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Giants players and coaches meet the media following Sunday's game against the Chargers:

Head Coach Ben McAdoo

Opening Remarks: Alright, another tough ballgame. Thought the guys went out and played hard, I thought they fought their tails off. Came up just short, a couple mistakes at the end really cost us, and ran out of firepower there at the end – no excuses. I felt we had opportunities to move the ball, put points on the board, and this is where we stand.

Q: How did not having your receivers alter the way you played the game?

A: Yeah, I mean, it significantly altered the game. We had one receiver left at the end of the ball game. The guys fought hard, the tight ends stepped up and went out and worked to execute the two-man offense. They don't get a lot of reps with what they're being asked to do, but they went out, they played fast and played hard.

Q: What's your sense of the severity of WR Odell Beckham Jr.'s injury?

A: I don't know yet. I just got in off the field, I'll have to go take a look and we'll have to take a look in the morning probably.

Q: Has he [WR Odell Beckham Jr.] been sent for surgery?

A: Again, I don't know. I don't have an answer to that yet.

Q: The CBS telecast said WR Odell Beckham Jr. was having some problems with his finger before the game, was that the case?

A: He was medically cleared to play in the game.

Q: Do you have any updates on the other receivers and the severity of their injuries?

A: We had three ankles and a foot. It looks like Dwayne [Harris] has a broken foot.

Q: What about the other guys? You look a little short-handed?

A: DRC [CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie] was in and out, he was hobbled a little bit, JC [LB Jonathan Casillas], Landon [Collins] was in and out a little bit, he was hobbled up, [Orleans] Darkwa after the touchdown pulled up lower body.

Q: Is that why we didn't see him [RB Orleans Darkwa] much after the first half?

A: He didn't get much after that, no.

Q: You said lower body?

A: I believe it was a calf, I'm not 100 percent sure.

Q: What was the explanation for the delay of game on the two-point conversion?

A: The clock starts – it's a new rule by the league, they're trying to speed up the game. So, the 25-second clock started quickly and then I tried to run down and call a timeout, but with four seconds left they didn't pull the trigger on the timeout, they must not have seen me there. But we still felt we had a good call and an opportunity to convert.

Q: At 0-5, where do you turn from here?

A: You just keep working. You look in the mirror. You learn a lot about yourself in times like these. So, you've got to work for yourself, work for your teammates. We're all pros – this is what we get paid to do. We get paid to win, not just compete. So, we've got to find a way to win.

Q: What do you say to your team after a loss like that, given your record?

A: I think that we showed a lot of fight out there, but again, this is professional football. We've got to go to work and find a way to win.

Q: Why the decision to go to G D.J. Fluker over John Jerry?

A: John's been hobbled a little bit. I thought D.J. played fairly well last week. I wanted to give him a chance in the run game.

Q: You had CB Eli Apple on the bench for three series, what was your thinking there?

A: We have a lot of guys who were rolling in and out of there. We want to see guys compete, and we're confident in all our DBs.

Q: What was your assessment of the run game today?

A: I thought there was some good and some bad, but more good. I thought we took a step in the run game. I thought we played physical. We needed a little bit more later in the game, but I thought our run game took a step forward today.

Q: Was CB Eli Apple on the bench for three series pre-planned?

A: Yes.

Q: Exactly three series?

A: It was pre-planned.

Q: You use the phrase 'learn a lot about yourself' I'm sure in terms of the players… McAdoo Interruption: Players and coaches. Q (cont.): Yes, so how do you feel about the public and your bosses taking a look at you in a similar regard?

A: Listen, I get paid to win, not merely compete, and right now we're 0-5. I'm my biggest critic, I look in the mirror, and I have to do a better job.

Q: Was QB Eli Manning tested for a concussion after he took a knee to the helmet?

A: Not that I'm aware of.

Q: Where do you go from here?

A: Back to work.

RB Wayne Gallman

Q: For the team, when you see someone like Odell go down and in a lot of physical pain, does that take something emotionally out of the team to see something like that happen?

A: No. If it does, we need to get past that. It's all about the next play. We will worry about that later. Of course we feel sorry for him, that's our brother, but at the same time we have to focus on the game.

Q: How about the running game? Why were you guys able to have so much success?

