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Quotes (10/6): Rolle, Jennings, Williams


22 photos that tell the story of Sunday's win vs. the Falcons

Head Coach Tom Coughlin

Opening Statement :
**I think I said basically what I wanted to say yesterday at the conclusion of the game. I thought it was an outstanding win for our team and a much better played second

half than first half. Some things that did jump right out at you when you watched the tape and reviewed the game: The outstanding stops by our defense. One following the fumble to have them at the two-yard line go backwards a little bit and to force a field goal there. Then later on, to do the same thing making an outstanding stop. Right there you can point to the reason for the margin of points and the opportunity to win the game. There were also some outstanding plays in the game. Our kicker Josh Brown did an outstanding job. You are talking about stepping up and kicking a 49-yarder. A 50-yarder. Then centering the ball at the end of the game to go up by 10, I thought, was outstanding as well. Offensively, we did not give the ball away as an offense. That is something we have targeted for a long time. We talk about it every week. For a couple of weeks we have been pretty good with the football and we did not have an offensive turnover or giveaway yesterday, which is a plus. Hopefully we can keep that up. We did have the very unusual play with an interception and the fumble back. We also had the fumble with Preston Parker on the kickoff, which very early in the game, the sudden change was another indication that our defense was able to go on the field and demonstrate some mental toughness with regard to that situation that I mentioned earlier. The other one that I thought was a good indicator was in the third quarter when [the Falcons] start the drive and we have the interception and the fumble back [to the Falcons]. [The Falcons] get the ball back at that spot and they prepare to punt on fourth down and we rough the punter. [The Falcons] get the ball again. It ends up being 11 plays of a drive. Then we stop them and they had to punt the football. I thought that was a very good indicator as well. Of course, the 20 unanswered points, I thought, were outstanding. The questions came yesterday about Odell Beckham, a good young football player that had an opportunity to play. When you look at the tape there is a lot to be learned here, but when he looks at it, it will be a very big plus for him. The other thing that occurred is Andre Williams rushed the ball with power. Played pretty strongly, particularly when he had his opportunity when Rashad [Jennings] came out of the game. Those were a couple of things. For us to be 60 percent on third down, I thought, was outstanding. We were three for four in the green zone. The one that wasn't was really my option, in terms of making sure we secured the ball and set up in front of the goal post to kick the field goal. I thought those two things were outstanding. To be able to finish the day with 34 rushes for 124 yards was good as well. I thought defensively to hold this team to 15 percent on third down when they had been 55 percent coming in, I thought, was an outstanding accomplishment. [The Falcons] were one for three in the red zone. They had been eight for nine or 89 percent coming in. I thought we did a very good job at that. Then some yardage was added at the very end with the draw, not to say it shouldn't go where it goes, but there was 90 yards of rushing offense [for Atlanta] as well. I thought again we didn't accomplish the things we wanted to in the first half, but came back in the second half and played better. [We] beat an Atlanta team that was the number one offense in the league and a really good football team. **

**Q: Rashad Jennings: Looks like he has a sprained MCL… What were you told on that and how long are you expecting to lose him? A: I was told exactly what you were told. It is an MCL sprain. We are all hoping that this young man is a fast healer with the way he conditions and takes care of himself. We'll see.

Q: Time frame for how long he might be out?A: I am going to go day-to-day. I'm not even going to change off of that until I am told differently.

Q: Based on what you saw from [Andre] Williams yesterday, what kind of confidence do you have in him getting a larger role?A: I am very confident of that. The other thing that he did that was great was the 3rd and 7 first down run. A lot of that was on his own outside the flank of our blockers. He was able to pick up that first down. That was really indicative of people trying to tackle the ball and get the ball out, and he made that play. When you have a young guy, you really get into great, great detail even more about pass protection. He has done a good job when he has been in there. He is going to have to do even better.

