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Quotes (10/8): Gilbride, Fewell, Manning


HC Tom Coughlin**

Q: Any update on David Wilson?
A: David will be week to week.  He has a neck issue, so it will be week to week. 

Q: So is it going to be a no-go for David?
A: Yes.

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Q: What do you do with the running game now?  There's nobody really here who's done much so far this season.
A: Brandon had some good runs the other day and Da'Rel had some good runs when he was here.  We have the young rookie that's done a good job in preseason on kickoff returns, so I'm trying to project that further down the road.  He did a nice job last week by the way, scout team-wise.

Q: You called the turnovers correctable, so what have you seen recently that may shed some light on them being corrected?
A: Not much.  They are correctable, but it's a ball security issue.  Sometimes when you see an opportunity, but percentages are against you, you can't take a chance. 

Q: What are the concerns about Chicago?  What do they do well?
A: They're a very good football team.  They started off 3-0 and they played extremely well.  They beat some very good football teams, on the last series, or the last drive of the game.  Actually had a ton of yards the other day, but New Orleans had the ball for 36 minutes.  New Orleans did not turn the ball over.  New Orleans had two penalties in the game.  That sounds like a reasonable formula. 

Q: They've also had some trouble rushing the passer and I think they've given up a lot of deep passes.  Is that something you feel you can exploit?
A: I've noticed that and I'm hoping that we can protect the passer.  They've got some outstanding pass rushers.  They spread it around, too.  Their sacks, I know their linebackers have four of them.  They spread it around.  The front is physical and tough.  The corners are tough.  They play hard and they're very good ball strippers.  As a team, they have that kind of a commitment. Of course, Tillman is outstanding at it.

Q: Your rush defense has improved this year.  How much of a responsibility does Paysinger have in his increased role in doing that?
A: They all do.  Like I said the other day, to hold a runner with the ability of McCoy to 46 yards is quite an impressive thing.  We worked hard last week.  The guys worked very hard at that and they took great pride in the preparation and we're going to have to continue to do that. 

Q: Spencer has the helmet though, so is he helping line up guys more efficiently than what you might have expected?
A: He's done a good job.  There's no question about that, but it's a full team group.  Everybody's involved in stopping the run.  As far as lining them up, I think we've advanced a little bit, but beyond that I think we can lineup.

Q: Any update on Webster?
A: No.  I don't see any change there. 

Q: How has the emergence of Alshon Jeffery kind of changed the way teams are defending Marshall and the receivers there?
A: Well they have two of those big guys who can run.  Physical receivers who do a nice job blocking downfield, they're big targets for the quarterback.  The tight end Bennett is a big target, the runner Forte is a good target out of the backfield.  Bennett comes in on third down and he's made a strong contribution as well. 

Q: Brandon Myers, are teams just guarding him pretty tightly or is there maybe something, him and Eli aren't on the same page?
A: No.  He made a nice play the other day in the middle of the field.  You might have seen that one.  He's done okay.  Sometimes he gets matched up against someone and you don't separate.  He's done okay. 

Q: What is Myers' health status?
A: He's getting better.  He went through some things today and I'm encouraged by that.

Q: Do you think he'll play?
A: I wish I had that kind of ability.  I'd be sitting somewhere, you'd be calling me.  

Q: How big of a concern are those two wide outs?
A: They're a tremendous concern.  They're outstanding players and they've got the numbers to back it up.  Jeffery just set a big record out there.  They're good players. 

Q: What do you expect from Beason?
A: He's learning fast.  He's ready to contribute.

Q: On defense as well as special teams?
A: I hope so. 

OC Kevin Gilbride

Q: Who runs the ball for you this week?
A: Whoever is up dressed and ready to go.  I guess it will be Brandon, just like at the end of the game.  It will be Brandon and Da'Rel. 

Q: Your level of confidence that you can get something done on the ground with those two against this defense?
A: It will be a challenge, if you had everybody, just because they're such a talented defense.  They're so powerfully strong, the way they play this game is a mixture of man, primarily a zone.  Guys are all looking.  You don't have five or six guys turning their backs to the play to lineup.  They're all focused in on the ball and they take great pride.  They've got great tradition.  It's going to be difficult, but I'm sure those guys are going to give it their best shot and the line is going to give it their best shot and we'll see what we can do. 