A: Just practiced the run really hard this past week. We knew that we would be able to put in the work and you saw the result. We just have to continue to finish.

Q: Did you feel like you built some pretty good momentum on the ground in the first half?

A: Yes. I think me and Orleans (Darkwa) both did. Running backs really drive the team. It opens up everything else.

Q: What do you have to do this week to get ready for a tough game on Sunday night?

A: Just move on. Get back to practice, work on what we need to work on and prepare for the next opponent.

Defensive End Jason Pierre-Paul

Q: Where do you go from here?

A: Back to the film room. Back to the film room and see what we did wrong. They outplayed us and they won the game.

Q: Is it getting frustrating that you guys had the leads late, but you can't hold the lead?

A: To tell you the truth, very frustrating. All we can do is go back and look at the film, tell you what's going on. Appreciate every guy that played their heart out, but it just wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to win us the football game and all we can do is go back and see what's going on. That's all we can do.

Q: Have you ever seen that many wide receivers go down?

A: Hey man, this is the game of football man. Anything can happen at any given moment, right? Anybody can go down. I hope those guys are alright, but next man has got to step up. That's the game of football. You can't feel sorry for anybody. None of you feel sorry for me if I go down. Next man has to step up. This is what we live to do.

Q: I mean there was no next man though.

A: We got to find a way. That's offense, I can't really worry too much about that side of the ball. I'm strictly defense.

Q: What was the message from (Ben) McAdoo after the game?

A: Keep our heads up. You already know it's going to be positive. That's what the head coach is going to do. But at the end of the day, those guys got to look deep in the mirror and if you feel like you didn't play your heart out, then you're only cheating yourself. Like I said, I feel like every guy played their heart out, it just wasn't enough to win. We had a mindset coming in here and actually winning the game, but that didn't happen. You could see it in everybody's eyes before the game started. Everybody was synched as one, but like I said, we just didn't win the game.

Q: Is it tough to stay into the game emotionally when Odell (Beckham) gets hit like that?

A: Like I said man, Odell is a great player. Injuries do occur. So, hopefully he is able to come back, but the next guy has got to step up. Like I said, I don't worry too much about the offense. I'm strictly defense and worry about how the defense plays.

Q: How tough is it going to be to keep your heads up after a loss like this?

A: It's only five games. We still have a lot more games to go. We are going to figure it out some way, somehow. We got to figure it out, right? We got to figure it out. We can't keep losing, you know what I mean?

Q: What happened with you when you kept lining up offside?

A: Basically, Russ (Okung) was set back deep and I didn't really pay attention to that. I asked the ref and he gave me a warning maybe twice and I asked him what's going on? And he's like your hand is offside. So I tried to back my hand up. I can't tell you my specialty, but I basically got caught three or four times. But that's not what caused us to lose. Stuff like that is going to happen in the game. It is what it is. Onto the next play.

Wide Receiver Roger Lewis Jr.

Q: How much does it hurt the offense when you lose so many receivers?

A: It hurts. Like, what, three, four of my brothers got hurt today. They're like big brothers to me. So, it really hurts. But, it's just time.

Q: What is the pulse of the team right now?

A: 0-5, we didn't plan it that way. I feel like there's still fight in this team, and we can still do things.

Q: Have you heard anything about Odell Beckham Jr.'s injury yet?

A: No.

Q: What was the talk in the locker room after the game?

A: It's still fight. I feel like we're a close-knit team and I feel like there's nobody on this team that's going to give up. We're going to get ready for next week and go out and play hard again.

Q: Have you ever been on a team where you are the only wide receiver left?

A: No, I've never played in a game like that. But, our [wide receivers] coach, Adam Henry, always preaches, 'next man up, next man up mentality.' So, when you get the opportunity, seize it.

Q: How good did it feel to score a touchdown?

A: It felt good. That's what I'm here for, is to make plays. It felt real good, but it's over. We got a loss and I just want to be able to capitalize next week.

Q: Were you able to talk to any of the injured players after the game?

A: No, I have not talked to them yet. I'm sure I'm going to visit them, talk with them and hopefully they're doing good.

Q: Have you ever been in a situation where so many receivers went down in one game?

A: No, I've never been in a situation like this. But all the teams I've played on, from high school to college, even here, it's next man up mentality. And seize the opportunity.

