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The Giants meet the media following Sunday's loss to the Seahawks:

Head Coach Ben McAdoo 

Opening Remarks:

I thought we played hard. We had a lot of fight in us today. Obviously, we came up short. I'll have to go back and take a look at the tape.

Q: What were your thoughts on the offense overall?

A: We weren't sharp on offense today.

Q: Going into the week, what did you see as Seattle's defensive strengths and weaknesses?

A: They're good at all three levels, they have excellent team speed. They're light weight, so you feel if you can get into a four-quarter game with them, you have a chance to wear them out physically. It got away from us there at the end.

Q: Were you given an explanation on the WR Paul Richardson touchdown?

A: They said they thought he clearly had possession of the ball. He lost possession, and clearly had possession of the ball before he went out of bounds and had his foot on the white. That's why they gave him the touchdown.

Q: What did you think of the play?

A: Again, we'll go look at the tape, but I did not think he had possession of the ball before his foot hit the white. But, again, we'll go take a look at the tape and see what we can see.

Q: At times you had seven defensive backs out there, when CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie wasn't out there, was that by design?

A: We have a lot of defensive backs we have confidence in, and they have a lot of speed, too. They used a lot of trip speed formations, three-speed to one side and 88 (Jimmy Graham) to the other side. They create some match-up problems for you there. Obviously, the extended play to the quarterback factors in there as well. We used some guys in some different roles this week, gave them an opportunity to play and they did a nice job.

Q: CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie wasn't in there in the beginning, was that at all related to discipline?

A: No.

Q: He didn't seem to play a lot in this game, what was the plan with him?

A: We wanted to use a variety of defensive backs and they all played a significant role in the game.

Q: How do you feel your wide receivers played today?

A: We had a tough time getting them the ball. Tough time getting them going. Again, I want to go back and take a look at the tape before I make any comments. Again, I thought we played hard, I thought we played physical, and we didn't get the results we were looking for.

Q: Overall, where is QB Eli Manning's game?

A: He's working hard, he's preparing during the week. He had a tremendous week of practice last week. We have to get it to translate to the field on Sundays.

Q: How do you think DE Avery Moss responded to increased opportunities today?

A: I think he did a good job today. He caused a fumble, went down and played hard on special teams on a few snaps. His role is increasing, he has to keep growing and maturing for a young player.

Q: It's no question you're shorthanded with some of your weapons…

McAdoo: We had 46 today.

Question Cont.: Maybe more explosive weapons, but what was your plan offensively going into this game and where did you think you could have success against them?

A: We needed to run the ball better. We needed to take it into the fourth quarter in a close game with a chance to wear them out physically, and the game got away from us in the fourth quarter.

Q: You ran the ball okay there in the second half, did you think you got away from that maybe a little early or was that sort of dictated by where you were at in the game?

A: I was fine with the way the game was called.

Q: You ran an end-around coming out of that half, was that by design?

A: That's something we've had a lot of success with in the past. It's a fast defense, if you feel you can get them over-pursuing and chasing down on the back side. You know, give 72 (Michael Bennett) credit. I believe he was the end on the play, he made a nice play.

Q: You're 1-6 going into the bye week, where do you go from here?

A: We have to go back, we have to take a look at the first seven weeks. Evaluate us schematically, evaluate ourselves schematically, the personnel, coaching, everything. Take a look at it, find a way to get our bodies back, that will be big for the second half, and then come back and prepare to win a ball game.

Q: Do you need QB Eli Manning to give you more the second half of the season?

A: Again, it's the ultimate team game. It's not one guy, it's not one position, it's not injuries. We need to go put it all together. Get healthy this week, take a look at ourselves, prepare for an opponent.

Q: Any updates on LB BJ Goodson, G Justin Pugh?

A: No updates.

Q: What went into the decision not to play WR Sterling Shepard today?

A: We didn't feel it was in Sterling's best interests to play today.

Q: Moving forward, how can this team get better on third down?

A: Again, it's the ultimate team game. It takes all 11. We need to protect better, we need to throw better, we need to get separation on the outside. We're probably going to see a lot of man coverage with the guys we're playing with, and it takes all 11.

Quarterback Eli Manning

Q: Going into the Bye Week, what is the message to the team?

A: Well, we've got to keep grinding. Obviously, we've had a tough start, lost some key players, but they're not going to make it easy for us, no team [will]. So, we've got to keep finding ways to get better. I think the game plan these last couple of weeks was, try to keep the game close, get into the fourth quarter, try to make a couple big plays. We just didn't quite hit those big plays, didn't convert on some third-and-manageables today. But, we've got to get better with the guys that we got, and find a way to execute.

