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Postgame Quotes (9/14): Coughlin, Randle, Cruz


Head Coach Tom Coughlin**

It's always a disappointment to lose. Dropped balls, punt returns, kickoff return fumbled, fumbled the ball without anybody hitting us over on the 17-yard-line when we had a chance to score and go for two and tie the game. I saw some things that were good today. There was improvement along the lines. I was just surprised to look at the stats and see that we gave up 124 yards rushing. I thought our physical play was better. I thought our execution was better on offense. I thought at times we had the no-huddle thing going pretty well.

But again, points. Points. The game is about points. Somehow, some way. We get no turnovers. We get nothing today out of returns. What we kind of built on last week with returns, we didn't have. Somehow, some way ,we have to find a way to minimize what the opportunities are for the other guy and add to ours. It didn't happen today. It didn't happen a week ago. It may be something that we're going to have to, again, make a priority and see if we can get something done.

Both teams, this week, had short weeks. Both teams played hard. Again, as I said, we talked about winning the fourth quarter. We take the lead, 14-13, and from there it was a nightmare. I'm hoping that we can learn something about that. I think that we practiced as well as we could have this week. We focused. We concentrated. I thought the guys were really into this. I thought that they were anxious to play.

I know that with the festivities going on today, that they were very much aware. We made them aware of the historical impact not only of 90 seasons of the New York Giants, but also paying our respects and honoring, again, those who died on 9/11, honoring Francis Scott Key and the National Anthem, and we did have Hall-of-Famer Frank Gifford at midfield for the coin toss. The players were well aware of that, very much aware of that. They were excited to play under these circumstances and we're very disappointed that we didn't give our home fans a win. The fans were good. The crowd was into it. They responded on some of the third downs very well. I think another one of our problems, again, the second week in a row, is the longer the yardage is on third down, the easier it is for the opponent to make it. I have no idea why that happens, but it does. You look out there, it's third and 11, and they make a conversion. They did that a number of times today. We have a lot of work to do. We did make a little bit of progress, but nobody wants to hear that. We lost. There's no excuse for it. I did see a little bit better play.

Q:Given Steve Weatherford's ankle, did you get the kind of punt or height you wanted?
A:No, of course not. It wasn't his fault. It had to do with pushing off of that bottom foot. We were very confident. We listened to the doctors and we listened to Steve through the course of the week. After a couple of punts, it looked like he had some issues. Obviously when you don't get the hang time you want... although, we did have a man right there to make the tackle and he bounced off. You can't punt the ball down the middle of the field for short distances. The ball's going right back at you and it did today.

Q:When you've got the amount of issues you're describing and you're already in a 0-2 hole, where do you go? Do you keep moving forward with the plan or do you go back to the drawing board?
A:What else do you do? You work as hard as you can. You run around like a crazy man. You get your coaches to apply themselves even harder. You get the players to apply themselves harder. You know what? I look out there. They're men. We're all men. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves. We had an opportunity and we let it slip. There's no one to blame but ourselves.

Q:When you talk about challenging the players, are you talking about at halftime?
A:No, throughout the week. The game is over. We're challenging them to accomplish what we didn't do well to improve so that maybe we can see a better ending to next week's game.

Q:A couple days ago Victor Cruz was suggesting more targets. He had a couple of drops today at the end. How much did that hurt you?
A:He's an outstanding football player. When the ball came his way, he made some outstanding catches. Unfortunately, when we needed that third down before the punt, we didn't get that catch. The other one right at the end right in front of the bench was right at his fingertips, probably a little bit long. When you're not really accomplishing a whole lot, every play is a critical play. That's the only way I can look at it.

Q:What's the deal with Jon Beason?
A:He has to have x-rays and MRIs again. I have no idea. I don't know the results.
A:I would think so. No one has told me yet.

