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Postgame Quotes (11/9): Coughlin, Beckham, Pierre-Paul


(Thoughts on the game…) "It's a four quarter game. The first half was played very well. We came in at halftime with a lead as you well know. In the second half, we continued to not tackle very well and be able to contain the quarterback. We had a couple of different schemes we continued to utilized in regard to that but none of them seemed to work. Offensively we had the ball in the middle of the field three or four times but didn't push it beyond that, and obviously didn't score. So we all share in that one, it's hard to believe what you saw in the second half."

(Thoughts on the second half compared to the first half…) "I think that there was great disappointment and disillusionment. We didn't tackle the runner or contain the quarterback or move the ball past midfield. I thought there was an opportunity with that one drive in the third quarter that was aided by penalties. It certainly looked like we were in a position to move in and then we got the holding penalty and then that made that drive. Then we hadn't turned the ball over at all. I thought the timing of the play was disrupted and then the ball was thrown down the field. It just seemed like there were people in position to cover the play. I'm sure that ill-advised is the phrase that you could use. But obviously we were trying to make something happen. I gave them (Seattle) one touchdown. That one you can put that one right on me. It was five something to go and we were down two scores and we needed to keep the ball going with a drive. Then we needed to make a first down and try and score and get the onside kick and go again. But on fourth down we obviously didn't get what looked like a pass interference call on the other side of the field."

(How did the x's and o's go for you, compared to last week…) "For whatever reason the second half didn't include those kind of plays. I thought there were a lot of good plays in the first half. We started off with the interception that was great field position. We made a lot of plays. Odell (Beckham) made some plays. We moved the football and got ourselves down the field. But in the second half we didn't make many of those plays."

(Can you explain Seattle having 350 rushing yards…) "I don't know about outsmarting us. We obviously didn't tackle the inside play too well…The quarterback coming around the corner off of different play action's was effective. I will have to look at it myself but we worked on plays of that nature all week. The dive, the keep and the zone read. Some of that was off the zone read, some was off just pure naked looks."

(Talk about Beckham's performance…) "Well I know about the first half. Obviously I don't have a lot of good recollection of things that took place in the second half. I thought that because of that we were doing some good things. I thought people were doing some different things. We were spreading the ball around. We actually had some running yardage as well. Like I said its four quarters, that's the only problem I have. The game isn't played in a half, its played in four quarters. Those that usually win have the fourth quarter to show for it. I felt good about the fourth quarter to be honest with you, until we started the turning the ball over thing. When that happens for us for whatever reason, even though they had some turnovers as well, it take us in that kind of bad direction."

(What is reasonable expectation for your team at this point…) "We'll go one game at a time. After last week's game, we talked about was improvement. We had to get better, we had to do things better. I thought in the first half we did show improvement. Obviously there is more work to be done there. Everybody is going to be disappointed, everybody is going to be embarrassed and rightfully so. But somehow, someway, we have to come back together because once again we have a very difficult opponent next week.


(Opening Statement…) "Yeah, we just had some mistakes and didn't make any plays second half. We had a few pretty good drives where we got right around midfield, and then we just didn't make plays and they did. We had two plays that I can think of where I didn't make the plays I needed to. We had a third and 9 where I scrambled out and missed Rueben (Randle) and had the interception on first down. One just didn't make the play and the other a very bad decision on the interception, just late and (we) can't afford to do that."

(On the interception in the end zone…) "It just came up. It's football, and it just happens sometimes. I thought I was going to be able to hit Larry (Donnell) down the seam, kind of got held up on him a little bit. I went outside, just a bad decision on me."

(Continued on interception…) "I was trying to hit Larry on the seam and I went to Odell way too late. It was just a bad decision."

(On what went well…) "I thought the running game was a little better. We were getting some positive yards and doing some things there, so I thought that was good. We had a couple big plays, some third down conversions, to Preston Parker and to Odell (Beckham) and then to Odell on the deep one. So we had a pretty good rhythm going, moving the pocket around, and I thought for most of the day I thought we a lot of third and manageable situations, so more first downs and converted more first downs. I think the last couple weeks we have been stuck in third and eights, nines, and tens, and more than that for the majority of the time. Today I felt we did better on first and second down and it gave us an opportunity to keep some drives going."

