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Quotes (10/27): Giants postgame reactions


Opening statement: "I don't think there's any injuries (inaudible) pulled out – it was pretty well that way. Hard fought game give Detroit credit. They made enough plays to beat us. We did make plays at times in critical junctures of the game – you just never know when that's going to be in a game like this. To say our guys battled – they battled. They always battle, but we have to paly better and make more plays, then we'll end up winning these games. So, I think that's what needs to be learned from this. But I'll try and answer questions."

On what QB Daniel Jones showed early about bouncing back after mistakes: "He's tough – I've said that all along. It wasn't his fault. He got (expletive) hit. Excuse me. It wasn't his fault. He got hit and the ball got put out of there. He battles. He battles and that's what it showed me. Excuse me – I apologize. That was really unprofessional of me."

On where he saw QB Daniel Jones making progress: "He battled throughout the game. All the things we see all the time. He was in it, all the way to the end to win it. He's a gritty, tough, young man that has a bright future."

On breaking down the strip-sack: "They delayed the blitz and then hit it on us. We have to have the hat on that."

On if he thought about challenging for a pass interference late in the fourth quarter: "No, nope. We had evidence this week that shows there's been one overturned. So no, I didn't."

On if there was a change in opinion from his previous statements on challenging pass interferences: "Not really. I trust the system. But in this situation, there, I didn't. Just try to get it on a fourth down."

On why the officials picked up the flag, then ruled for no pass interference: "I don't know. I didn't get the full answer because the game kept playing. I'm trying to get the answer, but we were moving along, and they were moving along. I didn't get the answer. Obviously, somebody called it, then somebody came in – the mechanics on that are: One official will call it, then in conference with another official, they'll decide whether to stick with it or, in this case, pick it up."

On the decision to go for a two-point conversion: "Then you'd cut the (lead) to a field goal. That's what it was."

On if he was concerned about how much time there was in the game remaining after: "I don't think that – I think the math played in to that in the right way. We were into the fourth quarter, right? We were late in the third or whatever it was. So, the way the game was going – it was a two-score game, that put us within a field goal."

On if the situation occurred earlier in the third, would that affect his decision: "Yeah, I guess. Yeah, it depends on where it comes in the game."

On the Lions' deep touchdown pass in the first quarter: "Yeah, they threw a seven-route. We probably should've had a little bit better presence on the outside. They made a good throw and catch."

On the Lions' trick play: "What about it? It was a throw-back, right? It was a throw-back and (Antoine) Bethea was in coverage. He was just behind. That's what happened."

On if the feeling of having to chase an extra point the rest of the game when a PAT is missed: "No. It's like any play you make or don't make, you move on, try to make the next one."

On LB Deone Bucannon's performance: "I'll see. It was hard for me to tell, but that's probably a question for tomorrow."

On how he feels the team is doing mentally: "We're going to get ready to play Dallas on Monday Night – that's where we're at. Mentally, that's where we're at."

On if he has to worry about guys feeling down: "No. It seems to be a question that you ask me frequently. I'm not worried about it because they're mentally tough, and they're going to fight."

On how to avoid early deficits: "Well, we have to avoid them. But for some reason the team scores, then we have to go score. That's what it is."

On if he feels they are not getting enough pressure on the opposing quarterback without blitzing after two 40plus yard touchdowns: "One of (the touchdowns) was the throw-back, right? Then the other one was on third down – where I said we should've had a better presence from the corner. So, that's that on those two situations."

On if RB Saquon Barkley showed hesitancy on the Lions' scoop-and-score due to not knowing if the play was ruled incomplete: "I don't know. I didn't see that much of it. I was just told that he scored and it was standing. So, I didn't get to see much more than you. We'll look at it. We can talk about it tomorrow."


On his frustration: "Yeah, we're all frustrated. I think it's tough losing games like this, and we know we've got to play better, we've got to make more plays. But, we're certainly frustrated, but like last week, we're not going to let it affect our preparation into this week. We're not discouraged, and we are going to make sure that like I said, it doesn't affect our preparation, and we attack this opportunity next week."

On what he saw on the backwards pass play: "I'm not sure. I didn't see that. But yeah, I mean we've just got to protect the ball in those situations, and we can't afford to do that."

On if he felt he was throwing the ball forward on the backwards pass play: "Yeah, I was trying to."

On his mindset after the backward pass and putting it behind him: "Yeah, I mean, you kind of have to in those situations, and I thought we did as a team. We kind of dug ourselves a hole there to begin with and that cost us in the end. But I thought after that we responded, and we played hard. We didn't do enough to win, didn't make enough plays, and you make it tough when you dig yourself a hole like that. So, it was a costly mistake and something I have got to learn from."

On why he enjoys throwing to WR Darius Slayton: "He's a really good player. I think he's come up for us and made a lot of big-time plays. I think we all have a lot of trust in him. Obviously, he's super talented and his speed and just athleticism, but he's shown to make those contested catches, the tough catches with people on him. So he's done a great job for us."

On the failed two-point conversion: "(It was) just a missed throw. He was open in the back of the end zone, and I've got to put it on him there."

On playing in an indoor, loud environment: "Yeah, it got loud at times and their fans were certainly into it and behind them. So that's part of playing on the road and handling that, so I thought overall we did a pretty good job with it."

