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Quotes: Coughlin, Manning, Beckham (10/15)


Tom Coughlin

Coach Coughlin: We're excited about preparing for the Philadelphia Eagles, in the division, over in Philadelphia. Philadelphia played very, very well the other day. They started out relatively slow for them this season, but they've built up and built up. Their three games that they've lost, they are by 15 points. They're plus-three, they have thirteen takeaways, which is outstanding. Their defensive team, 10th in the league against the run, outstanding defensive team that they've put together. Their offensive team features the three runners that you know very well who they are, each of which in their own right is an exceptional football player. Young quarterback, Bradford, has done a good job, a 122 quarterback rating against Washington in a loss. They've lost twice in the division to Dallas and, of course, to Washington. But as I said, the other day, scoring 39 points, winning time of possession—which is something they really could care less about, they put it all together and Bradford showed resiliency himself in throwing two early picks and then coming back and having a big day with two touchdowns and a very high completion percentage. So their return game, their special teams—three of their big four teams are in the top-10 in the league. Darren Sproles gives them an exceptional punt returner. They're a well-rounded overall very good football team in our division and we look forward to our preparation starting today.

Q: You have a lengthy injury list, obviously. The latest is Prince, what happened to him and how long is he?
A: They're saying two to four (weeks). He has a partial tear of the pec, and it occurred in the game. It's most unfortunate, he's made a lot of plays this fall but we'll continue on and we will get him back.

Q: How's Kennard and some of the other guys?
A: Not going to practice.

Q: Beckham?
A: Not going to practice.

Q: Randle?
A: He's supposed to practice.

Q: Ayers?
A: Going to practice. Selvie is going to practice.

Q: How's Beason, has he been cleared?
A: No, no, he hasn't.

Q: You said he has not been cleared?
A: No, he hasn't been cleared.

Q: How about Justin Pugh?
A: He's practicing.

Q: Has Victor Cruz been cleared to do anything?
A: No, not that I know of.

Q: Jonathan Casillas?
A: No, not today.

Q: Prince had been playing so well. What kind of challenge is it now for other guys to step up?
A: Well, that's been the challenge all along. We played a game and won a game with (Jayron) Hosley starting at corner. He'll have to jump in there and do that, which I'm sure he's excited about. So we must continue on.

Q: I know you've studied exhaustively why this team has been so injured the last couple years. It looks like you're at least pretty close to leadimust he league in injuries again. You changed so much, have you ever found any kind of common thread of why this keeps happening?
A: No. We've inserted major changes, we've changed pretty much everything that we do starting with the GPS. But all these soft tissue injuries are very, very troublesome, occurring in games, if you will. And then being so long and trying to get people back. I'm not going to get frustrated by it, but it's very bothersome.

Q: Do you make any adjustments to the routine at this point?
A: No.

Q: Why not?
A: Why would I?

Q: Because you just said you had a lot of soft tissue injuries and it's troubling.
A: It's not a time to change now. For years we did it one way, we're doing it this way, we're going to stay with it. We're going to see how it goes.

Q: With Beckham and Randle kind of question marks, do you have to cut down on the game plan because of the young guys on the outside?
A: Not really, no.

Q: Is Prince a candidate for short-term IR?
A: No.

Q: Why not?
A: Because he's coming back ahead of that span, I would hope.

Q: Do you expect Beckham to practice later this week?
A: We'll see. We'll see. Today he can't go. He's day-to-day, but today he can't go, which quite frankly, I didn't expect any of those guys to go today.

Q: With these injuries popping up and the uncertainty with Cruz, has there been any thought about maybe using short-term IR on him?
A: This was thoroughly discussed when he injured himself the last time. The doctors battled for him being back before the time would be up on the IR.

Q: Have you gotten any updated timetable on Victor?
A: No.

Q: After the game, you mentioned that Cullen Jenkins reminded you, I'm sure you didn't need reminding, about you were 3-2 last year and you went to Philadelphia. How much will you talk about that—same situation, what happened?
A: I mentioned to them this morning about going over there a year ago. Didn't go into details on the record or anything like that. But mentioned traveling over there, so that's probably come and gone.

