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Postgame Quotes (12/28): Manning, Beckham Jr., Randle

Head Coach Tom Coughlin

…To be inside the green zone three times and kick field goals, that hurt. Obviously, you're thinking that that's going to come back and haunt you, the block I mean. [Right away in the third quarter], a blocked punt, not only a blocked punt, but it ends up being in the endzone for a touchdown; that hurt. The penalties, the untimeliness, we had a ball in the endzone, we obviously got called for holding. I thought our defense battled. Their first score was right down the field and score, but once we settled down, we did a decent job of holding them. I'm not sure what the number of punts were or anything like that. We did have some three and outs, which was very good and put ourselves in position. Hey, at the half, we had probably twice as much time of possession as Philadelphia did and that was part of the plan. That's the way you have to go about trying to defend them is keeping them on the sideline. Again, we had some chances, we did not rush the ball the way we intended to rush the ball. That's a long-playing album. One week we run the ball pretty well, the next week we don't run it very well. Never. We had two runs, at one point, inside the five-yard line and didn't gain much of anything in terms of yardage. That continues to be an issue. We had a lot of yards and did a lot of things very well offensively. [However], not enough. Defensively, again, I say we had a good plan, the plan was well taught. I thought we did a pretty good job, although you always say you're going to try to stop the run. They had a lot of run yardage as it turns out. I think we put ourselves in position to win the game there. Special teams was kind of a back and forth, fair catch for most of the day. Kickoffs were boomed out of the endzone. Some cases returnable, but to the 20-yard line. So, the difference being the block. Josh Brown hits that 53-yard field goal, that's big now. Momentarily, you're not worried about the two-point conversion anymore. They get it back, we had plenty of time. We had three minutes and some seconds. We had one timeout. We needed a touchdown and a two-point play and we get an interception at the end of the game, which was very untimely. We had taken good care of the ball. For the most part, pass protection was good. We blocked the pressures pretty well, got the ball thrown where we wanted to, but in the long run, it wasn't enough.


Q: What was your assessment of the interception Eli [Manning] threw at the end? Was it him underthrowing or getting enough air up underneath it? **
A: It was an interception.

Q: What happens to you now in terms of evaluation of the team, your own status? What are the next few days like?
A: We are going to evaluate our team, just like we always do. We're going to present, along with pro personnel, to the owners an evaluation of our players and take it from there. If there's anything else, it will be initiated by ownership.

Q: In terms of your own status?
A: I just said, I'm going to go about my business, just as I always do, until I'm told otherwise.

Q: Has there ever been a thought by you at all whether you wanted to continue or is it a no-brainer that you would like to continue coaching?
A: I'm not going to share any of those kinds of thoughts.

Q: On the second possession where they overruled the interception and called pass interference, you got vocal and entered onto the field. Any sense of what was going on and what got you so irate?
A: I saw what everybody else in the stands saw. I don't know. I think he said he grabbed the jersey. Now if he grabbed the jersey, that's the call, no matter what the play is. That's the way the rule's been interpreted this year. I didn't see the jersey get grabbed. When Beckham went to the post and got hit on both sides by defenders, I wondered what happened to the five-yard rule. I saw more contact there than I did some other spots. But if you grab the jersey, I have no problem with that. That's what the rule is. You grab the jersey, you're going to get called.

Q: Do you want to see your coaching staff return in tact?
A: Yes, but I'm not going to say anything more about that or anything else today.

Q: When you have Eli throw the ball that many times, does that put too much pressure on him?
A: It puts too much pressure on any quarterback. You've got to have something to balance off. We had some five-yard runs, but we didn't have enough of them.

Q: Do you have any idea what happened on the far sideline with Odell when he got hit late and there was no call, then he took off his helmet. Did you see that and were you shocked by that sequence?
A: My thought, without sitting there and having a great view, was that he was helmet to helmet with him. I think that's what caused him to take the helmet off. He must've got around and talked to him about it. But that's what it looked like to me. Again, I wasn't over there. I'm not standing on that sideline.