Q: What is going through your mind when you see all the receivers go down and you're the only one left?

A: What's going through my mind is what Coach McAdoo, Coach (Adam) Henry preach, is, 'next man up,' and just go out and do what you do.

Q: Was it going through your mind that you were the last man standing among the wide receivers?

A: I mean, it didn't go through my mind. When I saw 'O' [Odell Beckham Jr.] go down, I just was like, 'Alright, I want to be able to close the game,' but things didn't work out well. So, that's about it.

Q: What do all of the injures to receivers change for you, preparation-wise, for next week?

A: It doesn't change anything. With me, personally, I'm a hard worker. The whole team are hard workers and we're going to go and do what we do and go to work.

Q: When Beckham goes down and you see players waving for the medical staff to come out, what goes through your mind?

A: Yeah, it's not a great sign at the end of the day. But with 'O' going down, it hurt me. 'O' is like a big brother to me and with 'B' [Brandon Marshall] going down, that's like a big brother to me. So, I just wanted to be able to make a play to change the game, and we fell short.

Q: Was it tough to do anything on the final drive when you are the only receiver?

A: No, I believe in the tight ends. I believe in them. They know what they're doing, even on the outside with the signals and everything. I believe in the tight ends, so I feel like any of our tight ends could play receiver.

Q: Is it hard to stay positive after a game like this?

A: No, it's not hard at all. When adversity hits, you just want to stay strong. You've been through everybody going against you, I've been through that. So, I understand.

S Darian Thompson

Q: Odell gets carted off and there is a fumble. How deflating is that?

A: It's football. Things like that happen. You have to be ready.

Q: What is it like when Odell gets carted off?

A: You never want to see anyone get carted off. With it being Odell getting hurt, all of our receivers, we're praying that everything is okay with those guys and they can get back with us as soon as possible.

Q: Can you take us through the interception?

A: We were in a box reach. I was over the top of the tight end. I just read his eyes and jumped to it in the direction that it was going.

Q: Did they make some adjustments down the stretch? It looked like you slowed them down early on but they came on strong late.

A: As the game goes on, teams start to get a feel for each other. They made some adjustments as well as us not executing to the best of our ability.

G Justin Pugh

Q: How tough is it to come back after you see Odell go down like that?

A: It's tough to see any guy leave the game. Any of my teammates, my brothers, leave the game, it's tough to see. He was in some pain. I'm just praying that he's alright.

Q: Was it weird though being in the two-minute drill, you're down and you look in the huddle and there is just one wide receiver?

A: To be honest, it didn't hit me and then I was like wait, why do we have three tight ends out here. Then, I realized that Dwayne went down, Shep went down, Brandon went down, Odell went down. It's crazy.

Q: ??

A: In my mind there was never a doubt that we were going to win this game. It's tough.

Q: It seems like you were really running the ball well?

A: I don't know about that. I have to look at the film.

Q: What does it feel like when Odell goes down and Eli fumbles?

A: I watched the play. Eli goes down and he has the ball secured. He lands on top of the guy. It's just a freak play. We gave this one away today. There is no question. We did some good things but we lost.

Q: How do you avoid going numb after losses and do you feel that way right now?

A: Yes, we just lost. I'm not feeling good right now. I'll get over it and get ready to go. I still have to go out and play for the guys in this locker room and make something happen.

Q: On the fumble, what did you see?

A: I think he may have had a twist on that side and the ball came free. Hats off to them. They made some good plays when they needed to and we didn't. When it comes down to crunch time, they made plays, we didn't.

Q: Overall, is it possible to describe the sense at 0-5?

A: I'm hurting right now. It's a tough loss. We will bounce back. We will go out and flush it. We're still professionals. This is still our job. We have to go out there and execute. Get this thing done.

Q: Is it hard to block out the 0-5 start?

A: We just have to go out and get one. We need one to fall. That's all we can worry about.

Q: Do you really feel that the postseason is in reach for you?

A: The percentages are dropping every week. Last week there was only one team that did it, so I guess that means no team has done it at 0-5. We just have to go get one win. Right now we have to just look at one game. We can't look big picture.

QB Eli Manning

Q: Have you ever seen a situation like that where you lost so many receivers in one game, and how did that impact the way you guys were calling plays?