A: What do you see from Brandon since his return that shows he's capable of this heavy load?
A: Well, he did it last Sunday.  That's probably as good of an indicator as any.  We had no intention of having him play as much as he did.  He held up well.  For a guy that we've asked to do so many things that he hadn't had to do, he hadn't been a third down back for years.  We're trying to get them to sort out all of the protection schemes and all of the challenges incumbent on a very complex third down blitz package.  He hung in there and did a pretty good job.  I think his competitive nature will be such that he'll respond as best he can.  He's a big, powerful man, a great physical specimen, I'm sure they'll have to contend with him a little bit, too. 

Q: You have a guy like Brandon, who is doing things he hasn't done in years, backed up by Da'Rel, who a week ago was cut.  Are you kind of holding your breath waiting to see how this works?  This seems like a little bit of a dangerous game.
A: It's no different than the whole season.  We've been playing it out that way.  We've had a lot of changing parts, a new tackle, new guard, new center, new tight end, new back in three times over the last three weeks.  It's just part of what we've had to deal with.  The good thing is there's been no discouragement.  There's been disappointment and guys are hanging in there, working hard.  I haven't been disappointed at all with their effort.  The problem is it manifests itself on Sundays, you make too many mistakes.  You have to somehow reduce that.  You play well, you're doing some good things, you take the opening drive, come right down and score.  You take the next drive, you're coming down to the 26, you look like you're going to put it in.  All of a sudden a slip, an intentional ground, somebody jumping offsides, and then that set the tempo until the third quarter.  Yeah, you're still in it and then all of a sudden you make a couple of turnovers and the game gets out of reach.  That's really been the story of our season so far.  We just have to stop those things, which is difficult, but when you have as many new parts as we have, it's particularly so. 

Q: Without Wilson, how much harder does this make Eli's job?
A: Same as it's been.  You have guys that are going to have to play.  I don't know how to answer that except we'll put up a 100-yard rusher anyways.  We haven't done any of that.  It's not like it has been a part of our game plan.  We tried to do it, we just haven't had the success we'd like to have.  I think it will be certainly difficult because the guy who you projected to be your starter, you thought you were going to have another guy with Andre Brown, he's out.  Now you're down to Brandon.  Brandon's going to battle, he's going to give you all he's got.  Da'rel is going to battle.  The thing that makes it more difficult than usual is the quality of the opponent. 

Q: Eli said yesterday that he thought he was not playing lousy, he's thrown the ball accurate, making good decisions for the most part.  Do you agree with that general assessment with how he's playing?
A: We all have to play better.   Without getting into it, there's so many contributing factors into those stats and certainly some of the energy to try to do something to win a game, to put you where you sometimes play outside the envelope of a player and that has certainly contributed to it.  In terms of him, knowing where to go with the ball, trying to throw the ball to the right spot, throwing the ball generally accurately, he's done a great job.  Unfortunately it's the mistakes that have killed us.  We all have to share the blame for that. 

Q: The quality of the opponent, how tough is it for you with the limited time this week to get your team ready for the Bears?  Specifically considering what they do on defense?
A: They've got a nice package, particularly on third down against three wides where they get into a … thing and have a lot of variety of the different blitz combinations they bring out of it.  It's caused a lot of offenses a lot of difficulty over the years.  We've addressed it intellectually. Schematically we feel like we've got a couple of good ideas to contend with it.  It's the x's and o's that come with the player.  The quality of their x's are pretty good. 

Q: You guys have been in a lot of third and long situations.
A: Thirty-five of 61, to be exact, are 11-plus.  That's why you have to be more successful on first and second down.  If you can do that, that's where the running game and some of the short passes come into play.  More than anything, the biggest problem I have has been our inconsistency.  We'll do some good things, but we haven't strung them together.  When all of a sudden you get two first downs, three first downs, the perfect illustration is last week.  If you take a look at our opening drive, it looked like it went right down.  It looked like we were going to do the same thing and then all of a sudden, you shoot yourself in the foot.  That's killed us.  When you go from 1st and 10 and three first downs in a row, in great field position, and all of a sudden it's 2nd and 25, it changes the dynamics.  Now you're third and 25, third and 29.  It's hard to be as consistently successful that you need to be to win the game.  That's where we have to get better.     

