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Postgame Quotes: Coughlin, Manning, Rolle

Five Players that stood out
These players made the biggest impact on Sunday

Instant Analysis NYG 15, PHI 7 breaks down the team's Week 8 win in Philly

Watch Week 8 Highlights
See the top Giants plays from the team's win over the Eagles

Coach Tom Coughlin

"Good to win in our division. It's not always pretty but nevertheless our defense played superbly. And I thought in the second half we benefited from great field position, which forced two or three three-and-outs, which prevented them from being able to drive the ball the way they wanted to. The three turnovers were big. I don't know what to say about the snap from center. I don't think I've ever seen him [LS Zak DeOssie] do that, not even on the practice field. And the timing was terrible. But nevertheless the first down there at the end with [TE Brandon] Myers was big. We put ourselves in position to make a couple plays at the end. They had no more time outs and of course [SS] Will Hill came through with that play. The first half I thought we really had an awful lot of things going for us; time of possession, I'm not sure exactly what it was but I know it was quite a bit in our favor. But in the first half, regardless of the style, the way that they operated and how fast they play, I thought we did a good job of hanging on to the ball, driving into plus territory. We did settle for field goals which we're going to have to look at that. Two of those were touchdowns and this didn't have to finish quite as tight as it did. Nevertheless, we won and we're excited about winning. That's two games in a row we've won. We've played great defense, we really haven't given up a score, defensively, and there is a lot to be said for the way we are playing right now on defense."

Q: On whether the team's morale has changed since having a tough start to the season but now having two straight wins:
A: "It's an interesting group of guys. We were down after a loss, particularly on a Monday, a long long hard day as it always is. The guys would bounce back and they'd get their chins up, go into the next one. So this definitely is a huge boost to their confidence. It reinforces what we are doing obviously. And then two wins in a row, we are just happy to have that."

Q: On his level of concern about penalties:
A: "I am very concerned about penalties but I am more concerned about the fact that we won. We had a bunch of penalties against them the first time. The amazing thing is that I go to the officials with a list as long as my arm and they call them all against us. I say that with tongue in cheek."

Q:On his thoughts about them getting on a run to get back in this thing:
A: "I hope so, that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to get back into the competitive aspect of our game and our division."

Q: On what have been some of the keys defensively:
A: "Well, there's a lot of things. Basically we have stopped the run. Now, the start of the third quarter we had a little trouble with the run today but basically we have been able to do that and I think that's where it always starts. So the physicality upfront, the outstanding mesh and the gap control up front and the ability to stop the run. And then we have been able to pressure and to create some turnovers and some guys are playing well."

Q: On the key to stopping a guy like RB LeSean McCoy:
A:"Well you have to maintain the discipline of your gap control. You have to stay put because he can bring the ball back at any time. You have to initially, whether it's the read option or whether it's just the dive, you have to take that away though initially first. We've had guys in position; they've been able to maintain position."

Q: On how not having QB Michael Vick changes that, being another threat to run the ball:
A: "Well, you see the game, we still had to defend Michael. We still had to defend the quarterback."

Q: On WR Victor Cruz, the hit he took, and the fact that he came back:
A: "Yeah I didn't know what it was so getting over there to find out it was a shoulder was a relief to me because I noticed they weren't taking his helmet off either. But I was concerned and then he came to the sideline and it looked like he was grimacing a little bit there when they were going through the various fundamental tests. But to see him come back into the game was a huge plus."

Q: On how he characterizes WR Victor Cruz's toughness:
A: "He is a tough guy, he is a tough player. His ability to bounce up off of that was a huge sign for our team."

Q: On if he thinks QB Eli Manning is being more cautious, given the fact that they had no turnovers again on offense:
A: "Well I don't know if cautious is the word. But when we are playing good defense we certainly don't want to give an advantage to the opponent by turning the ball over, and particularly putting them in good field position. We have worked very hard at that we have obviously stressed that. [QB] Eli [Manning] has done a great job with that especially the last two games. It's just being knowledgeable of how this team perhaps has got to play."

Q: On if he has seen a lot more out of SS Antrel Rolle, has he stepped his game up:
A: "Well he's been there as a solid factor all the way through. It's just obviously noticeable now with the last couple weeks."

Q: On his thoughts on the celebration penalty:
"No, he came right over and apologized for it. Again, you make a great play like that and you've got the ball where you think you've got it but oh wait a minute, its fifteen yards back. Territory we have already covered, we didn't want to have to retake it."

