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Quotes (10/2): Coughlin, Manning, Cruz

Coach Tom Coughlin

Good afternoon. I can cover a couple of things for you here right away on the injury report. With David Baas and Chris Snee, it doesn't look like a whole lot of improvement there. We're holding our breath as we move into this week. David Diehl will practice. Mark Herzlich seems to be a lot better today with the toe, and hopefully by tomorrow, he'll be ready to go. (Jayron) Hosley's hamstring is probably going to be an issue. (Cullen) Jenkins looked better today. He won't practice, but he did look better today. Jason Pierre-Paul will practice. Shaun Rogers should be able to go tomorrow. Aaron (Ross) probably can't make it. Cooper Taylor is practicing. Terrell Thomas is going to have one day a week off now. He'll have this day. Corey Webster is going to practice and Jacquian will practice. So that clears up some of the list for you as we prepare to play in the division against Philadelphia, and we're excited about that. Any questions, Bruce?

Q: What are your thoughts here going into this football game needing a win and just getting something going?
A: You asked me that two weeks ago with I think the exact same question. My thoughts are: let's get a win. Let's practice hard. Let's work hard. Let's improve. Let's take some of the issues that I pointed out the other day and improve on those. The players are anxious to go to work. We had good meetings this morning, so I'm looking forward to today.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Eagles' offense?
A: Very good. A very good offense. Obviously, lots of numbers. Very, very skilled athletes. An outstanding offensive line that's obviously blocking very well. They're the number one rush team in the NFL. As I said, very good skill with a very unique pattern that all of us have been scrambling to work on all throughout the winter, and they've been very effective with it. But when you study and you watch, you see again the skill that we've always seen when Michael Vick is at the controls and (LeSean) McCoy and so on and so forth as far as their football team.

Q: Are there a lot of similarities between his offense now and his offense at Oregon? Has that helped you?
A: It always helps. Yeah. You've just got to get a feel for that and you have to do, obviously, more than just the plays because of the clock and so you have to get into that, too. But that being said, I think there are some games that have been played prior to us and there's some information and some studying that we were able to do in the offseason, and the way we practiced in preseason hopefully will have helped us, as well.

Q: With all the injuries on the defensive line, there are opportunities for the younger players to help out. Can you talk about where they are in their development and how confident you are with them going forward?
A: I liked Hankins' work a week ago. I thought he was a really difficult guy for us to block from an offensive standpoint. I really felt like John was ready to contribute and I feel the same way right now, so I'm looking forward to watching him play. Moore, obviously if you're talking in that direction, will get an opportunity to contribute as well. He's done a nice job on special teams. He has good energy, and hopefully we can build on that.

Q: How critical is it that your special teams help you win games?
A: All phases. Offense, special teams and defense. Everybody has to work in harmony together. We've been, quite frankly, in three of the four games at the end of the third quarter mark and had a chance to win and haven't done it. Yeah. There's no question we do have to do that. I would simply provide an answer for the punt return the other day. Hopefully we're not punting that much. That's an answer to that question.

Q: You took Da'Rel Scott off the roster, does that mean that you have confidence that Jacobs and Michael Cox can handle more?
A: Well, certainly Jacobs can get more. Michael Cox has to learn everything, he's been used more on special teams than anything else. But yeah, those two, and in terms of blocking, the same combination of tight ends that we've always used.

Q: So Wilson and Jacobs seem to be your one-two punch right now?
A: Yeah, I think that's safe to say.

Q: So what have you seen from Brandon? He hasn't had a lot of opportunities.
A: He did have a nice run the other day. When called upon, I think he's still a powerful guy that we're going to utilize in those short-yardage and goal line situations. I wish we had more of them. But he's had a couple weeks to get himself orientated again back into the routine, etcetera, etcetera. He actually has played on a lot of special teams and contributed a week ago.

Q: How do you assess your offensive line? Do look at changes again this week?
A: Well, we'll see. It looks similar to that. We'll see where we are with regard to how far Diehl can come along.

Q: You get Will Hill back in practice this week. What does he have to show you in order for you to activate him and get him in the lineup on Sunday?
A: Well, he's been conditioning and running and working and been in meetings, which is a huge plus. So I'm expecting that he will fall right into the routine, and certainly his contributions a year ago were major on special teams, so I'm looking for that to be a plus. We'll work him right back in.