Q: What are your injuries and timetables for [Dominique] Rodgers-Cromartie and Zack Bowman?A: I don't know much about Bowman. I know that Rodgers-Cromartie is over running the tests right now. The word has come back to me just prior to coming down here that he thinks he can play with it. It is a leg injury, but pinpointing it is not something that I am going to try to do. It starts with an ankle, but I noticed that he has had some issue way up high in the hip area also from time to time. I am just going to stick with the leg right now. We felt that he could work through it on a couple of occasions, but I think [SVP of Medical Services] Ronnie [Barnes] wanted to shut it down and take a look at whatever was going on there. Hopefully we can overcome it. He thinks he can play through it as he rehabs and feels better about it.

Q: Are you okay with that rotation [of cornerbacks]?A: Of course, I am not. Of course, I am not okay with it.

Q: Would you rather have either Zack [Bowman] or somebody else in there?A: No, I would rather that (Rodgers-Cromartie) play and stay out there. Unfortunately, he has felt a need to come off in the last couple of ball games. Guys are ready to go on the field and they have done a good job when he has come out. If that is what we have to play with and have to work with within the system, then we have to do that.

Q: Did something new or different come up with [Rodgers-Cromartie]?A: I don't think this is anything new or different. I think it is an ongoing thing.

Q: What about Jon Beason… What went into the decision to not have him active?A: The injury obviously and the projection between the medical people and Jon himself as to how far he could go into the game and where he would be if he were to put another solid week in front of him without any kind of setbacks. There you go.

Q: Did your linebacker corps make some adjustments at halftime that enabled different parts of the defense to also be more effective?A: Well, we made some adjustments on some of the runs, one run in particular that had been hurting us. As far as the combination between the front and the linebackers and playing well in terms of the maneuvers that were taking place, some of it was some the stunts, some of the front TE's. By and large, I think we had a little better handle on who we were defending at that point in time and played a little better.

Q: They released the video from the locker room last night and at the end of it you certainly made everyone aware that you are going to Philadelphia. How big is this game now?A: Every game is the most important game of the season. This is a divisional game. Obviously Philadelphia is playing very, very well. It is a game within the division for us, so we are just excited for that opportunity.

Q: Do you think you are as equipped now to face the challenge, facing the number one team more so than maybe three or four weeks ago? The team is playing better, more chemistry, things like that.A: Well, it is certainly better than looking backwards. It is better than if it was in the first or second week, but at this point in time, it's the next game. It is not a whole lot of speculation that I put into anything like that. It's the next game, we better be ready.

Q: What do you think you learned about your team yesterday? The fact that you were able to come back down 10 [points]? Did you learn anything about them down 10 in the second half? Did you learn something from them yesterday?A: I think you learn as you go consistently. You prepare them to be in those types of situations and to come through under those circumstances. Particularly when I talk about how we went on the field and the worst of circumstances being the first one. The ball is at the 21-yard line, it's real early in the football game and the attitude in which we came off the sideline realizing we had to make a stop, had to force a turnover or them to kick a field goal. I thought that was a good thing. I liked the way they handled it. It wasn't any….with me they went out and went to work.

Q: Why was Preston Parker on that kickoff return?A: Because Quintin Demps is starting at safety and we have rotated those people and if there is any kind of circumstance where he has been in for any number of plays, then we play the other guy.

Q: What do you see or what does it say about your defense when you have linemen…there is one play in particular where Robert Ayers and Jason Pierre- Paul were pressuring the quarterback or trying to then rounding back to the ball carrier or receiver to take part in the tackle as well. Is that a bigger commitment?A: I think we have definitely practiced better on defense over the last couple of weeks. The running to the ball thing is something that is emphasized all the time. I think they are really having fun doing it as I see and observe them in practice, particularly Jason Pierre-Paul. Last week, for example, he seemed to be all over the place, an indication, number one, that he is healthy, number two, he is in great physical condition. Robert Ayers seems to be getting into that type of frame of mind and they all are kind of pushing and challenging themselves to be better at that.

Q: How do you know when to give Odell Beckham more, whether it is return opportunities or in the offense?A: We had a set idea and a plan that he could be used on punt return, how many check-with-me kind of things. We were looking for a particular situation that he would be there if, in fact, he was going to return at all. We will continue that way, we will continue to observe and get the advice from the medical people. He seemed to be very fine today, there wasn't any issue, we will push him along even further now.