Q:And Walter Thurmond?
A:It looks like something with his bicep. (actually pectoral)

Q:It was back to back to back bad plays, the drop, the punt return. Do you feel like it all snowballs?
A:I know one of the issues that we brought up last week is when you do have an adverse circumstance, you have to fight your way out of it. Today we would've been fine if we scored. To see the ball come out on something like that, non-contact, I don't know how you explain that.


Eli Manning**

Q:On one hand, you showed improvement. So does it matter that it ends up as a loss?
A:We definitely played better offensively than we did the other week, but it's still a loss. We made too many mistakes and too many missed opportunities. Turnovers hurt us. We had a couple of drops, a couple missed throws with guys open on third downs and some big plays. So, better, but not where it needs to be. We made improvements, but we've got to find ways to win games and make some plays in the clutch.

Q:On the positive side, can you talk about the development of Larry Donnell at tight end?
A:I think Larry's played well the last two weeks. Last week he played well and made some big catches today – big target. That's what we need. He's a guy who is making some tough catches and making some big plays for us, so hopefully he can continue to do that. He made some nice plays today.

Q:The tight ends can really help you with this offense.
A:That's usually the good thing about the tight ends – a pretty big target and over the middle. You can get the ball out quickly and hopefully get him on some matchups – hopefully get him on a linebacker or get him on a smaller safety where he can make some plays. He's done well and we've got some plays for him to win, and he's done a good job winning on those plays.

Q:Eli, last year you were 0-2 and it turned into 0-6 very quickly. Do you have a different feeling about this team and why do you have it?
A:You've just got to keep working. You've got to keep grinding. I think we're a better team than last year and I think we'll keep grinding. We made improvements this week, and hopefully we will continue to make strides and make improvements and, finally, make some more plays.

Q:What makes you think you're a better team than last year? What gives you that impression?
A:I just think that the guys we have out there right now – the way they're doing things, the way they're playing – I just think we're pretty healthy right now. I think we'll be better off and we'll find a way to win some of these tight ones and make some plays. There are still definitely some improvements, and that's from everybody. That's myself having some better answers for some of their pressures and some of their looks. I thought we did a good job changing a number of plays, but not enough. I've got to do a better job getting us into some better solutions to make some plays.

Q:Can you talk about the first interception?
A:Yeah, they had a good blitz. I was trying to hit Victor on a crossing route and I think he got a little tripped up, and I should've just taken the sack right there. I hadn't really seen exactly what happened as it got tipped up. I don't know whether it hit a defensive lineman or a lineman, but it got tipped up. I've got to find ways not to throw interceptions in that scenario, when we have chances to get points on the board.

Q:Eli, after Victor, earlier in the week, was talking about hoping for more targets for him and Rueben [Randle], was there any concerted effort to try and get them involved more today?
A:No, I think we were just running our offense. Based on what the defense is doing and what the coverage is, is where you'll get the ball. There were some opportunities to get them the ball a number of times. We did a good job making some plays, but we've got to make some more plays.

Q:What did you see on that third down that was just over the defender's head to Victor [Cruz]?
A:I had a third down, right before the punt return. The guy tried to undercut it and I tried to throw it – kind of a dangerous throw – but throw it where only Vic would have a shot at it – high and away. You know, it was going to be a tough catch. The guy played the route pretty well. Usually those guys make those tough catches, but I knew it was going to be a tough play.

Q:With a guy like Victor, he's one of these guys that's been here and he's proven to be a reliable kind of guy. Does it make it even more surprising when you see those plays not being made and does it snowball to the other guys? How do you stop it?
A:We've just got to keep working. I can put the ball a little lower and put it in the spots so we can do some things where they're not jumping and undercutting some routes. I don't think it's snowballing or anything. Those are physical mistakes; those things happen sometimes. That's football. Guys are doing the right things. Guys are going the right way. We're not having breakdowns. We're not having guys running the wrong routes. We're not having guys doing the wrong things that are leading to mistakes. Guys are doing the correct things, and we have opportunities to make plays, we've just got to make them.