DC Perry Fewell

Q: The run defense has improved a lot this year. How much of that responsibility has gone to Spencer Paysinger, given that he's been making all of the calls?
A: Most of it goes to Spencer because he is our so-called mike backer or our signal caller out there. He controls first, second and third down for us.

Q: Do you think Jon Beason may be in the mix this week?
A: We are going to incorporate him in our defense this week. We have certain packages that he will be involved in. He's only been with us a couple of days, but we felt like it was important to get him involved as soon as possible.

Q: What has impressed you the most about Beason?
A: The first time we had a chance to see him live was today and his in-line quickness kind of stood out right off the bat. He's an intelligent football man. We had a jog through practice yesterday and so his ability to communicate with the players and to come out and have good knowledge of what a 4-3 defense is and where to fit was impressive.

Q: How about him possibly making the calls at the mike? Are you just going to leave that up to Spencer?
A: We have a plan. Some of it he can handle. Some of it he can't. He'll grow with the system.

Q: Will you use him at the mike linebacker position?
A: Yes. We'll use him as a mike linebacker. No question. Yes.

Q: Can he play in the nickel sets if you have two linebackers?
A: He can and he probably will. He can play in that spot as a middle linebacker. Again, we've only had him for a couple of days. So with the short week, a short preparation week, how much information can he digest and how much canhe continue to spit out and spit out correctly, we're still working with him on that.

Q: With the success you had in shutting down LeSean McCoy, is it frustrating to see the big picture and see how things turned out knowing you did so well against him?
A: We accomplished some things in the run game with him because he's always a dangerous guy, but the big picture is you didn't get the job done.

Q: How is Corey Webster doing? How worrisome are the size of the Bears' wideouts that you have to deal with?
A: We're hoping day to day with Corey. He said he felt much better today. Obviously, I don't think he'll be ready this week. We just have to go by what he says from day to day.

Q: How did Trumaine McBride play last game?
A: I thought Trumaine responded very well in the ball game Sunday. He had one play that was a makeable play for him, the 56-yard catch, that if he would have taken another step and attacked the ball, I thought he would have either knocked the ball down or gotten a turnover for us. But I thought he responded extremely well and that's a frustrating thing because he came in and I thought he stepped up. I thought he stepped up against Kansas City, but we have no W to show for it.

Q: Cutler was one of the elite quarterbacks circa 2009 and then he went into a lull there, but now he seems to be back. Would you agree?
A: Yes, I would definitely agree. I think that he has some really nice weapons with his two big receivers and then Bennett being a tight end and Forte, so I think he has some nice weapons around him. There's no reason why he should not return to his form.

Q: You guys have played a run of mobile quarterbacks the past couple of weeks. Is there any adjustment that guys have to make playing against a pocket quarterback?
A: We've got to go hit the pocket guy, but Cutler can run, too. It's not like he's a statue back there. Just looking at the video and the tape, he'll pull it down. He'll go. He has mobility. Maybe not as mobile as Mike (Vick) and some other guys that we played, but he does have the mobility to run the football.

Q: You were waiting for Will Hill to come back and he never came off the field against the Eagles. How surprised were you with the way that developed and how did he handle it?
A: I thought he handled it extremely well. We knew we wanted to play him. We didn't think we'd play  him that much, but we felt like he was playing well and that the chemistry that he had with the other guys was a good chemistry and so we just didn't want to break it up at that point in time and take him off for a blow. But he responded extremely well, in my opinion.

Q: Did Johnathan Hankins show enough to prove to you guys that he needs to be a part of this rotation now?
A: I don't think there's any question about that. I thought Johnathan responded well, too. As we looked at the tape, he had one particular block that he kind of got fooled on and they hit us on a run with, but that was a normal rookie mistake. But I thought Johnathan responded well in the run game.