Q: Your players mentioned they are obviously aware not a lot of people picked them to win the NFC East. Do you want to downplay this chance to them or do you want them to sort of embrace this as a big early season test for them?A: I think every game in one way, shape, or form is a huge test for your football team and a great challenge. Philadelphia has obviously all kinds of numbers, they have played extremely well. Arguably they could be undefeated right now. We know what that challenge is about and we are excited about preparing and having an opportunity to play against the Eagles in our division. That is what I am embracing, if that is the word. It's exciting, we look forward to it. We always do.

Q: Did Spencer Paysinger go for tests for his hamstring today? Do you know the severity of that?A: Yes, he did. The severity, not what extent, I don't know, we will see. We have a couple of those things at the linebacker level that seem to be forever but shouldn't be. Hopefully that is not the case with Spencer Paysinger.

Q: How did Devon Kennard come out of the game?A: Seemed to be fine.

Q: On bringing the kickoff return out of the end zone instead of downing it?A: I don't know. You can argue forever about the balls that ought to come out. You see it all around the league. They are bringing them out nine yards deep and the ball ends up at the fifteen or fourteen or whatever. We have some ideas about when that thing should come out and when it shouldn't, but you also have the confidence of the guys bringing it out, thinking that he can do it. When you don't take the ball away, that is the nature of this game. Look at the two previous games where our field position was and the outcome. We led the league in takeaways, we led the league at starting point, and we led the league in points off of takeaways. Then all of a sudden, we have a game where we really don't have any.

Q: There was feeling that with what Larry Donnell was able to do that it would be interesting to see how defenses now try to take him away. Did you see that yesterday?A: I think credit has to be given to Atlanta for their coverage schemes, the way in which they continued to disguise and work. I think there was definitely some coverages set up for Victor Cruz and that was recognizable. As far as Larry Donnell goes, I don't think there was any special coverage, I know there would be special recognition within a formation for someone that has had a game like that from the week before. It just gives us another guy. If you have Odell Beckham Jr., Larry Donnell, Victor Cruz, and you have so on an so forth more people that have be defended, then it gives you the opportunity to kind of be versatile and where the ball will go.

Q: Do you have an update with Jayron Hosley?A: You will find out later this afternoon.

Safety Antrel Rolle

Q: How does it feel to come into work today as an above .500 team for the first time in a while?
A: That's what we expect. I never really imagined the day where I would be fighting to be over .500, to be honest with you. That's not our expectation level. We're just looking to try to win every game and just keep building from this point on.


Q: People now talk about this game, obviously playing the Eagles, as a big statement game for you guys, but do you feel like you've already made a statement that you're going to be competitive in this division the rest of the way?
**A: Every game for us is a statement game. This is just a bigger game because it's a divisional game against a good football team. They're playing very well right now, so as far as a statement game, every game for us is a must-win game. Every game is a statement game.

Q: Did you ever doubt that this team was good enough to be in the thick of the NFC East race?
A: I think you know the answer to that question. I never doubt. I never doubt.

Q: Have you been able to get a jumpstart on the Eagles when they've been on when you guys haven't been on?
A: No, no. We really haven't. We're too busy trying to get our ball rolling and understand who we are as Giants. We'll get a good look at them this week and figure things out.

Q: Has that three-game winning streak given you guys the identity that you want yet or are you still working on it?
A: I feel like it's giving us something to look forward to. I feel like, as a team, we're definitely growing and battling. I can't say in previous games I would have felt like we probably would have come out the way we did this past game like we did had you asked me that before, but we're a fighting team. We're rising above adversity, we're playing beyond Xs and Os and more importantly we're winning the fourth quarter and we're making things happen.

Q: When you broke down the team yesterday after the game, Tom Coughlin made a point of where you guys are going next. How exciting, how much have you had them in your sights throughout this year, to play the Eagles?
A: I mean, this is the only week I'm really paying attention to them. I never go ahead of what's on our schedule. We take it on a week-to-week basis and like I said, this is a huge game for us. They're playing good football, we're playing good football, so it's going to be a great matchup.