Q: Overall, how would you assess the season?
A: Disappointing. How else do you want me to say it? Not enough wins, too many losses. Just close enough.

Q: After Odell scored the touchdown, when you guys got the ball back, he wasn't in for the first two plays.
A: He was sick on he sideline. He was ill and was vomiting and so on and so forth. They held him. He didn't come back with a lot of strength right there.

Q: Do you think this is heading in the right direction? Do you want to see it through?
A: I've said three times I'm not going to say anything about it. I think it's headed in the right direction, yeah.

Q: How would you assess the season Eli had?
A: I think he got much better. I think he really got to perform in this scheme well. I think he understands it. He has the ability to adjust pretty much everything, including the protections and placing personnel and snapping the ball, and having all these things going. I think it suits him to a tee. That's how he plays his best and that's what he wants to do. I do believe that he's worked his way through the system, he's playing well within the system right now, and let's face it, we didn't win the game, but I think that's two 500-yard games in a row. Something was being done. Now was the percentage the way you'd like it? Probably not. But there were some deep shots that we wanted to take. We wanted the one-on-ones and we wanted to take some shots and we did. Unfortunately, most of them were not completions and they go in the book as incomplete. But it was part of what we wanted to do.

Q: What do you say when you think about Beckham's final numbers with 91 catches, over 1,300 yards and 12 touchdowns in 12 games.
A: I think he's an outstanding young player with a bright career and future. There's a lot that goes into it. His first year and first time out on the field, as he's learning, you can only anticipate bigger and better things.

QB Eli Manning

Q: What happened when you threw your interception?
A: It was just underthrown. Rueben read the coverage right. They were jumping the outside route. He converted it to a go. I just couldn't get enough on the throw. I saw it clean. They were in a quarters coverage. There should have been a window out there to hit the throw to Rueben. I couldn't step into the throw. The ball floated up a little bit. I left it a little inside and let the safety make a play on it. It wasn't a bad read. It was just kind of a poor throw based on the circumstances.

Q: Have you seen enough the last six weeks to really believe that the team is headed in the right direction?
A: I think from the offensive standpoint, I feel like we definitely made strides and we're playing pretty good football here at the end of the year. I thought we moved the ball really well tonight. We were getting completions, hitting some big plays tonight. I think we definitely got a lot better and we're playing at a high level, scoring points. We can always play better. We can always do some things better, but I feel like we're definitely going in the right direction and with another year under this and coming into the spring with a better understanding with what's going on, we'll be that much stronger.


Q: I assume you don't want to have any coaching changes. **
A: I would hope not, but that is not my decision. Whatever happens, hopefully we'll come back and figure it out, but I think we have a great coaching staff. They've done a great job this year and as players, we've got to do our part better.

Q: What was the problem in the red zone today?
A: We've been pretty good in the red zone this year. I think we're in the top 10 in scoring. We've been getting touchdowns down there. Today, we had a good play call early on. I had Odell on a corner route… kind of what we expected. We had the right play and everything. I haven't seen the film. I probably could have thrown a better ball, but I had a shot to convert that one. We had another one down there and we get a penalty. We had a 15-yard penalty on the two-yard line, so that's always going to make it very difficult to score in those scenarios. I can't remember what happened on the other one. We had a touchdown to Rueben called back on a big play and the other penalty that I just talked about. That's two penalties right there really taking away a lot of points. That hurt us.

Q: Have you seen something different in Rueben Randle the last three games?
A: He's played well. He played well today. He's made a lot of tough catches for us. He went up and got the ball. He was winning his matchups. No. That's what he can do. When you get him involved early in the game, it seems to help him out a little bit more and it gets him going. We got him involved early and he made some big plays for us.

Q: Has anyone in team management asked you if you want to continue in this system?
A: No. Everything so far this season has just been you're getting ready for the next game. We've been focused on Philadelphia and the upcoming games. Nothing else has been discussed besides getting ready for that upcoming game.

