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Quotes (12/29): Nicks, Thomas, Randle


WR Hakeem Nicks Q: Do you think this is the last time you'll be in this locker room?**

A: I really don't know.  There are some decisions to make that are in front of me.  I just pray about it and I think whatever is supposed to happen is going to happen the way it's supposed to.

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Q: Do you want to be a Giant?
A: Yes, I do.  

Q: Do you think you're going to be able to work something out with the Giants?
A: Business is business.  I think we'll see eye to eye, if anything.  I know it's going to be positive from both ends.  Really, I'm not going to get into details about the business right now.  I said everything I really had to say Friday about it, but as far as my ankle, if I had a game to play this week, I would play.  

Q: How disappointed are you by what transpired this year for the team?
A: It's just a learning lesson.  We can look back on it and just apply it to our lives and the game.  Just know that there was a lot of room for improvement and the offseason is ahead and guys have to do something about that.  

Q: Do you have any regrets with the way things went down this season?  Anything you would change if you could go back?
A: Obviously our goal was to still be playing.  The fact that we didn't reach that, I think it kind of hit us and affected us a little bit.  We're men.  We have to take it in stride.  It's not the first time we didn't make it into the playoffs.  We wanted to, being the Super Bowl is in New York this year, but it didn't happen.  We have to learn from it.

CB Terrell Thomas

Q: Do you feel the same stability here that you have in the past?
A: Not at all, I'm a free agent. This it the first time I'm a true free agent. The year before I was coming off an injury. Everybody knew I was coming back, why would I leave the defending Super Bowl champions, especially in the position I was in but right now I'm a free agent. I don't want to leave. I want to come back here but I don't feel stable because this is a business. Unfortunately it's a part of the game. Look at a guy like Osi, last year he left. He was a great player for the Giants for so many years but it's a part of business so it's something that you have to respect. From the top down, I think the front office understands it. I'm not the only guy in that position so hopefully I left a great mark, I worked my butt off this year and finished the season strong. We'll go from there.

Q: What do you feel about what's here, whether it's your defensive coaches or your teammates? Do you feel like this is the stability that you've always come to expect from his organization?
A: Yes, no doubt. 28th defense overall in the beginning of the year and we're eighth overall as of right now. That's something to hang our hats on. The defensive staff, they never quit on us. They made the right calls, put us in the right position. Players stepped up. Antrel, Justin Tuck, all of our leaders, Jon Beason, all did a great job of leading us and really getting us to fight. Those last games with nothing on the line we went out there and fought. We had fun, we we're out there dancing and that's what Giants football is all about. We finished 7-3 the last 10 games, that's what we're going to hang our hat on. There's no moral victories, no moral season, but when you're 0-6 and you finish 7-3 that's something that you can be proud of.

Q: What did it mean to you to get through the whole season and play all 16 games?
A: Just blessed, man. God's grace on me is unbelievable. I'm a very fortunate player, very humble. Not too many people have been in my position and have made it through so I'm definitely fortunate and just overwhelmed. I'm really excited I made it through and I'm looking forward to the offseason. Four months of time to relax and work out and not play catch up but really get ahead and strengthen my knee and work on my skills and see what's next. I'm excited.

WR Rueben Randle

Q: How would you evaluate your season?
A: It was alright. I wanted to do better but I just have to continue to get better. I have to make some more plays, I feel like I left some plays out there that I should have made so next year I want to be able to build on that and hopefully have more production.

Q: Last week Victor had said that there had been this kind of disconnect all year with the receivers and Eli. Do you anticipate doing a lot of offseason work with him?
A: Whatever he needs, yeah.

Q: Did you feel that at all during the season?
A: Yeah, I felt like we were not on the same page time to time, so that's something, like Victor said, that we've got to get better at. I think we all feel the same way, that we left some plays out there we should have made and weren't exactly on the same page. There were some key things for us that maybe could have helped us turn the season around so next year we've got to get better at that and have a better spark to the team next year.

Q: You get a lot of time to evaluate it obviously, but do you have any idea why you guys couldn't get on the same page?
A: No, I think we're going to have to evaluate that in the offseason and see what it is and try to fix it then.

Q: You're saying that's the kind of stuff that needs to get a head start in the offseason as opposed to trying to fight uphill and fix it in between games and such?
A: Yeah.

Q: Are you going to lobby Hakeem to come back?
A: I already told him to come back, but I don't know if he's going to listen to me. I'm still the young guy around here so I'll let him handle his business.

DT Mike Patterson

A: I mean that's the good thing about it, it's an established organization.  They kept up on things, made sure things didn't get out of control, but overall I felt that it was pretty awesome to play with these guys in this locker room.  I've seen all of these guys over the years and it was nice to see them and go out there and play on the same team with them.  I enjoyed it, regardless of the record.

Q: When you go into free agency, do you sit there and say I want to go back, or do you sit there and say I'll take what the best offer is?
A: In a way, you want to come back.  You just never know how things work out, so you have to keep an open mind.  If I do come back, that's awesome.  I'd be happy and thankful to be back here, but if not, the Giants will still move on.  We'll see what happens.  Hopefully I do get the opportunity to come back. 

Q: Is that something you expressed to your agent already?
A: Yeah.  It's something you talk throughout the year and as you go through.  It kind of tells you what your chances of coming back are and how you feel about it and all that stuff.  It's something that you kind of go through and talk about.

Q: When Tom Coughlin talked to the team today, did he say I'll come back ready for next year?
A: I mean, that's the basics I would assume from every head coach.  It's not anything basic I should say, every coach has their own way of departing the team and from understanding he was proud of the things we accomplished, as far as we didn't let you guys get to us as much.  As long as we can stay healthy and continue to take care of our bodies and stay in shape, I think everything will work out.    

Kicker Josh Brown

A: That's what this is, this is not college. You're paid to do the job and this is a pretty sweet job.

Q: And you found that I guess when you spoke people listened to you as evidence by the fact that there wasn't any splintering, everybody fought until the end even when there was nothing to fight for really.
A: Yeah, absolutely. I think the bigger thing is the actions. You can talk all you want until you're blue in the face. Coach says well done is better than well said and that speaks volumes to every aspect of your life. Do what you believe in. That's what a lot of the leaders here do. Tuck shows up on time every day. He's early. Rolle's here. Everybody has their own personalities but they're here and they're working towards being better and that speaks more loudly than just their words.


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