Q: On how much their ability to move the ball down the field encourages the team as the season progresses:
A: "Well that was the plan, we were able to execute some of the things we played, not everything. But this defense has given up nineteen points the last three weeks so they are not quite are bad as they statistically appear, I don't think. I think they are a good defense. It was good to move the ball and obviously we are going to look at the pluses and not look at the lack of touchdowns."

Q: On if he ever dreamed of coming here to win without a touchdown:
"I just come, I tell them every year, I'll take it two to nothing, three to nothing, five to three, whatever you want to do."

QB Eli Manning

Q: On the overall play of the game and moving the ball when they had to, even with scoring no touchdowns:
A: "I think we did a lot of good things, had a lot of great drives. Moving the ball in the first half and moving the ball right up the field a number of times. We were close on a number of plays that could have been touchdowns, a few plays out of the end zone on some fade balls and different things. We have to get better at that, we have to start converting those into touchdowns and not settling for three points and keeping teams in the game, which we could have built a big lead early, and ran away with this thing—and then towards the end a few big third down conversions. There were some good things. Obviously we're not making the mistakes that we were making earlier in the season. We're not turning the ball over, but we still have to find a way to finish the games a little better."

Q: On his thoughts of being two games out of 1st place in the NFC East after an 0-6 start:
"I think we still believe. I think that's been a great credit to this team and coaches. It's coming in and fixing the problems and right now—these last two weeks—we've played kind of our best football. And that's together as a team—both sides helping each other out, relying on each other to go out there and do our job, our defense has been outstanding, and offensively we've been better. So we have to continue to build off that, we have to improve on a few things offensively, but obviously we've got some new guys in there and some makeshift running backs and different things. But guys have stepped up and done well and we're going to keep fighting and hopefully you never know what can happen."

Q: On his feelings of playing turnover-free football again this game:
A:"That's obviously two weeks in a row and two wins. And obviously there's something to that and we have to play smart and don't give them a chance to build any momentum and not put our defense in a bind in any way—they've been playing outstanding. We have to continue to do that and also make some plays as well."

Q: On the recent continuity of the offensive line in the last few weeks and how it has made him more comfortable:
A: "I think those guys have done a good job with communicating and knowing their assignments and talking together and they've been playing well. Not making the mistakes and guys running free and different things leading to some bad plays—I think that's been helpful. Running the ball and our pass protection has been good these last two weeks so that's been a big part of our offense—not getting in bad situations. We haven't had any penalties and different things and getting a lot of third and longs. We've been in very manageable situations and that's been good."

Q:  On his confidence after two straight wins and being through almost every situation so far:
A: "I think this whole season we've felt that we could go out and win every game we played and we felt confident we could go out there and play well and do all the things correctly. We've been close on a couple of them, we just haven't found ways to finish in the fourth quarter. And obviously these last two weeks we've played better in the fourth quarter. We've had leads going into the fourth quarter, which have been nice and we've been able to hold onto them."

WR Victor Cruz

Q: On whether his injury concerned him:
A: "When I went in for the x rays I was concerned but then when things were fine I was glad.  The x rays came back negative and there was no way I wanted to stay out of the game.  I was able to come back into the game then and do what I could do."

Q: On what happened on the play he was injured:
A: "I just caught the ball and was between two guys and one guy came over top and threw me to the ground. I tried to elude another guy and the second guy hit me and drove me to the ground.  I landed on my neck and my shoulder and it gave me a stinger. It is new to me because I have not hurt as bad as I did on a tackle."

Q: On what the team needs to do to win games:
A: "I think we need to continue to execute the plays called on defense and on offense. I do not like to look ahead but we are now in reach to get back on top.  The NFC East is always a dog fight till the end and it seems like someone will win the division only one win ahead of everyone else. So we just have to continue to fight till the end."

Q: On whether he was angered on being thrown to the ground:
A: "This is a tough game and you have to be able to take the hard hits. It is a physical game and teams are going to come after me because I have played well in some games.  I do embrace it because guys are going to come after me."

DE Jason Pierre- Paul

Q: On what the defense needed to do to win:
A: "I think our prerogative was to stop the run of the Eagles and I think we did that well. If we continue to do that with teams, we are going to get some more wins."

Q: On whether the team has more confidence now:
A: "I think there has always been confidence in this locker room but we just started off slowly in the beginning of the season.  We are not looking at the past but are looking to the future and these two wins really help. Right now, we are 2-0 and will take each game one by one."