Q: How difficult is to rotate linebackers week after week?
A: Sometimes it's not by choice. We've had some injuries, but we would like to have more consistency there. That would be ideal, but football is not ideal.

Q: With Will Hill back, does Terrell Thomas go back to the slot?
A: We try to strive for consistency as much as we possibly can. We'll have a look this particular week that will be a little bit different, but not a whole lot different. So we'll play the best players and we'll try to get the best matchups we possibly can get versus our opponent and that's the way we kind of look at it from week to week, from who plays those spots.


QB Eli ManningQ: Do you work on different things week in and week out to try and keep correcting turnovers or what do you do?**
A: You've just got to go out there and, honestly, you've got to try to do your job. You've got to try to make good decisions and have a great plan and execute that plan. There are some plays, whether the defense does something unexpected or a play doesn't develop how you want to, and you've got to make good decisions and play smart and do whatever you've got to do to ensure you have the ball that next play.

Q: You haven't experienced this type of losing in a while. How are you dealing with it?
A: You just keep working and keep trying to improve and find out the mistakes I'm making and correct those. If there are mistakes within the offense that are mental, if there are things we can do better, get everybody on the same page and how do you fix those mistakes. Just have a positive attitude and keep working, knowing that we can get to play at a better level.

Q: Do you think you're trying too hard?
A: No. I don't think so. I think I'm trying as hard as I need to, to try to win and make plays. I think I can play smarter in those situations, but I'm always going to compete. I never feel like I'm trying harder or any less in any situation.

Q: With David Wilson not going to play this week, do you feel you're a little short-handed in the backfield now?
A: We have Brandon and signed Da'Rel back, so we have guys who have played and have done some good things for us. We should be fine.

Q: The running game is ranked last in the league. It puts a big strain on the offense if David can't play.
A: Last week we obviously didn't rush for a whole lot of yards. We threw the ball 52 times, but I thought we had more positive yardage in the run game. We were getting three and four yards a pop and that's kind of what you need. I thought there was some progress. We had some more positive plays that got us into some second and six's and some manageable situations. I think we can build off of that and Brandon does a good job of just getting those tough yards and getting positive yardage.

Q: The Bears have been one of the better turnover defenses in the league. Is there something that you see as to why that happens?
A: They do a great job. I don't know if it's something that's taught or the players talk about it, but they do a great job of stripping the ball of receivers, of quarterbacks, of anybody. The first guy comes in and wraps them up and the other guys are going for the ball. Coach Coughlin has made us very aware of that and you have to be conscious of it. They do a good job of causing fumbles. They get good pressure on the quarterback, which leads to some interceptions. They have good, aggressive cornerbacks and players, so I think you've got to be aware of that and know when to cover up with two hands and be smart.

Q: It looks like they send a variety of different pressures from a lot of different places. How much of a difficulty is that to deal with?
A: They do a good job. They have a good blitz package and then they have good players. They can get pressure with just bringing four guys or they can bring any number of different players on blitzes and so they do a good job of mixing that up. Guys have to be aware of our assignments and who is blocking who and do their job.

Q: It seems like the locker room is upbeat and spirited from what we can see. Who keeps that positive attitude going for you guys?
A: All the players, I think, have done a good job of staying positive. I think it's because we know we can fix this and we know we can play better. We've had glimpses of playing well and so we know we've just got to do it at a more consistent level. I think we've seen improvements this last week and obviously we've got to keep getting better, but I think guys are working hard. Our practices were good. Today, we were probably going a little bit faster than even coach wanted us. It was good energy around the practice and so guys are looking forward to getting back on the field and getting a win.

Q: Have you seen the same glimpses of playing well from yourself?
A: Yeah. I feel like I made some good throws and have done some good things and obviously just clean up some of the bad plays and it should be fine.

Q: Is it good to get right back out there?
A: Yeah. Sometimes it's good to have a short week and just stay focused and quickly get your focus on Chicago and start game planning and get excited about how we're going to run our offense and how we're going to make some plays.

Q: Do you still feel like you have a shot at the division?
A: Yeah because it's wide open and obviously we're two games back right now. Obviously we've got to play better football and do those things, but we still feel that we can get hot.