Q: How did you find the timing with wide receivers you haven't worked much with?

A: Yeah, I thought the receivers did a good job, going against a good defense, some good corners. So, I thought they had a couple opportunities, I've got to do a better job hitting them with some things. So, that just comes with keep practicing and the games. Practice is one thing, games are always going to be different, different timing. I thought there were a couple of good things, but obviously we need to improve.

Q: How are you personally dealing with the offensive struggles?

A: Just keep finding a way. We've got to keep being creative in the meeting rooms and finding out how we're going to be able to get completions, move the ball, get first downs. So, we've got to keep brainstorming and finding ways where we can put our guys in the best position for them to be successful and the team to be successful.

Q: Do you feel like you missed on opportunities today?

A: Yeah, definitely. Could definitely have played better, make some plays. Close on a couple of plays today. Early on, had one down the field to 'TK' [wide receiver Tavarres King] that [Seattle cornerback Richard] Sherman knocked away. Had [tight end] Evan [Engram] on the scramble that went out of bounds. So, a couple plays like that we can maybe hit and it's a different ballgame.

Q: Why did last week's success in the running game not translate to this game?

A: Well, that's week-to-week. Obviously, we're going against a good defense. Seahawks are good, they always have an extra guy in the box, so we were hoping we could break a few or just be consistent with it. Last week, we broke a couple big ones, this week we just didn't quite break some. But we got to some third and very manageable situations and whether we tried to run it or pass, we just didn't execute well enough.

Q: Is it hard to not think about the 1-6 record and everything that has gone wrong this season?

A: Yeah, obviously we'll look at what we're doing and look at our situation, but I think we're also going to try to figure out how we can be better, just figure out how we can get some wins. We've still got a lot of football games left and each week, it's about preparing to get a win that week.

Q: Does this loss change the thought that the team could go on a run and make the playoffs?

A: Well, I don't think it changes your preparation for each and every game. You've got a mindset you've got to win the next game, and that's all we can do. That's all we can worry about, is prepare our tails off, go in there and fight each and every week and try to get a win.

Q: What do you think of Engram's play the past several weeks?

A: Yeah, I think Evan's done a good job. Making some plays, had a couple nice plays today where he was able to get open underneath and run after the catch, so we've got to keep finding ways to get him the ball.

Q: On the end around on the first possession of the thirdquarter, was it by design to have the running back and receiver go the same motion?

A: Yeah, that's by design. We've run that before and had success. You kind of get a lead blocker with the back, and it just didn't work out today.

Q: Did you throw the kind of ball you wanted on the deep pass to Tavarres King?

A: Yeah, it was one of those with the scramble drill and I thought he just started running, but obviously I could've put a little more on it. But, I thought I threw the right type of pass, just Sherman was able to get a good hand on it.

Q: Do you feel like the team needs to start doing anything different to avoid players checking out?

A: Well, I think, obviously, having great preparation and playing well. Winning a football game, it can help the morale. So, obviously, last week, this week, it helped getting a win and we've got to just play it week-by-week. But obviously, getting wins, playing well, being in games, will help the morale.

Q: Did the missed field goal take a little wind out of the sails?

A: You know, you'd like to get that and just get the game back tied, I think, at that point. But, that happens. We knew they were a fourth quarter team, they've played really well in the fourth quarters and that offense got rolling. So, we knew we had to either outscore them in the fourth quarter, or have a lead going in, and sure enough, they were able to make some plays in the fourth quarter and we were not.

Q: Is there any concern that the intensity will start to decrease as the season goes on?

A: Well, we can't afford that. It won't on my end, and I'll do everything I can to make sure, offensively, defensively, everybody's grinding, working, and doing everything they can to put us in a situation to win.

Q: How do you stay optimistic?

A: Well, we've got a job. We've got some young guys, we've got some new guys, we've got to get them up to speed. So, just working with them, talking with them, getting them on the same page, it's going to be a challenge. It's going to be a great challenge each and every week and you've got to accept that and embrace it.

Q: Is this a unique situation for you, having to bring young guys along as the season goes on?

A: Well, yeah, it's a different situation. Just to game plan – I don't know what I threw for in the first half, I didn't have many passing attempts. It's a different type of game offensively that we're playing than we had the mindset going on, with the amount of explosive players that we thought we had. So, hopefully, we get [Sterling] Shepard back, and get a few guys – I know we lost a few guys on the offensive line – get some guys back and be able to make some plays.

