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Quotes (9/25): Coughlin, Thomas, JPP

Coach Tom Coughlin

Good morning. I'll tell you about the injury list right off the bat. David Baas will not work today. (David) Diehl is going to work. We're going to have him in a limited capacity. We'll see what he can do. (Henry) Hynoski… You know about that. He's going to go on IR. Spencer Paysinger is going to work. He'll probably take three quarters of the work. Adrien Robinson is not going to work. Chris Snee is not going to work. It's his hip. It's not the operated or surgically-repaired hip. Cooper Taylor has a shoulder, but he's doing better today. He's a little bit stronger and he will work although he is to stay out of contact. We're going to put Terrell (Thomas) on the list because he needs to be managed and probably one day a week or at some point in time we'll have to cut the reps back for him so he has decent recovery time. Corey Webster feels better, but he's not going to get clearance to go today. We expect Jacquian (Williams) to go tomorrow. So that's our report. You don't have to ask me any questions now about this with who is going to do what and what time and so on. I'm going to save time so that I can get to the practice field.

The Kansas City Chiefs… I'll tell you exactly what I think. They're 3-0, as you know. They're playing very, very well. The difference in their football team…does anybody know what it is? Thirty-seven giveaways last year and zero this year. They're plus-nine, plus-nine after three games with no giveaways. They are a balanced team offensively. They've rushed the ball 90 times and thrown it 105. That's their objective. The quarterback has made a big difference because he's their second-leading rusher. They run the option with him. He'll pull the ball down and bring it out. He does an outstanding job of that. They have a good offensive scheme, which obviously Alex Smith is the driver of that machine. The ball gets distributed around very well and there are a lot of playmakers on this football team. Obviously the running back (Jamaal Charles) is exceptional with 1,500 yards. They do run the ball very, very well. But again I'll mention their second-leading rusher is the quarterback.

Defensively, they're very stout. They're a very, very good defensive team. They have a couple of players taken at the very top of the draft that are playing extremely well. Their linebacker Johnson has over 120 tackles three years in a row. He's a very, very good football player, physical football player. Berry, the safety, is very much involved in the front. They have got 15 sacks already. (Justin) Houston had 4.5 last week against Philadelphia, which is an incredible day for him. They've demonstrated that by giving up 11 points per game you can win a lot of football games. So they're 3-0. Their special teams is a very good outfit. They had an outstanding return man in the preseason. They had 109 and 104 yard kickoff returns. The punt returner has an outstanding average and he has done a very good job at the start of this year as well. So they are a well-balanced team. They have contributors in all spots. They have playmakers. They've done a good job of field position and taking care of the football and that's, to me, why they're 3-0.

Q: Back to the injury report for a second.
A: Oh really? You want to talk more about that?

Q: Is Diehl going to work at tackle?
A: He's just going to work to start with. He'll have to play them all. We're just trying to see how far we can go with him. It's his first day back from a very long time away from the game.

Q: How much of an advantage is it for you being familiar with Andy Reid? Is that any kind of an advantage?
A: Probably philosophically it is, but this is a football team that we're not very familiar with and we're going to have to get familiar with their players very, very fast. Bob Sutton is there on defense. He's an old friend of mine. He is a very, very good football (coach). He was with the Jets forever. He has brought a lot of that scheme with him.

Q: They're a very physical team up front. What's the challenge in giving Eli the time?
A: To be physical. How do you say it any simpler? For us to go ahead again and regain the respect that we've always had throughout the league for being a physical football team.

Q: How much do these coming days have to be about what you do and how you prepare as opposed to the other team?
A: It's always that. For me, it's always about our team. There has been enough said by me and in here to talk about transitioning from the practice field to the game field… obviously not getting discouraged when things don't go your way, playing as hard as you can, being as physical as you can, staying together as a team, being able to ford off all the questions that are intended to divide, which you people are very good at, by the way.

Q: Alex Smith has been sacked the fourth- or fifth-most times in the league.
A: Yeah. He's been sacked.

Q: Do you think this could be a game where your pass rush comes through?
A: Whatever game it is, I'm ready to take it. Alex Smith… The other point I wanted to make was in his last 30 games, he's thrown only 10 interceptions, which is one of the reasons why they're where they are, too.

