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Quotes (11/21): Coughlin, Gilbride, Nicks


Head Coach Tom Coughlin**

Q: Did everyone practice today?
A: All hands on deck today. Some limited and some not able to go all the way, but most of them worked pretty good.

Q: What was Hakeem able to do today?
A: He did individuals, but that was about it.

Q: Is it a groin?
A: They say it's better to explain it as an abdominal, whatever that means.

Q: When did it occur?
A: I don't know when it occurred. As far as I know, it came up and he reported in on Wednesday with something.

Q: What do you need to see from Nicks the rest of the season?
A: Just like we need to see from everybody, play their best. Do the very best you can. Improve weekly, just like the rest of them.

Q: Can you talk about how your team has been able to rebound after the bad start to the season?
A: We talked about this a number of times. Twice, I think, this week. To rebound… We kept the same goal every game all season long. It didn't work out quite the way we wanted to in the beginning and then we were able to win a couple of games because we were playing better football. Three of the four, we didn't turn the ball over the way we had been earlier. One we did and we're fortunate to win despite that. We're playing good, solid run defense. We picked up our run game. Our distribution of run and pass has been better. We've had a couple of times when our special teams hasn't helped us, but then again last week, they did. So we're playing a little bit better.

Q: With the safeties playing as well as they are, does that give you a little bit more piece of mind with a guy like Jason Witten coming in?
A: I certainly hope so.

Q: Andre Brown was the primary guy last week and Brandon Jacobs looked like the short yardage guy. Is that something you'd like to see continue going forward?
A: It worked very well last weekend and I think there has to be an occasion where another back also carries some of the load on early downs. But also Andre does a good job on third downs, so the distribution was okay. Brandon got some carries other than just goal line and short yardage. Everybody has a role. They all have a role, so when they get a suit, they have a role.

Q: Is Michael Cox's role as a kickoff returner?
A: He's a special teams player and he is a kickoff returner and he is a guy that can help you on first and second down.

Q: The players have spoken about how important this game is. Is there anything on the practice field that indicates that the players understand the magnitude of Sunday's game?
A: They've been focused and they've worked well. I thought yesterday was a good practice. I thought today the energy was good. There's some things we've got to clean up, but they know how important this game is. As I've said many times, the next game is the most important game of the year, and it's this weekend against Dallas in a six-game schedule now.

Q: Prince played well against Dez Bryant in the first game. How important is it to have a cornerback who can deal with some of these number one targets out there?
A: It's very important because at some point in time, I don't care what the circumstance might be, you're going to get stuck one on one, and you've got to be able to defend and we all know the plusses with Bryant and any of their receivers, their tight ends, receivers… We all know how good they are and how skilled they are, and so for us to be able to try to matchup one on one, it's a heck of a challenge, but as you said Prince did pretty well the first time around and we're hoping he does well again.

Q: How can you prep Steve Weatherford for the windy weather predicted for Sunday after his last experience with the wind?
A: You'd like to be able to. Unfortunately, if it's not blowing out here, there's nothing that we can do except go back and look at that game and talk about it and how his rhythm may have got off, what was the problem, which we've done. We did right after that game and he was very serious about preparing the next week and did well. Hopefully that will be the case here, too, if it is windy.

Q: What did you see from JPP today?
A: He came out and did some work and was serious about it. He did his individual stuff and then maybe we'll get him a little bit more tomorrow.

Q: Is he further along at this point in the week than he was last week?
A: Probably, yeah.

Q: Do you have any hope for Corey Webster playing?
A: I don't know what to think there. I'll rely on the medical people there. He got a little bit of work yesterday and a little bit more today.

OC Kevin GilbrideQ: What is it that they do well that you're warning against?
A: One of the best in turning the ball over, they do a great job.  You still see a lot of talent.  You have a first round draft pick at a corner, you have the one they paid the high price, you have some great defensive linemen.  Fortunately for us, a couple of them are hurt, so that doesn't hurt our cause.  You know, DeMarcus Ware and Hatcher and all (…) are as good as anybody we've faced.  They'll be all revved up, looking to get after us and inflict as much punishment and harm as they can on our offense.  We know we're going to have our hands full.
Q: Now that you have a season full of tape on them, is it your traditional Monte Kiffin cover 2 all the time, or do they mix things up with their coverages?

A: That's a misnomer that's spread there.  He's never, ever been a cover 2 guy, as a base coverage.  That's always been a coverage he's used.  It's a coverage that they originated the development of that thing and he deserves all of the credit for it.  It's a pain in the neck.  He always has played a lot of single high in.  He's always mixed in a fair amount of man coverage and what we call final coverage, where there's somebody in the middle that's free reading the quarterback's eyes.  He's never been a huge blitz guy, he's kind of mixed it at the opportune time and because of that, it's been very effective.  He's actually gotten a little more sophisticated.  He's using a little more sophistication in his blitz packages that cause you to make some significant adjustments in your protection, which was always a pain in the neck when you had to do something different.  It makes you do that.  He plays three different variations of a five-down look.  He has three different ways to get it to him and you have to adjust accordingly.  It's a very sophisticated defense and they have a lot of talented players. * *Q: If Lee can't go for them, how does that change that dynamic?