Q: How different a player is Justin Pugh than he was a year ago going into Philadelphia?
A: I think he's a much better player. He's well, well-rounded now. He's had an outstanding offseason, he's studied. He's been able, obviously, to play more than one position for us, which is very, very good. And he's played well.

Q: He had trouble last year, obviously, I n Philadelphia, he said it kind of snow-balled on him. Have you seen signs that he's, I guess, maturing?
A: I have seen signs, yes. I would make a smart remark there but…

Q: How much has Weston Richburg been an upgrade for you guys in the middle, being sort of that anchor for you guys this year?
A: Well, he's directed traffic since day one and does a very, very good job of that. He's a team player. He's basically a lunch bucket guy just like the type and the mold that we like. He's done a good job of that—studying, identifying, communicating with the other offensive linemen. He's done a very good job of that.

Q: You always talk about balance with your offense. Do you think the short passing game in your mind is still balance, even though Eli threw the ball 54 times?
A: Well, our short passing game, in addition to that, I think has been something that we've utilized as you would the run game. Not that I wouldn't rather have the run, but that's been said.

Q: With McBride and Wade both working at the nickel, is there one you'd prefer to bounce outside if you have to?
A: Well, not that I'm going to speak about. Both guys have played inside, both guys have played outside. When McBride played outside, he played very well.

Q: How much confidence do you have in Jayron Hosley compared to last year? And how do you think he's done?
A: A lot more. He's done well. When he's been called upon, whether it's special teams or defense, he's done well.

Q: Is it disheartening to have this great win, be in first place, and then come to this injury list?
A: No, it's just wonderful. So happy that all these questions are about it. Quite frankly, I would have a hard time not answering these types of questions.

Q: What do you see from DeMarco Murray? You've obviously seen him before in the past and now you see him with the Eagles. Does he do anything differently, does he look any different to you?
A: He looks good. He's got great vision, he's an outstanding runner, he catches the ball out of the backfield. He's grown as this offensive team and people getting to know one another from the idea of new players at new positions. And you can see the improvement.

Q: What do you see with Walter Thurmond?
A: Walter has played well. Three interceptions, played the safety position, he comes down in the box, he tackles. He seems to do an outstanding job. You would expect him to have outstanding range and he does. Played well.

Q: Why do you think teams have had success throwing the ball to their running backs against you guys this year?
A: Well, I think primarily they've caught us in some type of zone coverage. The coverage hasn't been as tight as we'd like. Normally in those situations, there's a receiver behind and a receiver in front and they're taught to play deep to short. That's the result.

Q: So you guys are in some way giving that up, as opposed to giving up the deep stuff?
A: No, I wouldn't say giving it. I'd like to be tighter, I really would. Again, each game is different, each situation is different and each pattern is different.

Q: Your team's opportunity here, you fight back and control the division now and have a huge game in Philadelphia. Is it too early to call it that, a huge game?
A: No, I think the significance of your divisional games is well-known and well-stated. I think the excitement of playing within the division is always there. At this point in the season, with the teams all bunched up like they are, this is a big game.

Odell Beckham Jr.

Q: How are you feeling?
A: Great. I'm feeling good.

Q: No concerns about playing or not this week?
A: Day by day thing, with the game being Monday, so won't really be able to tell until Monday.

Q: Obviously one of those weeks where you're glad you have that extra day.
A: Absolutely. Anytime that you can get some time off and recover, it is great, so I'm definitely going to use these days to my advantage.

Q: What do you recall about your first game in Philly?
A: I think it was my second game back, so all I can really remember is what everybody was telling me about how the Giants/Philly game always is. It was a fun experience to go down there, not fun with the result of the game, but that atmosphere was very nice, it was loud.

Q: Did the fans treat you well?
A: Yeah, they treat you like royalty.

Q: What kind of advice do you give a guy like Landon Collins who's going there for the first time?
A: Play ball, it's not really much you can do. Fans cheer, the fans yell, either way it goes, it's all noise, just block it out and play football.

Q: What are some of the things they do specifically defensively that you guys have to be prepared for?
A: They're very good upfront. They have a very good defensive line with Bennie Logan, one of those guys who just, they're going to come after you every single play. Just making sure you do what you need to do up front and do what you need to do outside. They definitely are a good team.