Q: When did you become comfortable with the new offense this season?
A: There were times when things were clicking and we were playing well - the Atlanta game, the Washington game early on. And then we just went through a little stretch where we weren't playing bad football; we weren't quite up to where we needed to be. We had a lot of close games. We had a little stretch where we lost three or four close games in a row and so we just didn't find a way to win in the fourth quarter and make the plays that we needed, kind of like today. We needed to make more plays. We had opportunities, but in the important times. we didn't execute as well as we needed to.

Q: If they asked you now if you want to continue in this offensive system, what would you say?
A: I'm going to support my coaches. I think Coach Coughlin is an excellent coach and he deserves to be the coach and we've got to play better for him.

Q: How much does it mean to you to stay in the same offense?
A: I felt good in the offense. We did some good things. We scored points. We're good in the red zone. We threw more touchdowns. We threw fewer interceptions. We threw for a lot of yards. There was a higher completion percentage. I felt very good in the offense and I hope that I can stay in it and we'll go from there.

WR Rueben Randle

Q: Eli just said you made the right read on the interception. Did you think that it was six?
A: For me? Yeah, of course. I felt like it was Cover 2 and the route converted was cover 2 and the ball kind of got in the light a little bit and I didn't see the safety there, so I could've made a play on it, but just an unfortunate situation.


Q: Just talk about the way you were able to finish this season off. Even though the team didn't finish, you finished. **
A: Well, that's always been pretty good, man. I just wanted to finish strong and that's just the main point about it. I didn't want to end on a bad note, at least for myself, so I just try to come out and give my all and just leave on a positive note.

Q: What's been the biggest difference for you?
A: Probably just more opportunities and just taking advantage of it. I just want to come out here and make plays, as many plays as possible, and that's what I tried to do the last couple of weeks.

Q: When that ball was in the air on the last play, you said the lights kind of got in the way of it, did you think you were getting it?
A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. It kind of threw me off a little bit when it hit the lights. Like I said, just an unfortunate break for us.

Q: How do you assess when you take a step back? Do you assess the end of the season? Do you look at the big picture?
A: You look at everything, man. The good, the bad, what we can fix just to get better to come back next year and be a better team and get some more wins and hopefully be in the playoffs.

Q: Is it hard for a player to look at it with a critical eye, other than yourself?
A: That's what we're here for. That's part of our job; to criticize ourselves and hopefully get better to help this team win.

Q: As you've learned the new offense throughout the course of the year and then the team started to get more production, and you got more production, is this something that you're comfortable with?
A: Yeah, man, it's just unfortunate we waited so late to get going. Like I said, we've just got to build on what we started at the end of this season and bring it to next year.

Safety Antrel Rolle Postgame vs. Philadelphia, December 28, 2014

Q: What would you take away from this year?
A: To get off to a better start, we have to get off to a better start as a team. Be a little more resilient as a team when we are facing adversity. Just coming together, all three phases of the game, offense, defense, special teams, and trying to execute your assignment. RE: On being better.
A: I think we can be better in lot areas. Sometimes we start fast, and we finish slow, sometimes we start slow and finish fast. I think it took us a while to find our groove and even through the season, we were inconsistent at times. I think we gave up way too many big plays in the beginning of the season. That is something we must work on.

Q: Have you given yourself a chance to think that this may be your last game as a Giant?
A: I've been through this process once before and I think you just have to take it…If this is my last game as a Giant, I am very appreciative, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I have had a wonderful five years here and I gave the team every single inch that I have. I gave them every single thing I had. We will see once the offseason comes, once we figure out what it is we need to do. Hopefully we can come to an agreement and get something done and I can remain a Giant.


Q: How much do you want to stay here? **
A: I want to stay here. I definitely want to stay here. I feel like we are building something, although we haven't had the season that we wanted to have. We are still building something. I think there is a lot of room for us to grow with what we have accomplished thus far. I would love to be a part of that. I think I am a huge part of it and I will love to stay a part of that and keep things going.