Q: Going back to your turnovers. You talked about them being plus-nine. Is giveaways and takeaways where some of this has to start with your team's improvement?
A: It always has. It always has. I thought we were on the road to doing a better job of that last week and then, of course, we had a couple of late ones, which hurt us, no question, from a standpoint of keeping track of that. Ball security is always the number one issue for us. That and winning the physical battle, so that doesn't ever change.

Q: How do you juggle with your coaching staff staying the course and making changes because you're 0-3 and things aren't working?
A: You say that and it's obviously the position you should take. How much change is going to take place in one week's time? I'm talking about from a strategic standpoint, as well. Don't forget that every week, the first thing (is), if you lose a football game, everyone's greatly disappointed on Monday and emotions are in the cellar. You start to come back up on Tuesday. Hopefully on Wednesday, you gather everybody and you talk about the things that I talked about today, which is controlling the moment. Let's take care of this moment, this moment in time, which is the only moment which we have control over. We can't do anything about yesterday, we're not prepared for this coming weekend, so take this very meeting right here and do the best you can and let it carry through for the entire week. That's where it all starts. It all starts with being a better participant, a more involved individual, if you will, in meetings, practices, doing the best you can to contribute to our team and then, hopefully, that will carry over. But that's where it is, it's about getting better. Whatever we decide to do, don't forget it's based a lot on your personnel, what your status is in terms of where you are so you have to go from there. When you go from there, that's the starting point. You may see some things of difference, you may not see a lot. You may see a personnel combination that you, perhaps, haven't seen before. That's a little bit of tinkering, but basically, we are who we are and we have to make corrections and go on. We've got to get better.

Q: It's only September but, given the circumstances of this start, do you feel like your season is on the line on Sunday?
A: No. It's a long season. We've played three games and we have a lot of games to go. Certainly we want to win, that's our entire objective. Are we standing on the edge of the cliff? I don't look at it that way, I see a lot of football to be played.

Q: How is Eli holding up physically considering the sacks and hits he has taken?
A: He's like a rock. He's okay. Really, he'll tell you that. I think he is. Sometimes you get hit a little bit and you knock the cobwebs out.

Q: You picked up John Conner…
A: Yeah, fullback, we need a fullback, we need a lead blocker. He is a physical guy. We think he'll go up in the hole and clear the hole for the running back and we hope he'll be a good pass protector and contribute on special teams as well.

Q: Did something happen with Terrell Thomas?
A: No, but you can see that the accumulation has gotten to him a little bit.

Q: You had mentioned that you were going to talk to Nicks. Did you talk to him at all?
A: You know, I really haven't had a great discussion with him. I did mention something this morning. By the time I got here yesterday afternoon he was gone. I haven't really had that opportunity yet. I will say this, though, the information that is coming forth to me, he… and this is from, believe it or not, writers who were present and one of the people that was in Carolina, that they think a little bit of this has gotten a little out of proportion, that he didn't mean it that way or intend it that way. I know that it doesn't matter. It's what you say, but there's some evidence to say that he really was trying to be humble and understanding and realizing that he didn't make a contribution, blah, blah, blah.

Q: You've always talked about continuity upfront offensively.
A: We haven't had that for a long time.

Q: Now guys are injured again, you're not sure how much you're going to get out of them in practice. At this point, do you know where you can turn or is this kind of an uncertain week?
A: Like I said, we have eight or nine of them on the team. Let's go. We're going to play, the schedule is coming, we're going to Kansas City Saturday morning. The guys that are healthy enough to go have to get ready to go.

Q: Are Baas and Snee, you said last week that they had issues. Are they unlikely?
A: I don't know, we'll see. It's a day-to-day thing. Let's find out… today they're out, they're not going to practice.

Q: With Jamaal Charles being able to get outside, is that a concern? Is that a mental thing right now?
A: There are situations where we shouldn't be reached and we are reached and there are situations where, for whatever reason, the force player is standing here. How about getting up on the line of scrimmage? How about that one? There are those kinds of things and we're continuing to work on it.

QB Eli Manning

Q: Eli, it's obviously been a rough three weeks.  With all of the criticism, is it kind of a circle the way it's us against the world mentality?
A: Anytime.  Of all the guys you can count on, depend on, and fix any problems are the guys in this locker room.  Obviously our coaches are getting us prepared, but we have to play better football and I think the mentality and the attitude has been good and we have a great opportunity ahead of us, playing against a good football team.  They're 3-0 and we have to play great football.