Q: It seems like the locker room is pretty loose.
A: Yeah. I think we're trying to keep a positive attitude on this and just understand we've still got a shot at this thing and try to get one win and go from there.

Q: If someone told you that you were going to be 0-5, but still be only two games out in the win column, you would have said OK…
A: You never know. You never know in this situation, but this is the situation we're in. We've got to play through it and just do whatever it takes.

Q: What are the Bears' biggest strengths coming in?
A: They're good. They're good defensively. They've got a good scheme. They have good players. They do a good job of taking away the deep throws and the big plays and make you throw things underneath, so you've got to be patient. They do a good job of getting turnovers and so you've got to play smart football.

Q: Do you have an uneasy feeling?
A: We're trying to get that first win and obviously we want it. I think each week you just get focused on the opponent you're playing and you say, 'how are we going to game plan? What are we going to do? How is each play going to work out?' You get so focused on that and just trying to make a play on every play that you have out there, you do your job and hopefully that will lead to a win.

Q: How are you handling the losing streak?
A: The same, whether you play any game. You try to make corrections. You try to get back to work and go out there and compete and do whatever it takes to try and get a win.

Q: Is it a little stunning to hear people criticizing you?
A: No. I know what situation we're in and I'm not pleased with it. I'm not happy with our performances and so I know we've got to fix them. We've got to play better. That's what we expect of ourselves and that's what the fans expect.

Q: Do you remember a stretch in your career statistically where you were struggling?
A: No. I don't know my stats. I don't look at them from year to year.

Q: Has this been embarrassing?
A: It's tough. We lost games and I think it's a tough situation, but we're fighting through them. You're trying to get better, to make improvements. It is what it is and the only way to fix it is to get back to work and try to get better.

Q: Is the short week good in any sense?
A: Yeah. I think just to get your mind off of it and just get focused back on a game. You don't have two days to dwell on over the last game and so you just get back to work.

RB Brandon JacobsQ: With David Wilson out, you would seemingly have to have a pretty increased workload this week. Is that your expectation?**
A: My expectations, for me, are to go out and help this team win. Do something that we haven't done all year long and do whatever they need me to do. Pass protect, run hard, whatever, catch, whatever they ask me to do I have to do out there and get it done.

Q: You haven't had a ton of work over the last year and a half…
A: I haven't had a ton of work over the last four or five years. It was a little shocking in the game, this past game, when David went out. But it's football. At least I had an opportunity to get in there and do it with an offense I knew. I have some mistakes here and there that I wish I could have back, no question, but I'm ready to go. I know we have a good Chicago defense coming up; they just suffered a loss last week to New Orleans so they're going to be licking their chops as well. And we're still trying to get our first win. The most important thing for us is to stick together and go into Chicago and give it all we've got.

Q: Do you have any doubt that, if asked, you could handle a full load?
A: I can handle a full load, there's no question. I'd be hurting the next day, I'm not going to lie and say that, but I can definitely handle a full workload if I need to. We brought Da'Rel back to do some stuff. I'm ready, whatever they ask me, I'm ready to go. I'm in good shape, just whatever they ask me to do.

Q: Have there been any runs this year so far on the chances you've gotten where your felt like it was rust or you liked the move or you didn't like the move… is there anything that you think will be a better play in time?
A: No question. I had a couple of plays where I missed the cutback where I saw it but saw it with the wrong foot down. There are all kinds of things that factor into it. I had a cut but I'm running left and had my right foot down, you can't make a cut off your inside foot so I ended up missing that one and just going, hitting the straight arms and getting like four or five yards but it's definitely a lot of runs like that that you wish you could have back.

Q: That's just…?
A: That's just timing. It's nothing as far as I can't make the cut it's just… if I'm going in and I've got my left foot down and I need to go right it's easy to cut. You've got your right foot down and you need to go back it's a little more difficult. That's a lot of stuff that some people don't see or don't even think about. But I'm ready to go out here and do what I have to do for the New York Giants organization and try to get this win.