Q: At the same time, they have given up a number of big plays. Do you go into a game saying, "Okay, we're going to get our shots and we've got to take advantage of them?"
A: I think that's every game. There's no team that's invincible or anything like that. You see opportunities and you have to strike. The main focus is just going to be executing and I don't think there's anything different that you go into a week doing or anything like that, just get prepared for Monday.

Q: How much more amped up do you get for a Monday Night game against a division rival?
A: I mean, if you can't get your blood pumped for that, then I don't know why you're really here. It's just one of those games, man, Giants/Philly, I got to experience it last year but this is really the start of it all. I'm still learning the true tradition and the history behind it all.

Q: You're a guy who's always talked about the moment, and seizing the moment, being in the moment, how hard is it to strike that balance now when you're dealing with a little something? Coming out of the game and knowing that you want to play, you want to be there, but also you have to be smart.
A: It's tough; it takes a lot, especially at game time. You work six days a week for really eight minutes of fun, really 60 minutes, but running plays actually they say it's an average of 8-11 minutes. You work all week for those opportunities and to have to sit out towards the end of the game, it wasn't fun, but we found a way to get it done. We found a way to get it done.

Q: But going into this week, I would imagine it's also hard for you.
A: Yeah, I personally like practicing and being able to go through your routes, and you get reps. That way when it comes to game time, you've already seen it, you've already ran it, you rep'd it and it's just smooth sailing. Right now all you can do is get mental reps and be ready for Monday.

Q: Do you have a good feeling about whether you will be able to play?
A: Right now, I feel as if it's a day by day thing, so we'll see.

Q: We only got you once since the weekend, are you aware of the [Antonio] Cromartie comment about you?
A: I mean, there's so much stuff that goes on, it doesn't really faze me. It's here nor there, so no I'm not really super aware of it.

Q: He basically called you a one year wonder.
A: That's cool. It's just words, that's all it is, you know? So you keep moving forward, keep doing what you're doing, keep trying to get better, and be a better person day by day. I'm not really worried about what anybody else has to say who's not on the Giants.

Q: Does it motivate you at all, more?
A: It doesn't motivate me, it has no effect.

Q: What do you have to do special this week, obviously you're trying to get to a 100%, and get healthy. Do you have anything that you do?
A: Treatments, treatment, treatment. Just make sure you stay on top of it, that's really it, just making sure you stay on top of it all, and we come out prepared for Monday.

Eli Manning

Q: Can you talk about the importance of the game, always tough going into Philly, division game?
A: Yeah, always a big one in the division at Philly on a Monday night. Should be a great atmosphere and a great challenge for us. So we're looking forward to that. They're a good team, they're playing good football, their defense is doing a good job causing a lot of turnovers, offense has been scoring points these past few weeks. We've got to expect their best football and we've got to go in there and play good ball.

Q: What's the best way to describe that atmosphere in Philly, especially for a night game?
A: It'll be loud, they'll be fired up, they're going to be rocking. We've got to do our job and we've got to go out there and play smart, handle the crowd noise, hopefully get off to a fast start and try to calm them down.

Q: What's the key to withstanding their pressure defense when they start doing a lot of the stuff that they do in the front seven?
A: I think everybody has to understand who they're blocking. They do a lot of twisting, the offensive line has to pass things off, running backs got to know who they're responsible for. Everybody has to know they're accounted for and that's half the battle. Now you've got to block them. So I've got to do a good job of getting the ball out on time and they try to make you hold it a little longer so they can get their pressures. We've got to do a good job blocking and I've got to do a good job protecting the football.

Q: Is it tougher to prepare when you kind of don't know who your receivers are this week?
A: I think you prepare for the opposing team. So we're just trying to understand their scheme, understand what they're going to do, what plays do we like, where the ball is going. Hopefully we'll get guys back as the week goes and should be in good shape.

Q: Can you see why veteran quarterbacks do well in this system that you're in now and like it so much?
A: Yeah. I think it's quarterback-friendly. If you know what you like, you can get to a lot of different plays. The ball comes out quickly, you're not holding it, shouldn't take a whole lot of hits. Yeah, it makes sense where you have progressions and your reads. If you've got guys who can get open, it makes life easy.