Q: Where is the confidence of the team right now knowing you're playing a 3-0 team?
A: I think our confidence is good.  I think guys are excited and looking forward to changing things.  We feel we have a great opportunity to change things around and get some momentum.  We can't change the start of the season, but we can start right now and change the ending.  That's all we're focusing on right now.

Q: And the key to beating them?
A: I think offensively, you have to play really smart.  We can't turn the ball over.  Their offense hasn't turned the ball over one time.  They have nine turnovers on defense.  Their defense is talented.  They do a good job of stopping the run.  They can pressure the quarterback.  They're near the top in sacks, so obviously we have to protect.  Find completions.  Move the ball.  Stay out of third and long, all of those things.  And score some points. 

Q: Eli, you don't see the Chiefs a lot but you know Andy Reid.  You know what kind of  a game plan he's going to bring into the game.  Does that help you at all knowing …?
A: I think it will help out our defense a little bit.  Having gone against that solid offense.  Obviously different coordinators, theirs come from the Jets.  We've played them over the years a little bit and have a little feel.  Their defense is playing really well right now and we have to play really well as well.  

Q: When some teams get a slow start out of the box, like an 0-3, and losing 38-0 to a Carolina team, a lot of times you see divisions.  Do you see this team coming together?
A: I think we have to stick together.  If anything is going to change and we're going to get back on track, it's going to come from us playing well as a team and sticking together and having each other's back.  I think the guys realize that and understand that and have done a good job of staying confident, staying strong, and understanding the only way to fix this is by us looking in the mirror and fixing it. 

Q: Do you feel like this is a must-win situation, even though it's only September?
A: I think I go into every game feeling it's a must-win.  I don't think anything changes this week.

Q: Is this as desperate as you've felt, team-wise, this early in the season?
A: It's the first time I've been 0-3, so I guess so.  Those are the circumstances and again, I've never gone into a week saying, 'it's ok if we lose this week.'  We're fighting and we're going to compete and try to find a way to win. 

Q: Coach Coughlin said that Hakeem's comments Sunday after the game might have been taken out of context a little bit.  Have you gotten a chance to talk to Hakeem more?
A: Yeah.  We just kind of looked at each other and said, 'hey, we don't have to talk about this, right?' Hakeem's one of my great friends and I understand he wasn't saying anything, I never thought he was saying anything at me or making any jabs.  That's Hakeem and he's good and we'll get back on track this week. 

Q: Is there any extra emphasis about taking care of the football this week?  I'm sure it's always a topic of conversation, but is there any extra emphasis?
A: I think we have to make sure we're holding onto the football.  We can't turn the ball over and especially against this team.  They do a good job of getting turnovers.  Their offense doesn't turn the ball over and is efficient, so we have to make sure we have the same attitude.  We have to be smart and when we have our chances to make plays, we have to make them.  They do a good job of getting pressure and creating some bad plays for the offense.  We have to make sure those bad plays aren't turned into turnovers and real mistakes. 

Q:  Chris Snee and David  Baas didn't practice today.  Is your level of concern with the offensive line after you get sacked seven times greater now?
A: No.  I have great confidence in whoever's in there.  If they don't do a good job, it's football.  Sometimes you're going to get some pressure.  You have to move around and buy time.  You have to be smart and I think whoever is in there will do a great job and we'll be able to run our offense. 

Q: In times like this, when things are going wrong around you, can a quarterback almost by himself lift a team up?  Do you put that added pressure on yourself?
A: All I can do is go out there and do my job.  Get the offense prepared.  Have a great understanding of what we're going to do.  Myself, have a great understanding of what this defense is all about and try to get us into good plays and play smart to put us in a situation to win the game in the fourth quarter.  You have to be careful trying to do too much, or you make too many plays which end up hurting your team.

Q: You said yourself, first time 0-3, first time with this many picks for you this early in the season.  Have you had to keep your own spirits up, or have you changed anything with the way you're coping?
A: No.  I think you just look at each play.  Try to make adjustments and be smart.  Obviously, we've just been in some tough situations.  Been down in the fourth quarter by a number of points and have been pressing a little bit.  Hopefully we don't get in those situations and can play smarter football.