RB Da'Rel Scott**

Q: What was this week like for you after being waived a week ago?
A: A little frustrating. Just to be home watching my guys go down like that, but it was definitely an eye-opener. It helped me a lot, so it's good to be back.

Q: When you were let go did they tell you to stay ready? Did they give you any kind of indication that they might bring you back?
A: They just said to stay ready, you never know what can happen. You never know, you can get a call next week or you can get a call before the playoffs or something like that. I had to make sure that I worked out and stayed on top of my game.

Q: Did you see when David Wilson got hurt, did you immediately think that your phone might be ringing?
A: You just never know because there are a lot of backs out there. I felt good about it but just to be back because of that… I don't want to see guys getting hurt. I hope that he gets healthy because we need him.

Q: It's a weird situation, you start one week and get cut the next.
A: I didn't see it coming, my family as well didn't see it coming, so they definitely had my back. I just thank God that I'm here and that I have another opportunity so I have to make the best of it.

Q: What was it like getting that call back?
A: Relief. Just being home and being a free agent was just very frustrating, especially coming out of left field like that. It was very frustrating but just being here, like I said, I just have to thank God. I have to make the most of it and just prove to them that I should be here.

Q: Did you wonder why you were the one to go?
A: I feel like anybody in my situation would wonder why, why it had to be me. I was kind of baffled by how it happened, but they did it for a reason, they felt as though they needed to make that move, so like I said, it's good to be back here.

Q: Now it looks like they're going to need you. You're the one or two back right now, right?
A: Yeah, so I just have to make the most of it. I just have to show up on Thursday. That's what I've got to do.

Q: Did they tell you why?
A: It's a numbers game. They were down on the O-line so they needed to make some moves. They were deep at running back so they had to make the decision to cut me.

WR Victor Cruz

Q: Is it possible here with a short week that this could be a good thing to help you guys get back out there and try to get all this behind you?
A: Absolutely. I think it's almost a good thing to have this short week so we don't dwell on the past game and think about those things and we have to look forward to a pretty good team in Chicago that we have to be prepared for, that we have to look at offensively and defensively and see what we can take advantage of.

Q: You've seen Eli have a lot of success in this league, do you feel like he's maybe doing too much at the end of games?
A: I can't speak for E, so I don't know. It doesn't seem that way. When you watch the film or when you're inside those huddles on those sidelines, it just looks like he's trying to make plays and he's trying to read coverages and make the right plays and make the right reads. That's all that is.

Q: How much is this 0-5 weighing on you guys as a team? You guys seem pretty upbeat in practice but how much is it really weighing on you?
A: I don't think it's weighing on us that much. I mean, we're thinking about it, we understand that obviously it's not the best feeling when you look at our win-loss column but I think we understand that we have a good bunch of guys in here and we can win football games. We just have to be able to finish games. I think that's the biggest thing for us, we've been playing well through these first three quarters but that fourth quarter has been a quarter where we've been lacking the effort and the finish that we need as a whole to win ballgames. So we have to focus on that.

Q: How strange is that for you guys, especially because you used to own the fourth quarter the past couple of years?
A: Yeah, it's strange but we just have to get back to it. Every year is different, every team is different, and we've got to develop that fourth quarter finish identity again.

Q: I don't know if you're aware but I think it's only three times this season that you've played with a lead. How important is that?
A: It's definitely important. We've got to come out firing, we've got to come out strong and hold that lead and be able to put together drives and offensive drives not stall out and not get penalties and hurt ourselves that take us out of approachable downs and distances and down and distances where can convert third downs. We have to keep the ball and make sure when we get these leads that we can keep them.

Q: Is that a mindset that you guys have to go out there in the fourth quarter with?
A: I think so. I think it's that and it's execution, at the same time. I think we have to be able to focus on the execution, particularly in the fourth quarter, so that we can be able to finish these games that we're close in and be able to have that same focus that we've had in the first three quarters and finish those ballgames in the fourth.

CB Prince Amukamara

Q: When you look at the Bears receivers, Jeffery has stepped up and he's been explosive. Does his emergence change the best way to cover these guys? They have Marshall, they've got so many weapons back there.
A: They're both good receivers, they're both big and they're both explosive, but we're still going to stick to our gameplan.