On positive takeaways from this loss: "I mean, I think we've known we can move the ball on people. We've known we can score points and do that, so I'm not sure. You know, we didn't do enough of it. I think like a lot of these games, we haven't done enough of it and made the big time plays in big moments. But I think we know we're capable, we know we can do it. It's just a matter of doing it more consistently and at big moments in the game. So as far as what we can take from it, just to realize we've got to do it when it matters the most and do it consistently the whole game."

On him getting to be more comfortable in the NFL: "Yeah, I think so. Like I said, I've been trying to learn as quick as I can. I'm trying to not repeat mistakes and learn from each of those opportunities. So, yeah, I think I have learned. I've made some progress. But you've got to continue to build on that and keep doing it."

On what personally disappoints him the most from the loss today: "Just not doing enough to win. I think obviously the turnover was – a turnover in the beginning, it hurt us and dug a hole for ourselves, for our team, and obviously that's disappointing. But you know, I think we didn't do enough to win. I didn't do enough to help us win. Like I said, in a lot of those critical times in the game we still had a chance to win, and we didn't make the play."

On overall assessment of how he played: "I think I played fine at times, and we moved the ball. We moved the ball up and down the field. But like I said, we've known we can do that. We've got people who can make plays, and as an offense, we're confident we can do that against anyone. But like I said, I didn't do enough, and I think that's my biggest takeaway."

On if there was a particular play or sequence where he felt he didn't do enough: "I mean I think, obviously, the turnover, which we talked about. A couple third downs we needed to stay on the field, opportunities to make plays, you've got to do better with that."


On if being caught between the ball and the player on a touchdown reception is a helpless feeling: "A helpless feeling? No, like I said, it was a good play call and they made a play."

On giving up a touchdown on third-and-15: "That's soft, ust knowing the situation and knowing what they like they do. And like you said, third down has been one of our Achilles heels, and to give that third-and-15 up, that was soft."

On avoiding slow starts being down 17-0 last week and 14-0 this week: "It's something that we've been continuing to talk about. It's just something that we've got to focus in on the details and stop beating ourselves. That's what we've been doing these last couple weeks, just the small things that are creeping in and creating bigger things."

On the two jump-ball plays that turned into Lions touchdowns: "Well, the throwback, that was on me. That was a good play call and again, he crossed my face and made a play. As far as the deep ball, it was just one of those third down plays, third-and-long, and we've got to know the situation in that position."


On what will push the team "over the hump": "Just more consistent execution. You know, I feel like we made a lot of plays, obviously like you said four touchdowns. You say, 'a great game,' but whatever. But obviously we didn't execute well enough to win. So I think this is kind of the small things, you know. Just picking up a few yards here or there, making catches opposed to dropping them – like I did before the half, but just little stuff like that."

On what he is showing individually, as the team-leader in touchdown receptions: "I mean, I am just out there trying to help my team win, you know. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make enough to win today, but I guess, just did a solid job."

On what happened on the third- and fourth-down plays in the end zone late in the game: "Yeah, the first one – I mean I felt like he hit me before the ball got there. I guess we will see on film or whatever, but on the second one, that's me. It was a zero blitz, and I just have to look quicker for the ball. I didn't even see it in the air, it was already past my head. That one is on me, I have to see that their blitzing and that we can't them all up and just make sure I get my head around."

On what is the harder catch, boxing someone out for a touchdown or going over the top: "Probably going over the top."

On the fourth down where the official picked up the flag: "Yeah, I guess they picked it up because I guess they deemed it uncatchable. I'm not really sure where the ball landed, but I assume that's why they picked up the flag."


On his first impressions of Lions WR Kenny Golladay: "When he first got there, I was like, 'This dude is not very good.' He quickly, quickly changed that. His work ethic – he showed up wanting to be good. In his first year, he showed us some glimpses of wanting to be amazing. The second year he did amazing. And – he's on his third year now, right? His third year, he's just thriving. He's thriving. It's been fun to watch him grow. To be drafted in the third round and doing the job that he's doing – they're dangerous over there between him, Marvin (Jones Jr.) and Danny (Amendola) and T.J. (Hockenson)."

On when his perception of Lions WR Kenny Golladay changed: "It was by training camp. I think that first game he came out and did something – he had a diving catch. I was like, 'OK, this is the real deal.' So, I'm happy to see him do well. He's a guy that I'll follow forever. I'll always root for him."

On QB Daniel Jones trusting him and WR Darius Slayton to make difficult catches: "I mean, it says a lot. The relationship between all the receivers and D.J. (Daniel Jones) is getting better. It's something we're continually working on. It's exciting to see him have a short-term memory. Week-in and week-out, there's a chance to win. We completely believe (in) him, and I believe Eli (Manning) is doing a great job of teaching him the game – so is (Alex) Tanney. I see him on the defenses out at practice during that period, and he's back working. You see other guys back there working as well. He wants to be really, really good. He's taking that approach every single day."


On if QB Daniel Jones has become more vocal: "Definitely, like I said a couple weeks back, he's starting to come out of his little shell, his little rookie shell, a little bit. He is starting to be himself, communicating more and being more vocal. He has definitely grown in that aspect, becoming a leader and he backs it up with his play."

On how big it is it for Jones to bounce back from his early struggles to throw four scores: "Yeah, we definitely don't want to fall into those holes, but when adversity hits, we do a good job of responding."

On the Giants' identity right now: "We are a team that has to look in the mirror and get back to work. We are going to keep fighting, I have no doubt, no second guessing anybody in this locker room. It's a long season, we have a lot more opportunities to go out and compete and we are going to get to work."

On the team not quitting: "Yeah, that's our identity. We are going to keep competing until the final whistle blows."


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