Q: On whether teams are realizing the Giants have a good pass rush again:
A: "I think teams are seeing that we are getting after the quarterback better and seeing it on film.  We know where our strengths are and if teams take us lightly they will pay.  I think the Eagles saw that we were able to bring a stronger rush today than they have seen. We are going to continue to play the way we do and help this team win."


DE Justin Tuck

Q: On keeping RB LeSean McCoy in check:
A:"Honestly, it's just team football, team defense. Everyone knows how elusive and how good of a back he is and for us it's just making sure that every guy is on the same page. With this offense, he can make you miss. That's why we have two and three guys on him at the point-of-attack and that's why we had a little more success against him."

Q: On the defense's performance in the last 10 quarters, leading to zero touchdowns:
A:"We just simplified things. [Defensive Coordinator] Perry Fewell and the staff have done a great job of putting together game plans, which allows the athletes to be athletes, honestly. It hasn't been anything elaborated, guys are playing fast, guys are playing confident, and we kind of gotten on a hot streak here. When you start making plays, you start becoming very confident in yourself and I think that this is a very confident defense right now."

Q: On the impact of Dallas' loss and being only two games behind after an 0-6 start:
A: "Nothing. Only time that would mean something is if we go on an eight-game winning streak after the bye and end this season 10-6. But for us, we have to put the blinders on. We're in the hole and we understand that. We have to play it one game at a time and for us the only things we can focus on is getting healthy, this bye and getting ready for Oakland."

Q: On being two games behind in the division and looking ahead to the Dallas game:
A: "Always encouraged. One thing I understand about being a New York Giant is you have to be even keel through the great days and the not-so-great ones and I think that's where this football team has been. When we were 0-6, and if you went in the locker room, you couldn't tell that we were 0-6. This team has always stuck together and always been positive. Right now we understand that we are kind of on a little win streak here but we must be humble and understand that we have a long way to go.  So we can't worry about what Dallas does or what any team does. We just have to continue to put the blinders on and take one opponent at a time."

Q: On his thoughts of how the two victories looked:
A: "When have they been pretty? You have covered the Giants for a long time and we love to make things difficult."

S Antrel Rolle

Q: On it being 10 quarters since giving up an offensive touchdown:
A:"The key to the turnaround has been our enthusiasm. After the 0-6 record, the coaches and players got together and we got on the same page. There were a lot of in-depth conversations. There was a lot of speaking as men to men, understanding your strengths and weaknesses and just the coaches and players being on the same page at the same time. As well as the coaches trusting the players and the players trusting the coaches and I think it's definitely shown in our performance."

Q: On the pass rush:
A: "It's all about playing beyond the X's and O's. I saw something from watching a lot of film and I saw an opportunity to make a play, so that's what I did. As far as the pass rush goes, I think that those guys are more comfortable now. The coach has developed a scheme for them, where they can develop comfort zones throughout the course of the game as opposed to switching and finding different matchups not really finding the comfort zone. Those guys have been playing phenomenal and you know it all starts up front. Those guys have been definitely eating, those guys have been getting after the quarterback and more importantly have been pushing the offensive line back."

Q: On the penalty after his interception:
A: "I felt horrible. I kind of got in the zone, I had one last week and I got a little dance and I got away with it once and I thought I could get away with it again. It wasn't a smart move and especially with me being a captain on this team, it wasn't a smart move at all. So I went to him before he could come to me and I apologized and we moved on from it."

Q: On the impact of LB Jon Beason:
A: "He's been a phenomenal guy for this team. He is something we needed. We needed a voice from the middle linebacker position. We needed someone to stand their ground. We needed someone who was going to get everyone lined up right, make it real snappy. He was another voice we needed, as well as his passion for the game and playmaking ability is tremendous and I believe this is only the beginning for him."

S Will Hill

Q: On how the defense has gotten better:
A: "We as a defensive unit got together with our coaches and sat down in some meetings on what we needed to do to improve. We started getting in very early in the morning and staying later and watching film and working hard. It has worked out well and we are having some fun again out there and getting some wins."

Q: On how important the two wins are before their bye:
A: "This means a lot to this team because the Giants are known to go on runs and I know that we can be a part of history and do the same now. It is going to start off with these two wins and then move into the bye. Our season did not start off well but as a defense and as a team, we are gelling more as a team and doing the right things."

Q: On how to continue to get wins:
A:"Again it is important that we gel as a team.  What has been nice is the offense is playing well and it is giving the defense time to breathe.  Then on defense, we are working hard to get the ball back in the hands of the offense, who is making things happen. If we continue to do this and stay consistent, good things will happen."

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