Q: How much of a problem is their size?
A: Like I said, they're both big receivers and they're both explosive. We just have to learn to play with them. We have big guys on our team, so we've gotten those things in practice.

Q: What have you seen from Cutler? He started out hot and he's kind of had this lull in his career. But now he seems to really be back on his game.
A: He's a great quarterback. Every ball he throws is to the back shoulder, he can throw the deep ball pretty well and he takes chances. He's a confident quarterback.

Q: Is him taking chances a potentially positive thing for you?
A: For sure. I think that's going to be huge for us. There's times where he tries to squeeze the ball into tiny pockets and it's our job to make them pay for those. We've seen that on film where there's times that it's gone his way and he has made big plays by doing that.

Q: Over the last two games that the Bears have lost, he's thrown for over 300 yards. Is that the kind of thing where it's bad for them when he's throwing the ball too much?
A: It could be in their scheme, but like I said before, he does take chances. He kind of reminds me of Tony Romo, just the quarterback style and their confidence in their receivers and in themselves.

Q: What style of passing game would you consider them? Are they a team that will take a shot when it's there or do they want to set up the run to open up the pass or vice-versa?
A: They've shown all different flashes. They've taken shots, they've set it up with the run and they're really good in the red zone so I think they're pretty well rounded.

Q: I do know that they're not afraid to check down to Forte.
A: No, they're not at all.

LB Jon Beason

Q: Will you be ready to contribute as much as you'd like on Thursday night?
A: Yeah. I'm in the playbook heavy. It's different terminology, but I've played football in this league for a long time, so I feel pretty comfortable about it.

Q: This team is using a lot of nickel. Do you fit into that role in any way?
A: Yeah. Before my injury, I never left the field. I'm used to being right out there, making calls, getting lined up and playing in the mike position.

Q: How are you feeling physically?
A: I'm feeling pretty good. It's been a long time. I'm feeling pretty good.

Q: It's not something you have to manage?
A: It's always maintenance. That's just a part of the game. I feel good now, so that's the most important thing.

Q: Do you feel comfortable enough to make the calls at the mike?
A: Yeah. Absolutely. I'm in the playbook hard right now. I've got a veteran in Spencer who has been doing it. It's definitely something that I want to do.

Q: Do you get excited for the Thursday night games?
A: It's nothing like primetime. It's a huge stage, which we didn't get that many primetime games in Carolina.

Q: What was this week like for you after being waived a week ago?

A: A little frustrating. Just to be home watching my guys go down like that, but it was definitely an eye-opener. It helped me a lot, so it's good to be back.

Q: When you were let go did they tell you to stay ready? Did they give you any kind of indication that they might bring you back?

A: They just said to stay ready, you never know what can happen. You never know, you can get a call next week or you can get a call before the playoffs or something like that. I had to make sure that I worked out and stayed on top of my game.

Q: Did you see when David Wilson got hurt, did you immediately think that your phone might be ringing?

A: You just never know because there are a lot of backs out there. I felt good about it but just to be back because of that… I don't want to see guys getting hurt. I hope that he gets healthy because we need him.

Q: It's a weird situation, you start one week and get cut the next.

A: I didn't see it coming, my family as well didn't see it coming, so they definitely had my back. I just thank God that I'm here and that I have another opportunity so I have to make the best of it.

Q: What was it like getting that call back?

A: Relief. Just being home and being a free agent was just very frustrating, especially coming out of left field like that. It was very frustrating but just being here, like I said, I just have to thank God. I have to make the most of it and just prove to them that I should be here.

Q: Did you wonder why you were the one to go?

A: I feel like anybody in my situation would wonder why, why it had to be me. I was kind of baffled by how it happened, but they did it for a reason, they felt as though they needed to make that move, so like I said, it's good to be back here.

Q: Now it looks like they're going to need you. You're the one or two back right now, right?

A: Yeah, so I just have to make the most of it. I just have to show up on Thursday. That's what I've got to do.

Q: Did they tell you why?

A: It's a numbers game. They were down on the O-line so they needed to make some moves. They were deep at running back so they had to make the decision to cut me.


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