Q: If there's been one constant on offense this year it's been Victor Cruz. Has he just taken his game to another level?
A: He has. He's playing as well as we've seen him play. Thank God for it.

Q: When you were talking about the Eagles you said that there were things you did in the preseason that might help you. What do you mean?
A: Speed up. Up-tempo. Our offense against our defense was up-tempo.

Q: Is there any other way to prepare for…
A: Well, that's one phase. The other phase is you've got to stop it. Obviously that's the other issue. McCoy has jumped out to almost 500 yards in four games and certainly is playing extremely well, catching the ball really well. If you notice the numbers, their receivers all have outstanding per catch averages, which is interesting in itself. They have 24 plays for over 20 yards in the air so you have a lot to defend.

Q: Can you condition your players to be ready for that thing? Is it possible in a week?
A: Yes, yeah. There have been certain parts of it that we've been working on all along. You do have to be able to… you have to be very wise in how you go about it. Obviously there are times where there are no substitutions and other times you can.

Q: Besides Antrel Rolle, how is the confidence of the team?
A: Obviously, a win would help a lot. I do believe that their focus is in the right spot and that starts it. You've got to have some success. Success would help tremendously.

Q: Trumaine McBride seemed to play well last weekend.
A: He did, he did play well.

Q: Do you have to work on Chicago this week as well, too?
A: No. No, no, no. The end of the week, when we've completed our study and our preparation, then we do have to do some things, primarily Saturday afternoon, for example, so that we're ready for Monday because Monday becomes just another day really. Players come back in and go right back to work on the next opponent.

Q: After two on the road you're back at home. You often talk about these fans being the 12th man. They might be frustrated right now, what can you expect from them?
A: I'm hoping that our fans are as boisterous and supportive as they've ever been, maybe even more. I just hope everyone rallies around our team right now. The players need it, we all need it, we all need to feel that great support and the 12th man, playing at home in the division, there's certainly every reason in the world to be excited about that. A 1 o'clock game, I'm hoping that they help us, that the fans help us win.

Q: How about the fact that the players are sticking up for each other, they're sticking up for you? There doesn't seem to be any finger pointing or division at this point.
A: Well, that's what I would expect. It's a good group of people. If anything, you have to stick together when times are tough. It's easy when everything's going well. Things are not going well so how do you act? How strong are you? How much do you believe? What is your character? What is your bottom line? That's what you're seeing in terms of us sticking together.


QB Eli ManningQ: What is it going to take to beat Philly this week?**

A: It's going to take a great performance. We've got to go out there and play good football and execute well, block things up and just run our game plan like it needs to be run.

Q: Antrel said he thinks this team can win every game the rest of the year, but his point was that he didn't know if everyone here believes that they can win. What's your philosophy?
A: I think everybody hopefully thinks we can go and beat any team that we play and obviously that starts this week with Philadelphia. They have some good players. They do some good things, but we've got to feel confident that if we go out there and execute our game plan the way it's supposed to be done and do our job, then we feel we have enough talent to go out there and win this game.

Q: How much emphasis is being put on the turnovers? It seems like you're beating yourselves with them.
A: Yeah. That's a part of it, but we've just got to be sound in our execution and don't get in bad situations with penalties or going backwards. We've just got to execute each play and go out there and compete and try to avoid the negative plays.

Q: Have you thought about what it's going to take to get in contention her?
A: Obviously a win this week will get us closer to that, so that's the focus. All we can worry about right now is getting a win versus Philadelphia and after that we'll figure out what we've got to do.

Q: Do you look at the division and say if we beat Philly this week and Dallas loses to Denver, we're one game out?
A: Yeah. Guys know that and coach brought that up the other day, so we understand. There's a lot of football left to be played, but we've got to start playing football. We're a better team than what we've been playing like, but we've got to go out there and prove it.

Q: It doesn't take much to get up for a divisional game against Philly does it?
A: No. It should be an exciting one versus Philadelphia. We have a great history with them. Hopefully we can go out there and play better football.

Q: You guys were able to make the plays in the fourth quarter in previous seasons. How do you now turn that around and start winning those games like you used to?
A: Hopefully once the fourth quarter starts, we're still in the game. We've gotten down early, so we've got to find a way to get some momentum having good plays, get some energy and excitement about this team and that just comes with playing better football.