Q: Is throwing the ball 54 times something you think is sustainable for the offense?
A: You never know. We were throwing it well. A lot of times if you throw that many times, it's because you have a lot of incompletions and you get in a lot of second and long, third and longs. But I think it's a combination, had two two-minute drives that I think adds to it where you have 15 or 16 passes in those two drives that can add up to that. I didn't feel like we were throwing it a ton. I thought we had a good mix, had mixed in some play-action and we were completing the ball and having good rhythm, had a lot of short passes. If you've got to throw it that many times because we're being successful, getting completions, then I think you can.

Q: It's been a few years since you've been in this position, first place, above .500. How important is it to keep the streak rolling?
A: I never really paid attention to what place you are in Week Six of the season, there's a lot of football. We've got to handle our business. This is a big one and it's in the division, so we've got to get physically and mentally ready for it and go out there and play well.

Q: I think Chip Kelly said they don't give awards out after Week Six. Is it important to realize this game might lay the foundation for what could happen down the stretch?
A: Every division game is important. You understand that because coming into the season, a lot of times it comes down to a one-game difference. So you understand the importance of it, but can't get so concerned with it. You've got to go out there and do your job and play hard and try to get a win.

Q: Your numbers so far, I think they're the best after this period of time in your career or among the best. Is that an accident? I don't want to minimize it. Are you surprised by it?
A: No. I think the second year in the offense, even last year Coach McAdoo showed me some numbers of Favre from his first to second year back when he first got into this offense. Saw the difference, that second year was much better than the first. So just comfort level, your understanding of it. It's not just me, it's the offensive line, receivers, everybody having a better understanding of the timing of it. We've just got to keep it going.

Q: When did you have that conversation?
A: It was after the season last year. Maybe the last day of the season, I can't remember exactly. It wasn't with Favre, it was with Coach McAdoo just kind of showing me the difference between Favre's first and second year. Just getting excited for the second year.

Q: So sending you off for that offseason?
A: Yeah.

Q: How much better has Justin Pugh been this year compared to last year?
A: Seems to be playing well. I think it's been tough this year, practicing guard, getting ready for guard then he's had to go out and play some left tackle, which is not easy. I know he worked hard this offseason, his training and everything, and I think it has paid off. He's playing at a high level.

Q: Do you see him as a leader on that unit?
A: Yeah. I think he's definitely one of the leaders on that offensive line. He just takes great pride in what he's doing, the great commitment and toughness. He's done a good job.

Q: What about Weston Richburg? He's really got off to a great start.
A: Yeah, Weston is playing well. Done a good job making calls and understanding what's going on and taking control of that spot at center. Getting everybody squared away on what they're doing and he's done a good job.

Q: You think Beckham will be out there Monday?
A: I hope so.

Q: What type of loss would that be with him not there?
A: We'll figure it out if it happens.

Q: What have you observed about Ereck Flowers, your number one pick?
A: Doesn't seem too big for him. So I think he's come in and he knows what's going on, he's handled everything, blocked guys, and so I think he's shown some toughness. He's been banged up a little but shown toughness. He wants to be out there. I've been impressed with how quickly he just knows everything that's going on and knowing his assignments.

Q: What's his temperament like on game day?
A: He's quiet, he doesn't say much. But he's competing out there. He has an intensity to him and you can see that determination and he's ready to go.

Q: Is it good to see toughness out of him because he's responsible for keeping you upright?
A: Yeah I think it's always good to see toughness out of your offensive lineman. You like quiet and mean, that's kind of how you like them usually.

Q: And the atmosphere is not likely to bother him.
A: I don't think so. I don't think it's too much or anything going on is going to get him rattled.

Q: Do you remember your first game in Philly?
A: Yeah, first game of my career.

Q: Tell me what you remember about it.
A: I remember my first play, I handed it off to Tiki Barber and he went about 75 yards for a touchdown. So I said, "This is easy." Then I took the biggest hit of my life on the last play, so it was my "welcome to the NFL" hit, for sure.