Q: Was there too much made of the fact that they had such a depleted secondary, and it looked like a real good way to pick on them?
A: I don't say we made a big issue about it.  They were missing a couple of guys, but we knew their front seven was very talented.  They had good players and obviously that's what controlled the game was their d-linemen. 

Q: Sometimes the matches don't' always stick.  What looks like it should add up, doesn't always add up, does it?
A: No.  They did the best thing to cover up some of their weaknesses by getting pressure rushing four guys and not putting their DBs on an island. 

Q: Tom was pretty animated with us today.  He did some hand gestures, some arm gestures, was he that way with you guys as well?
A: Yeah.  I think he's just trying to get the emotions and excitement  back on the team and get guys excited for this opportunity we have ahead of us. 

Q: It seemed like he was ready to suit up?
A: I think he could.  Get him back in a jersey and play a little running back.

Q: Can it be a little contagious, you guys needing a little of that …?
A: I think so.  I think you need a little … sometimes.  When things are tough, you need a little enthusiasm to kind of get you going and get the energy picked up.

Q: Do you find yourself doing that?  Doing it on the field?  In what ways do you do it?
A: I think so.  I just have to have a little energy getting in and out of the huddle.  Kind of getting the pace picked up a little and get guys running around.  Little pep talks, just a little energy in calling the plays and overall, just make sure I'm doing my job on things and having great energy about myself.  Hopefully it can be contagious.

Q: Were they keeping up with you?
A: Yeah.  Guys were good.  We had them running around. 

Q: Chase anybody or say come on?
A: No.  They were doing good.

Q: You said before that you can't try to do too much, but do you think you have a responsibility here, to try to rise above this and lift the team with you?
A: You have to do your job and I have to make the plays that are there.  Make the throws.  If there's nothing there, then I have to play smart.  I approach every week the same.  Try to have a game plan and whatever that might be.  Can I have some thoughts about how I want to approach this game, how I think the game will be played based on the defense, or the offense, and put it all together.  I don't think it changes anything. 

Q: You said you have trust in whoever is out there, but how tough is that front four?  What kind of challenge are you looking at with the Chiefs?
A: Their front seven, same deal.  It will be a five guy, two outside linebacker, who are their guys, who are getting sacks or the defensive tackles does a good job getting some sacks.  Honestly third down they have a great blitz package.  They do a good job with showing a number of different looks and pressure and obviously, I think they have 15 sacks already, so they're getting after the quarterback.

Q: It would seem natural for me to think that you at some point would think, God, I'd just love to have a game where I can stay on my feet.  Do you have to stay away from thinking like that?
A: I think in the first two games they had a lot of opportunities.  Had opportunities where we would throw the ball down the field and threw for a lot of yards and had time.  Last week, did not have as much time and this happens in a game.  I've been through it before, where you get hit and sacked, but you bounce back up and you try to stay within the game and play smart and be patient, and not put the team's in harm's way by forcing things or trying to make plays when they're not there.  Trying to make plays where they're not there.  Unfortunately last week, that didn't really work either. 

Q: How are you handling the adversity that has come the team's way so far?  Does  it affect your mood away from the field?
A: Obviously it is frustrating.  You put a lot of work in, by working all offseason and then training camp and you feel each week you're prepared to go out there and have a great plan and then perform well.  When you lose or don't perform your best, it makes it frustrating, but you just have to stay at it and over the years it will come around.  If we keep grinding at it, keep working at it, it will pay off and we will start playing better.

Q: Does having two little ones at home change your perspective on things a little bit?
A: Obviously, when you go home you don't really have an opportunity to be in a bad mood, or to be a grump, or kind of hang your head.  My wife and my girls won't let me do that. It will lift your spirits a little easier than those first couple of years going home to an empty apartment.  It's a little easier to get down on yourself.

Q: You talked about firing up guys saying 'false enthusiasm'.  The stuff that you said about you can't control the past, but you can control what ahead of us, it can sound almost cliché but for you, does it help you sell that in here?
A: I think so.  We've been through stretches where we have lost a few in a row.  We're going through a stretch where we haven't played our best football and we've come out of it.  It might be in the middle of the season, at the end of the season, we understand you go though little phases.  Right now, we're in a tough phase and we have to break out of it.  The only way to do it is our preparation and our commitment and our team coming together and strt playing better football. 

Q: I guess there's a difference between a three-game losing streak and an 0-3 start, or maybe there isn't from your standpoint.
A: I think now we have time to fix it.  We can't fix it, we have a lot of time in the season to make amends, and so obviously it starts this week. 