Q: Is it frustrating not having enough time to make the plays back there?
A: We'll have time. We've just got to get in good situations and make sure no matter what, we're making smart decisions, trying to just find completions, get it into the flat or get it to the back. You're just trying to find ways to get positive yardage.

Q: You know you have the weapons to get it done. Is it frustrating that you guys haven't been able to put more points on the board?
A: We feel we can, but it's still a matter of execution. We've got to go do it and guys have got to make plays and everybody has got to do their job. If we have the opportunities to make those plays, we've got to make them.

Q: What's the most difficult thing for a quarterback adjusting to a make-shift offensive line?
A: I've got to do my job and I've got to make my reads and I expect the guys up front to compete and do their job and I expect that they will.

Q: Do you put a lot of the things that are going wrong on yourself? Do you look at the film and say that you're not playing well?
A: If that's what I see… You just kind of watch each play and try to see if you could have made a better decision or a better throw or what your options were. I feel like I'm doing some good things and there are always things you can improve on and get better. We've just got to find a way to be more consistent and just keep grinding.

Q: Victor has gotten off to a good start this year after missing out on OTAs. What have you seen from him?
A: I think Victor is playing great. He played well this week. He's played well all season. He's making a lot of plays and winning his one-on-one battles. I think he's done a great job of coming in and continuing to play at a high level. That's great and hopefully everybody else can catch up to that level.

Q: The league knows about him. He's not a rookie. Do you see a lot of attention paid his way?
A: Yeah. They'll do some special coverages or try to get a second guy to kind of double him on certain things. That should open up opportunities for other guys as well.

Q: It should open up opportunities, but it hasn't, I guess, the way you wanted it to.
A: Maybe it has. We've got to hit the plays to other guys in addition to hitting him based on what they're doing.

Q: Did you talk to Peyton after his game versus the Eagles?
A: Yeah. I talked to him yesterday. I talked to him about Philly. I gave him my thoughts on Dallas. That's who they're playing this week. I watched their game. You ask some questions and just see some general thoughts and I'll do the same helping him with Dallas.

Q: What's the best advice he gave you?
A: Not advice. It's just scheme or some ideas or just some general thoughts on their team.

Q: Is this losing streak tough on you?
A: Yeah, of course it is. This is my job. It's something I take very seriously and you work hard to try to go out there and have a good year and play well and get wins and obviously we haven't produced any wins yet. Yeah. It's difficult, but I think you've got to stay strong and I think a team that can deal with adversity and come out of it, and I know there are benefits to that, and if we can get out of it, I think it will make us a stronger team and better for it. But obviously we've got to break into that win section.

Q: It's something that you haven't had to deal with since your rookie year. You've had short spurts of not playing well as a team, but for the most part, there's been success here. Do you find yourself approaching things any differently now that you're struggling?
A: No. We have gone through little streaks where we haven't played especially well or we haven't won games. So I think you deal with it the same. You keep working and you have the faith that you can get out of it, but that comes from going out there and performing better. There's nothing you can say… There's not a quick fix to it. It's just having a great game plan and the team playing better and doing their job better.

Q: Quarterbacks get the credit and the blame. Do you feel like you're the guy that has to yank the team out of this?
A: It's a combination. I've got to do my part and I've got to make the plays that are there for me to make, but everybody has got to be responsible for their own play and you try to keep everybody upbeat and keep them informed. That's a part of the quarterback's job is to make guys better or get the best out of their ability, so I'm trying to do those things.

Q: Given your track record, do you get the sense that guys were surprised that you didn't get the win versus Dallas?
A: I think they expect our offense to go and move the ball and have the success we've had in the past. These last two weeks, we haven't been as sharp offensively. We've gone in too many three and outs and too many third and longs and just bad plays. We've got to be sharper.

Q: Does playing a familiar opponent sometimes help that?
A: Yeah, it can, but they've got some new players. They've got a new scheme. They've got a new coach. Obviously, we've got to go out there… The only thing that can help is just playing better and our preparation and having a great plan and guys understanding what are the things we need to improve on. What are the mistakes we're making and what do you have to do to fix them and make sure they don't happen again.