Q: They're obviously the defending division champs. In your mind, do you put the target on them as the team to beat because of that?
A: No. We just try to go out and play. We're just trying to make sure that we come out on top of our division this year. Last year is last year. I don't feel like there was much to really battle with last year in our division. I felt like it was a weak division last year. I feel like this year it's definitely up and rising. We didn't get a lot of credit in the preseason in our division, but I think now the tables are starting to turn a little bit. Dallas is playing good, Philly is playing good right now. I think we're rising and we're stepping up to the challenges and we're playing some good football right now.

Q: When you look at your defense, do you see a decrease in the mistakes from Week 1 to where you are now?
A: Yeah, absolutely. There are still a lot of things we can fix each and every week, obviously, but I think what we're doing right now is we're playing more together, we're playing fast, guys are hustling to the ball a lot more. Even when there are mistakes, guys are going 100 percent, so it's not as noticeable. Obviously there are still some things we need to clean up and it's going to come with time. Yesterday we got off to a slow start, then in the second half I think we pretty much played lights out, besides the big play that I gave up. Like I said, the guys rally, they had my back and played extremely well. The offense played extremely well putting points on the board and maintaining the ball for the amount of minutes that they did.

Q: It seemed when you guys got down 10, something clicked. Was that a crisis point in the season where you guys just stepped up?
A: We just didn't want to lose the game. We're out there battling, trying to get a win at all costs. Initially it started with the offense going out there and putting seven on the board. The defense was playing relentless. We weren't giving up anything at that point. Just trying to keep giving the offense more opportunities to put points on the board and they did just that.

RB Rashad Jennings

Q: How are you doing?A: I'm great, man.

Q: How are you doing physically?A: I'm great.


Q: How do you think you'll be for next week? **A: Next week, we'll see.

Q: What's your update for now?A: Right now, it's rehab, recovery. I'm doing everything I possibly can to get everything back to normal. It's a process; it's something I've been through before. I know how to go about business. I'll get ready as soon as I possibly can.

Q: From what they told you, are you more concerned that this is a short term or could it be a little while?A: We want everything to be short term, obviously, as much as it can. You've got to let the body take its course and I'm going to do everything I can to speed up that process. We'll see where things land in a few days or so and just continue to take it from there.

Q: At this point, do you know if you need surgery?A: No, I don't. Definitely do not.

Q: What was the diagnosis? What did they tell you? Just a sprain? Is that what they told you?A: Pretty much. They said it was a sprain, part of the game. Right now we're just seeing how things are going to heal up in there in the next couple days after everything, the swelling goes down. We'll make a decision from there as to what's going to be the best recovery.

Q: If you can't go this week, what kind of confidence do you have in Andre Williams?A: All the confidence. Like I told you before, this running back room, the depth is as large as I've ever been a part of; each guy is a starter. Like I said, he is a guy that, when he first came here, kind of just was sitting under my wing, learning as much as he possibly could from Peyton (Hillis), as well. We've got the utmost confidence in Andre, Peyton as well. I'm sure Mike will get a chance to be bumped up. The heart of this team is the team itself, it's not the backfield. The offensive line – very productive. The quarterback room – very productive, the tight end and wide receiver room too. On the offensive side, it's not about one person.

Q: When you're trying to decide about your length of recovery and what the process is, how much do you factor in that in two weeks you've got a bye week, which could automatically give you an extra week to rest if you need to?A: Yeah, the bye week does give you an extra week, that's without a doubt. We worry about that when the time comes. Right now, the only thing I can control is the next couple minutes of my life, so I'm just controlling what I can right now and preparing for the future.

Q: Do you spend extra time in your hyperbaric chamber? Does that help you in this regard? Is that something you can do to help expedite the process?A: Yeah, I've got a toolbox. I've got a closet full of little tips and secrets, how to heal through this kind of process. I'm definitely going to pull them all out. The chamber will definitely be a part of that, chiropractor, massage, train, bike, everything. When you're not seeing me, you can rest assured that I'm doing everything I can to get back.