Q: I just had to ask you what you think of Peyton's start to the season?
A: He's playing really well and their team is rolling, so we're proud of him and I've been impressed. 

Q: How confident is the offensive line about getting through their rough patch?
A: They're going to do great.  They had a tough week last week, but besides that they've been playing well.  We'll put last week behind us and keep moving forward. 

Q: Could you have possibly imagined three weeks ago that you would be in this situation?
A: You never know in the NFL.  Each week is tough.  It's tough to get wins and you have to cherish each one.  You have to work hard and play with a great … to win.  We haven't done that and we've seen the results and we know we have to fix it. 

Q: It seems like the first time in maybe your 10 years here where the team is going really bad around you and maybe people are looking toward you , not by yourself, but just to lead the way.  Did you feel any pressure to do that?
A: I just do my job.        

DE Jason Pierre-Paul

Q: Is this a must-win game?
A: Every game is a must-win game. I don't care what game it is. We've been throwing must-win around for three weeks now and we haven't won a game yet. I wouldn't say must-win. We've just got to go out there and do it. Stop saying must-win and stop saying it and go out there and do it as a team.

Q: Is it an advantage to you guys knowing Andy Reid's style as a coach?
A: Not at all. At the end of the day, football is football. We've lost three games now and we're looking past it. We're trying to go out there and be 1-0. We're trying to be 1-0 right now and whatever it takes, we've got to do it.

Q: Do you feel like you're anywhere near yourself physically yet?
A: I think I had a great practice today. Each and every day I'm always getting better. I'm not trying to make any excuses for my game play. I'm getting better each and every day and I think I had a great practice out there today and I was moving pretty fast. I wasn't tired. With everything I was doing before, I was doing it. I'm pretty sure we'll get the job done this week.

Q: It hasn't been that long since your back surgery.
A: Yeah. It hasn't been that long. It's probably 16 weeks now. I'm out here. Whatever I'm supposed to do, I do. There are no excuses at all. We lost three games. I'm putting that past me. I'm pretty sure everybody else in here is putting it past them, too. Our main thing is to go out there and be 1-0. There are 13 games left. We can do it.

Q: Can you tell though when you look at film of yourself and say…
A: I've been saying that. You can look at me on the film and you can tell I'm not my regular self. It's no excuses for that. I'm on the field. I can't complain about it. I've got to do whatever it takes to help my team win. I'll be out there again this week. I'll be starting and I'm pretty all the guys are before me. It's a must-win game. We have to win our games. So far, we haven't been doing it, but I'm pretty sure we'll come out with a win this week.

CB Terrell Thomas

Q: Were they always going to limit you this season?
A: Eventually. It's a part of the recovery process. It held strong. I practiced today. I felt good. I've just been a little bit precautious taking care of the knee. Got to be smart. Getting ahead of the pain more than anything.

Q: Tom said you might be a one or two day a week guy.
A: Yeah. I think the vision with that is more of just getting me healthy on Sunday. That's where I'm better suited; not during the week. I'm a veteran guy. I just have to apply myself differently as far as watching film, learning the defense and putting myself out there if I'm not able to practice.

Q: Was that always the plan to eventually manage you at some point in the season or did this just pop up?
A: It was always the plan. It's always been management. Every day I'm talking to Leigh (Weiss) and Ronnie (Barnes) and coach Coughlin. I'm just letting them know exactly how I feel. If I can't go, I can't go. If I can, I can. Obviously you've got to be strong and push through at times. I just think at this moment we're just being more smart more than anything.

Q: Was there something from last game that gave you a warning sign?
A: Not at all. We've got Philly coming up, which is a heavy 11 personnel game plan as far as KC and then we've got a Thursday night game. So looking forward to the season, not looking ahead, but just being smart with my knee and me being out there you just want to be smart and kind of save yourself when you can.

Q: Do you know which team is going to show up for you guys?
A: We're going to fight. We got socked in our mouth last weekend. That's not what the New York Giants are all about. We've got players on this team that have won two Super Bowls, so they know about being tough and being resilient in the moment and understanding everything. It's disheartening. It's sad. We all felt sorry for ourselves, but we're over that now. We had a great day of practice. We're going to keep building and keep getting better and keep motivating and keep pushing each other. We'll definitely be a different team come Sunday.