Q:You've haven't had a lot to feel good about in these two games, but then when you took the lead, did you think you have righted the ship?
A:I thought all game we had moved the ball well. In the first half, we only had three possessions and each time, moved the ball down the field. In the second half, besides the first series, we had moved the ball, we had driven it, defense was playing well, and we had taken the lead. I felt we had a good rhythm going and good things going. We had a one-point lead, and then all of a sudden, the next time we touch the ball, we're down eight. Even after that point, we didn't sink, we didn't go and start complaining. We knew we were going to have to go score a touchdown and get a two-point conversion, or we might have to score a couple times. We did a great job driving down the field again and made some third down conversions, made some big plays, and then had the turnover right there. That hurt, but I thought we responded well to being down early and to that situation; we just didn't finish it well.

Q:When you talk about the illegal contact and how they're going to call it, is there any explanation on inadvertent tripping? Because they both seem to be touches, but they didn't call it each way.
A:I assume that's what they said – that their feet got tangled on the play right before the turnover. I thought we had a good shot to get a touchdown, and I haven't seen it live. It seemed like there was some kind of contact, but I know they call that receivers and DB's feet getting tangled. They never said anything to us how that would be called. I assumed that would be called the same way – just inadvertent contact.

Q:Eli, you've seen turnovers and fumbles. Is there a level of shock you have when you look over to your left and Rashad [Jennings] falls and drops the ball?
A:Yea, those are the weird turnovers. He's not getting hit. He's just kind of going to the ground and when you hit the ball, the ball pops up. It's unfortunate. I thought he played well today. He made some nice plays, ran hard, and made some nice catches. I would have liked to see if he gets clean right there and doesn't trip, if he's going to make that guy miss and possibly get us a big play. We'll just bounce back and put some of these bad breaks we're getting behind us. Hopefully we'll start making our own breaks.

Q:Do you say anything to Victor after he drops? Do you need to offer him encouragement?
A:I haven't said anything, I haven't seen him since the end of the game. I think he knows I've still got great confidence in him and great trust. He's going to make a lot of great plays and he made some great catches for us today already. He'll continue to make plays for us.


Antrel Rolle**

Q:Last week the defense had a hard time on third down. The game started off the same way. What are you seeing out there defensively?
A:I think you have to take notice of what the offense is trying to throw at you. Everything they give to you is something… You have to apply to the actual down and distance and position you're in and like I said, what the team is trying to do to you. … Reacting to what you get. I think at first we started off a little slow with that. We thought there would be some big third downs for us and we'd make some big plays. I think after we settled down, we did a pretty good job.

Q:Was the fact that Carson Palmer wasn't starting playing into it before you started?
A:It was a little bit of a difference. We're football players. We had to make adjustments, game day adjustments. It doesn't matter what it is. I think we did an okay job. I think we could've done a better job with getting turnovers and getting more opportunities to put points on the board. We lost the first couple of drives, but the way I think we're settling in as a defense… We're communicating and showing a lot more passion, and I think it shows out there.

Q:Coach said that clearly there were improvements from last week. Given the mistakes and missed opportunities, would you say the loss was __?
A:I would say so. I feel like defensively we didn't have a turnover. On offense I think we had three turnovers. That's negative three. It's really hard to beat those odds going up against any team. A good team like the Arizona Cardinals, you can't give them that upper hand. We were right there at the end. It was unfortunate, Rashad happened to slip. You really can't put your finger on it. It's just a mistake. It's an accident. It happened to cost us. We still could've come back. We didn't have to be in that situation. We could always play from a lead. We had the lead and we didn't maintain it. That punt return definitely hurt us. That hurt us a lot. As professionals, you have to learn how to overcome that. You can't suffer and dwell on something that you can't control at that point in time. They scored. Get back on the field, get a stop. --

Q:When you lose a game that is winnable, does that burn you even more?
A: A loss is a loss. It's gonna burn no matter what. I thought we had this one. I really thought we had this one. I saw a lot of positive attitude from my teammates. I saw a lot of passion from this team, which is something we didn't see a lot of next week. We definitely improved in that category. As far as us going out there, I felt like Eli got in a good rhythm of moving the ball effectively. Catching the ball, offense was running very smooth. We were _ at that point in time. Special teams hurt us a bit. We have to get better. We're gonna get better. I have all the faith in the world in this team.