(On what went wrong…) "Not positive. They have good players and a good squad. I thought we had some good drives going. We had one drive where we got backed up, (we were) converting and moving the ball, (but had) a holding call, and that backed us up first and 20 and we don't do a good job of overcoming those mistakes and those penalties."

(On field position…) "Whenever you get good field position, you got to take advantage of it… When you get interceptions and good field position against this team, we knew we had to try to take advantage of that, and to get no points off great field position is disappointing."

(On Odell Beckham performing against Richard Sherman…) "Yeah, Odell played well. He is doing some good things. (I) hit him on a go route off a little playaction on Sherman, and he had a big first down and hit him on an inside go route on Sherman that got us to the three-yard line. He made some big plays for us; he had a couple more third down conversions, finding holes in the defense. He is doing some good things. I thought everybody played hard. I thought Preston Parker made some big plays for us. He had a third down conversion early on and had another one, took a big hit from Earl Thomas and kept going. Guys are doing some good things, and we just have to keep getting better and we can't leave plays out there on the field and we can't make mistakes."

(On winning the turnover battle…) "They are a good team and they are a good defense. One turnover led to no points for us, and when they turned the ball over on the interception they went down and scored and took the lead. You have to take advantage of the turnovers—they did and we didn't."


(On the defense's performance…) "We made mistakes—that's part of the game. [There were] big mistakes that cost us the game."

(On giving up 350 rushing yards...) "It's embarrassing. At the same time, we made big mistakes. In the second half, we had the lead and came back out and they (focused on) the run. We just made big mistakes."

(On the issues defending the read option…) "I don't even know, I'll have to look at the film to see."

(On Russell Wilson…) "We knew he was going to run the ball, but not like that. He did a great job of running the ball. What can I say? He's a great quarterback."


(On the outlook of the defense….)** "We'll be OK, we'll be OK."

(On Marshawn Lynch…) "He's a good running back. He's a good running back and big ups to him. He had a great game today. I don't know how many yards he had, but he's a great running back. I missed a couple tackles—I know I have to do a better job of tackling. They are a good team, they did win the Super Bowl last year, but that's no excuse. They're a good team and they won the battle today."

(On coming back for next week…) "We'll be all right, we'll be all right. We just have to get it right. We have seven games left. Anything can happen."

(On specific holes of the defense…) "I don't know, I got to go back and study the film to see."

(On halftime adjustments…) "I don't know, I was in the bathroom."

(On the team's intensity…) "We did good. There were a whole bunch of mistakes we did as a defense. It started with me, I have to go back and look at the film, and see what I did wrong, I know I missed a couple of tackles for loss. I know I have to make those plays. It started with me and I have to go back and see the film in the morning and we'll get it right."h



(On Seattle's rushing attack…)** "It seemed like they just had the whole field to run on—it was bad."

(On his calf injury…) "I came through all right. It was tough out there. It was still sore. I fought through it. I tried to help the team in any way I can."

(On practicing this week…) "I had practiced a lot on it. I tried to go through most of the plays on situations—tried to make sure I had reach and everything—so when I got to the game I didn't have to think about it too much."


(On the frustrations of the fourth quarter…) "We were frustrated, but you got to go out there and play the game, finish the game. It was a tough loss, so right now I am just trying to move forward."


(On Marshawn Lynch…)** "It's tough to bring him down with one guy. We had to be a group as a unit; (we had to get) at least get two, three guys to tackle him him. He's a good running back and they have a good quarterback in Russell Wilson. It was tough for us today… we got to get ready for next week."

(On the rushing attack of Lynch and Wilson…) "Definitely one of the best, hardest combinations to stop. But as a defense you got to go out there and do your job and execute, and we didn't do that today."

(On improving…) "I feel like you got to dig deep inside and beat the man in front of you. To beat the man in front of you, you have a chance to make the play. We are going to watch film to see what we got to do to get better."