A: I don't think he is going to go, unless you heard something different.  You lose a great player.  Anytime you lose a great player, it hurts your performance.  They've got some guys that are pretty good behind him.  Sims is a hell of a football player, still a hell of a football player, and probably has as much speed as any linebacker in the league.  If he's the guy taking his place, it's not like there's a huge fall off.Q: With Hakeem, do you attribute most of that just to the abdomen injury that he said he had, or do you think there is a little frustration?

A: I have no idea. Q: Do you have to alter or have contingencies in your game plan because of weather?

A: You do.  To the best of your ability, you'd like to say, hey this is what we think has the best chance of being successful, schematically or personnel wise, but there's no question.  You're throwing it into the teeth of the wind and the wind is blowing sideways, you have to pick your spots and sometimes I've been in games where one half of the game you're going one way, you take a certain approach, you turn around, you come the other way, you can open it up and do a lot more things.  It really depends upon the severity of the wind and what selection of routes that you're choosing.  Probably going to be judicious in the amount of deep balls you're going to throw.    * *Q: A couple of the receivers after Sunday's game said that Eli was a little more forceful in his critiquing of things going on out there.  I wouldn't say getting in their face maybe, but pointing out mistakes and that kind of thing. Is his leadership like that underrated?  Does he do more of that than we realize?

A: He's a great leader.  I don't buy that this was any different than any other game.  I just think a couple of mistakes were made, so he corrected them right on the spot, but he's always does that.WR Hakeem Nicks

Q: How are you feeling?
A: I feel good. I did individuals today a little bit.

Q: Did you come out of the game with this?
A: No, it has just been something all year really, on and off. I was advised by my agent just to get it checked up a bit so that's all we did. We just wanted to get it checked up and make sure everything was good. I got good feedback and everything was fine.

Q: Was this Tuesday?
A: Yesterday.

Q: What is it? Is it a knee, is it a muscle pull?
A: No, I'm not going to go into detail about it. It's just a little strain.

Q: Is it something that's going to keep you off the field on Sunday?
A: No. It's Dallas, man.

Q: Have you been noticing defenders playing you differently this year?
A: Not necessarily. Sometimes I catch one-on-one coverage, it's been like that in the past. Sometimes they play two or they're in zone. It's different stuff.

Q: Do you think it's going to affect you at all? Do you think when you go out there on the field that it's going to really bother you?
A: No, I don't think it's going to be anything like that that bothers me. Like I said, I've been playing with it all season.

Q: And it's been bothering you?
A: Yeah, on and off. But it was never anything serious, it was just a situation. I just had to make sure I'm good.

Q: Do you suspect you'll have to manage it the rest of the season?
A: I don't think so. Right now my biggest thing was just to check into it. I was advised by my agent and that's something that we wanted to get done.

CB Prince Amukamara

Q: With the success Green Bay had with the deep ball, do you think people have figured how to go deep on you guys?
A: I would not say so. I think Trumaine had a double move but that's all I can remember.

Q: Can you play lots of single-high against Dallas too or do you have to mix it up a little bit?
A: In the past that's definitely what we were known for doing.

Q: Against Dallas?
A: Yeah. I know we did something like that, we did a couple of those plays in the beginning of the game against Dallas but you see a lot of teams shadowing him, a lot of teams always have a safety over the top so I think our plan is just to mix it up.

Q; Do you expect just to be anchored to the side like you have been in the past or are you going to be following Dez around?
A: Just according to our last couple of games, Trumaine and I have been on both sides. If you watch the Eagles game, I think I went over there for a little bit and that was the first time we had played the Eagles, but I think for the main spot, coach has just been allowing us to stay on our guys and I think that shows that they have great confidence in me and Trumaine, so I'm definitely okay with that.

RE: Playing Romo and Dallas offense
A: We know that Romo likes to take it down to the two-minute, he's a great two-minute quarterback. They had a great comeback win against the Vikings so just not allowing it to get to that nail biter. I remember last year when we almost lost it but Dez had one hand out of bounds. We just can't let it get that close.

Q: You guys also have a great two-minute quarterback. Is it not a question of who is able to clinch it before that?
A: It could be a game of whoever has the ball last wins, but we definitely don't want it to be like that. We enjoy the best formation in football and that's victory offense.

Q: Is this a special challenge because they have Witten, Bryant, they're getting Austin back and, of course, Romo can take off with the ball, too?
A: Not really. I think the Eagles had something similar to that with Vick when he played and we have faced the Redskins in the past. I wouldn't say it's that big of a challenge but they definitely pose a threat, especially with Myles Austin coming back in. No. 83 for them is definitely on the rise and Beasley has been doing great for them. Us, as DBs, definitely have a great challenge.