Q: Ahmad Bradshaw limited his practice time last year trying to do everything he could for Sunday. Are you in the same boat?
A: It's new to me. I love to practice. I love to work on my craft and fix the things that I need to work on that I didn't fix in the game. But whatever the coaches tell me to do I'm going to do. They haven't failed me now.

Q: How much did you do today?
A: I practiced limited.

DE Justin Tuck

Q: What do you see from Kansas City on tape?
A: I see a team that's playing good together. They're playing it in all three phases. They're not turning the football over. They take what the defense is giving them and they've got a lot of talent on defense where they stop the run and get after the quarterback. They have a special teams unit that's capable of big play … they're playing well together.

Q: Does it factor in at all that you have faced Andy Reid so many times in the past?
A: I hope, but he has a different team. I think he's doing a great job of putting those guys in great positions to make plays and win football games. You can tell he's brought a little bit of his flair to that team, but just after a couple of days of looking at them we've still got some stuff to look at and see if we can see any comparisons between what he did in Philly and what he's doing in Kansas City.

Q: Jamaal Charles is one of the few running backs in the league that does everything all the time. What makes him special?
A: They give him the ball. I think he's the leading receiver, too, with catching the ball and yards. He's a guy that's going to be on the field every play and he's one of those backs where there's only a few of them … every time he touches the ball they can hit you for six and he's one of them. We've just got to make sure that we try to corral him a little bit. Their running game is something special and then you add in Alex (Smith) with that. He's doing a great job of getting out of a lot of stuff and running the ball, too. Charles is the real deal.

Q: How important is it for this team to stay together?
A: It's very important because as soon as you start parting it, we have no chance of winning; we have no chance of being successful. That's the main focus, is staying together and making sure we keep guys in the right frame of mind. It's still a long season. We still can do any and everything that we came into this season wanting to do, but we've got to figure out some things here real quickly.

Q: Does it give you a little peace of mind knowing nobody in the division has really separated themselves?
A: No. I don't really concern myself with what everybody else in the division does. We have to right our ship. When we're playing our best ball, it doesn't matter what they do then either. So for us, we can't allow ourselves to start looking at what other teams are doing, especially in our division because we haven't won a football game. We've got to go out and win a football game.

OT Justin Pugh

Tempo, don't quit, that's all we're hearing, that's all we're getting after. We went out there today and it was a good practice.

Q: How much do you watch what KC was able to do against Philly in terms of just being aggressive?
A: Yeah, I watched a few of their games. You have to go out there and fight. If you fight in the run game, it might not look pretty all the time but if you're physical, good things are going to happen. We just have to go out there and fight every play.

Q: Do you start breaking down Justin Houston and what he likes to do?
A: Yeah, definitely. He's similar to the guy I went against last week, very physical player. He's got a good motor so it's a good challenge for me. I'm going out there and practicing. We've got some good guys playing defensive end here so they definitely give me good looks.

Q: Chris Snee and David Baas weren't in practice today. I would imagine that it can't help that the offensive line is being juggled again.
A: Yeah, but whoever's out there has to go out and compete. I definitely think those guys are veterans, they play a lot of snaps. We played six games in a row, this offensive line, so if they come back, we'll go right back to where we were at. I'm not worried about it.

Q: It isn't every week you go up against the guy who's leading the league in sacks. Do you prepare differently at all this week?
A: You don't, you just go out there and play your game. You have to go out there, be physical, trust the technique and just keep working and getting better with your technique.

Q: There was a lot made when you were drafted, the idea of your nasty streak out on the field. Is this that time when you want to remind people that you can play that way?
A: Yeah, definitely. You have to go out there and, like I said and I'm going to keep saying, I'm going to go out there and fight, I'm going to give it everything I've got. When I come off that field I'm going to know that I fought that guy and he's going to know that we had a good day out there.

Q: At any time in your career did you ever have such a cold offensive spell and what did you do to work yourself out of it?
A: I think you just keep fighting, you keep going out there and working hard. I think all those things work out in the end. If you go out there and you're physical, you get on your guy and all those five guys are gelling, it will work itself out. I know at Syracuse when we first got there we struggled running the ball. You just keep going out there and keep being physical, you stay on your guy and you finish the play longer than he does. The running back will find the hole and make some plays.

