OT Justin Pugh met with the media earlier this spring following his first Giants practice:
Q: The Giants drafted you in the first round. That's a pretty big deal.
A: Definitely. It's an exciting time for me and my family, but when you get here and you put the pads on and you go out there and play football it doesn't matter what pick you are. There are guys here coming in and trying out and they want my spot. You just want to go out there and work hard and compete.
Q: Did you have an opportunity to meet any of the veterans?
A: No. I have not met any of them. I was in here and I met Eli. He talked to me and Ryan Nassib.
Q: Did he offer any kind of advice for you going into this camp?
A: He just said work hard. He said if we need anything that he'll be here for us. We're rookies. He wanted to make sure you stay on your toes and you follow the veterans.
Q: There is pressure coming into this building. Do you feel it? Do you sense things have changed for you over the last week?
A: Not really. I've been playing football my whole life, so I want to just go out there and play football. When you're on the field, you don't really think about all the outside aspects. You just think about playing your game and that's just something I'm going to continue to do and something I've been doing, so I'm used to it.
Q: Do you sense it's going to be easy getting your contract done?
A: I think it will be easy to get done. I want to get it done so I can just focus on football. It's something I'm not really worried about. You don't want to get too greedy with the way the new CBA is. You know what you're going to get and I just want to get it done so I can get out there and focus on football.
Q: How have the meetings been?
A: It actually hasn't been too bad because we ran a lot of the same plays. It's just different terminology for it. Sometimes I'll just flip the play in my mind. The runs weren't too bad. The pass protection was a little bit different. So that's just something you just keep working on and get in there with the guys and we'll go over it.
Q: Did Coach Flaherty say anything to you?
A: He just wanted me to work hard. I don't want to be singled out from any of the guys. We're all out there working and it's just something that I want to get better and I think this is a great opportunity for that.
Q: What is the first impression you want to leave with these coaches from this rookie mini camp?
A: That I compete. I go out there and I work hard. I run around and do everything I'm supposed to do and don't have them saying anything negative about me. I want them to say this kid is going to come in and he's going to work his butt off and that's something I'll try to do for my whole career.