(On if Seattle made any adjustments on offense...) "To be honest with you, I don't think they made any adjustments. At the end of the day, they were just running their game play as far as the read-draw. They just ride it, ride it, ride it, and then he'll (Wilson) will take it out and run with it. And that's tough."

(On any adjustments the Giants made in the second half to counter the read-option...) "We did. We came in and made some adjustments. We added some calls and stuff like that to help us out as far as him getting outside of the pocket. But at the end of the day we just didn't execute or get the job done."

(On how he felt about that...) "It's tough. We're trying to win a game, and at the end of the day we have opportunities in the first half we looked good, especially defensively. They were moving the ball and we were stopping them, getting turnovers and stuff like that. In the second half, it was bad. It went from sugar to sh*t. We have to get ready for San Francisco."


(On how Russell Wilson went uncontained...) "There were a number of things. There were some missed tackles, myself included, some missed assignments, a number of issues. We can spread the blame around. I take my full share of the responsibility. When you are assigned to a specific play, you need to make a play."

(On if the team was ready for the game...) "Of course. This is the NFL. People are going to make plays. The game is all about going out there and fighting to make plays, fighting and pulling it out when the game is there to be won."

(On the play of Marshawn Lynch...) "You have to give him credit. Tough guy. He ran hard. He deserved every yard he got because he worked for it. As a defender, we have to be better than that, play better than that, make sure it never happens again."

(On the rest of the season and New York's chances...) "Of course. We are not going to waver. We are not going to start looking down. We have to take it one game at a time. Come back, show up and take the criticism from the coaching staff and make sure we keep working hard. in order to get everything right. We have to get the ship righted. That's all that matters right now."

(On what makes the read-option hard to defend...) "They have good personnel running it. It came outof different formations and things like that. We have to go back and look at the film. You have assignments and things like that, and after that you have to get the ball on the ground."


(On the frustration of the defense…) "Absolutely. This is a technical game. Every game has an assignment, has something that needs to be done in order for the defense to be successful. Obviously we failed at that tremendously today, especially in the run game. They ran one play—inside read, inside zone all day. A read play, couldn't stop it, didn't have an answer for it for whatever reason. There's a guy that's supposed to be on the quarterback and the running back dive at all times. It just seemed like if one guy did a job right, another guy did a job wrong. We just got to get better from it… (we need to be) playing more physical, beyond x's and o's. In the first half I think we did OK, and the second half was very poor."

(On if the defensive performance was embarrassing…) "I think it's a little bit worse than embarrassing. I have been playing this game for 10 years and I've never had anyone run for 350 yards on me. No matter how bad or good of a team we've been, it's extremely frustrating. We got to get better. There's no if's, and's or but's about it, there's no excuses; we have to get better. Everyone—players, coaches—we have to find an answer because whatever we're doing the answer is not there. We have to stick together as a team (and we have to) keep believing. That's what this game is about. We don't hang out heads, we don't give up; we never give up no matter how hard the times may get, and just keep pushing forward. That's about it."

(On Rodgers-Cromartie saying the defense is not physical enough…) "Absolutely, I think he is absolutely right. It is a combination of being (outmatched physically), playing technique assignment football, and just wanting to make that play. Our defense is based on everyone doing their job, doing their assignment. What you saw out today, especially in the second half, you saw a clear-cut case of that not taking place. You can't have that, especially in our defensive scheme, because you get handled just the way we did in the second half. We got handled, there's no way about it. We didn't get one stop; we didn't do anything right in the second half."

(On what went wrong…) "Every defense presses. Every defense goes hard, that's what football is all about. Like I said, it's about having an assignment and doing your job. It's that simple. You can't beat yourself in that league and we've been doing that for quite some time now. If you have to dive, take the dive. If you have the quarterback, take the quarterback."

(On the reason for missed assignments…) "I don't know what it is. As a player when I go out on the field, there's only so much you can see. We all have a responsibility to do. My coaches told me, 'Antrel I know it's hard,' because I have had to wear so many hats, 'just go out there and do your job, be the best player you can be.' I think I did a good job of that today. I think I was normally in the right place at the right time, and I think we did a great job of communicating on the back end, but when you're running that ball and gassing you like that, I don't have answer for it. Whether it was guys not doing their job and not being in the place they're supposed to be and not taking the quarterback. They ran the same play all day; they ran the same play all day long. We just have to get better."