A: No, it's a tough situation when you lose four receivers in a game. I thought we did the best we could do. We had a scoring drive with a couple of them out. Without them, we had two receivers left. Evan Engram has played in the slot. So, we had to simplify the game plan a little bit when you can do. But then there at the end having three tight ends, one receiver on a two-minute drive, we were able to get a first down and do a couple things, but you know, it's not the ideal situation.

Q: Can you describe the sack-forced fumble?

A: You know, can't afford to do that. We were backed up, they were going in cover two, and didn't have a chance to throw one on the sideline, but moving around in the pocket trying to buy a little time and got tackled and landed on the defender, so didn't hit the ground and the ball popped up. So, I've got to get two hands on the ball right there and take the sack and move on. Can't give them that field position right there.

Q: You had some overthrows in the first half to WR Odell Beckham Jr. Take us through that, was it timing or something else?

A: Yeah, just missed him. Missed him on a possible touchdown early in the first quarter. Yeah, just had a little bit too much on it, and you know, can't afford to miss those. You get touchdowns, you've got to hit them.

Q: You were hit very hard late in the game, were you checked for a concussion?

A: No, no concussion.

Q: Are you feeling okay?

A: Yes, I'll be fine.

Q: What were your emotions when WR Odell Beckham Jr. went down, and what did you say to him?

A: Obviously you never want to see any receiver go down, and it looked like he was in some pain. So, I just told him I'd be thinking about him and, obviously we don't know the severity of it, but hopefully he'll be okay.

Q: The touchdown to WR Roger Lewis, how tight of a throw was that?

A: They were just playing man-to-man, doubling the inside guys, so I had him one-on-one, so I just put it in a good spot, he made a good catch and got his feet down. So, big play right there, and a nice play by Roger.

Q: What do you see in RB Wayne Gallman's running game?

A: I thought Wayne did a good job breaking some tackles, getting some big runs. I thought he ran the ball great. All day he had some nice runs, wish it had led to more points.

Q: How hard is it to keep having this same conversation every week, are you getting frustrated?

A: Yeah, I'm frustrated with losing, but the questions come with it. So, if you want to fix it, you've got to get a win. Obviously, it's tough to have close games, and have leads, and not be able to make completions, and make mistakes that hurt the team. It's tough to swallow, but you keep fighting back.

Q: How limited were you on that last drive?

A: I think everybody knew what they were supposed to run. Just trying to get guys lined up. Obviously, some guys were in some spots that they're not used to being. Especially Evan [Engram], having him outside on a bunch, and he's been out there before. But just having concepts, you know, it's a tough situation to call plays. You want to call things and make sure guys have an idea of what they're running.

Q: Have you ever been in a situation at any level where you lost so many receivers?

A: No. Not that I recall. To go into the final drive with just one receiver, it's a tough situation.

Q: When Odell Beckham Jr. goes down, is that a bigger blow to the team's psyche at all?

A: Well, when they all go down, when you lose players, it's tough. You like when they can get off on their own and hope it's not serious, but at the end of the game if you see your best player in pain, it can be a tough situation.

Q: Before the touchdown drive with WR Roger Lewis, Odell Beckham Jr. got the offense together, what was his message?

A: Just that we've got to turn it on, we've got to make something happen, we've got to get things going to go win this football game. So, just got the guys together to get emotions back up, and just show some intensity for the guys.

Q: Do you feel like you don't have any answers for the guys being 0-5?

A: We've got to play better. That's the only answer. That's the only way. You know, there's some good things, but there's too many bad things, and not taking advantage of opportunities – that great field position in the first half, we couldn't take advantage of it too many times. So, we're just not playing well enough to win the games. It's that simple.

Q: Talk about the touchdown to Odell Beckham Jr.

A: Yeah, he just gave a little fake and was able to step up and I thought I had the opportunity to hit Odell down the sideline. So, you know, good job by the receivers keeping the routes on, and just a little pump fake to avoid the rusher.

Q: Your team started 0-6 not long ago, is there anything you can take from that experience?

A: There's not a secret formula to fix it, you've just got to play better. Keep grinding, keep swinging, keep finding ways to move the ball and finding ways to win. You can't put yourself in bad situations, and in crucial situations in games in the fourth quarter, you've got to step up and make plays instead of making mistakes.

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