Q:Last year 0-2 spiraled out of control quickly. Why do you believe that won't happen to this team?
A:I believe in my team. I believe in my teammates. I believe in what we're creating here as an organization. We lost today, no doubt about it, but I saw something in my teammates today. I saw something we can definitely take and move forward with.

Q:At the end of the game you were talking to your teammates. What were you saying to the guys?
A:It's something that always say. I can't even tell you what I said. **

WR Rueben Randle**

Q:You start this season 0-2 again this year?
A:It is an unfortunate game for us again. We just have to pick it back up, look at the positives and fix the negatives and come out next week and try to win the ball game.

Q:You have seen this steamroll in the wrong direction last year… How do you stop that before it gets out of control?
A:Fix the mistakes. [We] can't continue to build on them. Ball security, as far as us skill guys, and make sure we make more plays.

Q:How uncharacteristic is it to have five drops out of these receivers in this game?
A:Very. As receivers, our job is to catch the ball and we have to do better.

Q:Did [Patrick] Peterson get his hand in there on the deep one at the end?
A:I think it was Cromartie. He got his hand in there a little bit, but I still should have caught it. Hands down.

Q:Do you feel like the offense had a little bit more of a rhythm than it did in Week 1?
A:Yeah, we made a lot more plays. I think that kept us in the game. It kept the ball moving for us. We just didn't cash in at the end. There were a couple times when we were down there and we didn't put any points on the board, so we've got to fix that and get better.

Q:Can you take us through the play you made on Peterson on that one-handed catch for the touchdown?
A:Well it was actually a run play and we just tagged a fade to it and just went up and made play. We needed a play at that time in the game. I know in practice all week we stressed the fade ball and I was just trying to get open and make a play.

Q:Did you feel like you guys did a good job with Peterson… He was grabbing and getting penalties, missed that play?
A:It was going to be a lot of man. It was up to us as receivers for us to go out there and make some plays. For the most part, we did. Other than that, we left some on the table. We just have to continue to get better at that and get this thing together and keep rolling.

Q:It seemed like Eli [Manning] found you and Victor [Cruz] a lot more this week… Was that just part of the game plan?
A:Well, he had to. [Arizona] was playing man to man pretty much all game. Like I said, for us receivers, he relies on us to make some plays in order to win this game.

Q:In general how much more comfortable did Eli seem this week in this offense?
A:Much better than last week showed. I think we were able to protect him a little more and he was able to find us down the field and we made some plays.

Q:With the special teams plays, the two big plays, back to back…. What does that feel like? Kind of a gut punch?
A:Yes, definitely, the game was so close. Two plays like that and you are back behind the eight ball. It was just unfortunate for us. I feel like if we had the opportunity and we were given the same situation, I think we would be able to build on it and get better and come out with a win.

Q:When you are suddenly coming from behind like that in that spot… What kind of pressure are you feeling as receivers?
A:I think there's pressure. I think that is something you should thrive on. [The team] is relying on you to make a play, and that is what we did. That is why they pay us receivers, to make plays. So we have to get it done.


DE Jason Pierre-Paul**

Q: It seemed like you guys were in control of this game at one point, where did it go wrong?
A: I don't think it went wrong, I just feel like we kind of slacked off with what we were doing and they came back and won the game.

Q: It's tough to win a game when you lose the turnover battle like that, minus-four, right?
A: Of course. Anytime you lose the turnover battle, you're bound to lose the game.

