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2019 NFL Draft

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Quotes (4/25): QB Daniel Jones, DT Dexter Lawrence, CB Deandre Baker

First Round Selection QB Daniel Jones

Q: Is this beyond your wildest expectations to go to the Giants?

A: Yes, I didn't have a whole lot of expectations going into tonight. I was just excited to be here, and however it worked out I was going to be thrilled. I'm certainly thrilled to be in New York and I can't wait to get started.

Q: What do you think you did to impress the Giants?

A:I think I was confident in myself and showed the best version of myself throughout the process. The process is a long one where you are going to be tested in a number of ways. I think more than anything, I stayed confident in myself and stayed true to that. 

Q: What is your relationship like with Eli Manning?

A: He's been up at Duke a couple times to throw with his guys and workout so I have gotten to see him then. I have been down to the Manning (Passing Academy) camp a couple times, so I got to know him through those two things.

Q: I know you've been busy so far, have you heard from him tonight?

A:No sir.

Q: When did you know you were the Giants pick?

A:When they called me, 20 or 30 minutes ago.

Q: Did you have any inkling from your meetings with them that they liked you at (pick) six?

A: I thought they went well, and I certainly feel like I connected with them. I certainly liked them a whole lot, I wasn't sure how it would work out. The draft is a tough thing to predict, I didn't have a whole lot of expectations. I thought the meetings went well, I thought we connected and that certainly made me confident. Like I said I didn't have any expectations or any idea what would happen. 

Q: How do you feel about the possibility of sitting for a season behind Eli?

A: I think it's a tremendous opportunity to learn for a young quarterback. He is a guy that's had a whole lot of success in the NFL and there is a reason for that. I'm looking to understand that and do my best to learn as much as I can from him while he's in New York. 

Q: How do you feel being viewed as his successor?

A: I'm going to be myself and not try to be Eli or be anything but myself. I think staying confident in that and staying confident in who I am is what's going to be key to that process. 

Q: What was your interaction like with the head coach when you met him?

A: I thought it was great. I think we connected and he is certainly someone who I have a lot of respect for and he's been a really good coach in the NFL for a long time. So getting to know him and being able to interact with him through this process was great and I thought it went well. 

Q: For those of us who haven't seen you, what do you do well?

A:I think physically, I can make every throw on the field. My accuracy is certainly I feel a strength of mine, and I think I have the athleticism to extend plays and play outside the pocket if I need to. So physically I think I can do both those things well. 

Q: What can you get better at?

A: I think I can get better at times making that decision to lay the ball off or throw it away. Coach Cut (David Cutcliffe) at Duke said understanding when to stop competing, understanding when a play is over with. I think I can do better with that. 

Q: How much did Coach Cutcliffe talk about the Manning brothers over the years?

A: Yeah, we certainly did watch a whole lot. It was cool going to Duke and being with Coach Cut and being able to hear those stories from when Eli and Peyton were in similar positions to me. Whether it was my first year there, second year, whenever it was just hearing those stories and being able to learn from some of those experiences was an awesome perspective for me and certainly a great situation. 

Q: The Giants wanted a quarterback that has faced adversity before. What adversity have you faced?

A:If you look back at my recruitment, I came to Duke as a walk-on, a guy who wasn't recruited very heavily and I think that was part of it. Not being immediately obvious that I would play college football somewhere or at the level I thought I could, but it worked out and Coach Cut gave me the opportunity to walk-on and I eventually earned a scholarship, but I had to overcome it and I'm glad it went the way it went and I wouldn't do it any other way.

Giants DT Dexter Lawrence

Q: What were your interactions like with the Giants? Did you have any sense that they liked you in the

first round?

A: Yeah, just my first meeting. I felt that, especially the first time I met them. Every interaction with

them was pretty good. I was just being myself, honestly. That was kind of my goal throughout this whole

process. Making a team like me for who I was, and not being somebody that I'm not. I feel like with the

Giants, we were vibing a little bit. I'm just happy right now.

Q: When most people think of you, they're going to think of (Lions DT Damon Harrison) 'Snacks'. Are

you playing like 'Snacks'?

A: I feel like my game is very powerful, a smart player, non-quit effort kind of guy. That's just my

mindset every play, and how I want to attack every snap.

Q: What was your reaction to finding out you landed in New York and with the Giants?

A: I grew up a New York Giants fan. So, it's a great moment. My goal is to come in day one and challenge

the defensive line as being the greatest unit in the world kind of thing. That's just kind of what my

mindset is going to be and what is has been since I've been in high school. Let's not settle, let's go get it.

Right now, I'm real happy to be a Giant.

Q: How'd you end up a Giants fan?

A: Growing up watching the D-line, (former Giants DE) Justin Tuck, and (former Giants DE) Michael

Strahan, and (former Giants DE) Fred Robinson, (former Giants DE) Osi Umenyiora. Growing up just

watching them kind of inspired me.

Q: You had six and a half sacks as a freshman and only four the next two years. What was the key as a

freshman, and what happened the last two years?

A: As a freshman, nothing changed with anything. I feel like my sophomore year, I was battling an injury

playing on one leg kind of deal. My junior season, I got my confidence back a lot more the second half

of the season. The first half of the season, I was kind of timid on it a little bit, but I've gotten over that


Q: Do you consider yourself a pass rusher?

A: I do consider myself a pass rusher. I just got to unlock it, that's all. A lot of times, I didn't set myself up

for things. I know that'll be the difference, and that's a big focus of mine is to stop all the doubting.

Q: What was the leg injury?