Safety Will Hill

Q: You guys hadn't been giving up the big pass, last week the Packers got a bundle of them.  Was it something you guys had to look at each other and say what did we do wrong?
A: We actually knew what we did wrong.  A couple of us were out of position.  We just have to hone in and pay attention and make sure that we pay attention to little details.  

Q: A lot of people were thinking if Tolzien can do this to you, what can Romo do?
A: I would think that, too, if I was on the outside looking in.  You just know you have to correct what we have to correct and just go back out there and play hard.  

Q: Where did you watch the first Cowboys game?
A: Home.

Q: What was that like?
A: Just like last year, watching it when they were there.  Just the same.  I had to bite the bullet and just cheer my team on.  

Q: Without giving away any game plan, what are some of the key ways of stopping a guy like Romo?
A: Just cover the receivers like a glove.  You have to disguise, you have to get to the quarterback.  You have to hit him, knock him around a little bit, and stay in his face.

Q: They've had a habit of getting rid of the ball fast against you guys.
A: Yeah, because they don't like our D-linemen.  I would get the ball out quick, too.  You just have to hurry up and get to him.  Lock the windows that he throws to so he can hold the ball just a little bit longer so our line can get there.

Q: If you keep that system up, at some point you hope that walks into a punch.
A: Yeah.  You have to jump in there, get a pick or a pass break up.  Hopefully you'll get the pick though.

Q: Is this game more challenging than the ones you've faced lately, with the different threats that they have?
A: Yeah.  It is challenging.  They have a great receiving corps, a great quarterback and a running game, too.  There's more balance than what we've been facing lately.  It's going to be a great challenge for us to come up and overcome. 

CB Prince Amukeamara
Q: With the success Green Bay had with the deept ball, do you think people have  figured how to go deep on you guys?

A: I would not say so. I think Trumaine had a double move but that's all I can remember.

Q: Can you play lots of single-high against Dallas too or do you have to mix it up a little bit?
A: In the past that's definitely what we were known for doing.

Q: Against Dallas?
A: Yeah. I know we did something like that, we did a couple of those plays in the beginning of the game against Dallas but you see a lot of teams shadowing him, a lot of teams always have a safety over the top so I think our plan is just to mix it up.

Q; Do you expect just to be anchored to the side like you have been in the past or are you going to be following Dez around?
A: Just according to our last couple of games, Trumaine and I have been on both sides. If you watch the Eagles game, I think I went over there for a little bit and that was the first time we had played the Eagles, but I think for the main spot, coach has just been allowing us to stay on our guys and I think that shows that they have great confidence in me and Trumaine, so I'm definitely okay with that.

RE: Playing Romo and Dallas offense
A: We know that Romo likes to take it down to the two-minute, he's a great two-minute quarterback. They had a great comeback win against the Vikings so just not allowing it to get to that nail biter. I remember last year when we almost lost it but Dez had one hand out of bounds. We just can't let it get that close.

Q: You guys also have a great two-minute quarterback. Is it not a question of who is able to clinch it before that?
A: It could be a game of whoever has the ball last wins, but we definitely don't want it to be like that. We enjoy the best formation in football and that's victory offense.

Q: Is this a special challenge because they have Witten, Bryant, they're getting Austin back and, of course, Romo can take off with the ball, too?
A: Not really. I think the Eagles had something similar to that with Vick when he played and we have faced the Redskins in the past. I wouldn't say it's that big of a challenge but they definitely pose a threat, especially with Miles Austin coming back in. No. 83 for them is definitely on the rise and Beasley has been doing great for them. Us, as DBs, definitely have a great challenge.

Punter Steve Weatherford

Q: How early in the week do you look at the weather forecast?
A: I don't look at it all, to be honest with you.

Q: Really?
A: No. I mean, I've got to play in it regardless of if I know three days before. It's not going to change my preparation for the game or change the way that I approach it, so no, it doesn't change anything for me.

Q: So you did not know what the forecast was going to be…?
A: Well, it's getting cold. November, December, it's always windy.

Q: But they said it was going to be cold and really windy.
A: Well I'll punt in it.

Q: When do you pay attention? When you come out for warm-ups?
A: Usually the night before the coach will go over what the wind is going to be, who the referees are and just kind of give you a feel for what to expect the next day. There's no use in losing any sleep over it earlier in the week.

Q: What about this guy Dwayne Harris?
A: I've punted to him plenty. He's definitely very talented, a great special teams player. He's one of their captains but if we go out there and punt like we're capable of punting and cover like we're capable of covering, that shouldn't be an issue.

RE: The key to punting in the wind?
A: Just do what we've done. When it's super windy like that you just want to hit a good punt and you want to hit something that they can cover. You don't try to, when it's really windy like that, to get too cute and try to hit balls out of bounds. I think that's maybe something the last time we played. I was trying to do too much instead of just trying to hit a clean ball.


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