Q: Is this a different defense than what you're accustomed to seeing?
A: It's 3-4. It's different from what they've done in the past. They have a few new players, some new corners. We've been watching a lot of film, but we'll be ready.

WR Victor Cruz

Q: Victor, this offense has struggled all year yet you've been the one constant.  Why is it that you are making plays?
A: I guess I'm just getting open.  Catching balls that are thrown to me and making something happen.  That's all I can do, to do what's expected of me and get myself open and be an outlet for Eli to hit.  It's not just about me.  It's about this team getting on the same page and us clicking on all accords and getting this offense back on track.

Q: Do you still believe in this team and believe that this team can be a playoff team?
A: One hundred percent.  I think we have the same guys that won us a Super Bowl a couple of years ago, who understand what it takes to win games and to be in that position to make the playoffs and excel during the playoffs.  I definitely think we have that in this locker room and I definitely still believe.  

Q: When you see the NFC East, if you guys win this week and Dallas loses to Denver, you're just one game out.  Do you look at it that way?
A: Absolutely.  We're realists in our division.  We understand what's in front of us and we understand that there's still a shot.  We're not completely out of this thing, we just have to believe that wholeheartedly, throughout this entire team and we can definitely accomplish our goals.

Q: Is it one of those things where if you win one game, you feel like guys will start feeling better?
A: I think so.  Once we get that first one under our belt, I think it will start going in the right direction.  That's what it is.  That's what the key is, getting that first one.

DE Justin Tuck

Q: Coach said he liked how you worked last week. Do you feel that you're thinking less and reacting more to what you see?
A: I would say I feel a little more comfortable with the scheme, the plays and just going out there and making plays. I'm not worrying about messing up because this is a game and you're going to have those types of mistakes. But just having a clear mind and just going out there and having fun.

Q: What do you think that you can bring to the table?
A: Obviously, stopping the run is what they drafted me here for and just help out the defensive line. We've got a lot of veteran guys in there and just production. I'm just going to give as much as I can.

Q: Do you think it's going to be a real challenge stopping the Eagles' topped-ranked rushing offense? What's going to be the key to stopping their running game?
A: Slowing down their quarterback and their running back. Those are two good runners and they lead the NFL in rushing. I'm going to do my best and we're going to do our best to stop that.

Q: Do you guys think you could benefit from a little bit more of a rotation on the defensive line?
A: I feel like the rotation we've had has been pretty good. Obviously, we have a couple of guys that are down. But it's just my job to come in and if they need me, I'm going to come in there and play my role and hopefully get some tackles and some stops.

Q: They wouldn't be making it easy on you to stop LeSean McCoy as your first assignment and being thrown into the fire like that.
A: I wouldn't say thrown into the fire, but it's definitely a big challenge and I'm up to it.

Q: You guys have had success taking away the cutback lanes from the quick runners. Do you feel like you can maintain that this week?
A: I feel like I can come in because that's what I'm good at doing is stopping the run. I feel like overall as a unit we're going to put more of an emphasis on that and we will get the job done.

Q: Is it frustrating not playing?
A: It's been tough, but it's just the way the game is. I've been patiently waiting and when the opportunities come, you've got to go out there and take it. If I get the opportunity to play this week, I'm going to take full advantage of it.

Q: What's been the hardest thing about transitioning from college to the NFL?
A: I would say the plays, the schemes and then just getting the feel of the game. Preseason was a different type of level. Right now it's the real season, so I'm going to go out there and get a feel and hopefully I catch on pretty fast.

Q: Are you getting more acclimated to the speed of the game?
A: Yeah, and just knowing keys and certain things that happen before the play happens.

CB Corey Webster

Well it's always good to get back on the field, working with the troops, getting work done, and getting better.

Q: How much rust do you have to shake off?
A: I don't think it's too much.  I just think we need to get back in the flow of things.  I've been doing the individual drills and working throughout the whole process.  We just keep going throughout the week until we continue to get better and have no setbacks.  

Q: Heck of a team with weapons they have, to get back on the horse with.
A: I don't think you'll ever find a perfect time to get back, but I'm happy to be feeling better, feeling healthy.  I'm looking forward to the challenge that we have ahead of us.  