A: I got a screw in my fifth metatarsal, but that had healed. The problem was they did a nerve block in

the back of my leg and it irritated the nerves in my leg and I couldn't do a toe raise or push-off with it or

do anything with it for like a year and a month.

Q: When did you feel like your old self again?

A: I felt like my old self probably halfway through my last season. Like the first half I was a little timid and

I wasn't quite confident with it and then I just had to sit down and talk to myself and be like, 'You know

how you felt playing on one leg, you got both of them back, take advantage of it. Just go out there and

use it to the best of your abilities.'

Q: How much did you have to answer to the suspension throughout the process?

A: Every meeting, everywhere I went, every media source. But it was something I had to deal with. It

was unfortunate that happened to me. I was innocent, but God had a plan for me and I felt like that

helped people learn who I truly was. It got people to know me, I got to express myself. I had the choice

to go to the media, I didn't have to, but I wanted to so that I make the narrative kind of deal and not let

people put their little spin on things that they do. So I mean it was really unfortunate, but I had to

change my role as a player and I had to become a coach and support my team and make sure their

minds were right and just be there for them and just let them know that it's good, I'm still here and just

play like you've been playing the whole season.

Q: What can you tell us about Daniel Jones?

A: I like him a lot. Playing against him when we played Duke, I gained a lot of respect for him. He did not

quit and he's deceptively fast. His arm is really accurate, I feel like a lot of his balls were dropped so his

stats weren't really there watching film, but I think he's really special.

Q: Did you have any sort of bet with (Christian) Wilkins and (Clelin) Ferrell?

A: No, I wouldn't say we had a bet. We were just all excited for each other. It's something that we all

worked hard for. The reason why those guys came back was to prove who they really were and that's

what all of our goals were me, Austin (Bryant), Clelin and Christian, just go in to this next season and

give it our all and play balls out, play like you got to prove yourself right and others wrong kind of deal.

Q: How impressive is it that you have three guys from the same school, on the same line drafted in the

first round?

A: It's great. When I saw that those guys were up I could not stop smiling. I teared up, I felt like I got

drafted with them kind of deal. It's just special that bond that we have and it's something that will never

be broken.

Q: Your first game you get to face Ezekiel Elliott, how do you feel about that?

A: That will be fun, that will be fun. He's a great running back and I'm ready to compete and help the

Giants win some games.

Q: What do you weigh now?

A: Right now, I am 344. My playing weight is going to go down. I'm trying to play between 342 and 335.

I'm trying to get my body fat down, that's really been a focus of mine. I know becoming a pro that's your

number one objective, taking care of your body and that is just my mindset with the right food and the

right exercise and everything.

Cornerback Deandre Baker

Q: When you are sitting there towards the end of round one, did you think your phone was

not going to ring?

A: No, I just kept faith, I kept praying. I knew somebody was going to give me a chance. The

Giants called and they made my day.

Q: Did you have an inkling that the Giants would be interested in you?

A: I met with them at the combine but that was my only meeting with them. I didn't know they

were going to draft me, I'm just happy right now.

Q: How would you describe yourself as a player?

A: A confident player who is always going to come work. A guy that teammates can always

count on to be there on Sundays and any other day of the week. A player that my teammates

can count on.

Q: Do you feel you were the best corner available in the draft?

A: Yes sir.

Q: Why is that?

A: Just by the production I put in, and the consistency throughout the years I played.

Q: You weren't a guy that lit up the combine, how much do you think what you did on the

field mattered to the Giants?

A: It mattered a lot. I didn't have the top numbers at the combine, but nobody's game film can

match mine, nobody's production can match mine. The Giants knew that, and they took me

with the 30 th pick.

Q: Do you remember the last touchdown you gave up?

A: It was 2016, the only touchdown I gave up in my career.

Q: What was it?

A: It was a back-shoulder fade from the 1-yard line against TCU in the bowl game.

Q: Does that say something about you, that you can go back and recall what happened on a

play from 2 and a half years ago?

A: It just says that I'm up to date and I study the game. I watch the things I did wrong more than

the things I did good.

Q: If there was a knock on you it was that you didn't get enough interceptions?

A: It's hard to get interceptions when you are not targeted much.

Q: Did you hear from Lorenzo Carter?

A: Not yet, I know Lorenzo Carter is probably trying to call me right now. I have a million calls at

one time right now. I'm just waiting to call them when I finish everything.

Q: What is your relationship with him?

A: That's my boy, ever since I stepped on campus at the University of Georgia. My first day on

campus he took me under his wing. I played a couple years with him, that's my boy.

Q: Have you looked the Giants cornerback depth chart yet?

A: I know a few people. Jackrabbit (Janoris Jenkins) and one more person, but I forgot his name.

I know Jackrabbit definitely.

Q: Do you expect to come in here and start?

A: I just want to come in and work. Wherever I land at on the depth chart, I'm ready to work.

Go out there and compete with the guys and hopefully get a chance to help my team.

Q: What was it like being in the green room?

A: It was a dream come true. I knew one team would call me before the first round was over

with. When the Giants traded back up (into the first round), I kind of had a feeling.

Q: Are you mostly an outside guy or can you play the slot too?

A: I can play outside or slot. I can adapt to any situation. Wherever the team needs me to win

that's where I will go.

Q: Do you consider yourself a shutdown corner?

A: Of course.

Q: How do you define the term shutdown corner?

A: In college I covered the opposing team's number one receiver that's how I got the term

shutdown corner. In the league I just want to come in and work with my team.

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