Q: How frustrating is this for you after a solid start and all?A: It's frustrating. When that happens it hurts, as a player that wants to compete. To be out there with your teammates is something that you work so hard for, dedicated so much and committed so much of your life and time to it, but it's a part of the game. It's just like life, you've got bumps and bruises that you've got to bounce back from. None of us have the magic wand, so it's really how you respond to adversity. I'm going to respond in the right way.

Q: Did you have the MRI this morning?A: I had the MRI this morning.

Q: What did it show?A: I'm not a doctor. To me, it just looks like a whole bunch of sonograms.

Q: What did they say about…?A: They said it would heal up; it's just got to take its course.

Q: Sometimes they give grades on sprains. Did they tell you anything in that regard?A: Yeah, he said he was going to call doc and they were going to have a conversation. I just looked at him and said, 'Look, surgery or no surgery? No surgery? See you later.'

Q: Given your physical condition, how confident are you that you're going to be able to heal quicker maybe than usual?A: History has shown I always heal up quicker than expected. I don't see why it would change now.

RB Andre Williams

Q: What's the feeling like here in terms of a lot of guys contributing to this win yesterday? What does that mean?A: It's good that we were able to come out yesterday, our last home game before we get on the road for a couple games before the bye week, just to be able to sure things up, get some guys on the field that haven't played in a little bit and get a good win.

Q: If Rashad Jennings can't go this week or if he's limited, do you feel comfortable in taking an even greater role?A: Absolutely. I practice every day like I'm going to play the whole game. You can't go into a week saying, 'Oh, I'm second string, third string, I might not play this game,' you have to play because it's always the next man up mentality.


Q: Is your confidence building here as you're continuing your rookie campaign? **A: Absolutely. I've had a couple games with success now. The guys are rallying behind me, the O-line is making me feel comfortable. We're just getting better and gelling better as a group, so I'm confident going into next week.

Q: If you get thrust into a big spot here against Philly, are you ready to accept it?A: Absolutely, I am.

Q: When you went back and looked at the tape, how did you do in pass blocking?A: There were definitely come areas I made some mistakes, some areas I did well and just with more time and experience and better preparation, I'll do well next week.

Q: Has that been the most challenging thing for you coming into this league? You probably see different things that you maybe never saw.A: I don't necessarily think that's the most challenging thing coming into the league. Really what I had trouble dealing with so far, just getting used to a no-huddle offense and picking up the calls, seeing the pass protection, call pass routes, executing it all in a short amount of time. With more time and experience, it's definitely coming to me better.

Q: Are there particular things that you've picked up from Rashad, him being a veteran of this league, that have already helped you.A: Absolutely. Rashad is really open about the younger players, even just how he fits in pass protection, how he uses his hands, different secrets he's looking at backside when he's running certain zone runs. It's definitely helped me. I'm going to be leaning on him a lot even though he's down.

Q: Do you think you've shown enough yesterday, both running and pass protecting, that the coaches would have maybe more faith in you than they did before?A: I would hope so. I think I had a pretty solid game. I hope that I'm definitely building faith, having the coaches build faith in me and my ability to play on the field.

Q: It was the first time in while you've had 20 carries, how does the body feel this morning? A little extra sore or is it a good sore?A: It's a good sore. I had 15 last week, 20 this week, there wasn't too much of a difference between the two. I really feel like I'm built to carry the ball as many times as I need to.

Q: You want 40 Sunday, don't you?A: If it's that type of game, I'm down for it.

Q: You seemed especially excited after your catch. Something you've been working on?A: Absolutely. I've been working, putting in the extra work after practice catching balls out of the Juggs. It's paying off; I can see it paying off. I'm more comfortable catching the ball, so it was just exciting to get that first one in.

Q: That's not an easy play with a defender coming up on you, right?A: Yeah, that's the thing about those swing routes, you never know how fast that corner's going to be coming down on you. I got the ball just in time to be able to square up before I met him, so it ended up working out in my favor rather than his.