Q: What do you remember about the environment when you came in?
A: I don't know if I remember that much. It was the first game, but yeah, I think Giants-Eagles. I remember there was some stuff going on the sideline with their kicker and he's on the sideline, we had a couple guys jumping on him and helmets missing, different things going on. I don't know if that was the first game. Petitgout and Brandon Jacobs happened a few years later. But yeah, always some rivals going on, always some talking. It's an intense game.

Q: That hit you took was from behind, as I recall, I think from McDougle, wasn't it?
A: Yeah, from McDougle, thanks for bringing that up.

Q: That was a day game, though, right?
A: Day game.

Q: Thought I saw your head orbit.
A: I kind of spun back, he was behind me. I kind of spun back, I went horizontal. Wasn't good.

Q: Your whole receiving corps is so nicked up and banged up. When you have that many guys who are in limbo, how much more do you have to worry about targets you're going to work with on Monday night?
A: No, I think you just go about your business. Whoever is out there, understand what they do well. The system is set up where all the routes should be run the same way, the same timing. Whoever is playing, whoever is out there will be fine. Hopefully we get all our guys back. But practicing with different guys and guys are in the mix and excited to be out there practicing and possibly an opportunity to play.

Q: How hard is it to get a big play when the running game hasn't been as consistent as you would like? That usually sucks people up then you hit them deep.
A: I thought we ran the ball pretty well this past week. We didn't have any big runs. I thought we were throwing it on first and second down. Our first runs, we were getting three and four yards a pop. If we had a second and four, we were getting the first down. I thought it was putting us in good down and distance. I think we've been okay. I feel like last year we had a lot of negative runs that were hurting us. All of a sudden now you got second and 12 and it makes it hard. So I think we've been better getting positive yards and eventually we'll be able to pop some big ones and hit some big plays.

Prince Amukamara

Q: Do you know how you did it?
A: I know it was in the third quarter. I think I was playing cloud and I made the tackle on the fullback back in the flat. I just felt something weird. I stayed in on that drive and then when I realized, "Ok, I'm having a hard time running," I never want to be a liability out there so I had the trainers come check it out. They said, "Ok, the tendon is still attached." I said, "Ok, good. If I can still go, then you're not going to stop me. I'm going to go." So then I ran out and of course that's when Anquan scored on that play. Just finished the whole game with it.

Q: Did you think it was as serious as it turned out to be when you went back in the game? Do you think you could have reinjured it?
A: No, I don't think I injured it more. I still don't think it's as serious. I think serious would be me being on IR or serious would be the tendon fully coming off the bone like my bicep. So that wasn't the case, it's still attached. It gives me a chance to rehab it and we'll do another MRI in a couple weeks to see if progress has been made and we'll go from there.

Q: So it bothered you running?
A: Yeah, it bothered me running but pressing-wise, I was able to do that. So that's another reason I stayed in the game. But when I would open up and run, I would feel it a little bit more. During the game when you have all that adrenaline, you don't really feel no pain.

Q: How disappointing is this for you? You were putting together a good season, the team is winning now.
A: Yeah, it is. It's always discouraging for me anytime I get an injury or I miss time. But I'm just happy it's an upper body injury and hopefully I don't miss a lot of time.

Q: You said "good chance" before when you were talking about coming back. Is there any chance or any concern on your part that this might wind up being larger and finish your season?
A: Not right now. I'm very encouraged because I'm more mobile, I can move it, I can move it around. I can still brush my teeth and I can still do stuff with it. That gives me encouragement. When it starts to get to the second and third week and if I'm still at this stage, then I'll probably start panicking a little bit.

Q: Did you say it's on the same side of the bicep injury?
A: No, no, no. It's the opposite.

Q: Obviously it is the contract year, you know that. Does that factor into your mindset at all? Do you even think of that? How do you view that?
A: Right now just not trying to worry about that. I'm really just worried about, "Man, we're on a good run." Just really trying to help this team win the division. This was a huge week with the Eagles and especially with how it ended last week. It would have been a good game to play in only because we have so much momentum right now. It would have been great. That's the most disappointing.

Q: Do you sit there and go, "Am I ever going to have a year where I'm not injured?"
A: Yeah that question has definitely come into my head. I try different things. I tried switching my eating habits, my workout habits. So I'm still just going to continue to just try to figure it out.