Q: Your record doesn't say with the arrow is pointing up. Why do you say the arrow is pointing up?
A: For the fact that I know where we have come from. From the beginning to the midpoint this year, finding and having some tough battles through the end of the year. I think something that we were missing for a lot of those games was finish and finishing strong. Even like today, I think we went out there we battled hard, they just got the upper hand on us. I think that is something that we definitely develop and we learn to gel towards the end of the year, which is finish strong.

Q: Do you allow yourself to talk about moving forward in the future as "we, we, we,' or do you need to take a step back?
A: I don't know what the future holds. I would love for it to be a "we," but obviously we don't control that. The only thing I can do is go out there and play between the white lines and give everything I've got, like I have given for the five years that I have been here. We will see what takes place when the offseason hits.

Q: Last year at this time, the owner said the offense was broken and they did a lot of things to fix the offense. What do you think of your offense right now?
A: I think they are definitely making some strides. Once we get everyone back healthy, I think the sky is going to be the limit for those guys. I think we probably started off a little bit slow, but obviously that is to be expected in a new offensive system. I think they definitely picked up towards the middle and the end of the season and finished it off very, very strong.

Q: What about the defense?
A: I think it all works together, with coaches and players. I think defensively we had a lot of key injuries and at the same time, there were times where we probably could have been in better situations as coaches and players. Us players made the plays when the opportunity presented itself. It is never going to be on one person, it's never going to be just on the coach, or for that sake, sometimes even on the player. I think it something that we need to learn from and we need to get it better all around. Collectively, as a group, understand the scheme, learning what you have to do as far as your responsibility. Going out there and executing

WR Odell Beckham Jr.

Q: How would you sum up your first year as a professional?
A: I felt the year went well. There is still so much I can look back on and I wish I could've done that and I wish I could've done this, but it was great to get here and be able to learn and experience things, to get a year of experience underneath my belt and I am looking forward to next year with a smile.


Q: Were you sick before the game or during the game? **
A: I don't know what it was but running around, the weather or whatever it may be, I got nauseous. I was trying to get my stomach and everything else to calm down.

Q: You have continued to take some pretty hard hits, some of them late, are you just expecting them at this point? Is it frustrating for you?
A: I don't think anybody wants to be hit. That is part of the game. It is football. You are going to get hit, whether it is late, early or whatever it is. You are going to get hit. Just get used to it and protect yourself and prepare yourself for a hit.

Q: You seemed pretty upset after the one on the sideline where you took your helmet off… Was that one dirty?
A: I don't know if it was dirty. I didn't see the play. It is not fun to get hit, period. I thought there were some calls that could've went the other way. Today they just didn't. That is part of football. That is part of the game. You play through adversity.

Q: When you took your helmet off, were you upset about the helmet-to-helmet or the appearance of pass interference?
A: Both. Both of them.

Q: Do you think you were fortunate not to get a penalty?
A: That is not my call. That is up to them if they call it. Like I said, there were some calls that could have went the opposite way and they didn't go that way today.

Q: On the play before the touchdown, it also looked like you took a late shot… Was that part of your reaction to the touchdown to throw the ball?
A: Probably. You play with a lot of emotion and a lot of passion. I play with my heart on my sleeve. I do my best to control it, and sometimes it gets the best of me. That is part of the learning experience and learning how to control your emotions and how to play through whatever you want to call it, getting targeted and getting hit and teams trying to take me out. Whatever it is, [I just] have to learn to play through it. That is part of the game.

Q: What led you to do the backpedal before your touchdown?
A: I don't know. I have seen DeSean Jackson do it a million times. He played for the Eagles, so I don't know. I can't really explain it.

Q: Eli [Manning] talked about the growth of the offense over the last couple of games…
A: I definetly have seen us growing in the offense and get rolling. Unfortunately, it is too late. All you can do is look into next year with a smile on your face. Praying for my brother Victor [Cruz] to get healthy and have a return that will be worth the wait. Rueben [Randle], Vic [Cruz], myself. So much to look forward to next year.

