feeling after the injury to WR Victor Cruz: "You never want to see one of your players go down like that. We just knew it was serious when we could see that he was not able to get up."


On the team's morale being low after a game like this:** "Yeah, it's definitely a down moment. Last time we were like this was after the game last year at home versus the Seahawks. It just sucks. Just with everything going on earlier in the week, with the back and forth between both teams. Then with the way they came out and the way we came out, it does not sit too well with us."

On losing a player like WR Victor Cruz: "It just one of those thing where the next man has to step up but we were already at a point in the game where it was pretty ugly and then to add that on top of it, we just were unable to regroup."

LB Jon Beason

On what a game like this does to the team after having built some momentum: "Any time you lose a game in the division it's tough. It's like two games. Everything was in front of us, everything is still in front of us so the most disappointing part was the outcome. You're going to lose games in this league but the way we lost today, handedly in all three phases coming out flat, we lost the physical battle, the energy. It's just a disappointment all around, but at the same time you have to have a short memory and then we move on. We have a big game at Dallas next week so we don't have much time to sulk over this."

On how tough it was to make something happen and gain momentum on drives but then encountering a penalty or a turnover at a bad time: "Usually, we're a smarter team. I remember looking up at one point in the game and it was eight penalties to one. We're not going to win very many games like that. We lost a big play battle. You stop them and then they hit you with a play that it's moreso on us in terms of lack of execution. Without looking at the tape, we feel like [it's] on us."


On whether the Eagles did anything that surprised them:** "They did a great job of breaking tendencies. Any time you get ready for a game, you choose a four game breakdown. We had some 100% tips and they did a great job of completely throwing us out the window, hitting us with a couple new wrinkles, and they were able to be successful."

On how the team rallies and moves forward after losing Cruz: "That's the hardest part about this game. It's unforgiving. You line up and you dress 46 guys. You get [WR] Odell [Beckham Jr.] back, I'm back, and then all of a sudden you lose a guy who's a huge part of our offense and Victor Cruz—I don't know how bad it is but it looked pretty grave. You know, it's next man up. That's the nature of this business."

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