Q: If Rashad is out and you have to carry the load as a running back, that's something they're going to expect of you, right?A: Absolutely.

CB Prince Amukamara

Q: Obviously you've got Philly this week, the defending division champions. Is this one of those things where, 'We really get to see how good we are?'A: Yeah, I think the Philly game is going to be another great test for our team. Like you said, they are the defending (division) champions and they have a great team on all three phases of the ball so it's going to be a challenge for us.

Q: Did you consider them the team to beat in this division heading into this year?A: I don't think we necessarily picked one team that was necessary to beat. I think we need to beat all of the teams. I think all teams can be a good team week in and week out.

Q: How much was it a mental game in the third quarter yesterday when you guys went down 10?A: We definitely faced some adversity in the first half and then in the second half we knew we had to make changes and we had to make corrections. We had to hold them to zero because the first half, they were making strides and they were making plays, so I'm glad we made corrections for the second half.

Q: Do you win a game like that last year when things were going bad?A: That's a great question. I don't know the answer.

Q: Do you want to guess?A: Just with how last year was going earlier in the season, I would say things probably wouldn't have went our way last year.

Q: And that's because you just didn't believe you could make plays or things weren't clicking?A: I don't know about believing, but things just weren't going our way last year.

Q: Some of the carryover from week to week, there are still big plays that are happening against the secondary. Is that something that's different every time or is it a recurring theme, in your opinion?A: As a secondary, we definitely want no big plays to happen to us. We go by a model like, 'Hey, those guys on offense get paid, too,' so sometimes the other teams are going to make a play just because they're just as talented, but we never want to give up a big play.

Q: When you look at where you started in Week 1 to where you are now, do you see the defensive backfield really coming together and working in harmony with the other three units?A: I think it was there Week 1, I just feel like we kept hurting ourselves with being out of position or just not running the play that was drawn up. I think it was always there, but now that we're not shooting ourselves in the foot, it's able to be shown.

Head Coach Tom Coughlin

Opening Statement :
I think I said basically what I wanted to say yesterday at the conclusion of the game. I thought it was an outstanding win for our team and a much better played second half than first half. Some things that did jump right out at you when you watched the tape and reviewed the game: The outstanding stops by our defense. One following the fumble to have them at the two-yard line go backwards a little bit and to force a field goal there. Then later on, to do the same thing making an outstanding stop. Right there you can point to the reason for the margin of points and the opportunity to win the game. There were also some outstanding plays in the game. Our kicker Josh Brown did an outstanding job. You are talking about stepping up and kicking a 49-yarder. A 50-yarder. Then centering the ball at the end of the game to go up by 10, I thought, was outstanding as well. Offensively, we did not give the ball away as an offense. That is something we have targeted for a long time. We talk about it every week. For a couple of weeks we have been pretty good with the football and we did not have an offensive turnover or giveaway yesterday, which is a plus. Hopefully we can keep that up. We did have the very unusual play with an interception and the fumble back. We also had the fumble with Preston Parker on the kickoff, which very early in the game, the sudden change was another indication that our defense was able to go on the field and demonstrate some mental toughness with regard to that situation that I mentioned earlier. The other one that I thought was a good indicator was in the third quarter when [the Falcons] start the drive and we have the interception and the fumble back [to the Falcons]. [The Falcons] get the ball back at that spot and they prepare to punt on fourth down and we rough the punter. [The Falcons] get the ball again. It ends up being 11 plays of a drive. Then we stop them and they had to punt the football. I thought that was a very good indicator as well. Of course, the 20 unanswered points, I thought, were outstanding. The questions came yesterday about Odell Beckham, a good young football player that had an opportunity to play. When you look at the tape there is a lot to be learned here, but when he looks at it, it will be a very big plus for him. The other thing that occurred is Andre Williams rushed the ball with power. Played pretty strongly, particularly when he had his opportunity when Rashad [Jennings] came out of the game. Those were a couple of things. For us to be 60 percent on third down, I thought, was outstanding. We were three for four in the green zone. The one that wasn't was really my option, in terms of making sure we secured the ball and set up in front of the goal post to kick the field goal. I thought those two things were outstanding. To be able to finish the day with 34 rushes for 124 yards was good as well. I thought defensively to hold this team to 15 percent on third down when they had been 55 percent coming in, I thought, was an outstanding accomplishment. [The Falcons] were one for three in the red zone. They had been eight for nine or 89 percent coming in. I thought we did a very good job at that. Then some yardage was added at the very end with the draw, not to say it shouldn't go where it goes, but there was 90 yards of rushing offense [for Atlanta] as well. I thought again we didn't accomplish the things we wanted to in the first half, but came back in the second half and played better. [We] beat an Atlanta team that was the number one offense in the league and a really good football team.