Q: Do you think this coaching staff needs to return in tact for this offense to continue to grow?
A: That is not my call. Just roll with the punches and go with it. Whoever is here is here. I love the coaching staff. I love everything we have done this year, except for losing a couple games. That is football. If they do return, I am definitely looking forward to next year still.

Q: How deflating was it when Rueben caught that touchdown and it got called back because of a penalty?
A: It is hard as a receiver for you to catch a touchdown and it gets called back, especially on a long one. One that was much needed. Unfortunately that is how the dice rolled and we got the short end on that one.

Q: You have obviously established a rapport with Eli quickly as a rookie… When you picture playing with him next year and beyond, what do you see?
A: I see a lot of great things. Like I said, we have all those guys, Vic, Rueben, Larry Donnell, whoever it is. All the tight ends. The running backs. The offensive line coming back. Who knows what to expect for next year.

Q: Anyone share with you the records that you broke and if so, what are your thoughts?
A: I think the only thing that I saw was about Michael Irvin and nine games [straight with at least 90 yards receiving]. I don't really know exactly about it. Anytime you get put in a category with a great like that and a Hall of Famer, it is an accomplishment and an honor and a privilege to be on the same boat as him.

Q: What surprised you most in your first year in the NFL?
A: It is a long season. A very long season. They kept telling me that and I felt like when I missed the first four games, I felt like half the season was gone, and I had already missed out on the party. They say it was a long season and they were not kidding.

Q: What would you say is the biggest lesson you have learned this season?
A: Pick your battles. You have guys where if you put a target on your back, sometimes it may not be exactly what you want to do. Learning to control my emotions and control some of that energy, that I use it in a productive manner.

DE Jason Pierre-Paul

Q: Not a bad way to finish the season for you personally?
A: I did okay. I could've done better.

Q: Do you want to be back next year?
A: Of course. Why wouldn't I?

Q: How much do you even let it enter your head that this could be your last game as a Giant?
A: I am pretty sure it is probably not. Like I said Friday, I don't know what the future holds, but I went out there and played great today and my teammates played great. We didn't play great enough to win this game. It pisses us off that we lost. It is what it is. Everyone is holding their heads up high. We know what we have here.


Q: Now that the season is over, how do you sum up what you guys were able to do this year? **
A: We did an amazing job of bouncing back from the losing streak that we had. Guys all stuck together as family. We are all brothers and we hold each other accountable. We did a great job. It is terrible that we lost the last game. We wanted to win really bad, but we didn't get it. I am not even sure we are going to look at the film tomorrow, but the season is over. The thing for me now is to get better at my craft.

Q: How much would you like to see Coach [Tom] Coughlin back next season?
A: I don't know. At the end of the day, we don't know what is going to happen. It has been an up and down season for everybody. We will see. We have a lot of time and I am looking forward to it.

Q: Would you like to see [Coughlin] back?
A: Of course. I look at Coach Coughlin as a dad. He is a good coach. The way he runs things around here is very respectful. Guys respect that. You need somebody like that on the team. Otherwise, it would be chaos. Coach Coughlin is a very good coach. I am pretty sure he is going to be back next year.

Q: What happened the last five weeks when you ended up with nine sacks?
A: I don't know what changed. I am trying to figure that out myself. I am playing better. I had to step up big time. I wouldn't say I wasn't stepping up the first couple of weeks. Injuries. I fought through them. I got healthy and I have been on a roll. That is the game of football. You never know.

Q: Do you think this was one of your better games considering the opponent you faced on the other side of the line?
A: [Jason Peters] is a very good tackle. I go against the best tackles in the league. You have [Washington's] Trent Williams. You have Jason Peters. You got [Dallas'] Tyron Smith. I am the type of guy where I play both sides. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who I go against. I am trying to get back to the quarterback, but my first thing is to play the run first. Then you have the freedom to rush the quarterback. I think I did a pretty good job of that this year.

Q: Would you be willing to give the Giants a hometown discount?
A: Do you get discounts? Do you get discounts when you go to Macy's? You do if you have a discount coupon. I don't know. We will see what happens.

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