Referee Tony Corrente

Q: It looked like Paul Richardson, on that play with the simultaneous possession, it looked like his leg was out of bounds. What did you see?

A: The receiver went into the air, had control of the ball, lost control, re-grasped the ball and at the same time he did, the defender grabbed the ball, also. They went to the ground simultaneously with the football. Then they started a little wrestling match. It's over now. That catch is established because if the defender was to pull the ball out of his hands now, it's still a catch because the defender has a second action. So at that point when they were on the ground together, and they're tussling to begin with, the catch is over, that's the touchdown. Now, after that is when he rolled over and we don't have any clear view of, quote unquote, anything happening after that. So that's where it stands.

Q: So he landed on top of the defender basically, and they both had the ball and were on the ground, and that's a touchdown?

A: That's a touchdown.

S Landon Collins

Q: Did you know the possession rule?

A: I can't remember if it was the Green Bay game or something like that. I knew about it but at the same time I came down with the ball on my chest. Once I rolled over, he was trying to fight back into possession for it. Once that happened he had no possession of the ball anymore. It's crazy.

Q: You thought it was an interception?

A: It was an interception.

Q: Once it was ruled a TD, did you think it was going to get overturned?

A: It had to. Once you saw it, you could blatantly see it was on my chest. Once the referee could see it, it was like he has possession of the ball. I turned over and he was trying to fight into my arms to get it. That was my ball. 

Q: What did the ref say?

A: He said both of us were in bounds when you came down with the ball so it wasn't an incompletion. I guess he didn't see when I had the ball. He said once I rolled over I was still fighting for the ball. That's when that rule came up.

Q: How difficult is this going into a bye?

A: It's difficult but it gives us time to get away from the ball, heal up and get some guys back. Just to try and come back stronger.

Q: You're on the field a lot. Your offense is short-handed and you know they're not going to score 30-40 points. What does that do for you as a unit and how hard is that for you at this point?

A: It's a little difficult but we harp on it. This defense has to win games. We try to and we work each and every week because we know the outcome and we know the situation that we are in.

Q: Do you feel any pressure going into the game?

A: No. We look at it as a boost. We want the game on our shoulders each and every week. We look at it as a boost.

Q: Is that a realistic mentality to have in the long term? That your defense has to win you the games?

A: Yes. It's definitely long term. It's just our mindset. We have to do that.

Q: Because of the offensive shortcomings, when they went ahead 10-7 there, did that feel like it was going to be hard to climb back into it and score?

A: No. We knew the offense could move the ball. We knew they were going to figure out some way to get down there. They did it twice. Once, we missed a field goal and the other was a fumble. They got downfield. We just have to continue to do what we do on defense when they're doing that. They still move the ball and do what they do even when we are down our best guys.

Q: You set up that TD to Engram. That was a spark. Could you talk about that and the frustration that it didn't carry you all the way through?

A: There's going to be game-changing moments all throughout the game. It's not going to always give us a boost with all the game-changing moments. We knew it was going to die down but at the same time we kept trying to make plays. At the same time, I'm glad we got some points on the board and got in positions to put points on the board. If we could continue to keep forcing turnovers and making plays, we'll be OK.

Q: What was working in the first half that went away in the second half?

A: Guys were kind of wearing down with all the snaps. I think at halftime they had almost 50 snaps. Third downs. They got some good third downs. Breakdowns at the back end.

Q: 1-6 at the bye. Where do you go from here?

A: I can't even answer that question. We just have to stick together as a team, keep fighting and try and make a good outcome come out of this.

Q: Did you feel like you had a chance to build a little bit of momentum coming off last week's win heading into the bye week?

A: Definitely. We came out in the first half as a defense and did what we had to do. If we could take it onto the second half each and every week and the offense could just move the ball like they can, we will be alright.

Q: Is it hard to wrap your head around the fact that you have more losses this year than you did all of last year?

A: No. I've been through it my rookie year. It's alright. I'm not used to losing, but I can cope with it just a little bit.

Running Back Orleans Darkwa

Q: Did they play the run game differently than they did a week ago?
A: Did they play it differently? I'm pretty sure when you watch film they kind of know certain things, but they're a great defense overall. Linebackers are physical, their d-line was physical, so we knew it was going to be a challenge ahead of us. Like I said, we just didn't have those big shot runs like we did last week. So I guess they were ready for it, but at the same time, we just got to do better as an offense.

Q: Do you feel like you let the defense down since they played a pretty good game?
A: I mean, yeah, the defense played their tails off today. Like I said, as an offense, we got to put points on the board. It's simple and plain. So I think with the bye week coming up, we got to look ourselves in the mirror and figure out what we do well, figure out what we do bad and kind of improve from there.