Q: How do you think Jayron Hosley will do in your place?
A: I think Hosley is going to do great. Hosley did a great job for DRC against the Falcons and the Redskins. I feel like he's been playing great for us and I feel like he's definitely ready.

Q: What do you see specifically from him that's better than what he showed in previous years?
A: Just his confidence. I know coming out of college he was a guy who made a lot of plays on the ball. So just his confidence level and how he carries himself on the field. If he doesn't make a play, he's not down on himself. The coaches are very much confident in him and I think that helps him out a lot.

Q: Is your injury one particular play or an accumulation of plays?
A: It was one particular play. It was on a tackle that I made on the 49ers fullback. And yeah, I just felt discomfort in my arm and in my shoulder. The trainers checked it out and the doctor diagnosed me there and just told me it was a torn pec or a strained pec. He told me that the tendon was still connected which is a good thing and that allowed me to continue to play.

Q: Was there any doubt in your mind whether you were going to get back in there and what was your thought process when he told you that?
A: Well we were pressing a lot that game, so since I was able to still press, I felt like I could still go out there and get the job done. But the fact that it did hurt me to run a little bit, I just figured one half, I could push through this.

Q: In two weeks when you see the MRI, the MRI is about seeing the progress that it's healing?
A: Yeah. So the MRI just shows if I'm healing. But leading up to the MRI I'll know if I'm getting my strength back. If I could do a pushup, that would be a good sign. If I could start pushing a little bit of weight, that would be a good sign. So leading up there, I would know if I'm improving or not.

Q: In your head, Coach Coughlin told us two to four weeks, the two week spot is when you can start thinking about getting closer to being back on the field?
A: Yeah, I would say that's about right.

Q: How do you feel now compared to Sunday night?
A: I feel better than I did on Sunday. I think Sunday—I drive with my left hand, after the game it was kind of tough driving but since it's been mobile, it's starting to get easier. Like I said, I'm able to brush my teeth. Usually that brushing motion kind of affects it a little bit. Anytime I'm able to do my daily routine with no discomfort, that's promising.

Q: This team has obviously had an alarming number of injuries this year and really the last three years. Do you ever wonder why it just kind of seems to keep happening to this team?
A: Sometimes, I do, sometimes, I don't because you never really know. It's a physical game, sometimes it can be a fluke injury. There's like 60 guys on this team and each one has a different way they eat, a different way they work out, a different way they hydrate themselves. There's probably so many factors.

Rueben Randle

Q: How are you doing?
A: I'm fine. Today I tried to test it [hamstring] a little bit so it felt pretty good. It's a little sore now, but it's getting better, so as long as I'm progressing, I'm pretty positive about it.

Q: How bad was it during the game?
A: It wasn't bad, bad, I just had to let it calm down for a little minute. It got better as the game went on, that last drive I felt like I could've played it if needed, but we came through and we won.

Q: Was it interesting seeing all the young kids out there on that last drive?
A: I guess you can say that. A lot of faces people might not know but they did their job. They went out there and played hard and led us to a victory.

Q: You were limited today, I would guess.
A: Yeah, I was a little limited, but I got my work in to see where I was at. Like I said, it's going up.

Q: Will the extra day you think really help you?
A: It definitely will. I look forward to it, just trying to rehab it as much as possible, strengthen back up, and see how it feels Monday night.

Q: Do you think you'll be able to play?
A: My thoughts are yeah. I don't see myself sitting out this game. It's enough time for me to heal up enough to play, so we'll see how it goes.

Q: What are the types of things the Eagles secondary does to try and slow down passing offenses?
A: They try and be physical with you at the line of scrimmage so we have to be great on our releases this week, make sure our timing is down with the quarterback, and be more physical than them, make some plays, and try to get them out of their press coverage.

Q: Is the typical treatment for hamstring…ice, elevation?
A: Yeah, a couple of things to strengthen it up, ice it a little bit, and just kind of see how it goes from there. Sometimes it just has to heal on its own and it's not really much you can do about it.

Q: Did you feel it on one play in particular or?
A: Yeah, it was just one play in the game and I felt it. It was a little pinch or whatever and I just decided to come out then and try to stretch it a little bit and make sure it wasn't too bad.

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