Q: Rashad Jennings: Looks like he has a sprained MCL… What were you told on that and how long are you expecting to lose him?A: I was told exactly what you were told. It is an MCL sprain. We are all hoping that this young man is a fast healer with the way he conditions and takes care of himself. We'll see.

Q: Time frame for how long he might be out?A: I am going to go day-to-day. I'm not even going to change off of that until I am told differently.

Q: Based on what you saw from [Andre] Williams yesterday, what kind of confidence do you have in him getting a larger role?A: I am very confident of that. The other thing that he did that was great was the 3rd and 7 first down run. A lot of that was on his own outside the flank of our blockers. He was able to pick up that first down. That was really indicative of people trying to tackle the ball and get the ball out, and he made that play. When you have a young guy, you really get into great, great detail even more about pass protection. He has done a good job when he has been in there. He is going to have to do even better.

Q: What are your injuries and timetables for [Dominique] Rodgers-Cromartie and Zack Bowman?A: I don't know much about Bowman. I know that Rodgers-Cromartie is over running the tests right now. The word has come back to me just prior to coming down here that he thinks he can play with it. It is a leg injury, but pinpointing it is not something that I am going to try to do. It starts with an ankle, but I noticed that he has had some issue way up high in the hip area also from time to time. I am just going to stick with the leg right now. We felt that he could work through it on a couple of occasions, but I think [SVP of Medical Services] Ronnie [Barnes] wanted to shut it down and take a look at whatever was going on there. Hopefully we can overcome it. He thinks he can play through it as he rehabs and feels better about it.

Q: Are you okay with that rotation [of cornerbacks]?A: Of course, I am not. Of course, I am not okay with it.

Q: Would you rather have either Zack [Bowman] or somebody else in there?A: No, I would rather that (Rodgers-Cromartie) play and stay out there. Unfortunately, he has felt a need to come off in the last couple of ball games. Guys are ready to go on the field and they have done a good job when he has come out. If that is what we have to play with and have to work with within the system, then we have to do that.

Q: Did something new or different come up with [Rodgers-Cromartie]?A: I don't think this is anything new or different. I think it is an ongoing thing.

Q: What about Jon Beason… What went into the decision to not have him active?A: The injury obviously and the projection between the medical people and Jon himself as to how far he could go into the game and where he would be if he were to put another solid week in front of him without any kind of setbacks. There you go.

Q: Did your linebacker corps make some adjustments at halftime that enabled different parts of the defense to also be more effective?A: Well, we made some adjustments on some of the runs, one run in particular that had been hurting us. As far as the combination between the front and the linebackers and playing well in terms of the maneuvers that were taking place, some of it was some the stunts, some of the front TE's. By and large, I think we had a little better handle on who we were defending at that point in time and played a little better.

Q: They released the video from the locker room last night and at the end of it you certainly made everyone aware that you are going to Philadelphia. How big is this game now?A: Every game is the most important game of the season. This is a divisional game. Obviously Philadelphia is playing very, very well. It is a game within the division for us, so we are just excited for that opportunity.

Q: Do you think you are as equipped now to face the challenge, facing the number one team more so than maybe three or four weeks ago? The team is playing better, more chemistry, things like that.A: Well, it is certainly better than looking backwards. It is better than if it was in the first or second week, but at this point in time, it's the next game. It is not a whole lot of speculation that I put into anything like that. It's the next game, we better be ready.