Q: It seems like they're throwing the ball a lot more downfield and also getting a lot more YAC yardage than recent times.  What do you see and how do you explain it?
A: I just think we have to stick and stay close in coverage.  I think we've been doing a good job of not letting the receivers run after the catch and tackling the receiver.  I think we need to do a better job of that this weekend so we can eliminate the YAC yardage, be close in coverage, so we don't give up any YAC yardage.  Hopefully we can knock a few balls down and get out here on the field so we can take a couple of balls away from them.

Q: Sometimes they snap the ball so quick.  Big deal, or not a big deal to you?
A: With all the new rules, I don't think they can go as fast as whoever the judge is that is going to be behind the last man on the offensive side.  I think Peyton Manning ran it fast. I think we'll be okay.  We've been practicing for a long time, going against a gang of different teams that have an up-tempo style.  As long as everybody gets off the ball, runs back to their positions, and gets ready for the next call, I think we'll be fine.  

DE Jason Pierre-Paul

Q: How intense do you expect this game to be?
A: It's going to be very intense. It's the Giants versus the Eagles. We all know we don't like each other when it comes to that. It's a divisional game. They're 1-3 and we're 0-4. It's a must-win game and we've got to win this game no matter what.

Q: Usually coming into this game both teams are playing for something.
A: We're both playing to save our season. We're both playing for something.

Q: You said you were rusty last week. Do you feel like you're ready to…
A: I'm just getting better. I'm trying to get better every day. I wish I didn't have surgery, but I had to do it. I'm getting better every day. Everybody says I'm improving and that' the thing. My conditioning is on point, so it's just getting back to that football mode. I'm pretty slow off the ball as I watch on film. I've got to correct that. I do a great job of playing the run. I think it's just getting off the ball and being a great pass rusher again.

Q: What is preventing you from getting off the ball?
A: I don't know.

Q: Do you think it's the back?
A: No. I don't think it's the back. I've got to get back to that mentality of getting off the ball, getting up off my stance quicker and all that starts by going through practice. We've got to do it in practice reps.

Q: How disappointing is it that you guys have four sacks after four games?
A: It's very disappointing. At the end of the day it's not… I'm lying. I would say at the end of day it's not all about sacks, but it is. As a team, we're going to get there. It takes time. We've been very frustrated that we only have four sacks as a unit. This is the New York Giants. Normally we have sacks off the roof, but right now it's not that way right now. But we've still got a long season. I hate when people say that, but we've got a long season to get it right. We've got 12 more games. That's a long time.

Q: Vick is elusive, but he gets hit a lot.
A: He takes care of the ball. He's been a better quarterback since I came in the league. Vick is a good quarterback. He'll get moving on you. You've got to contain the pocket. That's basically it.

Safety Will Hill

Q: How have you been keeping up with things? Obviously doing the classroom work is one thing, doing it on the field is another. How do you compensate for that?
A: I just do a lot of studying, I had a lot of time. I would come in early in the morning and lift, run and go to meetings. After meetings we have our iPads so we can watch film, so I just studied a lot and tried to help out when I could.

Q: How confident do you feel that you can make the progress that you need to show the coaches to activate you by Sunday?
A: I'm very confident in myself and what I've been doing off the field and in the weight room. Just my speed… I'm conditioned and everything so there's not a doubt in my mind.

Q: I know the DBs afterwards meet at somebody's house or apartment, were you part of that?
A: No, I didn't meet with them during the course of those weeks. I gave them my support through the phone and stuff. I knew they had to hone in. I didn't want to get too…

Q: Was that like game stuff?
A: Yeah, that's a lot of game stuff, you know. I can help them but not that far.

Q: Were Fridays the hardest thing? Or Saturdays? You're here Monday through Friday, right?
A: Yeah, I'm here Monday through Friday. I still talk to them while they're on the road or if they're in the hotel and stuff. Just giving them my blessings, make sure they have their head on right and then the hardest thing is just sitting and watching the games on Sunday.

Q: You watched the games at home?
A: Yeah.

Q: All four?
A: Yep.

Q: The Eagles run an up-tempo offense, coach was mentioning that you guys kind of worked on that in the summertime. When you look at them on film, that work that you've done, how confident are you that you'll be able to match that intensity if they bring it?
A: Like you said, we've been working on it for a while now since the summer because we knew this was coming. We're pretty confident in our defense and how we're going to line up. We just have to make sure we get the calls in, relay the calls and we'll be fine.