(On the positives of the first half…) "I think in the first half I think we went out there and played Giants football the way it is supposed to be played. We said that they are going to make some plays, but it's about overcoming and staying strong. No matter what plays they make, we are going to make a bigger play; we are going to stay strong. I think we did that on offense and defense in the first half. For whatever reason in the second half, it just seemed like a total shift of gears. I am not saying we didn't play with heart or passion, I just think that defensively we didn't play as smart. I felt like in our defensive game we didn't have an answer or reason for what they were doing, and they won the physical battle in the second half."

(On the team's passion and heart…) "As a football player being in the locker room there are a lot of things a player sees that a coach can't see or maybe some things that a coach sees that a player can't see… I think it goes further and beyond heart. It goes to how badly do you want to win? How hard are you willing to dig in order to get a win? That means throughout the week in your preparation, that means doing extra, that means studying extra, that means putting forth the time and effort to make sure you're doing the right thing. Not just sometimes, but all times. That's where we are behind the ball on this football team. We have to do the right thing all the time. The good teams that win are the teams that are doing it the majority of the time. Right now we aren't doing that as a team. Heart, a lot of times just have it naturally, and a lot of times people have to get it, they have to from feed off from someone. It's kind of hard to get it from someone when you're constantly behind. We are constantly in a battle, we are constantly not playing the way we are capable of playing… This is an emotional game here. If you're not upset about what is taking place right now then you don't need to be in. It's embarrassing as a team, it's embarrassing as an organization, and I honestly feel that we are better than what we've playing and than what we've been displaying. Then again, those are words. Actions speak louder than words any day of the week and our actions are not living up to what we believe our potential is as a team."


(On what occurred during the interception...) "I was trying to go up and get the ball. That's one of the best corners in the league. It just didn't get tipped to the right spot."

(On if was trying to play defensive back on the play...) "First and foremost, I was trying to catch it. But I didn't get the opportunity to do that, so I tried my best to get it away from anybody else and get it down, but that wasn't the case."* *(On if he knew two defenders were in the area...)

"Like I said, I was trying to catch it. He was in great position. You've just got to tip your hat sometimes."* *(On if he thought he had a shot at catching the pass...)

"The window of opportunity closed quickly. But that's NFL football. Some [inaudible] are too late, some are too early, and you never know what's going to happen. He gave me a chance to make a play, and I put that on me. I should have made the play, or at least it shouldn't have been an interception. So I don't put that on Eli at all. Those are opportunities you live for. Unfortunately we didn't come up with that one, but it's not the end."*(On what he thought of his chances to make a catch...) *

"Any that's in the air around me, as a receiver, your mentality is you're going to catch it. So it doesn't matter if it's 10 feet over your head and you're trying to go up and get it. The mentality is, if it's around me, I'm going to catch it."* *(On if he was trying to tip it to himself...)

"No, I was trying to catch it."* *(On if he tried to catch it with one hand...)

"Whatever you can do with the ball. If you can't catch it, you've got to bring it down. Like I said, he was in great position. I was trying to get around him, but he did a great job."* *(On if throwing at Richard Sherman was part of the game plan...)

"We didn't look and say, 'We're going to throw it at Sherman.' It was just whoever was on that side and whatever play we called, whether it was Maxwell or [inaudible]. I didn't really matter who it was.When you go up against a great defense like that you can't just sit back and not try to attack anything. You have to go at them. I think we did a great job of that tonight. We didn't execute as well in the second half." (On if the pick influenced the momentum of the game...) "It's the home of the 12th Man, you know? They get a play like that and they're supposed to be loud. I still think there were times in the game when the game was nowhere near over. As a team, you just have to keep fighting. (On if the sudden change in the game surprised him...) "That's what it is, it's momentum. You're in Seattle, and they have the crowd behind them. The atmosphere was kind of surreal, to see the rain coming down in the home of their 12th Man. They kind of get that momentum, and they took it and ran with it."

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