Q: Was this just a situation of just missed opportunities here?
A: Yeah, big time. We missed a lot of big plays, penalties killed us. All sides of the ball – offense, defense and special teams. They came up with the win, so we've got to go and watch the film and we've got to execute and the penalties, get rid of them, which I know he's going to talk to us about, and move on.

Q: Coach always talks about the details, the little things. Is that something that really came back to bite you in this one?
A: Yeah, the little things cost us the game today. We had it, but it cost us and just the details, like you said. It's something Coach always emphasizes and it just killed us.

Q: In what way?
A: Every way. Offense, defense and special teams.

Q: I know you guys talked about not starting the season this year the way you started it last year. How do you turn this around?
A: It's only two games. We did a lot of good things from last week, but it is what it is. They won today. We've got to get this corrected and get in the film room and correct it and just get back to playing football. We'll be okay.

Q: How frustrating is it to have those little things, those details? Maybe one or two big plays you can overcome but constantly the little things that keep coming back…?
A: Cost us the game. Everybody sees it on TV and even the players know, just the small details cost us the game today. We came back… it is what it is. We only can move to the next one. That's it.

Q: Last year was the terrible start. You guys wanted a fast start this year, what are you thoughts on that?
A: We'll be all right. We'll be all right, trust me. We'll be all right.

P Steve Weatherford

Q: Is your injury to blame for missing the game-saving tackle?
A: I don't think my ankle is to blame for that. I'd like to think so, but it's tough to say. It hurts in general, but considering it was six days ago, I feel great. That is also considering quite a bit.

Q: On Ted Ginn's punt return:
A: At that point in the game I would have liked to hit a better punt than that, better hang time. The guys did a great time getting down there but I would have liked to see some better hang time on that one for sure.

Q: Do you attribute that [punt] at all to the injury?
A: No. I won't say that. If I tell the coaches I am healthy and ready to play the game, I expect myself to play at a high level and they expect me to play at a high level. That particular punt was not my best.

Q: How did you feel leading up to the game?
A: Considering where I was at and six days ago with what happened, I felt great. The training staff did an amazing job getting the inflammation out and getting the range of motion back. So, all things considered, I felt good.


S Quintin Demps**

Q: How do you recover from something like this?
A: You have to focus on the positives and keep pressing forward. Correct the mistakes, look yourself in the mirror and man up. Keep getting better at your craft, and play together. Keep fighting. It's a long season.

Q: What went wrong on the return where you fumbled?
A: I just didn't secure the ball fighting for extra yards. We talk about it all the time. It's nobody's fault but mine. I have to protect the ball.

Q: How frustrating is this?
A: Very frustrating, especially for myself. Looking at my career, I really don't fumble. I know I have to get it together ASAP. There's not time or place for that [fumble].

Q: As a team, what do you do to turn this around?
A: Just stay positive. That's all we can do. Take the positives from the film, build on that and stay together. It's a long season. Have each other's back; keep pressing, keep grinding, and keep moving forward.


CB Walter Thurmond III**

A: A lack of some attention to detail and some things like that. We hurt ourselves again this week, though, and playing in this league where teams are so good, you can't really have those mental mistakes and those errors and stuff like that especially, if you're trying to win games. It's something that we go back to the…not going back to the drawing board, but go back, watch film, make the necessary corrections, and get better this week.

Q: Walter, what's the status of your injury?
A: I'd say it's tender right now. I think get I'll some imaging and stuff like that done and go from there.

WR Victor Cruz

Q:What went wrong out there?
A:Just the turnovers, just kind of killing ourselves. We're in the right position, we're in the position to make plays and we're just not converting some of them and doing certain things to shoot ourselves in the foot.