Q: What's the biggest impact you can make on special teams right away as soon as you get in there?
A: Tackling. I know tackling is one of my specialties. And my speed, just being disruptive. I can help be disruptive, maybe be that spark that the special teams needs to get things back going.

Q: Is it hard for you to watch those punt returns?
A: Definitely because I see myself out there… I would have done this or I would have done that. But it is what it is. Now I'm here so…

Q: Do you think they would have got those two touchdowns if you were on the field?
A: No, I don't think so.

Q: Realistically, can you be ready for Sunday?
A: Oh yeah, definitely. There's not a doubt in my mind. I haven't missed a step. The only thing I haven't done is play yet.

DT Johnathan Hankins

Q: Coach said he liked how you worked last week. Do you feel that you're thinking less and reacting more to what you see?
A: I would say I feel a little more comfortable with the scheme, the plays and just going out there and making plays. I'm not worrying about messing up because this is a game and you're going to have those types of mistakes. But just having a clear mind and just going out there and having fun.

Q: What do you think that you can bring to the table?
A: Obviously, stopping the run is what they drafted me here for and just help out the defensive line. We've got a lot of veteran guys in there and just production. I'm just going to give as much as I can.

Q: Do you think it's going to be a real challenge stopping the Eagles' topped-ranked rushing offense? What's going to be the key to stopping their running game?
A: Slowing down their quarterback and their running back. Those are two good runners and they lead the NFL in rushing. I'm going to do my best and we're going to do our best to stop that.

Q: Do you guys think you could benefit from a little bit more of a rotation on the defensive line?
A: I feel like the rotation we've had has been pretty good. Obviously, we have a couple of guys that are down. But it's just my job to come in and if they need me, I'm going to come in there and play my role and hopefully get some tackles and some stops.

Q: They wouldn't be making it easy on you to stop LeSean McCoy as your first assignment and being thrown into the fire like that.
A: I wouldn't say thrown into the fire, but it's definitely a big challenge and I'm up to it.

Q: You guys have had success taking away the cutback lanes from the quick runners. Do you feel like you can maintain that this week?
A: I feel like I can come in because that's what I'm good at doing is stopping the run. I feel like overall as a unit we're going to put more of an emphasis on that and we will get the job done.

Q: Is it frustrating not playing?
A: It's been tough, but it's just the way the game is. I've been patiently waiting and when the opportunities come, you've got to go out there and take it. If I get the opportunity to play this week, I'm going to take full advantage of it.

Q: What's been the hardest thing about transitioning from college to the NFL?
A: I would say the plays, the schemes and then just getting the feel of the game. Preseason was a different type of level. Right now it's the real season, so I'm going to go out there and get a feel and hopefully I catch on pretty fast.

Q: Are you getting more acclimated to the speed of the game?
A: Yeah, and just knowing keys and certain things that happen before the play happens.

DE Damontre Moore

In my skills and in the schemes that the coaches are giving me, they don't come up with anything that's ridiculous.  They put you in the perfect position which has been working so far.  I'm just going to keep reading the scheme and wherever they tell me, go here or go there and you say how fast do you want me to go?  It's one of those things.  I'm just going in with open ears.

Q: So did you get any increased reps today?  Did you kind of sense that the coaches are going to follow through with getting you in there?
A: The coaches have always been men of their word.  Every time they tell me something, it's always been right.  When they told me, if you play your scheme and run harder, you're going to get a block, the first week.  Everything they said has come true. 

Q: What do you think is the one key ingredient that you might be able to add, that has been missing from the pass rush?
A: Just an eager puppy that's ready to go in there and go play.  I'm going in there with open eyes and just running in there as fast and as hard as I can.  Hopefully something happens. 

Q: Something good happens right?
A: That's the goal.  I don't think anybody goes out there and plans for something bad to happen.  It's one of those things.  Like I said, we have a great scheme and we have a great coaching staff.  Honestly, I have a great group of veterans in front of me.  Kiwi, JPP, Tuck, Shaun Rogers, Cullen Jenkins, whenever they see something, they're always critiquing me.  That helps me, so I feel like I'm in a situation I really can't fail. 


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