Safety Antrel Rolle

RE: Kansas City
A: They're doing a great job offensively as well as defensively. We definitely have our (work) cut out for us, they're playing extremely well under Andy Reid, it seems like the offense has rallied behind Alex Smith and they're doing an exceptional job.

Q: Are they just throwing a lot of slants or… and you have Charles too?
A: They distribute the ball any way they can. Whether it's going to the tight end, a receiver, multiple receivers, a running back, they do a good job in getting everyone involved. Everyone's going to have to understand their queues and assignments and just play fast.

Q: When you watch the Chiefs on tape do you see a lot of the Eagles stuff from the last few years?
A: No, I just really pay attention to what the Chiefs are doing. I really don't focus on what I remember from the Eagles or not, I just study the film that I have this year. Right now, they're a good offense. They keep the ball moving, they put points on the board and, more importantly, they get everyone involved.

Q: How important is it for this team to stay together? A lot of times, 0-3, struggling, it could get frustrating.
A: That's all we have. That's all we have at this point is to stay together. I don't think there's an option for us in this locker room, I think we all understand what we have to do at hand. I think, as an individual, we need to take care of ourselves and collectively we need to come together better as a team. You know, just play for the guy beside you. I think we all understand that.

Q: What do you say to the Giants fan that's a little nervous right now? 0-3, can this team turn this around, what do you say to that?
A: What I can say is really not too much. What we can go out and do, I think that's a different kind of statement. We have to go out there and play ball. Words are not going to do too much for us at this point, we need to go out there and just play ball.

Q: Did you like what you saw in practice today? Guys were talking about a little increased intensity.
A: Yeah, yeah. Increased intensity is going to help you no matter what field you're in. Right now we're football players so, you know, just increasing the intensity is only going to help us. It's not going to deflate us under any means. Like I said, we're just looking to go out there and get better, man. Play with each other, rally behind each other and go out and play with that fuel and that fire.

Q: Was that a good sign to see some of the guys mixing it up out there?
A: What do you mean?

Q: I understand that maybe there were a couple of scrums out there.
A: Yeah, we had that. But that's not going to determine anything that's going to come out there on Sunday. Within the battlefield you're going to have scuffles, you're going to have fights. You're going to fight one play and love each other the next play. That's what football players do, that's what we are, we're brothers.

FB John Conner

Q: How does it feel to be a Giant?
A: It feels pretty good. I'm just happy to get another opportunity to play. It seems like I can't stay away from New York, but it's a new opportunity, a new chance, so I'm looking forward to it.

Q: What was it like these last three weeks? We saw you on HBO ("Hard Knocks"). It was kind of surprising that the Bengals let you go?
A: It was definitely a surprise for me too ,but it was just a waiting game. Teams had their rosters set so it was just kind of waiting around and seeing what happens. I would go on different visits, do different workouts and that's pretty much how it worked out.

Q: What have Tom and Jerry told you about your role here?
A: They haven't really told me about my role yet. Right now I'm just trying to learn the playbook and just do what I can for the team, help out on special teams, just do what I can right now.

Q: What kind of an opportunity is this for you? For a team that's been struggling running the ball so far.
A: It's huge. That's my job, to come in and open up some holes and help this run game out.

Q: How ironic is it that you land here after playing for the Jets?
A: It's pretty ironic. Like I was telling him, it seems like I can't stay away from New York. I like being here, it's a great team to play for.

Q: How much do you know about the Giants?
A: Not a whole lot but just from being a crosstown rival of them for two years and also watching film. That's about it.

Q: And you know that they are a fullback-needy offense.
A: Absolutely. Just watching them on film and watching their games I know they use a fullback so it's a great fit for me.

Q: And that's a rare thing now a days.
A: It is a rare thing. That's why it's hard for fullbacks to find jobs now because it's become a pass-happy league.

Q: They have talked about wanting to get back to a physical style here, do you feel like that's something that you can bring?
A: Oh yeah, absolutely. That's the way that I like to play the game. I don't play it any other way.

Q: How quickly can you get up to speed with what's going on around here?
A: It's my first day, things are kind of clogged right now but I figure after a couple days I'll be good from studying and meeting with coaches afterwards.

Q: What do you think you can do to help the run game?
A: I'm definitely going to give it my best game to help this run game out. That's what they brought me in for so I'm going to do that to the best of my ability.


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