Q:Five drops is very uncharacteristic of you guys. Is there anything you can do to fix it?
A:Just concentration, myself included. I own up to all of my mistakes and all of the things that I've done wrong so, myself included, we've got to focus in on the football and focus in on… a lot of them, or a majority of them, were on third down, so that's something that we have to keep our concentration in order to move the chains and convert.

Q:It looked like the first of those third down balls was kind of in your hands. Was that one you think you've got to bring in? The second one was a little higher but…
A:All of them. Any ball in my direction, in my opinion, I've got to bring in. I've got to be able to make the play for my team and make the play whenever Eli looks my way. Any ball that comes my way, I own up to it and those are ones that I've got to bring in.

Q:Obviously a timing thing, but a couple of days ago you were talking to us about wanting to get more targets and then you have a couple of key drops here today. How disappointing is that?
A:Any drop is disappointing, regardless of any timing or matter or any game. Any time you have a drop, it's disappointing. I've just got to do a better job of reeling the ball in whenever it's thrown in my direction and moving the chains for my team.

Q:Was that third down ball tipped? Does it kind of put off your concentration for a second or what?
A:Not really. I've got to just follow it all the way to my hands. I've just got to, no matter how far out of the reach it is. I'm able to make that catch, I've made that catch before. It's just a matter of looking it all the way in, making that extra reach at the right time and bringing the ball in. It's still very early in the season. We've got workdays and practice to continue to work on it and be ready come Sunday.

Q:What was the degree of difficulty because it looked like you were pretty well extended out there, full speed.
A:Yeah, they're difficult catches. Any time you're running full speed trying to get away from defenders and Eli's putting it in a place where only you can catch it… so it's something that, I'm pretty well extended, the degree of difficulty is definitely high but it's definitely a ball that I've caught before and balls that I have to continue to catch in order for us to be move the chains in those specific down and distances and for us to be prosperous.

Q:You've always been a fan favorite and right there you might have heard your first boos ever. Reaction to that?
A:I could care less.

Q:How much more frustrating is it when Coach continues to preach about the details and that was really where this team tripped up today?
A:I mean, it's definitely a little frustrating but you understand that we've got to clean these things up fast. We have to look at these details, look at these plays where it was our opportunity to continue to do the right thing and move the chains. Fumbling and turning the ball over, that can't be characteristic of this team, so we have to be able to go back to the drawing board, see what we did wrong, learn from it and continue.

Q:You don't have a lot of time to go back to the drawing board. There are so many things to correct. How tough is that to try to get the win, correct things… I mean, you kind of jam everything into a few days.
A:That's why we're professionals. We've got to go in there and this is what the work week consists of – going in, watching the film, understanding the things we did wrong and continuing to learn. That's why they put us in this position and that's why we have to learn quickly and move on.

Q:What kind of progress did you see today from the passing game specifically?
A:We were confident. I think the confidence level was there. We were getting ourselves open, we were making the big play, it's just a matter of us cashing in. Once we got inside the 20, we had some turnovers and we didn't convert and things like that. It's unfortunate, but I did see some positive things from our offense today.

Q:What it is like, that stretch there when like three or four bad things just happened so quickly. How difficult is that to reel it in a little bit? What's it like when that's taking place?
A:It's tough. But in any game there's going to be adversity. There's going to be adversity in this team so we've just got to be able to come and battle back from that. It's tough, I think our team was put against the wall today and we had to come off that wall. In a couple instances, we didn't respond but we've got to be able to pick ourselves up and continue.

Q:The first interception you were the target. Did you see... was that ball just coming out too low where the defensive linemen could get a hand on it?
A:I honestly didn't even see it. I was still running my route and Eli, I think he was in distress a little bit and kind of threw it in my direction. That's one that you wish you had back, obviously, one where I kind of wasn't looking or things like that. It's an unfortunate error and it's unfortunate on my behalf. I have to be able to look for the ball and anticipate the pressure and things like that. We've just got to continue to move on.