Q: What was your impression of Evan Engram?

A: Like I said, with the playmakers that we lost with Odell (Beckham), Brandon (Marshall), Shep, (Sterling Shepard), Dwayne (Harris), all of those guys, somebody has to step up and it was good to see him stepping up and making plays out there. He's a first round draft pick for a reason. So he's talented and it was good to see him making plays and I think we all have to step our game up and get on his level.

Q: Does it feel like the offense is walking a tight rope each week and do you feel like everything has to fall perfectly in place?

A: Yeah, like I said, last week was kind of gritty. We got help with Jackrabbit (Janoris Jenkins) scoring that touchdown for us. It's going to be gritty, you know? Sometimes those two-three yard gains kind of add up and you hope for the big play down the road, but I guess we weren't able to get that today. That big play that Engram had that was called back because he was out of bounds. Things like that, you know? You get those big plays and just kind of go from there. With the defense, they played well today. We, just as an offense, need to figure out what we can do to improve.

Q: It didn't go for six, but Landon (Collins) did give you that big play.
A: Exactly, exactly. When you get a big turnover like that, you saw how quickly we were able to capitalize off that. So like I said, the defense played really well, we just got to improve as an offense.

Defensive End Jason Pierre-Paul

Q: Talk about the shortcomings that you guys have on offense.
A: Regardless of what it is, we got to come out and finish the game, but we didn't do a good job of that tonight, obviously.

Q: Tough loss today?
A: Very tough loss, very tough loss. We're going to go back and get in Tuesday and watch the film and see what we did wrong on the defensive side of the ball and the offense and I guess all three phases. And we'll take it from there.

Q: Did you feel like you guys had some good things going defensively?

A: Yeah, we had a lot of good things going with the whole team. Offensive, defense and special teams. We just didn't finish. They played some good ball out there. We already knew it was going to be a fight, especially with number three (Russell Wilson). He used his legs to beat us and he definitely did that.

Q: How do you guys keep the morale up with the way things are going?

A: We're all professionals. It don't matter if we have a losing record or a winning record. You got to come out and do the same thing every week. This is why we're professional football players. So we're going to come back. Get this bye week and then come back and be ready to roll.

Linebacker Devon Kennard

Q: What changed in the second half?
A: They had good field position, so that helps them. And based on the score of the game, they started to adjust their play calling. And that last drive they ran the ball a lot and we got to look at the film, but we got to stop the run in that situation and we let them drive it down on us.

Q: With the amount of key personnel you're without offensively, how much pressure does that put on you guys?
A: I don't feel so. We always want to limit the offense from scoring as much as possible. So that's pressure we put on ourselves, regardless. Obviously depending on how much the offense is scoring, it definitely makes it more important, but that's our objective, regardless.

Q: Do you feel like the defense is in a position where they have to carry the offense?

A: We feel like we have the guys on defense that we can do so and we expect every game to be on our back and on our shoulders and we have to be able to stop offenses from scoring and we didn't do a good enough job, especially late in the game.

Q: Are you worried about their productivity?

A: I don't pay attention to the offense at all. I worry about the aspects of the game I can control and that's on the defensive side of the ball.

Q: What's the challenge heading into the bye week 1-6 and trying to keep hope alive?
A: We got a week off and then we got to come back and we got a nine-game season and what can we do in these nine games? Our backs are against the wall and we have to really, really step it up the second half of the season and I think the guys are going to be up to the task.

Q: At 1-6, do you still believe you can make it to the playoffs?
A: We worry about one game at a time. I feel like if you're thinking about that when we're 1-6 and not playing our best ball, then you have things messed up. We got to take it one week at a time and we have to look ourselves in the mirror and get ready to come back after this bye.

Q: Was it frustrating at the end of the game to see how quickly things changed with a lot of Seahawks fans cheering and a lot of empty seats?

A: That's as expected. We are 1-6 right now, so we got to win some games and give some people something to cheer about.

Q: You guys still have nine games to play. How do you stay in the moment?

A: We have a bye week and we have a nine-game season now. That's the mentality we have to take. We still feel like we have a really good team and we got to go out and show it these next nine games. I think that's what our mentality has to be.

Q: When you hear the crowd chanting Seahawks, does it affect you?
A: Obviously, I would like them to be chanting the Giants, but we got to give them something to chant about. So that's our responsibility. If we're winning games and if we're winning that game at the end of the game, that wouldn't have been the case. So that's on us.

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