Q: What do you think you learned about your team yesterday? The fact that you were able to come back down 10 [points]? Did you learn anything about them down 10 in the second half? Did you learn something from them yesterday?A: I think you learn as you go consistently. You prepare them to be in those types of situations and to come through under those circumstances. Particularly when I talk about how we went on the field and the worst of circumstances being the first one. The ball is at the 21-yard line, it's real early in the football game and the attitude in which we came off the sideline realizing we had to make a stop, had to force a turnover or them to kick a field goal. I thought that was a good thing. I liked the way they handled it. It wasn't any….with me they went out and went to work.

Q: Why was Preston Parker on that kickoff return?A: Because Quintin Demps is starting at safety and we have rotated those people and if there is any kind of circumstance where he has been in for any number of plays, then we play the other guy.

Q: What do you see or what does it say about your defense when you have linemen…there is one play in particular where Robert Ayers and Jason Pierre- Paul were pressuring the quarterback or trying to then rounding back to the ball carrier or receiver to take part in the tackle as well. Is that a bigger commitment?A: I think we have definitely practiced better on defense over the last couple of weeks. The running to the ball thing is something that is emphasized all the time. I think they are really having fun doing it as I see and observe them in practice, particularly Jason Pierre-Paul. Last week, for example, he seemed to be all over the place, an indication, number one, that he is healthy, number two, he is in great physical condition. Robert Ayers seems to be getting into that type of frame of mind and they all are kind of pushing and challenging themselves to be better at that.

Q: How do you know when to give Odell Beckham more, whether it is return opportunities or in the offense?A: We had a set idea and a plan that he could be used on punt return, how many check-with-me kind of things. We were looking for a particular situation that he would be there if, in fact, he was going to return at all. We will continue that way, we will continue to observe and get the advice from the medical people. He seemed to be very fine today, there wasn't any issue, we will push him along even further now.

Q: Your players mentioned they are obviously aware not a lot of people picked them to win the NFC East. Do you want to downplay this chance to them or do you want them to sort of embrace this as a big early season test for them?A: I think every game in one way, shape, or form is a huge test for your football team and a great challenge. Philadelphia has obviously all kinds of numbers, they have played extremely well. Arguably they could be undefeated right now. We know what that challenge is about and we are excited about preparing and having an opportunity to play against the Eagles in our division. That is what I am embracing, if that is the word. It's exciting, we look forward to it. We always do.

Q: Did Spencer Paysinger go for tests for his hamstring today? Do you know the severity of that?A: Yes, he did. The severity, not what extent, I don't know, we will see. We have a couple of those things at the linebacker level that seem to be forever but shouldn't be. Hopefully that is not the case with Spencer Paysinger.

Q: How did Devon Kennard come out of the game?A: Seemed to be fine.

Q: On bringing the kickoff return out of the end zone instead of downing it?A: I don't know. You can argue forever about the balls that ought to come out. You see it all around the league. They are bringing them out nine yards deep and the ball ends up at the fifteen or fourteen or whatever. We have some ideas about when that thing should come out and when it shouldn't, but you also have the confidence of the guys bringing it out, thinking that he can do it. When you don't take the ball away, that is the nature of this game. Look at the two previous games where our field position was and the outcome. We led the league in takeaways, we led the league at starting point, and we led the league in points off of takeaways. Then all of a sudden, we have a game where we really don't have any.

Q: There was feeling that with what Larry Donnell was able to do that it would be interesting to see how defenses now try to take him away. Did you see that yesterday?A: I think credit has to be given to Atlanta for their coverage schemes, the way in which they continued to disguise and work. I think there was definitely some coverages set up for Victor Cruz and that was recognizable. As far as Larry Donnell goes, I don't think there was any special coverage, I know there would be special recognition within a formation for someone that has had a game like that from the week before. It just gives us another guy. If you have Odell Beckham Jr., Larry Donnell, Victor Cruz, and you have so on an so forth more people that have be defended, then it gives you the opportunity to kind of be versatile and where the ball will go.

Q: Do you have an update with Jayron Hosley?A: You will find out later this afternoon.

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