RB Rashad Jennings**

Q:How disappointing was the fumble?
A:It's uncharacteristic of me, but regardless of how it came out of my hands, it came out.

Q:Do you look at the multitude of mistakes as the reason for this loss?
A:We didn't execute. Any time the margin is that significant with the turnover ratio, it's difficult to beat anybody in the league. That is a good team. They played well. They came to play. So give credit where it is due. But we need to execute.

Q:What happened on the fumble?
A:I turned around and tried to plant my foot in the ground and slipped as I was about to take off running. My elbow hit the ground, and the ball came out.

Q:Were you confident you guys were going to score?
A:Yes, we were moving the ball. No doubt we were going to score. That one hurts. Like I said, it's uncharacteristic of the way I play ball.

Q:Were you encouraged by the offense and what you were able to do?
A:Yes, we did some things well, but they are always overshadowed by the things we did not do well. Nobody is making excuses. There is no room for moral victories. We didn't execute enough to win, so we will go back to the tape and get better for next week.

Q:How big of a concern is a 0-2 start?
A:It is a concern, but I don't think that is the appropriate word. It is frustrating, though.

Q:What did you see on the punt block?
A:From the sideline, I am trying to make every play I possibly can. I always take time to study punts. I have some keys that I focus on during the course of the week, and coach put me in to make a play.

Q:Are you in there on a weekly basis?
A:Yes, I am always taking peeks. That is something when I came in the league, that was my role as a rookie, trying to figure out how to block punts. So that is something I always carry around in my back pocket.

Q:Did you see the offense coming together on that first drive?
A:Yes, it is coming together. But we need to come together now. I am a part of it. I need to protect the ball. We need to hold onto the ball and not turn it over. [We do that], and I believe we have a great chance for a different outcome.

Q:On your fumble, did you get ahead of yourself trying to make a bigger play?
A:No, my elbow just hit the ground after I slipped, and the ball came out. It wasn't from trying to do anything beyond what I normally do. Like I said, it's uncharacteristic of me, but I have to bite the bullet. I know it was a big part of the game, but we have to keep moving forward.

Q:What was the feeling as the game got away so quickly in the fourth quarter?
A:It is frustrating. We can be a great team; watching in practice with the personnel we have. We just need to win, and we are capable of it. When you are losing because of not executing, shooting yourself in the foot, multiple turnovers, penalties and those types of things – it is hard to live with. That is kind of what happened today. We didn't put ourselves in a position to win. We will learn from it. It's a long season. We have 14 more games to go in the regular season.

Q:How difficult will it be to correct the mistakes on such a quick turnaround?
A:It is not tough. Most of us understand what we did wrong – it is not a surprise. We need to figure out why it happened, and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Q:Is not paying attention to detail what hurt you today?
A:It is about executing the details. It does not matter if we know it. It all comes down to execution and the application of things. Knowledge is irrelevant if you don't apply it, and we didn't today.

Q:Before your elbow it the ground, did you trip?
A:Yes – I turned around, was about to make a move, and my foot slipped. My cleat did not catch any part of the ground. As I was in a running motion, I am falling, and my elbow hit the ground, and out comes the ball. That has never happened to me before. Like I said, it's uncharacteristic of me, but it happened.

Q:Was it a sick feeling going back to the sideline?
A:It was. I know where we were on the field. I understand the time, the score and the opportunity we had. For it to be that, it's hard.

Q:What would you say to fans worried this start mirrors last season's?
A:I understand. I can see why fans are frustrated – heck, we are frustrated. We don't expect this. We are better this, and we know that. But I would say to stick with us. We are going to continue to work, and we will be back next week.

Q:As a team, what do you do to turn this around?
A:It's simple – execute. There is no secret. We put on the pads, we call plays and we have to execute. Period.

Q:Were you happy the offense did some positive things?
A:Like I said before, we did things well, but those are overshadowed by the things we are not doing well. When you turn the ball over, it is hard to beat anyone in the NFL.

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